Must have been some sort of oversight but the BBC seems oddly subdued about the fantastic gains Geert Wilders has made in the local elections in the Netherlands. One might have thought this merited some prime time discussion ahead of weighty topics such as “political protest songs” but apparently not. Ah well – the BBC has tough editorial decisions to make all the time…..
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Yes, but Geert Wilders doesn’t give them an excuse to play a Billy Bragg “song”, does it!
Yes, BBC doesn’t give Geert Wilders the BBC poster boy treatment which it gives to ex-al Qaeda trainee, ex-Gitmo Ethiopian Muslim, Binyam Mohamed.
The BBC gives Geert Wilders (who visits Westminster tomorrow) about as much support on his free speech trial as it gave to Mark Stein on his, in Canada: zero.
“Fringe Benefits”
(by Mark Stein)
Mark Steyn.
And the BBC never told you about Steyn’s own problems with censorship, when the Orwellian Canadian Human Rights Tribunal tried to shut him up for hate speech.
Be fair.
With all the ‘cuts’ they need to be seen to be making, some aspects of their journalistic output will have to, inevitably, end up on the edit room floor.
Amazing who gets invited on, who does not, and what gets left in, and out.
Leftist revolutionary songs?
Ashcroft again and again?
Unsupported allegations of a linkage beteewn birth defects in Iraqi babies and the US army assualts?
The life’N’times of Foot?
The toady show went into turbo charged attack’N’smear mode against the hated Tories yet again flogging a leftist/labour smear campaign based on the most flimsy and weak evidence yet, the perfectly syncronised and coordinated effort by the leftist media and a newlabour party utterly desperate for mud to sling at their enemies is plain to see!
Ashcroft does exactly the same thing as labour donors in only paying tax earned in the UK and yet it is only Ashcroft who is attacked and smeared constantly, funny that eh? The Ashcroft non story has been peddled with a boring repetition only a leftist could muster, the rest of us have long switched off.
The Mr Wilders news blackout by the BBC is clear to see, the BBC have a long term habit of ignoring news about the election of its hated ideological and political enemies, like the non reporting of the new Chilean president and the frankly awful treatment of the New Zealand government.
The BBC has the brass neck to whine about impartial and ethical broadcasting while peddling their narrative at every turn.
BTW the Faluja smears against the USA should be treated with extreme caution, where did the story originate? I see the BBC somehow forgot to mention that the islamic habit of inbreeding with close relatives and girls of a very young age combined with an extremely poor diet AND downstream industrial and sewage pollution of the drinking water matrix are far more likely to throw up a higher per head of population birth defect rate than a town of similar size in the west. Its strange that the BBC neglected to mention any of the other causes isnt it? Its a known fact that inbreeding causes a higher rate of birth defects BTW.
Funny this! I thoght the BBC would go to the ends of the earth to witness the opening of a ballot box…certainly we get chapter and verse on Kenya etc…and,of course plenty of scope for expenses and promoting loud saris etc!
And Holland?…aren`t we all Europeans now.? it not just a hop over the Channel to show us how our liberal and enlightened Dutch chums are creating the rainbow/lavender coalition in a fug of dope in the red light area?
Oh dear…isn`t that Michael Ashcroft over there?..must be going!
Maybe if Wilders got Sarah Palin involved, the BBC would cover it.
Have any of you read a speech Geert Wilders made in Almere a week before the election?
Imagine *any* politician of *any* party daring to say such things in the UK. I have just sent him another ten pounds because his fight is my fight.
Thanks for highlighting that speech. Wilders says important things very simply and is a true defender of our civilisation.
Update; has B-BBC shamed BBC into less biased reporting on Geert Wilders today?:
“Dutch anti-Islamists makes key gains in local elections?”
“Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders makes strong showing in local polls”
No, it refers to Wilders’ party as a ‘far-right’ party.
I agree. The report and the background article accompanying it, seemed an exercise in fairly straight reporting.
Its only 12.30pm however. Insaner heads will prevail in the editorial team I am sure.
No I see the leftists favourite derogatory term ‘far-right’ works its way in as usual. Designed to fool the masses, based on ignorance. Any reporting that labels Wilders is ‘far-right’ is going to be biased.
Anyone who knows anything about Wilders and his party know that it is a classically Liberal organisation, supporting free trade, free speech, and socially liberal policies. But because he dares to take on the most dangerously anti-Western, crypto-fascist, and genuinely ‘far-right’ group today – political Islam – he must be only one step short of Adolf.
There seems to be only one criteria to be labelled “far right” and that is not to subscribe to the multicultural dream. All other policies of a party are never taken into account.
You wouldn’t know from that headline that the report is about the Freedom Party – only that it is anti Islamist. That is a bit of a distortion, is it not? They wouldn’t put a headline about, say the Labour Party, that said “Pro-multi culti party” or “Pro Muslim party” or “Pro Immigration Party” or “Pro Tax You Till You Die… er I mean Tax You Even After You Die Party”. No, they would refer to it as “The Labour Party”.
If they are a news organisation with a mission to inform, they could have informed me about the party’s policies and stances other than where it stands on Islamification and immigration, which we pretty much know by now. I have had to read elsewhere to find out, for instance, that it has lower-tax, smaller-government policies – a bit like the Tea Party movement in America. Is it too much trouble for the BBC to tell us that?
So much for being kept informed by the greatest news organisation in the world. Oops! Did I mean “greediest”?
Good spot Millie!
The BBC editorial just cannot labbeling its political enemies so the anti islam label is attached simply to try and inflame the islamic population.
Any party that has the BBCs support is never ever treated in this way is it?
Yep. The beeboid reportage makes no attempt to explain its policies, except except its defensive stance towards islam, which it seems to think is somehow racist. I have never seen islam defined as a race. Its a cult.
Following the links to Wilders beeboid “profile” however I was surprised to find Wilders’ creditable Hardtalk appearance, and is a rattling good watch.
The beeboid profile itself on the other hand, is a fecking disgrace.
Still waiting for the BBC election special “How will Binyam vote?”…
Well, it was in the Grauniad, which is the Beeb’s house mag!
I like Wilder’s (apart from his hairstyle!) – would that we had such a politician here.
The left have two default responses in this kind of situation. The first is to ignore it and hope it goes away. The second is to become hysterical and start screeching about “racism”, “islamophobia”, the “far-right” etc.
And, to prove Geert Wilders of the Netherlands right about the ever-present deadly threat from Islam, over the border in Germany today:
BBC report:
“German Islamists” [no, Islamic jihadists, BBC] “convicted over bomb plot”
“Judge Ottmar Breidling becomes yet another in a long line of non-Muslim judges to take it upon themselves to lecture jihadis about the true nature of Islam and jihad. The arrogance and presumption is astounding, and one wonders also whether Breidling has ever wondered where this “strange, hate-filled notion of jihad” came from, and why so many Muslims seem to adhere to it. “German court jails Islamists for foiled U.S. attacks,” by Matthias Inverardi for Reuters,”
Geert Wilders in Westminster today, but BBC doesn’t really want to discuss this:
“The Wilders Momentum”
‘Telegraph’: Wilders now in London:
Of course, if the BBC has a ‘debate with Geert Wilders, it is on the line of the hostile and biased ‘Hard Talk’, in English. I would like to see the BBC debate with Geert Wilders in Dutch (as here):
It’s impressive how fluent and how confident he is in English.
There was one moment in that interview that made me laugh when the interviewer (would-be tough guy “hardtalk” Sackur) tried to stop him and he refused to stop, saying “No, I won’t hold on”, and just carried on to finish the answer he had been in the middle of giving.
That Hardtalk programme is copied from an American format, I believe.
The BBC is always ready to paint people like Wilders as extreme.
How about they check out whether all Obama’s background, mentors and associates, and career is rooted in extremism ? Oh no – I forgot that the BBC does not regardMarxism as extreme :
As the BBC continues to use, mindlessly the pro-Islamic, nonsensical, invented word ‘Islamophobia’ to describe critics of Islam, Beeboids should (but won’t), read this:
“Islamophobia ? Not so fast.”
BBC’s latest use of the ‘i’ word, is in relation to Geert Wilders’ London visit today: second paragraph in report below:
I had not realised how significant the Wilders local election results were. His party is relatively new – so they concentrated mainly on just 2 cities, did not put up candidates elsewhere. But they achieved very solid votes. And some national forecasts are saying that his party looks likely to be at least the largest in the multi-party Dutch parliament – and could even be the largest.
If a new party were in such a dramatically successful position in the UK – suppose UKIP was matching all the other UK parties and could overtake them – would the broadcasters across the channel in France and Holland play it all down, pretend it wasn’t happening ?
It is ridiculous that I should be getting more hard news about Wilders from US blogs than I am from the BBC. I don’t think I have heard his name mentioned all year on Radio 4.
sorry – Wilders’ party could be “among the largest and could even be the largest” …………..
-Especially for David Vance:
“Is Geert Wilders the new William of Orange?”
(by Ed West)
This is Geert Wilders’ message to the British people today, unfiltered, unedited by the BBC:
“Wilders at House of Lords, March 5: ‘Freedom must prevail, freedom will prevail'”
BBC ‘Newsnight’: a heavily edited, ‘Hardtalk’ ‘interview by Maitlis with Geert Wilders just now -the usual BBC ignorant smear job.
The whole BBC tone about Wilders’ message about Islam was, of course, totally negative in tone, not linking Islam to fascism, but trying for the umptheenth time to smear Wilders with that BBC shit.
It is as though for the BBC 9/11, Madrid, 7/7, Bali, Bombay etc.,etc ,never happened. ; it is as thought there are not over 2,500,000 Muslims living in Britain, imbued with the ideology of the Quran. It is as though the BBC assumes that Islam is just like Christian-judeo religions, and so Beeboids don’t bother to study the Quran,etc.
Just watched the BBC Breakfast News ‘review’, where they wheel on a favoured luvvie to say things they’d like to themselves but need a few degrees of separation to fool the Trust that they are, really, honest guv, objective.
So we have one Simon Fanshawe, who they love very much. He’s ‘chatty’.
And no wonder. He is in top form. And allows them to claim they have ‘covered’ Mr. Wilders visit taboot.
Thing is, his opinion on the matter is every bit as extreme as those he claims to decry. But there is no one there to offer some counter arguments, and he is moderated by giggling blonde and bouffant anchors who seem to realise they have gone to far with the school loudnouth, but also know that sod all can happen to them.
So we are left with the moral equivalence of some fundamentalist Christians killing, er, how many abortion clinic workers to the roared approval of the entire Christian community, vs. just a couple of justifiably miffed audacious Islamic martyrs engaging in a minor bit of plane rage (plus a few other things before and since) to universal disapproval around the Muslim world.
As they have grudgingly conceded he might be quite a well supported pol (for some reason), the plan seems to be only refer to him by such ‘thoughts’ from one of their legions of agenda-supportive rentagobs instead of any straight news reporting.
Note for the pro-Islam, anti-Wilders BBC:-
“Jihad enablers scuffle with police outside Wilders address at House of Lords”
Re-English Defence League,(EDL), which supports Geert Wilders:-
“Since everyone who stands up for human rights and freedom against Islamic supremacism and violence is branded a racist nowadays, it’s useful to look at the evidence. Here is a group [EDL] that is so racist that it has featured a Sikh speaker, has a youth group that bears the slogan, ‘Black, White and Brown Unite,’ and says: ‘We welcome members from all over the political spectrum, and with varying views on foreign policy, united against Islamic extremism and its influence on British life. Everyone from those whose ancestral roots are in pre-Roman Britain to immigrants just arrived yesterday will be welcomed into the EDL with open arms as long as they are willing to stand up with us for English values and against Islamist hate.'”