When a spoiled little rich kid called David de Rothschild decides to blow millions on world-saving fantasies , the BBC immediately elevate him to being an “eco-warrior” and devote acres of web space to what amounts to hero-worship. Dear David – whose banking ancestors helped fund Britain’s great industrial expansion – has seeemingly spent his life on a guilt-trip drawing attention to the follies of the West, and of course, in the BBC’s eyes, that makes him a candidate for sainthood. Especially as his main activity is listed as Adventure Ecology, a fanatical “expedition group” raising awareness about climate change.
Our Dave’s philosopy, uncannily like the BBC ‘s, is outlined on one of his websites, this one about his failed mission to traverse the Arctic in 2006:
“Now that I’m back at home safely it’s crystal clear in my mind what I left behind is a rapidly dying ecosystem. Over the last 100 days I’ve had the unique privilege to call the Arctic Ocean my home. This opportunity has given me a first hand glimpse at the truly devastating effects of global warming and climate change. It’s fair to say that most eco systems are usually very capable of maintaining themselves but like everything in life there is always a breaking point when you push things too far, the same applies to the Arctic.
“Prior to this expedition I don’t think I had truly grasped the sensitivity of our climate systems. The bottom line is they are littered with a multitude of tipping points and feedback loops which when crossed replace the so called ‘slow creep’ of environmental decay with a sudden and self perpetuating collapse.”
With a grasp of science like that, no wonder the BBC thinks he’s a true eco-warrior!
“Now that I’m back at home safely it’s crystal clear in my mind what I left behind is a rapidly dying ecosystem.”
Of course, when you go somewhere that is almost completely barren, featureless and hostile, its easy to see it as a “rapidly dying ecosystem”. FFS.
Dear readers,
Please visit ‘watts up with that’ website for a very revealing look at actual images and graphs charting the Arctic ice levels.
The BBC will never show the images and graphs that show the ACTUAL state of the polar caps, the BBC prefers to peddle the lies of the AAM cultist fraudsters of a melting ice cap that is supposed to disapear soon.
See for yourself that the BBC has knowingly lied and misled us into thinking that the Arctic was on some sort of death spiral when in fact it is near normal.
Despite the actual reality showing the truth the BBC would prefer we see only lies, when this fraud has exploded we will never again trust the agents of deception.
“Prior to this expedition I don’t think I had truly grasped the sensitivity of our climate systems. The bottom line is they are littered with a multitude of tipping points and feedback loops which when crossed replace the so called ‘slow creep’ of environmental decay with a sudden and self perpetuating collapse.”
This is meaningless drivel. These people think they are experts if they can use the words “feedback” and “tipping point”
Nature programmes by their nature 🙂 always strive to find the animals under the bleakest conditions. “Let’s just turn over this rock and see what we find. Oh, what a surprise, a rhinocerus”! The reality is that a major part of wildlife filming involves days or even weeks of searching and waiting. This is boring television so the impression is given of wilderness where one practically trips over the fauna.
De Rothschild trekked over the ice cap in apparently terrible weather and was surprised there wasn’t much to see. His expectations were too high.
Tipping points? Feedback loops? Slow creep? (as opposed to speedycreep, no doubt) No wonder this geezer’s a big hit at the BBC. He’s fluent in Birtspeak.
In one respects, this is even worse: this man is a medical doctor, no less.
Rarely does one see something as juvenile emanate from the mind of a supposedly well-educated professional. Most importantly, he fails to wonder about this rather important point: how does he think his modern medicine came about in the first place? Medicine that in large part has now made it possible for Africa to be more populated today than ever before?
Was it due to breakthroughs made by “low carbon-emitting” pre-industrial, sub-Saharan subsistence farmers?
Presumably we should avoid at all costs mentioning the fossil fuel-fired “industrial revolution”. Maybe no BBC readers will remember it? After all, everyone who lived before 1850 is now dead.
Moreover if doctors played such a major role in helping raise consciousness of the dangers of, for instance, automobiles, he fails to ask an even more pertinent questions regarding such.
Why, pray tell, were car accident deaths nil…prior to the invention of the automobile?
Why were cancer deaths lower…when most children died before age 1 and most of those people who survived childhood were dead by the “elderly” age 40?
And why were obesity-related illnesses nearly unheard of…on a planet where, pre-industrialisation, most people barely had enough to eat?
It is all a profound puzzlement.
Oooooh Nooooo!
According to that bastion of accurate predictions and stunning opneness and honesty the ‘met office’ everything is worse than they first thought, the planet is in grave danger and no corner of the planet is immune from the disasterous effects of man made global warming.
Even though it looks like the icecaps/polar regions are looking quite normal with ice levels at or near normal levels and temperatures are around normal levels YOUR EYES ARE LYING TO YOU, DONT LOOK AT THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE BEFORE YOUR EYES LOOK INSTEAD AT OUR COMPUTER MODELS!
The met office so desperate to peddle its myths of climate doom is resorting to outright fraud and downright lies, they seem to somehow forget that the met offices income of hundreds of millions of pounds depend on them hawking the AGW/MMCC/AGW lunacy.
The met office led by an ecotaliban fundamentalist and funded by US has led itself into the realms of fantasy destroying a hard won reputation.
The toady show is delighted to peddle the fraud of the disgraced met office as only one lavishly funded state parasite can help out another lavishly funded parasite empire.
The met office is a pathetic laughing stock almost as discredited as the BBC, they actually deserve each other.
Cassandra m’dear, it’s all quite simple. Anything you can see with your own eyes contradicting MMGW is weather. Anything produced to support MMGW is climate.