Following up the COMplus post, something that those who do not work in television might not realise is that organisations that are linked to it, such as the Television Trust for the Environment (TVE) would not exist unless they were adept beggars and propagandists and because of the BBC. TVE poses as an independent production company but it is not; the organisation is only economically viable because it receives lavish support from a clutch of warmist NGOs, including WWF, Oxfam, Christian Aid and World Vision.
All of these, of course, as I noted in the original post, have a massive climate change/political agenda, and they receive funds from governments and the EU. They turn to TVE to make films (supposedly “independent” but rigidly sticking to the warmist agenda) because it’s cheaper to fund a specialist producer on a collective basis. They might not get exactly what they want, but it’s damn close.
It’s also true that TVE could not exist unless it had a guaranteed outlet – and the BBC has provided that certainty for 25 years. In turn, the BBC itself leeches on TVE’s subsidies because it uses its capacity often, not only on regular slots like Earth Report, but also to make material for programmes such as Newsnight, where TVE’s alleged “environmental expertise” is judged to be the reason why it is qualified to make and publish such material. The reality, of course, is that the resulting programming spreads the greenie propaganda message – exactly in line with the NGO agenda. Time and time again, in such BBC programming, spokesmen for warmist NGOs appear, but sceptics never do.
Thus the BBC does far more than work with TVE. It provides it with its very lifeblood, access to airtime. In turn, the BBC – by using TVE programmes – gets access to the millions of pounds of donor cash that go to NGOs. I wonder how many of the donors that so generously give to charities such as Oxfam know how their hard-earned cash is actually being spent? To me, it’s fraud on a massive scale.
Many thanks Robin for the hat tip.
Great posts BTW, it highlights the real BBC and its distinctly shady and secret dealings perfectly. The founding principles of common purpose is at work here I believe, they are experts at linking various groups and interests with a common ideology and common narrative, this narrative does not include univited ordinary people of course, they pick the members and they support each other via a network I suppose based along the lines of the freemasons of old.
The fact that they can so easily bleed the system to enhance their money making and power grubbing activities shows just how powerful they have become and to a large exent they are almost invisible to the larger population, most people simply have no clue as to the nature of the spiders web of corruption stealthily taking over large areas of our national life almost as if a shadow government was taking shape behind the scenes. A state that owes nothing to the democratic process and in fact avoids the light of day as if the growing beasts only fear is exposure to the light of day prefering instead the saftey of the dark shadows of secrecy and ignorance.
Surely not RH. The conspiracy – according to the scientific establishment (Royal Society, Lisa Jardine, etc) – is by the sceptics (sorry “deniers”) bankrolled by Big Oil and Big Business.
Inconveniently for this assertion (which on examination has as much credibility as Richard Black on anything you care to mention), the CRU at East Anglia Tech was originally financed partially by a grant from Exxon. Also, if you read the greenie ads all over the paper MSM, if you see what profits were being made in the trading of carbon credits (before the bottom fell out of that as the AGW scam became evident), not to mention who is bathing in £50 notes provided by the taxpayer to finance grossly uneconomic wind/sun “energy” projects, there is Big Business in all its glory cheered on by the BBC.
Now – BBC Radio 4 ‘Costing the Earth’ has propaganda about building your own wind turbine.
How widely known, realised and accepted is all this? It’s all potentially serious stuff. And the 64 million dollar question, what (if anything) can be done to raise the alarm, and attempt to combat this insidious cancer? It makes my skin crawl – you almost have to keep looking over your shoulder to see if people and organistions you formerly trusted without question are still on your side, or whether they have been infiltrated with this sinister ideology. It reminds me of the 39 Steps.
Greenpeace has tried to investigate the links between sceptic blogs and the supposed funding by the usual ‘big oil/polluters’ and end looking like the complete lying fools they are.
Greeenpeace with its huge and growing funding streams drawn from taxpayers/big business/banksters/energy conglomerates has published a report entitled:
What a snappy title eh? It seems we sceptics are an industry! Do we pay corporation tax and employ large numbers of sceptics beavering away night and day to undermine the poor unfunded climate scientists and eco groups, it seems from the report that we sceptics have lavish funding and tight group control and links all over the world, hmmmm!
Can you see the tactic involved here? Its called the art of transference where the critic transposes their own sins onto their enemies.
In greenpeace land the giant lavishly funded bullying corporation becomes the unfunded victim and the largely unfunded victim becomes the bully.
The rise and increase in influence of the climate sceptic came about as a direct response to the gross dishonesty of groups like greenpeace/WWF/IPCC, these groups with lavish funding lied and cheated and attacked anyone who dared to introduce a note of caution. The smear attacks on the islolated sceptics became so fierce and the lying cheating and fraud became so noticable that ordinary people flocked to the sceptics side of the debate, the truth attracts those seeking the truth and that simple phrase escapes the fanatical bullies at greenpeace completely it seems.
The sceptics saw an ocean of lies,dishonesty,bullying,smearing and arrogance and tried to speak up as individuals, luckily for us the rise of the internet helped our cause hugely, seperated by distance we were connected together by the new media.
The greenpeace bullies cannot get their tiny bigoted minds around the fact they have become the very thing they were founded to fight and they now spend their buy off cash persecuting its enemies instead of the job they were set up for.
The fact that a very loose and largely unfunded group of people could take on and beat the lavishly funded and powerful AGW axis is a triumph for the truth.
Add up all the money that greenpeace/WWF/IPCC and allied alarmist groups pull in and then add up all the funding that the sceptics manage to raise and you will see the truth and the truth is that if you have the truth on your side you do not need billions in funding,legions of media experts,lawyers,funding organisers,political lobbyists,media spinners.
The sceptics are scraping by on pennies and the alarmist industry wallows in cash and yet the sceptics are winning because all the dirty money in the world cannot fight the truth and win.
What has the above post got to do with the BBC?
It is a fact that greeenpeace and the BBC have close links along with other groups like the WWF/oxfam/TVE and in fact the BBC has become an active supporter and promoter of these groups interests.
The huge amounts of cash flowing into the coffers of the BBC/greenpeace/WWF/oxfam/IPCC is staggering when compared to the pennies that sceptic blogs like B-BBC/EURREFERENDUM/GREENIEWATCH/WATTS UP WITH THAT/CLIMATE AUDIT gets by on.
The BBC alone represents a free propaganda outlet for the bloated AGW alarmist groups worth millions in free prime uncritical airtime with BBC science reporters simply taking in these groups press releases and spreading these lies around the world.
The BBC sucks in billions of pounds, they have a world media platform to air the propaganda of greenpeace on a daily basis.
We are faced with a giant lavishly funded conglomerate of vested interests and big money and all we have to fight this bloated lying monster is the truth by way of the internet, our shield is the truth and our spear the simple facts and it is we who will win in the end, in the end the truth always triumphs against lies.