Welcome to the Budget 2010 live-chat, which is simultaneously starting just before 12:30 here on Biased-BBC, and on All Seeing Eye, Barking Spider, Corrugated Soundbite, Dick Puddlecote, Governmentitus, GrumpyOldTwat, Man Widdicombe, and Subrosa
Budget2010: The LiveChat!
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Listening to Radio 5 they were in full defend Brown and Liebour today. Firstly their one sided audience on Tyneside were full of hatred for the Tories. John Pinhead got mauled by Lord Fondelbum when he asked him about Labour nicking the Tories stamp duty idea. Rather than answer the question Fondelbum just went on a rant and deflected answering the question. Then we got the usual “it all started in America” crap. So just why did the Bradford and Bingley and Northern Crock go down the pan again? Why did a good bank like Lloyds get poisoned by RBS again? Totally ignored by the BBC. Then we had 5 bellies Smiff on spouting crap, my endless email/text requests to the BBC about asking them to ask her if she’s going ot pay back the 160K she stole in expenses was ignored by Scabby Logan. What a shock, not!
Jeff Randall on the money as usual
Well worth watching his programme that was broadcast at 7pm
Had Timms on the ropes when challenging him on the debt, not the deficit (overspend)
This has been carefully ignored(and I note that the BBC has been ignoring it too)
Yep in 5 years it will be £1.4 trillion! If the cost of servicing that debt remains the same as today (which is very unlikely) that will cost £63bn a year
He had a Gordo quote that debt repayments on this scale were ‘the cost of failure’…..
Interesting interviews too – city very unimpressed
Plus the outrageously optimistic growth figures – from a ‘fragile recovery’ to >3% growth in a year….?
None of this is on the BBC
I wonder why?
I stand corrected – it was finally mentioned on the 9 news
Thanks for sharing us the video streaming of BUDGET2010: Live chat. Through this we are made aware on how country’s budget have spent and what are the projects that been planning to so for the sake of our people. Anyway, did you know the scam that victimized the unemployed people? Well, if you live in Florida and are considering filing for unemployment benefits, do NOT, whatever you do, file for them on Fluidnow. Fluidnow.com is susceptible to scams that may have running loans, to pay to file for bankruptcy. It’s better for everyone involved if you file through the State of Florida’s official website, if you are filing online. Unfortunately, when people are vulnerable and desperate it makes it easier for scum to think of a way to make money off it, but hopefully those responsible can be found and punished accordingly.