One line grates on me in particular: The reopening of the twice-destroyed Hurva synagogue close to the al-Aqsa mosque – Islam’s third holiest site – has also inflamed tension. It is clearly too much to expect that the BBC report on who destroyed the synagogue and the liklihood the same group would destroy any places of Jewish religious connection if and when Israel is pushed to withdrawal. As it is clearly too much to expect the BBC to write Close to the al-Aqsa mosque – arguably Islam’s third holiest site OR close to the Western Wall of Herod’s temple – indisputably Judaism’s holiest site.
The Obama administration does not give a hoot for observing statutes, or proper procedures.
The false Obama outrage over the Joe Biden visit is the direct and obvious cause of the Palestinians running amok again. US policy so far has been a total failure – and the aim is to “blame the Joos”
What the hell? The biased BBC forgot to mention that, not only is the Al-Aqsa Mosque Islam’s third-holiest site, but it sits on top of the buried ruins of Judaism’s holiest site of all. Yet Jews aren’t allowed to worship anywhere near it except at the foot of one wall that surrounded it. The BBC forgot to mention that, too. I wonder why?
Instead, it’s the rededication of a synagogue in the vicinity that is “provocative”. The Beeboids bend so far over backwards to avoid appearing to favor Israel and accusations of being controlled by the evil Jewish Lobby that they end up propagandizing for the Palestinians and Muslims.
The World Service is covering this right now. It’s all done from the Palestinian viewpoint, condemning Israeli “racism” and oppression. Once again the BBC mentions that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of Islam’s holiest sites, but no mention at all that it’s the most holy place in Jewish history, and maybe that’s why the nasty Jews are reopening a synagogue there. It’s BBC editorial policy, across the spectrum.
At the BBC, Muslims have all rights to their religious beliefs, Jews have none.
Wait, now the BBC has mentioned the existence of the “Temple Mount”, but they still can’t get it quite right.
The BBC’s Middle East correspondent, Paul Wood, says the call by some Palestinian officials for people to defend the Haram al-Sharif or Temple Mount, site of the al-Aqsa mosque, comes amid rumours of plans by Jewish extremists to take control of the area.
The Palestinians are calling for people to defend the Temple Mount? Is he kidding? Who calls it the “Temple Mount”, BBC? And don’t expect me to believe that everyone already knows so there’s no need to mention it.
The Jewish Temple of Solomon was built there, and was rebuilt hundreds of years later. A few hundred years after the Romans destroyed that one, some Caliph built a little shrine on the site. which grew into a mosque. So it’s supposedly a continuation of the Temple of Solomon or something. Except Jews aren’t allowed to worship there, and haven’t been since the second one was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. It’s the most holy spot in Judaism (the only actual holy site, really), and the BBC doesn’t want you to think about that.
Obviously the Kabba in Mecca is the location of the first official mosque, associated with Mohammed, so it’s the most holy. I forget what the other one is (in Medina?), and don’t care to look it up.
Listening to some senior Tory Culture bod on the Jeremy Vine show earlier, I’d hazard he and hsi party would be quite relaxed about the whole thing, as they wouldn’t want to mess with a national icon and beacon of objectivity in holding the nation’s pols to account.
They created the BBC, donchaknow? And are as proud of it as Labour should be of the NHS.
Which rather puts the mindset n context, I guess.
Seemed a nice chap. For someone talking himself out of my vote.
Sunday’s Brian Cox fronted programme The WOnders of The Solar System was a great watch and what BBC TV should be like. However even this programme had a dhimmi nod – it started in the 4th or 5th (I forget) holiest site in Islam a Mosque in Tunisia, where an awed Brian Cox explained the antiquity and when the five daily prayers were said. Why Brian Cox had to go to a Mosque was not really explored although I suppose it was warmer and nicer to travel to than a Western astronomical centre.
As I watched the start of the programme it did make me wonder how many ‘holy’ sites are graded by Islam. Is there a top 10, a top 20, a top 100? Are their positions fixed or is there any movement? If the latter will in the future Radio 1 give us the latest top 40 Islamic holy sites countdown on a Sunday night?
I haven’t got round to watching the latest episode but the thing that struck me about the first programme was how Brian Cox seemed to be jetting all over the world to demonstrate things that could have been easily demonstrated back home. Things like that show what they really think about CO2: only the little people need worry about their emissions.
Still, it was overall a good programme. Did Brian Cox need permission to take time off school to do it?
Agreed. Why didn’t Cox go to Stonehenge or other sites? Had to be Muslim. Also fed up with some of the factual errors he keeps coming out with. Last week he talked about a shadow being cast on the ‘surface’ of I think it was Jupiter. Wrong it was cast on the upper atmosphere, if Jupiter does have a surface it’s buried thousands of miles under thick blankets of gas.
The Woodland Trust have uncovered evidence that spring flowering is weeks behind schedule.
Now, one can kinda see where this is going.
And there may well be something to be concerned about. Or they may not.
I am, for a start, intrigued by the use of ‘uncovered evidence’. I presume that records of such things are clear, extensive.. and open. And go back a while.
Which brings me to wonder if this phenomenon has ever happened before. Or if I will learn of this in any other science news reporting to arrive at proper context.
If the world is warming up shouldn’t spring flowering be early rather than late? Could the extra cold winter (weather rather than climate?) have anything to do with the delays?
Roger the rent boy Harrabin has been spouting for ages now the lie that spring is coming earlier, we had it a couple of months ago when the prat claimed that Tulips were flowering early.
Funny that he, Shukman and black have gone MIA for the last few weeks.
By late high school we learnt to recognise weighted therefore biased language. Israel closes villages of Bilin and Nilin to protests Not once but twice were foreign i.e. neither Israeli nor Palestinian activists referred to as ‘peace’ activists.
BTW is the phenomenon of foreigners coming to a country with the intention of breaking that country’s laws and confronting the personnel whose job it is to uphold those laws known in the UK?
BTW the piece is worded in such a way that it could be understood the the protesters were Israelis and those same foreigners and Palestinians were only occassionaly involved – an inversion of the truth.
Protests at the “separation barrier”, a fence between Palestinian land and Israeli settlements, had attracted young Israelis and peace activists from around the world. Some demonstrations had also been attended by stone-throwing Palestinian youths.
As everyone here knows, the BBC refused to report on the Tea Party movement as it grew and grew until the reality of tens of thousands of people gathering across the US on April 15 forced them to ackowledge it. Then, Kevin Connolly grossly misrepresented and cast aspersions on the participants, hinting at dark forces and raciist overtones behind the movement. He also insulted the participants with a sexual innuendo used for them only by the Left. Nearly every time Mark Mardell has deigned to mention the Tea Partiers, he makes sure to paint the participants as being exclusively white and middle class, as if that’s an automatic disqualifier. It wasn’t until Katty Kay’s quite reasonable report in December that the BBC even bothered to really talk to the participants in depth. And even there the title of the piece and overall message is one of “boiling anger”.
Now, there has been a new opposition movement starting up calling themselves the Coffe Party. It’s hardly anything more than the Tea Party movement was in its first weeks, even before people really started calling them Tea Parties. Yet, the BBC not only reports it, but goes to meet them and get their thoughts.
Coffee Party brews up rival for Tea Party
The only similarity between this and the BBC’s reporting on the Tea Parties is the gross misrepresentation of the participants. They promote the lies of the Left here too, only this time they claim that the participants are a real grass roots movement. Which is a lie. This thing is being run by Democrat Party hacks. Annabel Park, whom the BBC presents as part of a “silent majority” campaigned for The Obamessiah, and her own website is owned by a campaign group for Democrat Senator Jim Webb.
They’re also all white and middle class. But the BBC strangely fails to offer any such description of the participants.
In contrast to any BBC report on Tea Parties, this one takes the claims of motivation by the participants at face value. No suggestion that they’re extremist or angry or potentially violent, as Mardell likes to do with the Tea Partiers. Instead, the Coffee Party astroturf is portrayed as being lovely and wanting nothing more than for government to help people and for politicians to join hands in peace and harmony everlasting.
BBC’s pro-E.U. reporter G.Hewitt talks of E.U ‘dancing around Greece’, but he himself is ‘dancing around’ the issue of the extra taxes which British people (outside the Eurozone) wiil have to pay for bail-out of Greece.
This paper is sometimes heavy reading – but the best summary I have seen of all the scientific arguments against the hysteria about alleged man-made global warming. Spelling out the exaggerations that have been made, and other reasons for fluctuations in climate.
And Nigel Lawson’s short book “An Appeal to Reason” is still the best critique of all the stupid economic policies that are riding on the back of MMGW hysteria – damaging our economy, hurting the poor, making carbon traders rich at our expense.
As an example of just where Mark Mardell’s head is, he’s blogged that the most interesting thing he read yesterday was an article from – what a shock – the Washington Post saying that the real fault with The Obamessiah as President is that “he’s not enjoying the job enough”.
I expect when Farouk Hosny Egyptian Minister of Culture and Egypt’s official candidate for the UNESCO failed to get the job the Egyptians realised that rebuilding an historic synagogue for the tiny, old and dieing Cairo Jewish population made little sense.
It is my experience that nature tends to know best.
We’ll see.
One us sure that, along with the extensive coverage of the ASA ActonCO2 finding, the BBC will soon have full, correct, objective, in depth, er, ‘interpretation’ of the actual facts.
While Ryanair and Easyjet both started operations in the UK market, today they are pan-European businesses that have successfully applied their formula across cultural and national boundaries without resistance to their lack of patriotic identity.
Ooh, “pan-European”. Yeah, Ryan is a pan-European name; no nationality discernable there.
And this gives it away:
While many still see British Airways as the UK’s flag carrier in the skies, it has shed many of the trappings of that status. Indeed, its ill-fated multicultural tailfins were a deliberate attempt to break away from the ball-and-chain of British identity in a globalised world.
The BBC couldn’t give a monkey’s chuff whether a national flag carrier remains or not – except in its own case perhaps. In this instance, however, offending as few people as possible, it will be careful to subtly position itself on the side of the not-very-aggrieved cabin crew since they are represented by the militant Unite union, an organisation which pulls the strings of the Labour party thanks to the massive donations which have flooded into Labour coffers over the last few years, single-handedly saving it from bankruptcy. Unite’s thoroughgoing infiltration and control of the Labour party will go largely unexamined as it will not play well with the electorate before a general election, potentially handing bucketloads of votes to the hated Tories. Better by far to suggest that a fusty old flag carrier just has no place in the modern world. ‘Move along please, nothing to see here’.
This is a lot uglier than just pro-union sentiment. And anyways, it can’t be very supportive of the unions if the premise is that the company they work for is passé and it’s no big deal if it shuts down. The striking workers won’t have a job to go back to if BA folds, so that’s not particularly helpful to the union members.
The real ugliness is the misguided assault on Britishness. Apparently if you’re not white, you’re not British. This seems to support so many claims here that the BBC tries to redefine the national identity.
‘The Editors’ blog used to list emails of the contributing editors, but that was quietly shelved some time ago, I guess out of concern for transparency and openness and out of the BBC’s interest in feedback from the public. I tried to e-mail Peter Horrocks, head hack of the World Service, to dump a load of excreta on his head over the latest manifestation of the appalling propagandist output of the World Service when there is Isreal-bashing to do – which is quite often, of course. For the whole day yesterday they were pushing the story of the announcement of settement building in Jerusalem and the negative American reaction, obviously delighting in the potential rift between the US and Israel.
It was the lead story on newscast after newscast and featured on other WS programmes as well, eclipsing all other stories even though the story was several days old and there were no new developments to report.
Are these BBC hacks e-mailable? After a lengthy Google search I have to conclude that all though they used to be they are no longer contactable via this meduium. And of course going via the “complaints” website is simply a head-banging exercise with a wall as the indifferent recipient.
This same horrible Horrocks is apparently keen on the BBC interacting with its audience via social media:
I see that Unite/British Airways vermin are meeting US unions to presumably attempt to disrupt the BA flights going ot the USA over the strike period. I notice sky and ITV have been making a big thing of this and the link between Unite and McBust (with scumbag Whelan), but Toenails and the rest of the BBC are ignoring it. As usual the BBC tries to get on top of the lobby fodder media by picking on some nonsense story (the BBC are running as their top story something about Liam Fox and his expenses on Radio 5 at least) to divert attention away from the Communists that have basically infiltrated the Liebour party via Unite. Note also how the BBC have played down Hattie Hatemenperson’s links to Unite through her fat ugly husband and his sidestepping of all women short lists to get what he thinks is a nice safe Liebour seat.
Expect to see the BBC really spin for Liebour/Unite over the period of the strike.
Further to my post above. The BBC 10PM news in the headlines made NO MENTION of the Unite/Labour BA strike. Yet Sky and ITV are running it as a top story. Why not?
Then the BBC ran the story about Cadbury’s and Kraft exec’s getting a grilling today. But what about the one eyed Scottish idiot and his prat of a sidekick? Remember how the BBC ran the Brown/Mandelson sound bites about how ‘they’ were going to watch Kraft and how ‘they’d’ look after the interests of Kraft workers?
Shouldn’t the BBC now be running those sound bites again and demanding McPrudence no more and his sidekick why they said that?
BBC…. still ensuring ‘watertight oversight’ (Black ops code for sitting on things that don’t complement the narrative until they have safely passed or a few hundred away day hours in a huddle to come up with a ‘response’)?
In the interests of balance, though I did stress highlighted, to avoid snipes from ‘Beware of the Leopard’ spotters on duty, this (not via hopeless BBC search):
‘Government had a duty to make people aware of the dangers of climate change and the campaign had been a success….
The government would “continue to provide public information about the dangers of climate change”, he added.’
If anyone is not aware that the climate changes and, if bad, can be dangerous, daft ads like this are unlikely to help ’em much.
And frankly, I can think of a lot better use of £6m+ to mitigate and/or prepare for such events, as opposed to trying to soften folk up for massive taxes to ‘solve’ such a mammoth, complex issue, especially in this propagandist manner.
Not sure Aunty is too interested in looking too closely at any other consequences, bar the party line.
Though some colleagues might learn from the ‘dangers of over-claiming’ even if Mr. Miliband clearly hasn’t.
Ticking a box on the number of folk who have clicked a URL after a £6m ad campaign shows his grasp of marketing.
The results form the recent Science Museum effort might have been more worthwhile to note.
The current crop of climate messengers are a disaster, yet seem intent on blaming everyone but themselves for the failures… as they fly around the globe sucking up bazillions.
So has anybody had a butchers at the latest bBC article on how bad the jews are. This time its about Powercuts and the Abu Bowen disinformation service airs a few photos of people who have been hit by how the independent state of Gaza prefers to spend its hard earned scrounged cash on attacking Israel than in rebuilding Gaza. Of course the bBC cannot allow the truth to come out so as usual they air a picture spread of those people who need to have eletrictiy on all the time. Such as this man who is building something. Have a look does it look like a Hamas rocket launcher or what.
I notice the BBC toady show reporting the governments banned AGW scaremongering adverts and I also noticed that while the utterly creepy Milliband got to have his tuppence worth and the guy from the advertising standards board was invited to comment, it seems the BBC somehow forgot to invite someone who complained about the ads, funny that eh?
I also noted that the ASA were only supplied with ‘evidence’ that supported the AGW fraud, quite how they could decide the case by only looking at one side of the debate is beyond me.
The BBC ‘no plarform 4 deniers’ opperation is still going strong and as the evidence of gigantic fraud mounts up it will be harder to justify that position even to its poodle BBC trust.
So has anybody read the above article from the bBC on the re-emergence of this condition which affects children. For some reason the bBC shys away from naming the people effected. (The children of women who cover up for so called political/religious reasons) Instead the bBC in its broad brush reporting style it adopts when referring to the followers of peace uses that old catch all ‘Asians’ . Strange how the bBC forgets to mention how the recent growth of women wearing the burka in the Uk (Last 8 years) has also resulted in a crop of stunted children.
While the liberal arts students at the BBC keep telling you that AGW/ACC is real and the science is settled, here’s a real climate scientist who points out many of the flaws people here have been complaining about for ages.
Where do you come down on the whole subject of uncertainty in the climate science?
I’m very concerned about the way uncertainty is being treated. The IPCC [the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] took a shortcut on the actual scientific uncertainty analysis on a lot of the issues, particularly the temperature records.
Are you saying that the scientific community, through the IPCC, is asking the world to restructure its entire mode of producing and consuming energy and yet hasn’t done a scientific uncertainty analysis?
Yes. The IPCC itself doesn’t recommend policies or whatever; they just do an assessment of the science. But it’s sort of framed in the context of the UNFCCC [the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change]. That’s who they work for, basically. The UNFCCC has a particular policy agenda—Kyoto, Copenhagen, cap-and-trade, and all that—so the questions that they pose at the IPCC have been framed in terms of the UNFCCC agenda. That’s caused a narrowing of the kind of things the IPCC focuses on. It’s not a policy-free assessment of the science. That actually torques the science in certain directions, because a lot of people are doing research specifically targeted at issues of relevance to the IPCC. Scientists want to see their papers quoted in the IPCC report.
As the kids say, read the whole thing. You won’t hear any of this from the BBC.
I had seen that article yesterday – it gives a very simple explanation of the bias inherent in the entire UN/IPCC setup. Notice that the lady says she feels free to make her criticisms only because her career position is secure. I don’t think we yet have any idea how deep and wide the pressures on academics have been to toe the party line.
For more of the science – here is a discussion in moderate tones that blows the whole AGW theory apart. To my mind – it all starts with “has there been ANY unprecedented rise in temperature”. If not – it doesn’t matter what people’s ideas are about CO2 or solar effects or whatever – if no rise, if the hockey stick is one huge fraud, what’s all the damn fuss about ? And why should we weaken our economies, damage the poorer countries and submit to financial scams like carbon credits – all suffused in pinko “global governance” ?
BBC: knocking down Israel, but assisting Turkey and Iran.
The BBC, via its Mr Gowling, plays the dhimmi for Turkey’s Erdogan (‘the minarets are our bayonets’) and gives him a free political propaganda plug for Turkey’s bid to get its 75 million Muslims into the EU;
but more than this, the Turkish PM is given uncritical time and space to defend his fellow Muslim Ahmadinejad on nuclear plans. (All this propaganda is paid for by British people.) The BBC report is here, together with a report of how it
How many Beeboids are using mephedrone, I wonder? There must be a lot of them to warrant three whole Today segments on it. That’s three more then they spent on unemployment.
But they did find time to send someone to Latvia just to bash the Conservatives’ association in the Euro-Parliament with nasty “nationalists”. It’s funny because last I checked, the Japanese government still paid tribute to their own nationalist WWII heroes at a shrine, and nobody gets upset with Labour’s association with them.
Plus there’s the hilarious discussion of creating an “urban prairie” in Detroit. Perhaps it’s the answer “for all cities”, says Naughtie. No discussion of the hows or whys of the city’s utter collapse, or how it could have been prevented, or how other cities aren’t like this. It’s just something lovely, highly romanticized, to save a troubled city that we should all be considering.
Naughtie even suggests that this sort of pre-industrial society will restore the city, as if this would enable some kind of higher standard of living. The Beeboids are in love with the romantic idea of subsistance farming – when other people do it.
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Go figger:
It’s OK, they are all at it:
BBC reporting on clashes in Jerusalem. Palestinians clash with police in East Jerusalem
One line grates on me in particular: The reopening of the twice-destroyed Hurva synagogue close to the al-Aqsa mosque – Islam’s third holiest site – has also inflamed tension. It is clearly too much to expect that the BBC report on who destroyed the synagogue and the liklihood the same group would destroy any places of Jewish religious connection if and when Israel is pushed to withdrawal. As it is clearly too much to expect the BBC to write Close to the al-Aqsa mosque – arguably Islam’s third holiest site OR close to the Western Wall of Herod’s temple – indisputably Judaism’s holiest site.
For another view on Israel/US relations that of the illegality under US law of Obama’s position check out Obama, Biden, Clinton ignore US legislation
The Obama administration does not give a hoot for observing statutes, or proper procedures.
The false Obama outrage over the Joe Biden visit is the direct and obvious cause of the Palestinians running amok again. US policy so far has been a total failure – and the aim is to “blame the Joos”
What the hell? The biased BBC forgot to mention that, not only is the Al-Aqsa Mosque Islam’s third-holiest site, but it sits on top of the buried ruins of Judaism’s holiest site of all. Yet Jews aren’t allowed to worship anywhere near it except at the foot of one wall that surrounded it. The BBC forgot to mention that, too. I wonder why?
Instead, it’s the rededication of a synagogue in the vicinity that is “provocative”. The Beeboids bend so far over backwards to avoid appearing to favor Israel and accusations of being controlled by the evil Jewish Lobby that they end up propagandizing for the Palestinians and Muslims.
The World Service is covering this right now. It’s all done from the Palestinian viewpoint, condemning Israeli “racism” and oppression. Once again the BBC mentions that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of Islam’s holiest sites, but no mention at all that it’s the most holy place in Jewish history, and maybe that’s why the nasty Jews are reopening a synagogue there. It’s BBC editorial policy, across the spectrum.
At the BBC, Muslims have all rights to their religious beliefs, Jews have none.
Wait, now the BBC has mentioned the existence of the “Temple Mount”, but they still can’t get it quite right.
The BBC’s Middle East correspondent, Paul Wood, says the call by some Palestinian officials for people to defend the Haram al-Sharif or Temple Mount, site of the al-Aqsa mosque, comes amid rumours of plans by Jewish extremists to take control of the area.
The Palestinians are calling for people to defend the Temple Mount? Is he kidding? Who calls it the “Temple Mount”, BBC? And don’t expect me to believe that everyone already knows so there’s no need to mention it.
Pure manipulation, deception and obfuscation. A classic example of BBC bias by omission.
What makes one mosque holier than the other anyway? Its venerable age? Number of bums in the air? Closeness to Israel?
The Jewish Temple of Solomon was built there, and was rebuilt hundreds of years later. A few hundred years after the Romans destroyed that one, some Caliph built a little shrine on the site. which grew into a mosque. So it’s supposedly a continuation of the Temple of Solomon or something. Except Jews aren’t allowed to worship there, and haven’t been since the second one was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. It’s the most holy spot in Judaism (the only actual holy site, really), and the BBC doesn’t want you to think about that.
Obviously the Kabba in Mecca is the location of the first official mosque, associated with Mohammed, so it’s the most holy. I forget what the other one is (in Medina?), and don’t care to look it up.
Is this a technology story or yet another attempt by the BBC to inject anti Conservative propaganda? Tories may ‘lose broadband vote’
The latter obviously.
Listening to some senior Tory Culture bod on the Jeremy Vine show earlier, I’d hazard he and hsi party would be quite relaxed about the whole thing, as they wouldn’t want to mess with a national icon and beacon of objectivity in holding the nation’s pols to account.
They created the BBC, donchaknow? And are as proud of it as Labour should be of the NHS.
Which rather puts the mindset n context, I guess.
Seemed a nice chap. For someone talking himself out of my vote.
Sunday’s Brian Cox fronted programme The WOnders of The Solar System was a great watch and what BBC TV should be like. However even this programme had a dhimmi nod – it started in the 4th or 5th (I forget) holiest site in Islam a Mosque in Tunisia, where an awed Brian Cox explained the antiquity and when the five daily prayers were said. Why Brian Cox had to go to a Mosque was not really explored although I suppose it was warmer and nicer to travel to than a Western astronomical centre.
As I watched the start of the programme it did make me wonder how many ‘holy’ sites are graded by Islam. Is there a top 10, a top 20, a top 100? Are their positions fixed or is there any movement? If the latter will in the future Radio 1 give us the latest top 40 Islamic holy sites countdown on a Sunday night?
I haven’t got round to watching the latest episode but the thing that struck me about the first programme was how Brian Cox seemed to be jetting all over the world to demonstrate things that could have been easily demonstrated back home. Things like that show what they really think about CO2: only the little people need worry about their emissions.
Still, it was overall a good programme. Did Brian Cox need permission to take time off school to do it?
Is he the grinning one?
Agreed. Why didn’t Cox go to Stonehenge or other sites? Had to be Muslim. Also fed up with some of the factual errors he keeps coming out with. Last week he talked about a shadow being cast on the ‘surface’ of I think it was Jupiter. Wrong it was cast on the upper atmosphere, if Jupiter does have a surface it’s buried thousands of miles under thick blankets of gas.
Good spot, I am annoyed at missing that one!
“Fjordman: A History of Mathematical Astronomy”
Go figger a bit more:
@iaindale RT @Vaizeyculture: Newnight stopped me appearing to discuss libraries. Gave Margaret Hodge a free ride. Disgraceful
Ah well, he is partisan.
iaindale Lazy @bbcnewsnight. Cameron used the Change slogan BEFORE Obama! Remember Change to Win in 2005? I do!
But maybe, if an objective news outfit is being ‘selective’ in its commentary to serve some other narrative, he does have reason to feel aggrieved.
Raised a smile:
That’s actually not a bad article.
The Woodland Trust have uncovered evidence that spring flowering is weeks behind schedule.
Now, one can kinda see where this is going.
And there may well be something to be concerned about. Or they may not.
I am, for a start, intrigued by the use of ‘uncovered evidence’. I presume that records of such things are clear, extensive.. and open. And go back a while.
Which brings me to wonder if this phenomenon has ever happened before. Or if I will learn of this in any other science news reporting to arrive at proper context.
If the world is warming up shouldn’t spring flowering be early rather than late? Could the extra cold winter (weather rather than climate?) have anything to do with the delays?
What “schedule” exactly? And who wrote it?
Nature knows best. Had they flowered ahead of this year’s “schedule” they would have been well and truly zapped.
Roger the rent boy Harrabin has been spouting for ages now the lie that spring is coming earlier, we had it a couple of months ago when the prat claimed that Tulips were flowering early.
Funny that he, Shukman and black have gone MIA for the last few weeks.
By late high school we learnt to recognise weighted therefore biased language. Israel closes villages of Bilin and Nilin to protests Not once but twice were foreign i.e. neither Israeli nor Palestinian activists referred to as ‘peace’ activists.
BTW is the phenomenon of foreigners coming to a country with the intention of breaking that country’s laws and confronting the personnel whose job it is to uphold those laws known in the UK?
BTW the piece is worded in such a way that it could be understood the the protesters were Israelis and those same foreigners and Palestinians were only occassionaly involved – an inversion of the truth.
Protests at the “separation barrier”, a fence between Palestinian land and Israeli settlements, had attracted young Israelis and peace activists from around the world.
Some demonstrations had also been attended by stone-throwing Palestinian youths.
As everyone here knows, the BBC refused to report on the Tea Party movement as it grew and grew until the reality of tens of thousands of people gathering across the US on April 15 forced them to ackowledge it. Then, Kevin Connolly grossly misrepresented and cast aspersions on the participants, hinting at dark forces and raciist overtones behind the movement. He also insulted the participants with a sexual innuendo used for them only by the Left. Nearly every time Mark Mardell has deigned to mention the Tea Partiers, he makes sure to paint the participants as being exclusively white and middle class, as if that’s an automatic disqualifier. It wasn’t until Katty Kay’s quite reasonable report in December that the BBC even bothered to really talk to the participants in depth. And even there the title of the piece and overall message is one of “boiling anger”.
Now, there has been a new opposition movement starting up calling themselves the Coffe Party. It’s hardly anything more than the Tea Party movement was in its first weeks, even before people really started calling them Tea Parties. Yet, the BBC not only reports it, but goes to meet them and get their thoughts.
Coffee Party brews up rival for Tea Party
The only similarity between this and the BBC’s reporting on the Tea Parties is the gross misrepresentation of the participants. They promote the lies of the Left here too, only this time they claim that the participants are a real grass roots movement. Which is a lie. This thing is being run by Democrat Party hacks. Annabel Park, whom the BBC presents as part of a “silent majority” campaigned for The Obamessiah, and her own website is owned by a campaign group for Democrat Senator Jim Webb.
They’re also all white and middle class. But the BBC strangely fails to offer any such description of the participants.
In contrast to any BBC report on Tea Parties, this one takes the claims of motivation by the participants at face value. No suggestion that they’re extremist or angry or potentially violent, as Mardell likes to do with the Tea Partiers. Instead, the Coffee Party astroturf is portrayed as being lovely and wanting nothing more than for government to help people and for politicians to join hands in peace and harmony everlasting.
Don’t trust the BBC On US issues.
The BBC, which is pro-E.U., ignores cost of financing Greece to British taxpayers:
Contrast –
“UK taxpayer ‘WILL pay tens of billions of euros for Greek rescue'”
Read more:
BBC’s pro-E.U. reporter G.Hewitt talks of E.U ‘dancing around Greece’, but he himself is ‘dancing around’ the issue of the extra taxes which British people (outside the Eurozone) wiil have to pay for bail-out of Greece.
This paper is sometimes heavy reading – but the best summary I have seen of all the scientific arguments against the hysteria about alleged man-made global warming. Spelling out the exaggerations that have been made, and other reasons for fluctuations in climate.
Click to access climate_change_cause.pdf
And Nigel Lawson’s short book “An Appeal to Reason” is still the best critique of all the stupid economic policies that are riding on the back of MMGW hysteria – damaging our economy, hurting the poor, making carbon traders rich at our expense.
As an example of just where Mark Mardell’s head is, he’s blogged that the most interesting thing he read yesterday was an article from – what a shock – the Washington Post saying that the real fault with The Obamessiah as President is that “he’s not enjoying the job enough”.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Pro-Islamic BBC invariably censors Islamic Egypt’s offenses against Christians and Jews.
E.g., today:
“Egypt scraps synagogue ceremony after Jews provoke ‘the feelings of millions of Muslims in Egypt and across the world'”
“Egypt: Copts ask, ‘is the State Security there to protect all citizens or just the Muslims’?”
Damn those pesky Jews, always wanting to worship at their holy sites.
I expect when Farouk Hosny Egyptian Minister of Culture and Egypt’s official candidate for the UNESCO failed to get the job the Egyptians realised that rebuilding an historic synagogue for the tiny, old and dieing Cairo Jewish population made little sense.
Oh dear, apparently the beeboids are having to moderate the proles on Toenails’ blog again !
The Woodland Trust have uncovered evidence that spring flowering is weeks behind schedule.
Mounting evidence suggests spring is arriving early this year, according to Woodland Trust research.
Ah well. Flowers didn’t get the press release?
It is my experience that nature tends to know best.
We’ll see.
One us sure that, along with the extensive coverage of the ASA ActonCO2 finding, the BBC will soon have full, correct, objective, in depth, er, ‘interpretation’ of the actual facts.
Dr. Roy Spencer has an article at WUWT suggesting any warming is mainland USA is spurious.
More fun and games.
Since British Airways is on the brink (again), the BBC feels compelled to ask the question:
British Airways strike: Do we still need flag carriers?
Their answer: No.
Here’s a clue to the Beeboid thought process:
While Ryanair and Easyjet both started operations in the UK market, today they are pan-European businesses that have successfully applied their formula across cultural and national boundaries without resistance to their lack of patriotic identity.
Ooh, “pan-European”. Yeah, Ryan is a pan-European name; no nationality discernable there.
And this gives it away:
While many still see British Airways as the UK’s flag carrier in the skies, it has shed many of the trappings of that status. Indeed, its ill-fated multicultural tailfins were a deliberate attempt to break away from the ball-and-chain of British identity in a globalised world.
“British” = white and therefore not cool.
The BBC couldn’t give a monkey’s chuff whether a national flag carrier remains or not – except in its own case perhaps. In this instance, however, offending as few people as possible, it will be careful to subtly position itself on the side of the not-very-aggrieved cabin crew since they are represented by the militant Unite union, an organisation which pulls the strings of the Labour party thanks to the massive donations which have flooded into Labour coffers over the last few years, single-handedly saving it from bankruptcy. Unite’s thoroughgoing infiltration and control of the Labour party will go largely unexamined as it will not play well with the electorate before a general election, potentially handing bucketloads of votes to the hated Tories. Better by far to suggest that a fusty old flag carrier just has no place in the modern world. ‘Move along please, nothing to see here’.
This is a lot uglier than just pro-union sentiment. And anyways, it can’t be very supportive of the unions if the premise is that the company they work for is passé and it’s no big deal if it shuts down. The striking workers won’t have a job to go back to if BA folds, so that’s not particularly helpful to the union members.
The real ugliness is the misguided assault on Britishness. Apparently if you’re not white, you’re not British. This seems to support so many claims here that the BBC tries to redefine the national identity.
‘The Editors’ blog used to list emails of the contributing editors, but that was quietly shelved some time ago, I guess out of concern for transparency and openness and out of the BBC’s interest in feedback from the public. I tried to e-mail Peter Horrocks, head hack of the World Service, to dump a load of excreta on his head over the latest manifestation of the appalling propagandist output of the World Service when there is Isreal-bashing to do – which is quite often, of course. For the whole day yesterday they were pushing the story of the announcement of settement building in Jerusalem and the negative American reaction, obviously delighting in the potential rift between the US and Israel.
It was the lead story on newscast after newscast and featured on other WS programmes as well, eclipsing all other stories even though the story was several days old and there were no new developments to report.
Are these BBC hacks e-mailable? After a lengthy Google search I have to conclude that all though they used to be they are no longer contactable via this meduium. And of course going via the “complaints” website is simply a head-banging exercise with a wall as the indifferent recipient.
This same horrible Horrocks is apparently keen on the BBC interacting with its audience via social media:
Question is, does one have to join Facebook or something in order to communicate with him?
He may well be mailable but just isn’t publicising the address.
If that isn’t it, try
Alternatively try phorrocks – with and without the .
One of the above variants will probably get him. is definitely the right one. A whole list of BBC hacks and hackettes can be found here:-
Thanks guys. I tried him without the first dot and it came back to me. Gotta rush now but will try him tonight with the dot.
“All though” should of course be “although.”
BBC admits Marr wrong on Iraq casualty figures
See my blog here –
I see that Unite/British Airways vermin are meeting US unions to presumably attempt to disrupt the BA flights going ot the USA over the strike period. I notice sky and ITV have been making a big thing of this and the link between Unite and McBust (with scumbag Whelan), but Toenails and the rest of the BBC are ignoring it. As usual the BBC tries to get on top of the lobby fodder media by picking on some nonsense story (the BBC are running as their top story something about Liam Fox and his expenses on Radio 5 at least) to divert attention away from the Communists that have basically infiltrated the Liebour party via Unite. Note also how the BBC have played down Hattie Hatemenperson’s links to Unite through her fat ugly husband and his sidestepping of all women short lists to get what he thinks is a nice safe Liebour seat.
Expect to see the BBC really spin for Liebour/Unite over the period of the strike.
They can spin all they like, I don’t know anyone who has any sympathy with Unite on this greedy strike.
I am sorry for the passengers caught up in the chaos, but I hope BA can smash Unite and their BOAC-days profligacy.
But I also hope it drags out into the election campaign !
Further to my post above. The BBC 10PM news in the headlines made NO MENTION of the Unite/Labour BA strike. Yet Sky and ITV are running it as a top story. Why not?
Then the BBC ran the story about Cadbury’s and Kraft exec’s getting a grilling today. But what about the one eyed Scottish idiot and his prat of a sidekick? Remember how the BBC ran the Brown/Mandelson sound bites about how ‘they’ were going to watch Kraft and how ‘they’d’ look after the interests of Kraft workers?
Shouldn’t the BBC now be running those sound bites again and demanding McPrudence no more and his sidekick why they said that?
Also highlighted on SKY.
BBC…. still ensuring ‘watertight oversight’ (Black ops code for sitting on things that don’t complement the narrative until they have safely passed or a few hundred away day hours in a huddle to come up with a ‘response’)?
In the interests of balance, though I did stress highlighted, to avoid snipes from ‘Beware of the Leopard’ spotters on duty, this (not via hopeless BBC search):
‘Government had a duty to make people aware of the dangers of climate change and the campaign had been a success….
The government would “continue to provide public information about the dangers of climate change”, he added.’
If anyone is not aware that the climate changes and, if bad, can be dangerous, daft ads like this are unlikely to help ’em much.
And frankly, I can think of a lot better use of £6m+ to mitigate and/or prepare for such events, as opposed to trying to soften folk up for massive taxes to ‘solve’ such a mammoth, complex issue, especially in this propagandist manner.
Not sure Aunty is too interested in looking too closely at any other consequences, bar the party line.
OK, credit where due. This was quite ‘firm’.
Though some colleagues might learn from the ‘dangers of over-claiming’ even if Mr. Miliband clearly hasn’t.
Ticking a box on the number of folk who have clicked a URL after a £6m ad campaign shows his grasp of marketing.
The results form the recent Science Museum effort might have been more worthwhile to note.
The current crop of climate messengers are a disaster, yet seem intent on blaming everyone but themselves for the failures… as they fly around the globe sucking up bazillions.
John Simpson, from BBC Olympian heights:
“John Simpson likens BBC critics Bradshaw and Hunt to mechanics attacking Rolls Royce with spanners”
So has anybody had a butchers at the latest bBC article on how bad the jews are. This time its about Powercuts and the Abu Bowen disinformation service airs a few photos of people who have been hit by how the independent state of Gaza prefers to spend its hard earned scrounged cash on attacking Israel than in rebuilding Gaza. Of course the bBC cannot allow the truth to come out so as usual they air a picture spread of those people who need to have eletrictiy on all the time. Such as this man who is building something. Have a look does it look like a Hamas rocket launcher or what.
I notice the BBC toady show reporting the governments banned AGW scaremongering adverts and I also noticed that while the utterly creepy Milliband got to have his tuppence worth and the guy from the advertising standards board was invited to comment, it seems the BBC somehow forgot to invite someone who complained about the ads, funny that eh?
I also noted that the ASA were only supplied with ‘evidence’ that supported the AGW fraud, quite how they could decide the case by only looking at one side of the debate is beyond me.
The BBC ‘no plarform 4 deniers’ opperation is still going strong and as the evidence of gigantic fraud mounts up it will be harder to justify that position even to its poodle BBC trust.
The bBC, Rickets and why it only gives half a story on its comeback in the UK.
So has anybody read the above article from the bBC on the re-emergence of this condition which affects children. For some reason the bBC shys away from naming the people effected. (The children of women who cover up for so called political/religious reasons) Instead the bBC in its broad brush reporting style it adopts when referring to the followers of peace uses that old catch all ‘Asians’ . Strange how the bBC forgets to mention how the recent growth of women wearing the burka in the Uk (Last 8 years) has also resulted in a crop of stunted children.
While the liberal arts students at the BBC keep telling you that AGW/ACC is real and the science is settled, here’s a real climate scientist who points out many of the flaws people here have been complaining about for ages.
It’s Gettin’ Hot in Here: The Big Battle Over Climate Science
Key quotes:
Where do you come down on the whole subject of uncertainty in the climate science?
I’m very concerned about the way uncertainty is being treated. The IPCC [the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] took a shortcut on the actual scientific uncertainty analysis on a lot of the issues, particularly the temperature records.
Are you saying that the scientific community, through the IPCC, is asking the world to restructure its entire mode of producing and consuming energy and yet hasn’t done a scientific uncertainty analysis?
Yes. The IPCC itself doesn’t recommend policies or whatever; they just do an assessment of the science. But it’s sort of framed in the context of the UNFCCC [the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change]. That’s who they work for, basically. The UNFCCC has a particular policy agenda—Kyoto, Copenhagen, cap-and-trade, and all that—so the questions that they pose at the IPCC have been framed in terms of the UNFCCC agenda. That’s caused a narrowing of the kind of things the IPCC focuses on. It’s not a policy-free assessment of the science. That actually torques the science in certain directions, because a lot of people are doing research specifically targeted at issues of relevance to the IPCC. Scientists want to see their papers quoted in the IPCC report.
As the kids say, read the whole thing. You won’t hear any of this from the BBC.
I had seen that article yesterday – it gives a very simple explanation of the bias inherent in the entire UN/IPCC setup. Notice that the lady says she feels free to make her criticisms only because her career position is secure. I don’t think we yet have any idea how deep and wide the pressures on academics have been to toe the party line.
For more of the science – here is a discussion in moderate tones that blows the whole AGW theory apart. To my mind – it all starts with “has there been ANY unprecedented rise in temperature”. If not – it doesn’t matter what people’s ideas are about CO2 or solar effects or whatever – if no rise, if the hockey stick is one huge fraud, what’s all the damn fuss about ? And why should we weaken our economies, damage the poorer countries and submit to financial scams like carbon credits – all suffused in pinko “global governance” ?
BBC: knocking down Israel, but assisting Turkey and Iran.
The BBC, via its Mr Gowling, plays the dhimmi for Turkey’s Erdogan (‘the minarets are our bayonets’) and gives him a free political propaganda plug for Turkey’s bid to get its 75 million Muslims into the EU;
but more than this, the Turkish PM is given uncritical time and space to defend his fellow Muslim Ahmadinejad on nuclear plans. (All this propaganda is paid for by British people.) The BBC report is here, together with a report of how it
plays in Turkey’s media:
“Turkey’s PM speaks to BBC on Iran’s nuclear program”
How many Beeboids are using mephedrone, I wonder? There must be a lot of them to warrant three whole Today segments on it. That’s three more then they spent on unemployment.
But they did find time to send someone to Latvia just to bash the Conservatives’ association in the Euro-Parliament with nasty “nationalists”. It’s funny because last I checked, the Japanese government still paid tribute to their own nationalist WWII heroes at a shrine, and nobody gets upset with Labour’s association with them.
Plus there’s the hilarious discussion of creating an “urban prairie” in Detroit. Perhaps it’s the answer “for all cities”, says Naughtie. No discussion of the hows or whys of the city’s utter collapse, or how it could have been prevented, or how other cities aren’t like this. It’s just something lovely, highly romanticized, to save a troubled city that we should all be considering.
Naughtie even suggests that this sort of pre-industrial society will restore the city, as if this would enable some kind of higher standard of living. The Beeboids are in love with the romantic idea of subsistance farming – when other people do it.