The following, by BBC presenter Dotun Adebayo, was, according to ‘Damon’, a commenter at the Pickled Politics site, printed in the Voice newspaper in September 2008.
Damon’s view of it : “It seems all kinds of people can feel this ”loss of hegemony”. When it’s articulated by the white working class (in places like East London) it’s usually called racism.“
I’ll let it speak for itself, but I wonder – what would have been the career trajectory of a white BBC presenter writing such a piece, lamenting the loss of an earlier (John Major’s ?) Brixton or White City and complaining that “all the shops are now owned by“? Would they still be at the BBC ?
There used to be a time when everyone knew that Brixton belonged to us.
We fought for it, and made love for it.
Some of us even died in that corner of the landscape that would ever be black.It didn’t mean that white folks weren’t welcome, all that it meant is that they KNEW it was ours, the same way as when I go to Norfolk or Suffolk, or any of the shires, I know that it’s NOT ours.
I’m on my ‘p’s and ‘q’s when I go up country, because I don’t have the backative to claim it as mine. And all the youts know this, so they’ve got the bottle to shout out ”N*****!” from across the road when they see you walking down one of their village streets or quiet country lanes.I don’t have a problem with that because I KNOW when I venture out there I’m in a white mans country and the white man makes the rules.
Brixton was different though. Babylon THOUGHT he made the rules until Brixton made a stand against the so-called Operation ‘Swamp 81′. As the late Bernie Grant MP would say, the police got a ”bloody good hiding” that time.There were of course casualties on both sides. But at least the message was clear all around the country that Brixton belonged to us. And so did Tottenham. And so did Hackney and Stonebridge and Peckham and Handsworth and Moss Side and Cheetham Hill and St Paul’s, so on and so forth.
Where ever you had an inner city, you had a corner of England that would be forever Jamaican or Nigerian or Bajan or St Kittian. We didn’t just put down roots, we put down down-payments on those areas, or at least our parents did. And like the law states, if you own a piece of this green and pleasant land, it’s yours.
Nobody can take it away from you (unless you divert the mortgage payments to buy a Ferrari).
But 27 years on, Brixton no longer belongs to us. I went down there the other day and discovered another country. Oh, we were still evident. It wasn’t like ‘’spot the black man” but we no longer own it.
The bars, the clubs, the resturants and shops no longer belong to us. With the exception of a pattie shop or two, Brixton belongs to everybody but us. It’s the same in Tottenham and Hackney. We spend most of the money, but virtually the only things we own are barbershops and hairdressers.
We’ve got ourselves to blame. Look at the Asian community. They came here at more or less the same time we did. They didn’t just put downpayments on the areas they claimed, they bought them outright.
Often jointly, communally, together as one family. So when you go to Southall, Alperton, Ealing, Whitechapel, and the other London areas they own, it’s all about Indiashire, Londonistan and Bangla-Brick Lane. They own the houses, the businesses AND the councils.
So who do you think makes the rules in those areas? It’s not the Women’s Institute and the Rotary Club and the Freemasons, I can tell you. Forget the local parish church and the sound of Bow Bells, it’s the Hindu temples and the mosques that call the shots, and if the Imam wants to call the belivers to worship at five in the morning, that’s up to him.Like I said, we’ve got ourselves to blame. We had it all in the palm of our hands and we threw it away. We could have been contenders. We could have controlled entire neighbourhoods, businesswise and otherwise.
We should be in control of our local councils in those areas where we are/were the majority.VICTORIES
But after the street battles that won us our victories of the past (and not just us, because let’s face it – Asian communities benefited from the blood we shed in the eighties (the two Asian people burned to death in Handsworth Post Office didn’t – LT)) we rested on our laurels. Like ex-slaves, we indulged our new found freedoms far too long and partied until it was 1999. By then of course it was too late.
During the eighties and nineties more drugs were pumped into the black communities of Britain than ever before. I lived in and worked in Brixton at the time. Previously it had been all about the good sensi (or collie or lamb’s bread, as it used to be known). After the riots of 1981 and 1985, we began to see the emergence of hard drugs – heroin, speed, then cocaine, and then, of course, crack.
The drugs did their job, They subdued our people into submission. Those very same crack addicts that you see in ‘black’ neighbourhoods are the same guys who used to live on the frontline ready to protest at the injustices we suffered. Those injustices are still here, but if you ask the warriors of old to come out and demonstrate, they’ll fall prostrate, begging for one more hit.
You see, in winning the streets we really didn’t win anything. The streets belong to everybody, whatever your local gang might think. Real power and real wealth is all about who controls the means of production, the judiciary and executive.
The Nigerians of Peckham know this. They are the new Jamaicans. It remains to be seen whether they will be seduced into not buying the freehold of that corner of south east London that will forever be ‘Lagos’.
The drugs did their job, They subdued our people into submission. Those very same crack addicts that you see in ‘black’ neighbourhoods are the same guys who used to live on the frontline ready to protest at the injustices we suffered. Those injustices are still here, but if you ask the warriors of old to come out and demonstrate, they’ll fall prostrate, begging for one more hit.
Just say no!
I live in a small, up country village. From time to time we see the odd dusky face walking along the main street. Never once have I heard anyone scream the “N” word or any other derogatroy remark. I’m fairly certain its’ the same for any village you would care to visit. I think Adebayo needs to crawl out of Brixton and go “up-country” on a more regular basis. Or maybe he can’t be bothered because it’s easier to behave like any other racist scumbag? And we pay this bigot’s bloody salary???
I noticed that he presents drugs as an outside force, relieving “his people” of responsibility. Yet his screed seems to be, in part, a lament that they failed to take responsibility for anything other than the street.
He quotes with approval, rather than any sense of shame or apology, the infamous words of the notorious Bernie Grant:
“Babylon THOUGHT he made the rules until Brixton made a stand against the so-called Operation ‘Swamp 81′. As the late Bernie Grant MP would say, the police got a ”bloody good hiding” that time.”
What he doesn’t tell you, and obviously doesn’t care a fig about, is that that repulsive sentiment was uttered about the 1985 Tottenham riot in which an unarmed, unprotected PC Blakelock was savagely hacked to death by hate-filled thugs. He was just a young policeman. It caused revulsion and outrage at the time. I have never forgotten the feeling of horror at that pitiless crime – and Grant’s insulting comment – as I had the misfortune to be living then in the borough of Haringey that was ruled over by Grant and his shower of rancid racist cronies. They did a great deal to destroy the borough, which until then, still had its more salubrious parts and desirable places to live. I left fairly soon after that, having seen the way our quality of life was being destroyed.
But how we cheered when that fat, white hating, putrid piece of racist filth dropped dead. Well I cheered anyway.
I live in a small village in North Yorkshire. The other day I was driving home from my Combat 18 meeting, and I saw this black guy stood at the bus stop. Needless to say, I wound down my window (which was a weird thing to do since I ride a motorcycle) and shouted, ‘Nigger!’ at him. Because that’s what we do outside London and other large conurbations. Seriously. Shit, we even lynch a few of ’em to celebrate Christmas. Yep.
When I go to Norfolk or Suffolk, or any of the shires, I know that it’s NOT ours…I don’t have a problem with that because I KNOW when I venture out there I’m in a white mans country and the white man makes the rules.
Adebayo has missed one crucial point, in Brixton, Peckham, Tottenham, St. Pauls, Handsworth etc. there are no rules and, as a result, anarchy reigns. They are not terribly nice places to live. I’d be interested to know whether he would send any of his offspring to a school in those areas. Bet he’s a hypocrite in the Abbott and Alibhai-Brown vein, both of whom scream “WACISSTT!!” at every opportunity, but opt to send their precious angels to hideously white institutions.
London gang killing.
Now if the perpetrators were whites, would not the BBC mention it?
But if the perpetrators are blacks, the BBC does not mention it:
“Victoria stab victim ‘killed in pre-arranged fight'”
‘Daily Mail’:
“A police source said: ‘This as a chilling and murderous ambush carried out by a pack of wild dogs.
‘They were so brazen they did it in the full glare of dozens of CCTV cameras and more than 600 people. It’s completely lawless.’
A witness described yesterday how he saw a schoolboy thug brandishing a 10in screwdriver leading at least 15 black youths into Victoria.”
Read more:
Janet Daley wrote this 3 years ago:
“It is time to be honest about black crime”
‘Telegraph’, supplementary:
“Detectives suspect two groups – about 15 youths from west London and 20 from north-west London – converged on the station for a planned fight.
They are believed to be of Somalian or Afro-Caribbean origin.”
These are not isolated examples.
And in the ‘discussions’ which follow among the ‘chattering/political class’, virtually no connection is made with government’s mass immigration policies.
A pertinent argument, not heard on the BBC:
“The Ethnic Cleansing of the English”
(Paul Weston)
— back to white presenters career path in this instance — DOWNWARDS — you’ve had it if they spot you reading the Telegraph!