Did anyone catch children’s Question Time on BBC 3? A biased BBC reader writes…
“First of all, I’ve not watched the whole of this (too painful), but from watching a fair chunk of it, it seems like a propaganda excercise for the Labour Party. As usual, the ‘impartial’ BBC was far from impartial… the panel consisted of…
– David Lammy MP (Labour party)
– Jeremy Hunt MP (Conservative party)
– Julia Goldsworthy MP (Lib dems, i.e.the Labour Party in yellow)
– Rory Bremner (presumably there to add some ‘balance’? but renowned Lefty)
– Tim Campbell (works for Alan Sugar who is a massive supporter of the Labour party and has made many donations to them)
– Jamelia (if you listened to her comments, she is clearly pro-Labour)
… so as you can see HEAVY bias towards the Labour party.
Didn’t appreciate the (racist?) anti-white comments from David Lammy when he said:
“Parliament is full of old white people”
The most important fact to remember though is that the BBC will stop at nothing to push their socialist-communist propaganda forward even to steep as low as brainwashing young kids.
The BBC is doing all it can to keep the Tories out at the Election in a few weeks.
The BBC is propagandising flat out on television, radio and ‘news’ website.
Can someone please explain why I should give a toss about what some unwashed 12 year old thinks?
To children pay taxes? No, are they expected to go off and fight? No, so why do they get a voice?
Perhaps we should be more interested why Socialists continue to sexualise young children, perhaps we should be interested in why the Socialists don’t seem to mind children being raped and killed (I’ve always be curious why the left defend child rapists) and why many on the left campaign for the legal age of consent to be reduced to well below 16.
Why are the left so obsessed with children and sex?
Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “Get ’em while they’re young”.
“Jamelia (if you listened to her comments, she is clearly pro-Labour)”
Hmmm, this would be the same Jamelia who said on the program that her favorite prime minister was Margaret Thatcher. Clearly a hard line socialist!
“To (sic) children pay taxes?”
Yes they pay VAT amongst various other taxes.
“Are they expected to go off and fight?”
You can join the British Army at age 15 although you can’t go on operational duty until age 18. Something which this chap did who then died before he every had a change to vote in an election. I guess you wouldn’t ‘give a toss’ about his opinions either.
“so why do they get a voice?”
The program was called “First Time Voters’ Question Time.” I presume you understand what that means?
“Why are the left so obsessed with children and sex?”
Perhaps you could tell us why you bring sex up in a discussion about “First Time Voters’ Question Time”? Thats a far more interesting question.
Paulo you really don’t have a clue. As you’re a leftie please explain why lefties like you want to sexualise children? My point was the left seem to continually want to treat children like adults. Children should live their young life as children. Politics, sex and ‘climate change’ should not be their concern. A question time for children is totally irrelevant, I’m not remotely interested in what children think of the world.
You also spout utter crap about the armed forces, a child becomes an adult at 16, the Army won’t let soldiers in combat zones until 18, but they are already adults, so I don’t see your point? Cocaine not worn off yet?
Perhaps Paulo you might like to explain lefties fascination with sex and children? It’s not the right demanding every pervert be let out on the street or educating 5 year olds in the art of anal intercourse, it’s the LEFT.
“My point was the left seem to continually want to treat children like adults.”
And vice versa
You really are a bit of a fool. I’ll try to repeat my points a bit more slowly as you clearly don’t get it. The program was called “First Time Voters’ Question Time”. This was for young people who will be eligible to vote for the first time this election. I.e 17 and 18 year olds. Therefore all your stuff about ‘they don’t pay taxes, they can’t fight in a war’ was complete nonsense.
Martin, I don’t have a fascination with sex and children. I have absolutely no idea why you are so keen to talk about anal intercourse, it has nothing at all to do with this discussion. Your obsession with bringing this subject up is frankly bizarre.
Ah, but while they are busy bothering little children with sex and nonsense that they are too young to understand or need to know, they won’t tell us big ugly adults what Beeboids get up to for sexual kicks. They will censor such information even when it concerns someone who is one of the gayers and has died as a result of the search for kicks.
Paulo. Wrong! You cannot join the Army at 15, or any of the other services actually. You dont leave school until 16.
apologies for the typo, that should have been 16.
Even as a middle-of-the-roader I can see the BBC is heavily biased in favour of Labour, witness the over-egging of the Ashcroft affair compared with the virtual ignoring of the Staffs hospital criminality. The daft thing is that even if the Tories get elected they’ll do nothing about this obvious bias …. in a sane world there’d be an enquiry, sackings and a general shake up of the whole place.
Listenting to ‘Any Questions’ on R4 coming from the London Musim Centre.
Question 1 Ashcroft – ie why are Toreis evil
Quetion 2 Michael Foot – ie why is socialism good
Question 3 – it the media that demonises Muslims, not foaming mouthed islamafacists.
Audience whhping and hollering against the Tories.
The most filthy example of propagada and bias imaginable.
Time to get rid of each and evey Beeboid parasite.
Feck me, it gets worse:
The panellists are the former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone (labour Trot)
Shadow business secretary Ken Clarke (Conservative quisling)
Senior politics editor at the New Statesman Mehdi Hasan (Socialist anti-Tory attack dog)
Liberal Democrat spokesman on communities and local government Julia Goldsworthy. (Shrill socialist mouthpiece playing to the socialism muslim gallery)
Ridiculous to suggest that the media demonise Muslims. They go to extreme lengths to avoid offending Muslims. A sensitivity which is not extended to any other religion.
and when someone like Wilders try to stand up for the Judaeo-Christian values of Europe, shaped over 2 millenia including the Reformation, he is demonised by the BBC, up goes the parrot-cry “Islamophobia”.
I see AhmenDinnerjacket is now saying that 9/11 was a CIA job, just a pretext to allow the US to invade Afghanistan. Will the BBC round on him, set up interviews with Iranian spokesmen, portray him as totally bonkers as well as evil ?
Will pigs fly ?
BBC hits the depths of Islamising propaganda with its ‘Any Questions’ from the Muslim Centre in Whitechapel, east London:
The predominantly Muslim audience was hostile to any notion of being able to criticise Islam. And the panel was predominantly pro-Islam and Islamisation, with Hasan (of ‘NS’) and Liviingstone. Unforgiveable, BBC. But it shows your massive DHIMMITUDE.
The BBC campaigns for ex- al Qaeda trainee, ex-Gitmo, Ethiopian Muslim Binyam Mohamed;
The BBC is hostile to anti -Islam Dutch MP, Geert Wilders (as last night by Maitlis on ‘Newsnight’);
And who’s the BBC’s head of religious broadcasting?:
– the information welcomely provided by Arab news:
“BBC appoints Muslim to top religious post in controversial first”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1180715/BBC-appoints-Muslim-religious-post-controversial-first.html#ixzz0hQCMdSKW
For BBC’s dhimmis:
“4 stages of Islamic conquest”
The BBC are a load of Cucking Funts
re: Question Time for first time voters…
I didnt think Jamelia was a Labour party stooge, rather that she was ignorant and stupid.
I guess the broader question is how do you make politics more accessible to those who are disengaged. I wonder if there a correlation between the likely to watch/read the news and voting?
Ironically often it is those who are most disengaged who interact the most with government agencies.
Anyway, I digress. Yes, I did think this version of question time was tilted towards the left too.
I was out canvassing in Aberdeen today for the unmentionable party. Several people with whom I spoke brought up the subject of the BBC’s pro-muslim bias without any prompting. The BBC really is unaware that it has been rumbled as their employees live in an echo chamber funded by the taxpayer. It may not last too long.
I refuse to pay the licence fee because of this.
This is the most sinister type of lefty mind-control that the BBC practice. Aiming this type of thinly veiled, deliberatley enginneered left-wing political bias at children, no doubt with the intention that this programme will be recorded by lefty teachers to show to their students as “educating” them in politics. But is really just brainwashing them with more left-wing messaging, courtesy of our compulsory funded National Public Service Broadcaster.
Going back a bit as I have been away I did catch Emily Maitlis’ interview with Geert Wilders on Friday’s Newsnight. She was definitely subdued and seemed anxious not to get out of her depth. Wilders is not a man to countenance foolish questions and I suspect the BBC would prefer to ignore him.
Now compare and contrast early on Saturday.
A review of the papers carried out by a typical libleftie whose name I did not catch.
To him Wilders was only fit to be a subject for abuse and preferably silenced. No attempt to discuss his party or his policies and all with the nodding approval of the his and her presenters.
The real face of the BBC when not faced with determind and articulate opposition.
Wilders is a real problem for the liberal establishment and they seem to have no idea how to handle him.
I did notice that she quoted some obscure verse from the Old Testament which was a bit foolish to say the least. It seems the BBC do not understand that Christianity is based on the New Testament, but then she probably got this quote from the new head of religion at the BBC.
“The real face of the BBC when not faced with determind and articulate opposition.”
This is why the BBC have “commentators”, they dare not face a reasoned argument so they shy away from it and talk amongst themseleves.