So, let me get this right. On the day when official figures reveal that an astonishing 8.16 million of our fellow citzens are now ‘economically inactive’ and when that rate is now 21.5 per cent of the working age population – the highest since records first began in 1971, good old BBC decides that all is looking quite rosy! Rejoice – Gordon has saved the day! And just in case you may think that this is a one off, here in Northern Ireland the headline is “Slight rise in unemployed” disguising the fact that almost 28% of the working population is not working and the increase in unemployed sets a new record. But with Labour in power and a stooge Assembly here to preserve it doesn’t do to let the details rise too far up the news story, does it? Can you imagine is a Conservative government was in power and these sort of scandalous figures came out the outcry the BBC would lead? This is Save Gordon – the last stand!
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Not from the BBC: – Labour and its trade union obligations:
“Senior No 10 official paid entirely by Unite trade union”
The BBC hopes that its listeners can’t tell the difference between ‘slight fall in the number receiving unemployment benefit’ and ‘slight fall in the number of unemployed’. This story is becoming a monthly BBC fixture and I confidently expect to hear it once more before the general election.
The numbers of unemployed and employed can’t both decrease at the same time unless there’s some ledger-shifting somewhere. There is, of course, and the BBC even reports it without irony:
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that unemployment and employment were both falling because of a rising number of people being classed as economically inactive.
Of course, any rational person would see this as a reason not to do encouraging reports about the reduction in unemployment figures. If more people are “economically inactive”, that means they’re not employed, and it’s simply not credible to report anything about a drop in unemployment figures. But they’re not rational at the BBC. Instead, it’s just a curious “paradox”. Here’s an official who isn’t worried, so you shouldn’t be either. And they try to spin it further by saying they’re mostly students anyway.
The political party quotes are good, too. Labour: “We’re going to do even more to support the unemployed and spend money to create jobs”. Conservative: “This is encouraging news, but we’re still worried about what Labour has done.” Lib-Dem: “Whichever party wins the election, they should do more to support the unemployed and spend money to create jobs.” Classic.
We’re having the same issues in the US. Not that it should make anyone feel any better.
So, there’s little surprise concerning the comments from all sections of our state party (singular used deliberately). Amazingly fans of Cameron still wonder why the Conservatives’ natural supporters – of which I would once have identified myself – will refuse to vote Conservative in the election despite the real possibility that Brown might retain power.