Have a listen to Justin “I love Obama” Webb of Today trying to persuade Sir Martin Rees – the climate change fanatic president of the Royal Society – that journalists who reported the Climategate “controversies” were being irresponsible for daring to voice concerns that science might not be settled. Predictable, I suppose, but seriously biased all the same.
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So, Climategate reporting is irresponsible, like the MMR controversy.
However, no mention of AGW alarmist-journalism.
Thats just fine, is it?
Lets have a look at so-called experts in other fields.
“South Korea’s Hwang Woo-suk was feted as a national hero when, in 2004, his research team said it had successfully cloned a human embryo and produced stem cells from it, a technique that could one day provide cures for a range of diseases.
But allegations he used unacceptable practices to acquire eggs from human donors, then faked two landmark pieces of research into cloning human stem cells, left his reputation in tatters.”
“”The Attorney General looked at cases over the last 10 years where children under two years old died, especially where resulting convictions relied almost entirely on medical experts.”
“In 1995, a poll of almost 300 randomly selected researchers in Norway found 22% were aware of “serious breaches of research ethical guidelines” among colleagues.”
All reported by the BBC. Despite the overwhelming evidence of scientific fraud in the AGW theory they just cannot bring themselves to report this scam without bias.
And it is all lead by one man.
“Roger Harrabin. He had founded the Cambridge Media and Environment Programme (CMEP), which gives seminars to BBC reporters on how to report environmental issues – which led to the unprecedented (in peacetime) decision to drop objectivity in reporting of climate change.”
While this person has influence in directing the BBCs “Climate Change” agenda in every single programme put out by them, things will never change.
And a man who is SO thick he has some useless degree in English but not a single piece of paper that gives him any scientific credibility. The word TWAT comes to mind.
In 1948 I think it was on this day the temperature in parts of the UK was something like 23degC. Thank god for global cooling that’s all I can say.
I have noticed that Harrabin, Shukman and Black are all MIA at the moment, I guess we will have to wait for the temperature to rise about 2 degC before they can start spouting their climate change lies again.
It was quite a nice sunny pleasant day here in Newcastle (which the BBC probably think is 2 minutes walk from Scotland). Now if this lasts until the end of the week “global warming” can be the only explanation.
Spring is on its way, temperatures rise – I’ll give it a week before the BBC report somwhere has had one of the hotest/driest/ sunniest days since the great flood.
“Are you going so far as to say that some of the coverage in recent months about climate change has been irresponsible?”
Yes. But not the coverage you meant, Justin.
He really is taking the position that reoprting something he doesn’t like is wrong. Like everything else with these Beeboids, it’s emotions first, reason second.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
The AGW alarmists have been on the backfoot recently, they are shocked at the apparent collapse in support for their global warming fraud.
Evidence of dirty tricks,fraudulant research,stupidity,ignorance,cherry picking and grant grubbing is coming to light and of course instead of dealing with the scandal with honesty we have bought off stooges like Mr Rees dusted down and put in front of a BBC microphone to tell us drones that ‘there is nothing to see’ and trying to compare those who dare raise questions as those who raised concerns about the MMR jabs as if that makes critisism of the fraud any less viable.
So the reponse of the AGW cultist fraudsters is to smear and demean those who have found out certain things that Rees and his fellow rent seekers would much rather have kept secret? It seems that irony is not a gift they are endowed with.
The so called fightback by the AGW rent seeking fraudsters who call themselves scientists has got off to a rocky start and is doomed to fail, perhaps they should in fact be trying to expose the fraud instead of trying to cover it by engaging in political smears? Aaaah but then the AGW fraud was always political in nature with bought off stooge scientists tp peddle it.
When the AGW fraud is fully exposed for the giant trick it is there are going to be an awful lot of scientist stooge frontmen looking very guilty indeed, but then again science has increasingly sold itself to those who issue the grant cheques. Offer scientists enough money to prove any old whacky madness and they will troop in with their rent seeking hands out.
Had a listen, and a look at Sir Maratin’s (sic) interview.
The sound of an event being interpreted was rather deafening.
So loud, in fact, that any possible informational value was drowned out.
No change there, then.