Anyone else have the misfortune to watch the Andrew Marr show this morning? It was the usual left-liberal fest. First up we had the new Green Peace President Kumi Naidoo on to tell us about the horrors of global warming. He took the opportunity to also express his support for law-breaking. Andrew just smiled at him. Then we had author Ian McEwan on to warn us about the horrors of…global warming. Get the message? After that, on sauntered Lord Adonis to warn us of the evils of Conservatism and the need to abolish the House of Lords. To finish, Ken Clarke was interviewed and he insisted that Conservatives needed to go after the liberal vote in order to win the election. Balanced and fair from start to finish as Andrew shines his light.
Next up, the execrable Nicky Campbell “Big Question.” The first question on this Mothering Sunday was “whether we need fathers”. The general consensus was that we didn’t and that two lesbians provided the almost perfect model for bringing up children. There was also talk of “it takes a village” to bring up a child. Fathers were seen as an irrelevance to having a happy child. The feminised audience were a disgrace but par for the course. Next up, “Is it time for a maximum wage”? Hard left trade union Unite had a representative on to explain that it is an outrage that there is no ceiling on how people can be paid. He lied about the minimum wage being a great success (It hasn’t) and now he demands a maximum wage. Pure Communist thinking and endorsed by Nicky Campbell.
When I left Blighty’s shores 7 years ago I always thought Nicky Campbell was generally a bit of a leftie but nevrertheless admirably impartial on the whole. If memory serves he took a self-declared partisan stance against the freeing of Jamie Bulger’s murderers. Maybe things have changed since then? I dont know, I’ll have to listen when I get a chance. I always found him a class act, so no sacrifice there.
DV, you undermine your perceptions of BBC bias when you make the follow statements about a BBC guest expressing his opinion: “He lied about the minimum wage being a great success (It hasn’t)”. You sound like Clare Short. She’s always fond of impugning someone’s integrity when they disagree with her. Apart from anything the Tory Party is now in favour of the minimum wage. They accept that it has worked because it was set at a realistic level. I’m not aware of any significant Tory voices of dissent.
BBC bias is so endemic it is a threat to British democracy. Calling someone a liar for expressing an opinion you disagree with only serves to alienate neutral opinion. Being ‘internet land’ B-BBC is inevitably going to attract its share of nutters who leave comments that abuse anyone who disagrees with them and sniff out conspiracy at the drop of a hat, but I really expected better than you DV than saying someone is lying because they disagree with you.
The thing is with people like Campbell, when they talk enthusiastically about a maximum wage, is that the figure they have in mind is always somewhere in excess of their own personal wage. Pure unadulterated jealously.
BBC: propagandises against men and fathers;
Labour (Harman): propagandises and legislates against men and fathers.
“Misandry: Men Don’t Exist”
(7 min video)
Ex-Loretto-educated-and-full-time-hypocrite Marr was in his element and seemed as happy as a pig in shit with his guests. Nobody else allowed on to contradict him. Environ(mentalists) are Marxists, there is essentially no difference. What Marr does is not journalism, but showbusiness. However, if other people are like me they would have switched over before long, Marr and his ilk are just plain boring.
I watch such programmes with dismay.
A critique, which the BBC relegates, of Labour’s anti-men discrimination:
“What women want is an end to hectoring by feminists” (Minette Marrin, ‘Sunday Times’)
I understand from reading Guidos site that this whole Labour Cocaine scandal in Scotland was on the front page of a paper reviewed by Marr but he totally ignored the story. Could it be that it contains all the things the BBC likes? Scots, Cocaine and Labour?
Please provide evidence the “minimum wage” – a socialist construct – has worked. Anywhere.
I’m sorry that I have to explain the ABC to you of civil political discourse. I thought you were aware of it already.
You may well have your criteria for saying the minimum wage has been a failure, others will have their’s for saying its been a success. The criteria for or against isn’t relevant to this matter. What is relevant is you have branded someone a liar for saying that the minimum wage is a success, and by implication the overwhelming majority in this country, as I’ve already indicated, who share that point of view. The mentality that reveals in you is the antithesis of someone who wants to see an impartial BBC.
Clare Short can get away with this mentality because she shares the same opinions as the BBC.
However, it is something the BBC can easily use against you and this site to discredit any accusation of bias you bring against them.
” branded someone a liar for saying that the minimum wage is a success, and by implication the overwhelming majority in this country”
I take it that thats your opinion and not a fact you can prove? and there fore can be stated ‘as not truthful’ ,so the word “liar” is fair in Davids opinion of mr Cambell,who let us say is not above this little trait is he ,
“The Conservative guest then said “Thank you for having me on the left-wing BBC”, to which Campbell, called him a fascist.The guest responded quickly and made Campbell take it back, ”
and if he wishes to come on here and call us names then give him the address!.
Rubbish. If a Trade Unionist alleges as a FACT that the minimum wage has been a success, I repeat that he lies. It has not, on any empirical or qualitative basis been a success. Why should I let that pass in the way that Campbell did? However if my expressing an opinion is going to cause dissent, then maybe I need to take a break from this.
If you can’t handle constructive criticism then maybe you should.
Fair enough.
Yes, McEwan going unchallenged with the ‘10,000 climate scientists can’t be wrong and if you believe they are wrong then you’re a conspiracy theorist’ argument.
Psst Ian, we know fiction’s your thing but the number of scientists having access to and being capable of examining ‘unenhanced’ climate data and then being able to legitimately conclude that is caused by man is not 10,000. Although fair’s fair, 10,000 is a reasonable estimate of the number of scientists on the AGW payroll.
And he was followed by some other nonebrity who was allowed to get away with ‘there is absolutely no doubt that climate change and global warming is happening.
I look forward to someone like Anthony Watts ending up on the Marr show.
BBC continues to propagandise for Labour’s ‘multiculturalism’ of mass unlimited immigration from e.g. Islamic countries, and to propagandise its anti-men, anti-white discrimination, despite this:
“Trevor Phillips criticised on equality body ‘implosion'”.
“Brown woos Woman’s Hour”