Ah yes, The Toady Programme in full Save Gordon mode this morning.
The idiot’s idiot, Sara Montagu (sp?) –
‘Does bullying matter? After all, some of our greatest Prime Ministers were bullies.’
Sara, let me help. YES – it *does* matter. It always matters.
And quite happy with Gordon Brown’s bullying, it turned its guns (at the behest of course of its political masters) on the National Bullying Helpline, allowing Brown’s PPS, Anne Snelgrove, to rubbish it, with Humphreys pretending to ask her tough questions, but really just giving the government a platform to attack the National Bullying Helpline. They’ve learned nothing from the David Kelly affair.
And of course, to Snelgrove, No. 10 is an absolute haven of peace and tranquillity, joy and laughter, happiness and bliss all presided over by a firm but fair, benevolent leader.
Of course what is interesting is that Christine Pratt is accused by the BBC of being a liar (she has no proof) yet when the likes of Bin Bag Mohammedan claim they were tortured or that they went to Afghanistan for a holiday the BBC takes it at face value.
Some ‘watertight oversight’ is more watertight than others?
What’s more interesting is a multi-million ‘news’ outfit is digging ever deeper holes as it reacts to its own reactions as various political commissars get into work and try and tangle further what their clearly inept reporting brothers have already managed to achieve.
Frankly some good might come of this if the BBC are shamed into investigating the ‘activities’ of a bunch more ‘charities’.
However, as most find favour with the ‘agenda’, and are hence quoted or their tame CEOs used as degree-of-separation ‘wot she said’ patsies almost daily, I won’t hold my breath.
The interview with Christine Pratt, which I just witnessed on BBC24, was nothing short of outrageous, you’d think it was she who was being accused uf bullying. The BBC are in full “deflect attention” mode – and won’t for one minute contemplate that Brown might actually be a bully.
Now she is being personally attacked by Labour lackies on Radio 5. I’ve sent several texts and emails saying the BBC are being one sided and no one from the BBC wants me to go on the air, yet THREE pro Labour callers who were called back by the BBC are funnily enough all backing the mong.
Christine Pratt is getting loads of personal attacks. Funny that when someone brought up Daivd Kelly being outed by the BBC (and then as we know he died either suicide or murder) the fat ugly female beeboid cut the caller off.
Martin, I have had 5Lite on all day and the onslaught has been never ending. Even now on the idiot Logan programme it is continuing. Have the Beeb now finally given up ANY idea of balance? Rhetorical question I know. The whole of the last five hours (with the exception of the Sugababes) should be saved and used as an example of why the BBC needs to be completely over-hauled.
This was truly car crash television, an abominable way to treat a person. Couldn’t they have chosen a more amenable place to interview the women, instead of in the pissing rain, holding a flimsy BBC umbrella? She was continually interrupted with the same questions.
I possess more than the single brain cell required to know that this was all about trying to save their beloved Gordon and smearing a decent woman. The BBC are rattled though, which is some consolation.
I’ve only seen clips of the interview in the rain, this new interview had her in the comfort of an outside studio where they could (and did) give her a good kicking. There’s not an earthly chance that the BBC will replay that interview in full – especially the venow fuelled tone of the questioning – expect to see the questions to be expertly edited out of further reports on the issue.
If this was a Tory Prime minister, the evil BBC would destroy Cameron,i notice Radio 5 live have hand picked the pro Liebour stooges again, they are truly rotten.
You have to admit there is a delicious irony in what appears to be a Tory fake charity being used to attack Gordon Brown. After all the fake charity tactic is one invented by nu-Labour. There is an interesting post here on one of the left wing blogs ..
Yes, the BBC are going into overdrive to counteract the bullying revelations discovered in the nasty party. Even Toenails has been awoken from his undead slumber and dragged out of his coffin to issue 3 blog posts in quick succession.
Well, despite the usual and expected propaganda by our nation’s number one Pravda, <a href=”http://inotify.blogspot.com/2010/02/show-off-your-shoulders-yeah-right.html”>here’s</a> something to put a smile on your faces.
Toady in full ‘protect gordon , obfuscation mode’. A trully disgusting display of biased reporting. OTH, listeners to Toady are hopefully bright enough to pick up on this.
Katya Adler, the exaggerator-in-chief was in full tear-jerking cry on the World Service just after 4am. She was reporting how children of foreign migrant workers, in spite of Israeli birth and schooling, will soon be deported with their parents. She never mentions the British problem about people and their kids being chucked out of the UK.
After all, Israel can do no right.
“The BBC are in full “deflect attention” mode – and won’t for one minute contemplate that Brown might actually be a bully.”
They are in full spin for Brown mode, but not for the reason you state, in my opinion. Brown’s peculiar behaviours are widely known and no doubt known to the BBC before Rawnsley’s revelations. The beeboids feel that these allegations hurt Brown’s election chances and so we might end up with a Conservative government, and that is what they cannot contemplate.
Agreed, the BBC have turned the story on its head. They’ve used their full might to change the narrative from “the mong is a nutter” to “evil Tory woman tries ot smear Brown”
Interesting that in Toenails’ blog he admits the BBC have investigated the charity for political alliances. Shame the BBC didn’t feel it worth investigating the claims against the mong in the first place.
The BBC as we know outed David Kelly who ended up dying in rather odd circumstances. The BBC are not allowing any comments regarding their conduct and Kelly (the BBC have a nerve to talk about confidentiality) and his death.
Yes, we know he is a bully. He bullied Tony Blair constantly. Bullied him out of the job of Prime Minister, for heaven’s sake! And bullied his way into it.
I heard the Humphrys interrogation on Today this morning.
You know, Christine Pratt didn’t come out of it too badly. She established that Snelgrove’s emails “proving” that there was a complaint concerning the “bullying line” actually involved Pratt’s – and her husband/partner’s – parallel private counselling service and that even that complaint (the only one in 8 years according to Pratt) was not, apparently, held up by the Charities Commission. She established that she refused to meet Snelgrove for a quiet girlie chat without bringing along 2 trustees from her charity. She – apparently – did not insist on bringing along lawyers. Accordingly, it was Snelgrove that refused the meeting under those conditions: I suspect that Pratt wanted some friends along to prevent Snelgrove bullying her. Humphys established that it appeared a bit too convenient for No 10 that Snelgrove was making these revelations now and had kept quiet about her “misgivings” until Gordon was in the firing line.
Yes, Humphrys was in full “holier than thou” mode but he made Snelgrove look, well, a bit of a prat! Actually, as long as the BBC keeps gives it publicity – for whatever reason – the “Brown is a bully” theme will be imprinted in the electorate’s minds.
I don’t know about bias, but the BBC gets my prize for crass stupidity.
I was sitting with my grandson watching a video of the children’s programme “Waybuloo” which I had recorded a few adys earlier.
To my surprise, one scene showed a large banner, exactly like the flag used by the Japanese Military during WW2. I was taken by surprise, but surely it would have really upset an ex-POW if he had seen it. I just imagine the outcry if a swastike design (which dates back to ancient Greece) had been used! Details on my web site at http://english-pensioner.blogspot.com/
That’s a very Japanese theme there, bamboo plants, bamboo structure with white screens, wind chimes etc… I can’t believe they don’t know what that flag represents and the horrors that were associated with this flag. Yes a German theme and swastika would be just as bad.
So toenails even admist that Lord Fondlebums’ new statement that this is all politically motivated doesn’t stand up as he’s got no evidence. But tha’ts it, Fondlebum is allowed to spout lies and gets a free pass off the BBC, but anyone who makes a claim about the mong is called a liar by the BBC or attacked for being politically motivated.
Umbongo ” Actually, as long as the BBC keeps gives it publicity – for whatever reason – the “Brown is a bully” theme will be imprinted in the electorate’s minds”
Very true, we anoraks need to bear in mind that most of the population have but a passing interest in politics – shown very clearly when focus groups/vox pops can only recognise a mutilated handfull of politicians’ mugshots.
BBC News – interlocking with BBC Arabic TV (or, as it’s known in the trade: ‘BBC Islamic TV’) -interlocking with BBC World Service – at Broadcasting House, London – and the cost:
“Watchdog to criticise delays and overspending on £1 billion new home for BBC News”
Things must be bad at the Beeb, when today I have been reading other blogs and they are full of complaint about the Beeb-ZaNULabour in full swing to extracate Broon from the sh*t.
It’s a gift to Cameron, even despite the best efforts of the BBC. He ought to be able to slay Brown now. It’s hard to see how Brown can recover from that in so short a time before the election, provided Cameron capitalises on it. Would YOU want this man running the country for another five years? I wouldn’t.
Brown must be desperate and despairing, no matter what contrived front he puts on. He looked awkward, wooden and unconvincing in his speech the other day even before the dramatic intervention of the bullying charity.
You can tell he hates having to sell himself and hates the focus being on himself and his character. That’s where I think he feels – and is – most vulnerable. He has little to offer when attempting to refute such allegations, resorting to “answering” charges that haven’t been made and weak unpersuasive references to his upbringing and the gentle virtues and manners of his father. He has milked the upbringing one to death and it cuts no ice any more: he hasn’t lived and manifested the Manse values he likes to pretend he does.
I would say he is one fragile individual ready to crack and only being propped up and held together by smoother more polished characters like Mandy. I doubt, though, that even the combined rallying and spin of the BBC and Mandy can hold him together. Too much damage has been done to Brown and labour on too many fronts: economic, social and personal. They are a rag-tag bunch now, looking dishevelled and shabby. It all depends on the Cameron machine and whether they can pull together a coherent election strategy and campaign with a message that appeals widely, with key winning policies on the major issues e,g, the economy, defence and immigration. Cameron vs the BBC and labour. That will be our election campaign. Let’s hope there will be voices among the politicians and newspapers as well as the blogs, calling out the BBC on its bias.
South Swindon Labour MP Anne Snelgrove was an active supporter of the helpline but fell out with Ms Pratt over the MP’s concerns that the charity might be being used to promote a business that advises companies on staff relations.
Here’s a good one I just spotted in the Telegraph:
Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, led the Downing Street attempt to rebuff the allegations. He insisted that the Prime Minister was not a bully, and that he was only “inpatient” and “demanding” of his staff. 😀
Another important development in the domestic agenda of a foreign country which has zero meaning for anyone in the UK. But because this is really about a possible success for Him, it’s important to the BBC. Too bad they can’t be bothered to do any actual reporting, but instead feed you White House propaganda.
Oh, my god. The World Service is now defending homeopathy. It doesn’t work in any “scientific” manner, says the health correspondent, Jane Draper, but “people do get better”. What a load of crap. She says it might be because they believe in the treatment. But she doesn’t come out and say that this is the “placebo effect”, because that implies self-delusion.
Then she gives a lengthy explanation of the premise behind homeopathy. Eventually, she gets around to mentioning that Parliament has rejected this, saying that the solutions end up being just water, and that this is the “view of mainstream scientists”.
The “view of mainstream scientists” apparently isn’t enough to make the BBC say this is BS, though. One has to laugh and cry at the same time. What about skewering opponents of the consensus on this one, BBC? Nope, instead the Beeboid host sounds horrified that Parliament has taken this anti-homeopathy position. He raises his voice, and asks if people will still be able to get their precious vials of water. Don’t worry, you can still get them at Boots and so forth, says the BBC health correspondent.
To reassure any worried listeners, we get Draper trying to sound supportive of people’s belief in homeopathy by bringing up an anecdote about some doctor who says it makes some patients feel better.
So I have to ask: will Justin Webb state on air that someone who believes in homeopathy – which denies science – is not fit for public office? I won’t hold my breath.
Very interesting David, as the BBC is usually 100% behind science, like er global warming. So the BBc likes to pick and choose the science it supports.
The World Service is repeating yesterday’s “America” segment right now. Our topic is war and the Cold War and spying. Kevin Connolly has on a Leftoid writer, Gary Wills, talking about the relationship between the office of the President and war. All of it is from the extreme Left point of view.
Next he has on a writer from Politico, Eamon Javers, to talk about espionage. Javers is a legitimate investigative journalist, but he’s really there to promote his new book about it. He doesn’t sound like he’s taking sides, really, but Connolly is definitely having a little giggle at how badly US intelligence was compromised by Communists during the Cold War.
In both segments, there is a bit of admittedly interesting history, which I suppose is the aegis for the whole thing. Yet, except for an honest discussion of Kim Philby’s dedicated Communism and work for the Soviet Union, it’s all presented by Connolly from a Left perspective.
Kevin Connolly can’t think any other way, of course. I’m not going to bother listening to the next segment about old-time detective radio broacasts.
Note that in the BBC report there is mention of the name of ERDOGAN, the Turkish Islamic Prime Minister who has authorised the arrests. Is it because the BBC doesn’t want to remind us of this infamous remark by him?:
“Mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the believers our soldiers.” by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ruling AKP
Wow, anyone else see ITV news? Tom Bradby made it VERY clear that Liebour are smearing Christine Pratt, yet on the BBC Toenails was so up the arse of Brown it was unbelievable.
Oh and Tom Bradby showed the Prince of Mince getting all upset because she called him Mandelson rather than Lord Mandelson. Ah Diddums. I’d love to meet Mandy and tell him what I’d call him.
DEBATE: When does strong leadership become bullying? SENT: 22-Feb-2010 13:41 COMMENT: It seems that the rumours which have been circulating about our Great Leader’s behaviour both in cabinet and at No 10 have some substance to them in the form of complaints to a charity which specialises in the subject.
A very serious thing indeed.
What does the BBC do ?
Spins it out as a “breach of confidence” on the part of the founder of the charity.
Journalism – The BBC can’t even spell it. COMMENT STATUS: Awaiting moderation
“If you knew that, by buying your favourite chocolate bar, you were contributing to the extinction of the orangutan and fuelling global warming, would you still treat yourself?”
— “fuelling global warming” ?? what?
I thought Panorama was a factual programme not a work of fiction. AGW isnt happening.
After the final episode 3 tonight, I think that the series was ultimately disappointing. Peter Taylor is one of the BBC’s better journalists, and puts in a lot of legwork, but he did not explain what ‘JIHAD’ is. There were a lot of Muslims, and no non-Muslim/ex-Muslim critiics of Islam in the three hour series.
Essentially, the meaning of ‘Jihad’ was avoided, or misrepresented. If Mr.Taylor had allowed himself to research non-Muslim/ex-Muslim critics of Islam, he could have got somewhere. E.g. in the first two paragraphs of this non-Muslim’s analysis of Islam, Mr. Taylor could have learnt the following:
[Opening extract]:
“Jihad was Mohammed’s greatest invention. It made him successful. Jihad is a misunderstood word. Most jihad is done with money and persuasion, not violence. It is jihad that fills Washington DC with money to buy influence. It is jihad that causes our textbooks in our schools to never mention anything negative about Islam.
Jihad is surely one of the more famous Arabic words. Jihad does not mean holy war, although it includes holy war. Jihad actually means struggle, which is a much better way to see it because jihad includes much more than war with violence. Jihad can be done with the sword, the mouth, the pen and with money. The Koran calls jihad– fighting in Allah’s cause.”
But it seems that the BBC leaves explanations of Islam to Muslims only! Non-Muslim critics of Islam don’t get a look in during the whole 3 hours!
We non-Muslims will not be passive bystanders in a Jihad against us. Another Islamic word to check, BBC: ‘DHIMMI’.
On the revolting subject of Gordon the Moron, there was a piece in the Telegraph by journalist Benedict Brogan suggesting that there is much worse to come out yet !
In any case, if Rawnsley’s claims are untrue, presumebly the Moron will sue him for defamation.
There’s a surprise. The discussion on Today between Balls and some trendy rabbi is pitched in terms of the best way of brainwashing children that homosexuality is as normal heterosexuality. (BTW, homosexuallity is natural but not normal – a subtle distinction lost in any debate on the subject on the BBC.) The discussion didn’t touch on the possibility that teaching children about fairly sophisticated views of human sexuality may be beyond the teachers, let alone the children. OTOH brainwashing is not teaching. Apparently Humphrys’ only concern – as evidenced by the way this discussion was chaired – is that the government might be prepared to allow faith schools to water down the “gay is good” message.
The BBC used lots of jokes against Bush when a Muslim ‘journalist’ threw shoes at President Bush.
Let’s see how many jokes the BBC uses against Muslim Turkish PM, Erdogan, after he had a shoe thrown at him.
Note:1.) the BBC wants Islamic Turkey in the E.U.;
2.) the BBC has no problem with Erdogan saying this:
The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines: ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers’…”
Now that you mention it, one would think the BBC could see some relevance in discussing how both the trial of Geert Wilders (where, I think, the fix is in) and the retreat of Dutch troops from Afghanistan have a common factor, and what affect this may or may not have on politicians’ actions during an election.
I can think of a couple of obvious similarities to the situation in the UK. I bet the Beeboids do to, but are intellectually unable to deal with it.
Compare and contrast headlines of ‘Daily Mail’ and BBC in reporting this court case. ‘Mail’ rightly concentrates on ‘jihad’; BBC wrongly concentrates on ‘park’:
“Three British Muslims ‘intoxicated by terrorism were pictured planning jihad’, court hears”
The BBCs childish love affair with leftist tinpot dictators is shining through as their third rate anti imperialist heroes in latin America bang the drum against the nasty imperialist UK/US/Canada. Get ready for a sickening lovefest as the BBC give a platform to Argentina/Venezuela/Cuba as they use the Falklands as an excuse to hide their own blundering and plummeting economies. Hear the breathless beeboid comrades speak of “post imperial confidence” how the oppressed freedom fighters like Chavez/Castro jnr/Kirchnener et al are standing upto to the western imperialist swine bent on stealing their resources blah blah!
The actual truth is very different and the BBC can be trusted to ignore the actual truth as it fawns over its revolutionary heroes, the phrase “post imperial confidence” will be flogged to death of course. Will the BBC take the time to explain the real reasons behind the story? Does anyone think that the shiny eyed leftist BBC will actually tell us the whole story? Get ready for a BBC special parade of half truths/slick soundbites/lies and falsehoods. As the poor of Argentina/Cuba/Venezuela get poorer and its rich get richer, as the poor are stamped on with the ugly boot of socialism, as the few democratic freedoms are taken away and replaced with death squads and torture centres the BBC will report only happiness and post imperial confidence and all the leftist revolutionary struggle soundbites it can. The BBC has a perverted love affair with despotic leftists, they get a free ride with no critisism, when was the last time the BBC was critical of Cuba or Venezuela? A childish world view peddled by a childish media giant staffed by childish people and a free ride to every nasty tinpot leftist thug regime everywhere!
Just caught the end of a BBC report on Cuba by comrade Frei, what is it about beeeboids and their love of Cuba?
Plucky little Cuba fighting the dark forces of imperialism led by the socialist workers hero Castro, bravely battling against sanctions and making the most of its own resources as only a wonderful socialist workers paradise can, its all too great for words innit?
Of course nothing is said by the BBC about Cubas love of providing troops/guns/money/support for every bandit gang around the third world/south America, years of stoking up petty struggles and drug dealing gangs for its own political ends is completly ignored by the BBC.
Then Cuban regime now mimicked by that fat little ugly toad Chavez has caused more deaths and misery in the third world than any other nation, if you are a drug dealing gang of thugs then Cuba has the guns and expertise for you, torture and murder schools setup and run by some of the worlds worst pscychopaths to peddle socialist revolution.
The BBC sees the poverty and misery caused directly by the likes of Castro/Chavez and ignores it, seeing instead what they want to see, a western imperialist monster stamping on the oppressed worker peasant.
The enemy within is the BBC, the threat comes not from some ignorant little tinpot bullies who bark like the flea bitten dogs they are but from the clever and insidious traitors that inhabit the BBC!
Like so many people who think about political issues in schoolyard terms, the BBC has always seen Cuba as very, very small, versus a country which is very, very big. That’s pretty much the beginning and the end of their thought process as to who is right and who is wrong, and who is deserving of respect. Add to this simple emotional set the fact that the Beeboids don’t think there’s anything wrong with Communism, and the result is obvious. Cuba = victim, US = big bad bully.
I’m sure this will instigate yet another argument here about the pros and cons of the US embargo against Cuba, with all the usual blaming the poverty and problems in Cuba on US policy. But the fact remains that, regardless of the wisdom or meanness of US policy on Cuba for the last 50 years, all those who wring their hands over poor oppressed Cuba and blame a large percentage of the very real oppression of Cuban citizens on the US ignore one very large fact:
All Communist countries screw over their population. Without exception, every Communist or Marxist or über-Socialist country ends up with a pampered elite oppressing a mostly poor country, where the ordinary people live under the boot of the authorities, endure shortages and various other hardships, none of which can be blamed on the US. The modern exception, of course, is China, but how many millions upon millions of Chinese had to die to get to this point?
My point is that Communism as a way of running a country is far more responsible for the state of Cuba’s people than any US policy. But nobody ever wants to admit that (especially so many Beeboids who were Communists or Socialists back in school) because doing so would seem to condone US policy towards Castro. They can never condemn Communism, because that would make them feel bad. So Communism’s historical track record of success (0.00 lifetime average), along with its body count, is ignored in favor of the children’s play story of the bully versus the little guy. Screw that.
BBC last with the news? Its 9.10 in London and just visited the BBC site to see if there was anything on the environmental catastrophe in Italy and the 10 million lit. of oil released into the river Po. Not a word! One would have thought that somebody was reading Corriere della Sera or listening to European news networks. A bigger budget than NASA, and this is what we get. Pathetic!
-Fantastic, original reporting on Cuba’s stock of old cars. How many times have we seen them now! But clearly, despite BBC house propaganda, Frei has a passion for driving gass-guzzlers.
And who’s to blame, according to BBC, for Cuba’s economic woes?America, of course; pre-Obama America that is.
Even the BBC can’t avoid mentioning the Cuban political prisoner who starved himself to death. Who’s to blame for that, BBC?
BBC News at Six and Ten, BBC One, 19 February 2010
Publication date: 23 February 2010Complaint
We received complaints that these bulletins led with the story of Tiger Woods’ public apology following revelations about his private life.
The BBC’s response
As the first sports personality to become a billionaire, Tiger Woods is a colossal figure in the sporting world and therefore of huge interest to many people. His highly unusual apology after his very public fall from grace is therefore, in our opinion, a big news story that warrants a prominent place in our bulletins. On that particular day we did not feel there was another story with bigger news impact. The public interest is illustrated by our website statistics, where the Tiger Woods story was the most read item with more than a million readers.============================================ Just look at the fatuous bombastic reasons (money!) given for this exaggerated attention (colossal figure!) given to a sports player and weep. Look at all the excitable, intensified phrases deployed (emboldened by me). A billionaire…woweeee. He’s nearly as rich as the BBC. Hold the front page! To think: if only Michael Schumacher had been a billionaire instead of a mere common-or-garden multi-millionaire we could have had him at the head of The News all those years. What might have been, eh!And as for the number of hits, well, since when has the fact that people will read what’s there been a reason to post any old rubbish whatsoever that you feel like? Aren’t there meant to be some sort of standards and values brought to bear on what you publish? Such tiny weird minds. As if any of that rubbish was a reason for it to be at the top of the News. As if there was nothing of interest or importance in the UK or the whole wide world that day. The BBC’s bias in favour of hero worship and trivia. Is there nobody with any sense in charge of the place?
So the Met Office has decided to have a rethink about the way it collects data. I can’t find a BBC mention of it, but I’m sure the national broadcaster of the UK has done a report on this important story, and I’ve just missed it.
I’m glad the Met Office has figured out that they need to clean up their act. However, if they’re all still committed Warmists, and expect all of you to keep the faith in spite of all the cracks in the foundation, they really should act like there’s a crisis. In order to have a meeting on how better to inform you all why you should reduce your carbon footprint, they get on jetliners and leave a massive carbon footprint. If we’re all supposed to reduce our flying and energy consumption and all that in order to save the planet, the people telling us to do so really ought to act like they believe what they’re selling.
But it’s just like all the rest of the Warmist clergy and religious scholars. Pachauri flew over 400,000 miles in about 18 months to meetings and public appearances (between cricket matches, apparently) in order to tell people how doomed we are if we don’t reduce our carbon emissions. Al Gore and all the celebrity and media believers fly all over the place to preach for the cause, all while telling us not to do so.
The Met Office and any other organization that expects me to believe in Warmism should be leading the world in video conferencing and online meetings, not in doomsday predictions from 35,000 feet above it. There are numerous online domains for this sort of thing, such as Second Life.
The fact that these people all flew to Turkey is just the latest proof that they don’t think it’s as bad as they tell us it is. And where’s the BBC criticism of this behavior? Where’s Justin “Farcical Man” Rowlett? Where’s Black or Shukman or Harrabin? On a plane, probably.
Here’s a good one for you. Check out the new logo for the Missile Defense Agency. It shares certain characteristics as The Obamessiah Campaign logo, which has become the logo for “Organizing for America” at barackobama.com.
Imagine if George Bush had put his stamp on nasty warmongering stuff like this. The BBC would have a field day, it would be a gag on Have I Got News For You and numerous radio shows. But becaust it’s Him, you’ll never hear a word about it.
I wonder if the BBC will report this unsavoury tale of bullying at No. 10. The pressure on Blair must have been tremendous, having to deal with that lunacy throughout his time as PM. No wonder he ended up in the hospital for heart treatment on occasion.
Mark Mardell’s latest blog post isn’t biased as far as I can tell, but it does demonstrate how useless he is.
He talks about the Toyota executive’s appearance before a Congressional committee today, part of the hearings regard the massive recall. Mardell bangs out a few paragraphs in an attempt to show that things aren’t going well for Toyota because of, I guess, communication difficulties. It’s hard to find anything of substance here, and the main BBC article about it doesn’t add much else besides details about the recall.
But if Mardell or anyone else at the BBC was of any use at all in reporting on US issues, they’d mention the following fact:
In other words, they have a conflict of interest. The Obamessiah not only bailed out GM and Chrysler, but kind of violated contract law and screwed over the creditors in favor of handing over a majority stake to the union. The UAW has a vested interest in kicking Toyota in the teeth not only because they’re the biggest rival but because Toyota isn’t a UAW slave like Chrysler and GM. The unions and the Democrats in thrall to them (including the President) have been upset for a long time that Toyota has that competitive advantage.
If Mark Mardell or any other BBC employee covering the US knew this, they should report it. It’s not biased to report facts, especially highly relevant ones which may shape the focus of the story. I’m not sure it’s actually partisan bias on Mardell’s part to conceal this UAW-Democrat unholy union (no pun intended) from you. As far as I can tell there’s no partisan benefit for him in doing so, other than just a reflexive suppression of anything that might make his beloved Obamessiah and the Democrats look corrupt. And it’s not like Toyota didn’t actually screw up, or don’t deserve to be investigated. Perhpas it’s just poor editorial judgment, where they don’t see how the UAW connection to those grilling Toyota is actually important. But it’s either that or plain old ignorance.
Either way, it’s yet another example of why Mark Mardell is unqualified for his position as BBC North America Editor, and how the BBC constantly fails to inform you properly on US issues. As often seems to be the case lately, his commenters know far more than he does. Mardell pays lip service to reading and learning from them, but never seems to change his tune or update or improve his act based on any of them, so I seriously doubt his sincerity.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1906419124554674281 [img]https://i.ibb.co/Hpnx3Tbw/parasite.jpg[/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img]https://i.ibb.co/vCgVKcSk/immigrants.jpg[/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
Ah yes, The Toady Programme in full Save Gordon mode this morning.
The idiot’s idiot, Sara Montagu (sp?) –
‘Does bullying matter? After all, some of our greatest Prime Ministers were bullies.’
Sara, let me help. YES – it *does* matter. It always matters.
And quite happy with Gordon Brown’s bullying, it turned its guns (at the behest of course of its political masters) on the National Bullying Helpline, allowing Brown’s PPS, Anne Snelgrove, to rubbish it, with Humphreys pretending to ask her tough questions, but really just giving the government a platform to attack the National Bullying Helpline. They’ve learned nothing from the David Kelly affair.
And of course, to Snelgrove, No. 10 is an absolute haven of peace and tranquillity, joy and laughter, happiness and bliss all presided over by a firm but fair, benevolent leader.
Of course what is interesting is that Christine Pratt is accused by the BBC of being a liar (she has no proof) yet when the likes of Bin Bag Mohammedan claim they were tortured or that they went to Afghanistan for a holiday the BBC takes it at face value.
Some ‘watertight oversight’ is more watertight than others?
What’s more interesting is a multi-million ‘news’ outfit is digging ever deeper holes as it reacts to its own reactions as various political commissars get into work and try and tangle further what their clearly inept reporting brothers have already managed to achieve.
Frankly some good might come of this if the BBC are shamed into investigating the ‘activities’ of a bunch more ‘charities’.
However, as most find favour with the ‘agenda’, and are hence quoted or their tame CEOs used as degree-of-separation ‘wot she said’ patsies almost daily, I won’t hold my breath.
The interview with Christine Pratt, which I just witnessed on BBC24, was nothing short of outrageous, you’d think it was she who was being accused uf bullying. The BBC are in full “deflect attention” mode – and won’t for one minute contemplate that Brown might actually be a bully.
Now she is being personally attacked by Labour lackies on Radio 5. I’ve sent several texts and emails saying the BBC are being one sided and no one from the BBC wants me to go on the air, yet THREE pro Labour callers who were called back by the BBC are funnily enough all backing the mong.
Christine Pratt is getting loads of personal attacks. Funny that when someone brought up Daivd Kelly being outed by the BBC (and then as we know he died either suicide or murder) the fat ugly female beeboid cut the caller off.
Martin, I have had 5Lite on all day and the onslaught has been never ending. Even now on the idiot Logan programme it is continuing. Have the Beeb now finally given up ANY idea of balance? Rhetorical question I know. The whole of the last five hours (with the exception of the Sugababes) should be saved and used as an example of why the BBC needs to be completely over-hauled.
This was truly car crash television, an abominable way to treat a person. Couldn’t they have chosen a more amenable place to interview the women, instead of in the pissing rain, holding a flimsy BBC umbrella? She was continually interrupted with the same questions.
I possess more than the single brain cell required to know that this was all about trying to save their beloved Gordon and smearing a decent woman. The BBC are rattled though, which is some consolation.
I’ve only seen clips of the interview in the rain, this new interview had her in the comfort of an outside studio where they could (and did) give her a good kicking. There’s not an earthly chance that the BBC will replay that interview in full – especially the venow fuelled tone of the questioning – expect to see the questions to be expertly edited out of further reports on the issue.
If this was a Tory Prime minister, the evil BBC would destroy Cameron,i notice Radio 5 live have hand picked the pro Liebour stooges again, they are truly rotten.
You have to admit there is a delicious irony in what appears to be a Tory fake charity being used to attack Gordon Brown. After all the fake charity tactic is one invented by nu-Labour. There is an interesting post here on one of the left wing blogs ..
I can’t help laughing that they think the Beeb actually investigates it stories 🙂
Yes, the BBC are going into overdrive to counteract the bullying revelations discovered in the nasty party. Even Toenails has been awoken from his undead slumber and dragged out of his coffin to issue 3 blog posts in quick succession.
Well, despite the usual and expected propaganda by our nation’s number one Pravda, <a href=”http://inotify.blogspot.com/2010/02/show-off-your-shoulders-yeah-right.html”>here’s</a> something to put a smile on your faces.
Toady in full ‘protect gordon , obfuscation mode’. A trully disgusting display of biased reporting. OTH, listeners to Toady are hopefully bright enough to pick up on this.
Katya Adler, the exaggerator-in-chief was in full tear-jerking cry on the World Service just after 4am. She was reporting how children of foreign migrant workers, in spite of Israeli birth and schooling, will soon be deported with their parents. She never mentions the British problem about people and their kids being chucked out of the UK.
After all, Israel can do no right.
“The BBC are in full “deflect attention” mode – and won’t for one minute contemplate that Brown might actually be a bully.”
They are in full spin for Brown mode, but not for the reason you state, in my opinion. Brown’s peculiar behaviours are widely known and no doubt known to the BBC before Rawnsley’s revelations. The beeboids feel that these allegations hurt Brown’s election chances and so we might end up with a Conservative government, and that is what they cannot contemplate.
Agreed, the BBC have turned the story on its head. They’ve used their full might to change the narrative from “the mong is a nutter” to “evil Tory woman tries ot smear Brown”
Interesting that in Toenails’ blog he admits the BBC have investigated the charity for political alliances. Shame the BBC didn’t feel it worth investigating the claims against the mong in the first place.
The BBC as we know outed David Kelly who ended up dying in rather odd circumstances. The BBC are not allowing any comments regarding their conduct and Kelly (the BBC have a nerve to talk about confidentiality) and his death.
Yes, we know he is a bully. He bullied Tony Blair constantly. Bullied him out of the job of Prime Minister, for heaven’s sake! And bullied his way into it.
I heard the Humphrys interrogation on Today this morning.
You know, Christine Pratt didn’t come out of it too badly. She established that Snelgrove’s emails “proving” that there was a complaint concerning the “bullying line” actually involved Pratt’s – and her husband/partner’s – parallel private counselling service and that even that complaint (the only one in 8 years according to Pratt) was not, apparently, held up by the Charities Commission. She established that she refused to meet Snelgrove for a quiet girlie chat without bringing along 2 trustees from her charity. She – apparently – did not insist on bringing along lawyers. Accordingly, it was Snelgrove that refused the meeting under those conditions: I suspect that Pratt wanted some friends along to prevent Snelgrove bullying her. Humphys established that it appeared a bit too convenient for No 10 that Snelgrove was making these revelations now and had kept quiet about her “misgivings” until Gordon was in the firing line.
Yes, Humphrys was in full “holier than thou” mode but he made Snelgrove look, well, a bit of a prat! Actually, as long as the BBC keeps gives it publicity – for whatever reason – the “Brown is a bully” theme will be imprinted in the electorate’s minds.
I don’t know about bias, but the BBC gets my prize for crass stupidity.
I was sitting with my grandson watching a video of the children’s programme “Waybuloo” which I had recorded a few adys earlier.
To my surprise, one scene showed a large banner, exactly like the flag used by the Japanese Military during WW2. I was taken by surprise, but surely it would have really upset an ex-POW if he had seen it. I just imagine the outcry if a swastike design (which dates back to ancient Greece) had been used! Details on my web site at
That’s a very Japanese theme there, bamboo plants, bamboo structure with white screens, wind chimes etc… I can’t believe they don’t know what that flag represents and the horrors that were associated with this flag. Yes a German theme and swastika would be just as bad.
So toenails even admist that Lord Fondlebums’ new statement that this is all politically motivated doesn’t stand up as he’s got no evidence. But tha’ts it, Fondlebum is allowed to spout lies and gets a free pass off the BBC, but anyone who makes a claim about the mong is called a liar by the BBC or attacked for being politically motivated.
Umbongo ” Actually, as long as the BBC keeps gives it publicity – for whatever reason – the “Brown is a bully” theme will be imprinted in the electorate’s minds”
Very true, we anoraks need to bear in mind that most of the population have but a passing interest in politics – shown very clearly when focus groups/vox pops can only recognise a mutilated handfull of politicians’ mugshots.
BBC still facing Mecca.
BBC News – interlocking with BBC Arabic TV (or, as it’s known in the trade: ‘BBC Islamic TV’) -interlocking with BBC World Service – at Broadcasting House, London – and the cost:
“Watchdog to criticise delays and overspending on £1 billion new home for BBC News”
And, BBC TRUST spends £3.2m on new HQ:
Things must be bad at the Beeb, when today I have been reading other blogs and they are full of complaint about the Beeb-ZaNULabour in full swing to extracate Broon from the sh*t.
It’s a gift to Cameron, even despite the best efforts of the BBC. He ought to be able to slay Brown now. It’s hard to see how Brown can recover from that in so short a time before the election, provided Cameron capitalises on it. Would YOU want this man running the country for another five years? I wouldn’t.
Brown must be desperate and despairing, no matter what contrived front he puts on. He looked awkward, wooden and unconvincing in his speech the other day even before the dramatic intervention of the bullying charity.
You can tell he hates having to sell himself and hates the focus being on himself and his character. That’s where I think he feels – and is – most vulnerable. He has little to offer when attempting to refute such allegations, resorting to “answering” charges that haven’t been made and weak unpersuasive references to his upbringing and the gentle virtues and manners of his father. He has milked the upbringing one to death and it cuts no ice any more: he hasn’t lived and manifested the Manse values he likes to pretend he does.
I would say he is one fragile individual ready to crack and only being propped up and held together by smoother more polished characters like Mandy. I doubt, though, that even the combined rallying and spin of the BBC and Mandy can hold him together. Too much damage has been done to Brown and labour on too many fronts: economic, social and personal. They are a rag-tag bunch now, looking dishevelled and shabby. It all depends on the Cameron machine and whether they can pull together a coherent election strategy and campaign with a message that appeals widely, with key winning policies on the major issues e,g, the economy, defence and immigration. Cameron vs the BBC and labour. That will be our election campaign. Let’s hope there will be voices among the politicians and newspapers as well as the blogs, calling out the BBC on its bias.
From Toenail’s blog
South Swindon Labour MP Anne Snelgrove was an active supporter of the helpline but fell out with Ms Pratt over the MP’s concerns that the charity might be being used to promote a business that advises companies on staff relations.
Just an everyday backbench Labour MP?
Here’s a good one I just spotted in the Telegraph:
Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, led the Downing Street attempt to rebuff the allegations. He insisted that the Prime Minister was not a bully, and that he was only “inpatient” and “demanding” of his staff. 😀
Maybe they think he should be an inpatient.
Expect the unwashed Michael Crick to be in full slime force tonight on Newsnight. The man that never washes.
If it’s Monday, it must be time for another White House press release from the BBC.
US President Obama unveils new health proposals
Another important development in the domestic agenda of a foreign country which has zero meaning for anyone in the UK. But because this is really about a possible success for Him, it’s important to the BBC. Too bad they can’t be bothered to do any actual reporting, but instead feed you White House propaganda.
Oh, my god. The World Service is now defending homeopathy. It doesn’t work in any “scientific” manner, says the health correspondent, Jane Draper, but “people do get better”. What a load of crap. She says it might be because they believe in the treatment. But she doesn’t come out and say that this is the “placebo effect”, because that implies self-delusion.
Then she gives a lengthy explanation of the premise behind homeopathy. Eventually, she gets around to mentioning that Parliament has rejected this, saying that the solutions end up being just water, and that this is the “view of mainstream scientists”.
The “view of mainstream scientists” apparently isn’t enough to make the BBC say this is BS, though. One has to laugh and cry at the same time. What about skewering opponents of the consensus on this one, BBC? Nope, instead the Beeboid host sounds horrified that Parliament has taken this anti-homeopathy position. He raises his voice, and asks if people will still be able to get their precious vials of water. Don’t worry, you can still get them at Boots and so forth, says the BBC health correspondent.
To reassure any worried listeners, we get Draper trying to sound supportive of people’s belief in homeopathy by bringing up an anecdote about some doctor who says it makes some patients feel better.
So I have to ask: will Justin Webb state on air that someone who believes in homeopathy – which denies science – is not fit for public office? I won’t hold my breath.
Very interesting David, as the BBC is usually 100% behind science, like er global warming. So the BBc likes to pick and choose the science it supports.
AGW is just like homeopathy – its all in the mind.
“BBC accused of ‘incredibly zealous’ campaign to promote assisted suicide”
The World Service is repeating yesterday’s “America” segment right now. Our topic is war and the Cold War and spying. Kevin Connolly has on a Leftoid writer, Gary Wills, talking about the relationship between the office of the President and war. All of it is from the extreme Left point of view.
Next he has on a writer from Politico, Eamon Javers, to talk about espionage. Javers is a legitimate investigative journalist, but he’s really there to promote his new book about it. He doesn’t sound like he’s taking sides, really, but Connolly is definitely having a little giggle at how badly US intelligence was compromised by Communists during the Cold War.
In both segments, there is a bit of admittedly interesting history, which I suppose is the aegis for the whole thing. Yet, except for an honest discussion of Kim Philby’s dedicated Communism and work for the Soviet Union, it’s all presented by Connolly from a Left perspective.
Kevin Connolly can’t think any other way, of course. I’m not going to bother listening to the next segment about old-time detective radio broacasts.
BBC: still campaigning for Islamic TURKEY to get entry to European Union, despite this:
“Turkey military figures arrested over plot claims”
Note that in the BBC report there is mention of the name of ERDOGAN, the Turkish Islamic Prime Minister who has authorised the arrests. Is it because the BBC doesn’t want to remind us of this infamous remark by him?:
“Mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the believers our soldiers.” by Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ruling AKP
Wow, anyone else see ITV news? Tom Bradby made it VERY clear that Liebour are smearing Christine Pratt, yet on the BBC Toenails was so up the arse of Brown it was unbelievable.
Oh and Tom Bradby showed the Prince of Mince getting all upset because she called him Mandelson rather than Lord Mandelson. Ah Diddums. I’d love to meet Mandy and tell him what I’d call him.
DEBATE: When does strong leadership become bullying? SENT: 22-Feb-2010 13:41 COMMENT: It seems that the rumours which have been circulating about our Great Leader’s behaviour both in cabinet and at No 10 have some substance to them in the form of complaints to a charity which specialises in the subject.
A very serious thing indeed.
What does the BBC do ?
Spins it out as a “breach of confidence” on the part of the founder of the charity.
Journalism – The BBC can’t even spell it. COMMENT STATUS: Awaiting moderation
“If you knew that, by buying your favourite chocolate bar, you were contributing to the extinction of the orangutan and fuelling global warming, would you still treat yourself?”
— “fuelling global warming” ?? what?
I thought Panorama was a factual programme not a work of fiction. AGW isnt happening.
BBC’s ‘Generation Jihad’.
After the final episode 3 tonight, I think that the series was ultimately disappointing. Peter Taylor is one of the BBC’s better journalists, and puts in a lot of legwork, but he did not explain what ‘JIHAD’ is. There were a lot of Muslims, and no non-Muslim/ex-Muslim critiics of Islam in the three hour series.
Essentially, the meaning of ‘Jihad’ was avoided, or misrepresented. If Mr.Taylor had allowed himself to research non-Muslim/ex-Muslim critics of Islam, he could have got somewhere. E.g. in the first two paragraphs of this non-Muslim’s analysis of Islam, Mr. Taylor could have learnt the following:
[Opening extract]:
“Jihad was Mohammed’s greatest invention. It made him successful. Jihad is a misunderstood word. Most jihad is done with money and persuasion, not violence. It is jihad that fills Washington DC with money to buy influence. It is jihad that causes our textbooks in our schools to never mention anything negative about Islam.
Jihad is surely one of the more famous Arabic words. Jihad does not mean holy war, although it includes holy war. Jihad actually means struggle, which is a much better way to see it because jihad includes much more than war with violence. Jihad can be done with the sword, the mouth, the pen and with money. The Koran calls jihad– fighting in Allah’s cause.”
But it seems that the BBC leaves explanations of Islam to Muslims only! Non-Muslim critics of Islam don’t get a look in during the whole 3 hours!
We non-Muslims will not be passive bystanders in a Jihad against us. Another Islamic word to check, BBC: ‘DHIMMI’.
For BBC:
“Dhimmitude dominates”
On the revolting subject of Gordon the Moron, there was a piece in the Telegraph by journalist Benedict Brogan suggesting that there is much worse to come out yet !
In any case, if Rawnsley’s claims are untrue, presumebly the Moron will sue him for defamation.
Still censored by BBC:
“Secret Labour plan to increase immigration for social reasons dismissed public’s opposition as ‘racist'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1252926/Government-drew-secret-plans-increase-immigration–feared-racist-backlash.html#ixzz0gLo6kEuI
There’s a surprise. The discussion on Today between Balls and some trendy rabbi is pitched in terms of the best way of brainwashing children that homosexuality is as normal heterosexuality. (BTW, homosexuallity is natural but not normal – a subtle distinction lost in any debate on the subject on the BBC.) The discussion didn’t touch on the possibility that teaching children about fairly sophisticated views of human sexuality may be beyond the teachers, let alone the children. OTOH brainwashing is not teaching. Apparently Humphrys’ only concern – as evidenced by the way this discussion was chaired – is that the government might be prepared to allow faith schools to water down the “gay is good” message.
That interview was a classic example of the BBC attacking Labour from the left. It achieved the rare feat of making me side with Ed Balls.
BBC and shoe-throwing: where’s the joke?
The BBC used lots of jokes against Bush when a Muslim ‘journalist’ threw shoes at President Bush.
Let’s see how many jokes the BBC uses against Muslim Turkish PM, Erdogan, after he had a shoe thrown at him.
Note:1.) the BBC wants Islamic Turkey in the E.U.;
2.) the BBC has no problem with Erdogan saying this:
The Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem including the lines: ‘The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers’…”
BBC report:
‘Shoe thrown at Turkish PM Erdogan”
BBC’s Netherlands election – without GEERT WILDERS!:-
“Dutch poll to be held in June after coalition collapse”
The BBC’s political censorship fits with what Dutch Labour Party wants:
“Dutch Labour Party wants Wilders kept out of Government”
– a rather different report in ‘Financial Times’ to that of BBC censorship:
“Dutch snap election for June 9”
Now that you mention it, one would think the BBC could see some relevance in discussing how both the trial of Geert Wilders (where, I think, the fix is in) and the retreat of Dutch troops from Afghanistan have a common factor, and what affect this may or may not have on politicians’ actions during an election.
I can think of a couple of obvious similarities to the situation in the UK. I bet the Beeboids do to, but are intellectually unable to deal with it.
Compare and contrast headlines of ‘Daily Mail’ and BBC in reporting this court case.
‘Mail’ rightly concentrates on ‘jihad’; BBC wrongly concentrates on ‘park’:
“Three British Muslims ‘intoxicated by terrorism were pictured planning jihad’, court hears”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1253226/Three-British-Muslims-intoxicated-terrorism-pictured-planning-jihad.html#ixzz0gP4Dm6dm
‘Mail’ correctly uses words ‘terrorism’ and ‘jihad’; BBC (below) uses words ‘terror’ and ‘park’, this avoiding any suggestion, in headline, that Islam may be involved.
2.) BBC report:
Here’s a somewhat innocuous sounding, badly-worded headline from the BBC about filming in a park, apparently:
“Terror suspects park film released to public”
The BBCs childish love affair with leftist tinpot dictators is shining through as their third rate anti imperialist heroes in latin America bang the drum against the nasty imperialist UK/US/Canada.
Get ready for a sickening lovefest as the BBC give a platform to Argentina/Venezuela/Cuba as they use the Falklands as an excuse to hide their own blundering and plummeting economies.
Hear the breathless beeboid comrades speak of “post imperial confidence” how the oppressed freedom fighters like Chavez/Castro jnr/Kirchnener et al are standing upto to the western imperialist swine bent on stealing their resources blah blah!
The actual truth is very different and the BBC can be trusted to ignore the actual truth as it fawns over its revolutionary heroes, the phrase “post imperial confidence” will be flogged to death of course.
Will the BBC take the time to explain the real reasons behind the story? Does anyone think that the shiny eyed leftist BBC will actually tell us the whole story? Get ready for a BBC special parade of half truths/slick soundbites/lies and falsehoods.
As the poor of Argentina/Cuba/Venezuela get poorer and its rich get richer, as the poor are stamped on with the ugly boot of socialism, as the few democratic freedoms are taken away and replaced with death squads and torture centres the BBC will report only happiness and post imperial confidence and all the leftist revolutionary struggle soundbites it can.
The BBC has a perverted love affair with despotic leftists, they get a free ride with no critisism, when was the last time the BBC was critical of Cuba or Venezuela?
A childish world view peddled by a childish media giant staffed by childish people and a free ride to every nasty tinpot leftist thug regime everywhere!
“Post imperial confidence”
“triumph over adversity”
Just caught the end of a BBC report on Cuba by comrade Frei, what is it about beeeboids and their love of Cuba?
Plucky little Cuba fighting the dark forces of imperialism led by the socialist workers hero Castro, bravely battling against sanctions and making the most of its own resources as only a wonderful socialist workers paradise can, its all too great for words innit?
Of course nothing is said by the BBC about Cubas love of providing troops/guns/money/support for every bandit gang around the third world/south America, years of stoking up petty struggles and drug dealing gangs for its own political ends is completly ignored by the BBC.
Then Cuban regime now mimicked by that fat little ugly toad Chavez has caused more deaths and misery in the third world than any other nation, if you are a drug dealing gang of thugs then Cuba has the guns and expertise for you, torture and murder schools setup and run by some of the worlds worst pscychopaths to peddle socialist revolution.
The BBC sees the poverty and misery caused directly by the likes of Castro/Chavez and ignores it, seeing instead what they want to see, a western imperialist monster stamping on the oppressed worker peasant.
The enemy within is the BBC, the threat comes not from some ignorant little tinpot bullies who bark like the flea bitten dogs they are but from the clever and insidious traitors that inhabit the BBC!
Like so many people who think about political issues in schoolyard terms, the BBC has always seen Cuba as very, very small, versus a country which is very, very big. That’s pretty much the beginning and the end of their thought process as to who is right and who is wrong, and who is deserving of respect. Add to this simple emotional set the fact that the Beeboids don’t think there’s anything wrong with Communism, and the result is obvious. Cuba = victim, US = big bad bully.
I’m sure this will instigate yet another argument here about the pros and cons of the US embargo against Cuba, with all the usual blaming the poverty and problems in Cuba on US policy. But the fact remains that, regardless of the wisdom or meanness of US policy on Cuba for the last 50 years, all those who wring their hands over poor oppressed Cuba and blame a large percentage of the very real oppression of Cuban citizens on the US ignore one very large fact:
All Communist countries screw over their population. Without exception, every Communist or Marxist or über-Socialist country ends up with a pampered elite oppressing a mostly poor country, where the ordinary people live under the boot of the authorities, endure shortages and various other hardships, none of which can be blamed on the US. The modern exception, of course, is China, but how many millions upon millions of Chinese had to die to get to this point?
My point is that Communism as a way of running a country is far more responsible for the state of Cuba’s people than any US policy. But nobody ever wants to admit that (especially so many Beeboids who were Communists or Socialists back in school) because doing so would seem to condone US policy towards Castro. They can never condemn Communism, because that would make them feel bad. So Communism’s historical track record of success (0.00 lifetime average), along with its body count, is ignored in favor of the children’s play story of the bully versus the little guy. Screw that.
BBC last with the news? Its 9.10 in London and just visited the BBC site to see if there was anything on the environmental catastrophe in Italy and the 10 million lit. of oil released into the river Po. Not a word! One would have thought that somebody was reading Corriere della Sera or listening to European news networks. A bigger budget than NASA, and this is what we get. Pathetic!
BBC: CUBA no libre.
As BBC News launches ‘live’ Cuba news (courtesy of BBC agreement with Castro), unfortunately for BBC-Guardianistas:
“Cuban prison hunger striker Orlando Zapata Tamayo dies”
“Cuban dissident dies after hunger strike”
The BBC completely spinning the government’s failure over teenage pregnancies:
Teenage pregnancy rate falls
BBC’s Frei: unfree in Cuba.
-Fantastic, original reporting on Cuba’s stock of old cars. How many times have we seen them now! But clearly, despite BBC house propaganda, Frei has a passion for driving gass-guzzlers.
And who’s to blame, according to BBC, for Cuba’s economic woes?America, of course; pre-Obama America that is.
Even the BBC can’t avoid mentioning the Cuban political prisoner who starved himself to death. Who’s to blame for that, BBC?
For BBC News trippers in CUBA:
“Amnesty prisoner of conscience dies”
BBC News at Six and Ten, BBC One, 19 February 2010
Publication date: 23 February 2010Complaint
We received complaints that these bulletins led with the story of Tiger Woods’ public apology following revelations about his private life.
The BBC’s response
As the first sports personality to become a billionaire, Tiger Woods is a colossal figure in the sporting world and therefore of huge interest to many people. His highly unusual apology after his very public fall from grace is therefore, in our opinion, a big news story that warrants a prominent place in our bulletins. On that particular day we did not feel there was another story with bigger news impact. The public interest is illustrated by our website statistics, where the Tiger Woods story was the most read item with more than a million readers.============================================ Just look at the fatuous bombastic reasons (money!) given for this exaggerated attention (colossal figure!) given to a sports player and weep. Look at all the excitable, intensified phrases deployed (emboldened by me). A billionaire…woweeee. He’s nearly as rich as the BBC. Hold the front page! To think: if only Michael Schumacher had been a billionaire instead of a mere common-or-garden multi-millionaire we could have had him at the head of The News all those years. What might have been, eh!And as for the number of hits, well, since when has the fact that people will read what’s there been a reason to post any old rubbish whatsoever that you feel like? Aren’t there meant to be some sort of standards and values brought to bear on what you publish? Such tiny weird minds. As if any of that rubbish was a reason for it to be at the top of the News. As if there was nothing of interest or importance in the UK or the whole wide world that day. The BBC’s bias in favour of hero worship and trivia. Is there nobody with any sense in charge of the place?
So the Met Office has decided to have a rethink about the way it collects data. I can’t find a BBC mention of it, but I’m sure the national broadcaster of the UK has done a report on this important story, and I’ve just missed it.
I’m glad the Met Office has figured out that they need to clean up their act. However, if they’re all still committed Warmists, and expect all of you to keep the faith in spite of all the cracks in the foundation, they really should act like there’s a crisis. In order to have a meeting on how better to inform you all why you should reduce your carbon footprint, they get on jetliners and leave a massive carbon footprint. If we’re all supposed to reduce our flying and energy consumption and all that in order to save the planet, the people telling us to do so really ought to act like they believe what they’re selling.
But it’s just like all the rest of the Warmist clergy and religious scholars. Pachauri flew over 400,000 miles in about 18 months to meetings and public appearances (between cricket matches, apparently) in order to tell people how doomed we are if we don’t reduce our carbon emissions. Al Gore and all the celebrity and media believers fly all over the place to preach for the cause, all while telling us not to do so.
The Met Office and any other organization that expects me to believe in Warmism should be leading the world in video conferencing and online meetings, not in doomsday predictions from 35,000 feet above it. There are numerous online domains for this sort of thing, such as Second Life.
The fact that these people all flew to Turkey is just the latest proof that they don’t think it’s as bad as they tell us it is. And where’s the BBC criticism of this behavior? Where’s Justin “Farcical Man” Rowlett? Where’s Black or Shukman or Harrabin? On a plane, probably.
Don’t tell the BBC:
The European Tea Party Movement
You guys sure need one.
Here’s a good one for you. Check out the new logo for the Missile Defense Agency. It shares certain characteristics as The Obamessiah Campaign logo, which has become the logo for “Organizing for America” at barackobama.com.
Imagine if George Bush had put his stamp on nasty warmongering stuff like this. The BBC would have a field day, it would be a gag on Have I Got News For You and numerous radio shows. But becaust it’s Him, you’ll never hear a word about it.
I wonder if the BBC will report this unsavoury tale of bullying at No. 10. The pressure on Blair must have been tremendous, having to deal with that lunacy throughout his time as PM. No wonder he ended up in the hospital for heart treatment on occasion.
Mark Mardell’s latest blog post isn’t biased as far as I can tell, but it does demonstrate how useless he is.
He talks about the Toyota executive’s appearance before a Congressional committee today, part of the hearings regard the massive recall. Mardell bangs out a few paragraphs in an attempt to show that things aren’t going well for Toyota because of, I guess, communication difficulties. It’s hard to find anything of substance here, and the main BBC article about it doesn’t add much else besides details about the recall.
But if Mardell or anyone else at the BBC was of any use at all in reporting on US issues, they’d mention the following fact:
31 House Dems quizzing Toyota execs got UAW campaign cash
In other words, they have a conflict of interest. The Obamessiah not only bailed out GM and Chrysler, but kind of violated contract law and screwed over the creditors in favor of handing over a majority stake to the union. The UAW has a vested interest in kicking Toyota in the teeth not only because they’re the biggest rival but because Toyota isn’t a UAW slave like Chrysler and GM. The unions and the Democrats in thrall to them (including the President) have been upset for a long time that Toyota has that competitive advantage.
If Mark Mardell or any other BBC employee covering the US knew this, they should report it. It’s not biased to report facts, especially highly relevant ones which may shape the focus of the story. I’m not sure it’s actually partisan bias on Mardell’s part to conceal this UAW-Democrat unholy union (no pun intended) from you. As far as I can tell there’s no partisan benefit for him in doing so, other than just a reflexive suppression of anything that might make his beloved Obamessiah and the Democrats look corrupt. And it’s not like Toyota didn’t actually screw up, or don’t deserve to be investigated. Perhpas it’s just poor editorial judgment, where they don’t see how the UAW connection to those grilling Toyota is actually important. But it’s either that or plain old ignorance.
Either way, it’s yet another example of why Mark Mardell is unqualified for his position as BBC North America Editor, and how the BBC constantly fails to inform you properly on US issues. As often seems to be the case lately, his commenters know far more than he does. Mardell pays lip service to reading and learning from them, but never seems to change his tune or update or improve his act based on any of them, so I seriously doubt his sincerity.
The BBC report on this innocent Australian peacenik mamdouh Habib foully persecuted by the accursed Americans and their Zionist paymasters
What they mysteriously don’t tell you about this foul Egyptian islamofascist