Oxfam, one of the BBC’s favourite political organisations – spreading dissension and hate in the name of climate change – has spent megabucks of donor cash (no doubt given in the mistaken belief that it would help the poor)in a project to try and understand how the blogsphere supports sceptical thought about the causes of warming. In so doing, it’s drawn up this diagram (with the heading “how to combat sceptics”) showing the “pro” and “anti” sides. Guess which organisation is at the centre of the “pro” side? There’s dear old auntie, right next to the Guardian, the New York Times and the World Bank. I suppose this only confirms what we already know – but now it’s official. The greenie fanatics know exactly what they are doing and they know that the BBC is a an ultra-safe pair of hands and friend, ready to do their bidding and puff any alarmist press release that’s spewed their way.
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I noticed that the BBC in the ’supporters’ network’
If it was fulfilling its charter obligations it should have been bridging the divide between the two networks reporting both sides of the argument
The other entities in these diagrams are free to be partisan, although it would be nice if some didn’t claim objectivity
The BBC is right in the middle of the supporters’ network !
If my cursory look at the comments on the Oxfam post is anything to go by, Oxfam has shot itself in the foot on this one. However, I’m sure that Oxfam – or one of its alarmist fans (where are Richard Black or Geoffrey Lean when you want them?) – will alledge that the sceptic comments (from Mosher and others) have been organised by Big Oil and those wicked Denier site-owners.
Yes, the comments are well worth reading. Steven Mosher especially, as you say.
Can anyone explain what AGW has to do with Oxfam ? I doubt the little old ladies attending coffee mornings or the children doing sponsored walks knew that instead of buying food for the starving their cash was being spent on a London PR agency to produce a “digital map”. Sickening isn’t it !
Oxfam is bought in to ‘global catastrophe’.
Best source of funding, it just lurves famine, pestilence, floods, earthquakes etc to wave at guilty/gullible westerners.
AGW is a constant disaster resource – nearly everything is caused by AGW (see here http://www.numberwatch.co.uk/warmlist.htm) so promoting it is A Good Thing
oops pasted the link wrong
IPCC on the centre line – ha, yeah right.
So the 2 central AGW supporting organisations are a broadcaster which spends most of its cash on downmarket TV programmes like Eastenders and Celebrity Cash in the Attic and a little read newspaper which relies heavily on the income from a used car magazine/website to keep itself in existence.
Who’d believe anything they’ve got to say about anything, especially demented rubbish about a forthcoming global apocalypse?