I’ve received quite a few emails from people disgusted at the way in which the BBC has been pushing the joys of greyhound racing. One concerned B-BBC reader writes…
I have recently been appalled by the actions of the BBCon several occasions where in various programs it has highlighted greyhoundracing as a fun sport and a great day out for the family.
Firstly early this year the presenter of Animals 24/7visited a small-time greyhound trainer and so impressed was he with thefacilities he concluded to the viewer that greyhound racing was now a reputableindustry with no welfare problems. Not once did the presenter highlight thatnot all trainers were so kind to their dogs and give the other side of thestory.
More shocking was the recent BBC program “Three men in a boat toIreland” where Dara O’Brians greyhound Snip Nua was taken alongthroughout the program to follow its races, she was portrayed as Dara’s personaldog, when in fact he was part of a syndicate and had never met the dog beforethe show. I was disgusted to learn that before the program was aired on the BBCSnip Nua had in fact been euthanized after breaking a hock during a race whilethe program was being made. At no time did the BBC make the viewer aware ofwhat had happened to Snip and the public was made to assume that at the end ofthe show she went home with Dara!
Other programs highlighting greyhound racing have been 2episodes of “Flog It” in which the presenter visited a registeredand then an unregistered track, suggesting it was a great day out for thefamily. Again no mention of welfare problems were highlighted by the BBC.
Most recently radio 1 presenter Greg James declared onhis show that he would be buying a greyhound puppy from Ireland, calling it “Welcome Along” (his email address), and that his show would befollowing its progress at the races over the next year! Greg James has not madeit clear if the BBC will be purchasing and sponsoring the dog, or if his showwill be, or if it will be owned by himself.
Its workin class, its edgy, its aringay, its a bit risky.
Seems a slightly high risk strategy for the beeboids though. Are there any dog tracks in Saudi Arabia or Iran? Are dogs foul unclean things to Muslims? Can they sell it to Islam?
Muslim Dog Track. A bit like Muslim Driving School, except with greyhounds. Maybe a little model “Zionist” for the dogs to chase.
Nobody bets, you just donate an amount, based on your chosen dogs’ odds, to hamas, etc.
The dogs could have names like Death to Kuffirs, or Jihadi laddie.
I quite enjoy a night at the dogs, but pig racing, now that would be a thing to see.
This is not bias.
I would be very wary before siding with those opposed to greyhound racing
They make the BBC seem a bastion of impartial reporting and 100% accuracy
They are liars and are extremely abusive to anyone who DARES to disagree with their “WISDOM”