B-BBC has already established that the BBC World Service Trust is an organisation that exists mainly to spread climate change lies. Now, the redoubtable EU Referendum has gone a very important step further. The so-called trust is a founding partner of a body called COMplus, which describes itself as a “diverse global alliance of organisations committed to scaling-up the impact of sustainable development communications through partnership and collaboration.” Thus the BBC is a prime mover in shadowy – but highly organised – international efforts to foist the greenie ethos upon us all. To add insult to injury, COMplus, surprise, surprise, is funded by your money, via the Department for International Development (and of course through WST itself).
The scale and modus operandi of this activity beggars belief, and the BBC is in every sense a key component, putting it firmly in bed with the main greenie activists around the world.Look for example, at just one of the COMplus partner organisations, the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE). Naturally, its main goal is to make greenie propaganda (the annual report is a manual about the chilling art). The main outlet is on the BBC World television service; its programmes such as Earth Report reach 172 countries and notch up audiences of 100m plus. Principal funders of TVE include the World Wildlife Fund, Christian Aid, and Oxfam – the usual suspect NGOs who, in their pursuit of climate change nonsense, have become polticial activists whose main aim is to spread the lie that the West is to blame for all the developing world ills. Predictably, TVE is run by one Cheryl Campbell, a former BBC journalist (and greenie fanatic) who was also communications chief of Christian Aid.
Also in on the act is the Reuters Foundation, which, as B-BBC also established in a previous post is the founder of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. This body is run partly by BBC journalist James Painter, a climate change activist who is a model of his type; Goebbels would have been proud of him.
Before the AGW myth was formed, I was not a great believer in conspiracies. But in every stage of investigation of climate change, there’s evidence that this is a propaganda exercise on and unprecedented scale. And the BBC is at the epicentre of it all. It’s no coincidence that men like snout-in-trough and ultra Blairite Stephen Byers are also involved as one of the main cheerleaders for COMplus.
Update: Hat Tip to B-BBC reader Cassandra King, who (I had not seen) had posted on this earlier; also to EU Referendum’s Richard North, who told me last night about COMplus and also ensured that the previous B-BBC postings on WST were linked to his post.
I realise this may sound childish but can I have a hat tip please as I posted on this very subject yesterday.
It’s not long ago I would have laughed at you as a conspiracy nutjob but as you say the evidence is becoming compelling – for those who care to listen. The problem is that too few care to listen and still take the attitude that I would have until recently.
You mention WWF as one of the principal founders who have become political activists and this has become very clear recently. I have posted before about my daughter’s school encouraging them to switch off their lights as part of World Earth Hour, which has been instigated by the WWF. The school itself is now going to turn as many lights off as possible”to show our support for this event in the fight against climate change”.
Having already taken the matter up with the school to be assured that other sides of the debate will be looked at, I complained to my local councillor. His reply: it is not directly political and there is no requirement to support. And this is from a Conservative councillor. It bloody well should be political for them, but they’ve given up. I ask you, what is the average 9-year old supposed to think when the school turns off lights to support something?
When as many bodies get involved, you are right about the unprecedented scale. My one surprise is that I have not heard more about World Earth Hour on the BBC. Perhaps they are still wary having been forced to backtrack previously on their support for Planet Relief, I think it was called.
What a nasty, stinking, corrupt world we appear to live in. We can’t even trust our alleged “impartial” broadcasters any more, or our schools who are supoposed to educate children, not indoctrinate them. 1984 writ large. Can we fight it? Can they be defeated? Sadly, it looks doubtful…
The aim of every Marxist/leftist/anti democratic organisation has been to brainwash indoctrinate children, like the child molesters who install themselves into positions close to children in order to groom them.
An entire generation of children are being groomed by people who should not be let anywhere near a school room, they have perverted the idea of education and turned it into political indocrination.
School children now find they have to swallow lies and regurgitate them or risk being marked down as a failure and or anti social element, it doesnt take too much of a leap to imagine a fanatical eco cultist teacher failing pupils who dare to dissent from the eco narrative does it?
The Geography GCSE syllabus is shot through with environmentalism, climate change propaganda and lots of bleating about our duties to the undeveloped world.
NOTHING significant about, for example, the US, China and Japan, – nations we really should be teaching about.
I have only just come across this post, thanks to http://climatescience.blogspot.com/2011/04/lies-propaganda-and-bbc.html
A couple of months after it, I started a blog about climate information presented to children, in schools and elsewhere. It has now been running for about a year: http://climatelessons.blogspot.com/