Cracking morning on the BBC Today for the visceral bias so many of us detest. It’s been pushing the letter(s) from “leading economists” supporting Labour’s inept financial management of the economy. The Keynesian delusionalism which drives Labour policy was nicely personified in the fawning interview with Lord Skidelsky, the man who has authored several books on “The Master” Keynes. Naturally there were no challenges for Skidelsky on his ludicrous endorsement of “Spend, Spend, Spend.” Then, moving swiftly along, poor old Conservative Theresas Villiers got a bit of a mauling over Conservative refusal to endorse Labour transport policy. On the up side, the BBC got her to repeat Conservative opposition to runway three at Heathrow (One in the bag for leftworld!). The closer we get to the election the more desperate the BBC becomes. Any old nonsense is trotted out to help Save Gordon whilst the Conservatives get eviscerated.
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Toady really has gone beyond parody – this is a full scale beeboid rearguard action to distort the truth and save nulabs’ bacon. However, the one thing the beeboids fear, is having their bias discussed openly, therefore that is what we must do – make reference to it wherever possible – it is finally emboldening oposition politicians to bring the subject up.
Yes if you remember the BBC virtually ignored the economists who backed the Tory idea of cutting, in fact the BBC stated that these people were not supporting the Tory view, but NOW that this other lot have come out against cuts the BBC can’t stop talking about it. Funny that.
Oh and the BBC are also attacking the Tories over the infamous ‘death tax’, the Radio 5 phone in is yet another chance for the BBC to line up endless anti Tory callers.
Save Gordon, full steam ahead.
The same economists whose “advice” got us into the mess in the first place.
The BBC could promote a real non inflationary economic stimulus. Abolish itself. The TV tax money would flow into the real economy very quickly and as it is a flat rate tax would benefit the average citizen including pensioners and the low paid.
No downside at all. Privatising and setting free the creative talents we keep hearing about would actually bring money into the economy.
The executives would find out what the market would really pay them and as for the talent.- that too would find out it’s level.
Much of the activities would no doubt remain but in private hands.
The rest would end up scrapped.
These increasingly hard times do not need state funded dinosaurs to drag us further into bankruptcy.
Do the decent thing by the nation BBC and abolish yourself.
This sort of coverage will continue until such time that Brown calls the election, from then on the BBC will be “obliged” to offer equal coverage to all parties, and for that reason alone Brown will leave it as long as possible before making such an announcement.
God now fatty Nolan is at it, the BBC just have no shame shilling for Liebour.
I’m intruiged by the BBC’s behaviour at the moment. They certainly seem a bit rattled by the prospect of the imminent end of their beloved New Labour regime.
Do they have some inside knowledge of some radical Tory plans for the BBC? Let’s hope so.
Saw BBC one led with this non story at 1 O’clock. After briefly glossing over the real main headline, the death of a 9 year old, they did a long item bigging up the Corus strike, which was compared to the 1980s, then a prolonged plug for Eastenders.
The BBC is quite beyond parody now.
When the Tories were being backed up by opinion, they were “economists”. Now Labour are being backed up, they are called “experts” – have a look at the Pravda website.
Subtle but effective.
“Do they have some inside knowledge of some radical Tory plans for the BBC?”
I don’t think so – The BBCs default postion is to attack the “Tories” Even if the conservatives postioned themselves to the left of Ken Livingstone, they would not change.
As for the conservatives, there is hardly anyone now in that party with any backbone. They are filling their ranks with an “A-List” of PR men/woman who have no conservative values. Their only ambition is power for themselves, not to serve their country.
I have been overseas for a week (bliss).
Hence it comes as no surprise that as i catch Steve Wright reading the ‘news’ not so long ago, I was left blissfully unaware of a fairly relevant (I’d have thought) piece of context… until now.
I guess one person’s economist who knows stuff is another who knows diddly squat. Rather borne out by there being two sets who have come out with two sets of forecasts that make the CRU seem like the love child of Michael Fish and Nostradamus.
I guess in the real world two such pieces of pointless punditry should get equal billing. In the BBC version, as always, there is ‘enhanced equality’.
Ah – but don’t you see. There were only 20 that supported the conservative postion and a whopping 67 that supports Labour. Come on Guest have you not heard of “consensus”? 😉
The BBC use the same numbers game when it comes to Global Warming.
PS To my amazement Hugh Pym at News at 6 went back to 1981 when 381 ( or something like that ) economists said Geoffrey Howe ( which he pronounced as “Hoe” ) was wrong.
Pym commented that it looked as if Howe was right. Pym had better be careful, his job might be on the line.
Are Labour and BBC hoping for a rabbit out of the hat?§ionName=PhotoGalleries