Did anyone catch children’s Question Time on BBC 3? A biased BBC reader writes…

“First of all, I’ve not watched the whole of this (too painful), but from watching a fair chunk of it, it seems like a propaganda excercise for the Labour Party. As usual, the ‘impartial’ BBC was far from impartial… the panel consisted of…

– David Lammy MP (Labour party)
– Jeremy Hunt MP (Conservative party)
– Julia Goldsworthy MP (Lib dems, i.e.the Labour Party in yellow)
– Rory Bremner (presumably there to add some ‘balance’? but renowned Lefty)
– Tim Campbell (works for Alan Sugar who is a massive supporter of the Labour party and has made many donations to them)
– Jamelia (if you listened to her comments, she is clearly pro-Labour)

… so as you can see HEAVY bias towards the Labour party.

Didn’t appreciate the (racist?) anti-white comments from David Lammy when he said:
“Parliament is full of old white people”

The most important fact to remember though is that the BBC will stop at nothing to push their socialist-communist propaganda forward even to steep as low as brainwashing young kids.  


The BBC slavishly reports the findings of the Met Office, even though it is headed by a climate change activist, and even though – with funding of £243m from the government to carry on its climate change mission – its forecasts are totally unreliable, its measurements systems highly questionable, and its overall credentials are totally shot. So the latest report from this august body (published, naturally, by the BBC, its house PR agency, before appearing on its own website), that recent research papers confirm increased man-made warming, is elevated to reverential headline status. No one at the BBC ever seems to even begin to question why it is so partisan; its utterances are treated as sacred, like the Delphic oracle was to Athens.

Thank god, then for people like Richard North, of EU Referendum. From his Bradford semi, he’s been toiling and chipping away, working out how much our so-called government is spending on climate change “research” – those confections that the Met Office seems to think are real evidence rather than agitprop. In a cracking posting today, he points out that in the US, to date, at least $89bn has been spent on climate change measures and hot air; here, by just scratching the surface (as he puts it), he’s found that no less than around £500m has been spent purely on funding research projects. And surprise, surprise; they don’t bite the hand that feeds them.

Chances of the BBC uttering a word about this national scandal of our money being tipped on to the climate change gravy train? Zero. Yet the research involved from the Sybils of the Met has about as much credibility as that of a paper on human biology by Mengele.

Update:Fascinating post from Joe Bastardi of Accuweather (definitely NOT in the sway of government grants)here about why the Met office gets it wrong every time…

The Met office throws in the towel and admits it can’t see three months in advance with any certainty. But still, it – and its press officers, the BBC – claim to be right about what will happen fifty years hence.

*****Update: For the sort of debunking of Met office hot air that BBC journalists ought to be pursuing – instead of pushing their propaganda – take a look at this. I quote from the conclusion:

So the work of the Met Office is just about propaganda. It’s not science. It’s about their attempts to intimidate people by suggesting that there are hundreds of people who may disagree with you if you disagree with AGW. But none of them actually has any argument that would be ready for a detailed promotion in isolation. It’s only the quantity, the brute force of the people who have a vested interest for the panic to continue.

Question Time 4th March 2010

Question Time this week comes from London and the panel is Mayor of London Boris Johnson, Lord Adonis, Shirley Williams, Carol Vorderman and Will Self.

We look forward to the pleasure of your company at 10:30pm UK time.


When a spoiled little rich kid called David de Rothschild decides to blow millions on world-saving fantasies , the BBC immediately elevate him to being an “eco-warrior” and devote acres of web space to what amounts to hero-worship. Dear David – whose banking ancestors helped fund Britain’s great industrial expansion – has seeemingly spent his life on a guilt-trip drawing attention to the follies of the West, and of course, in the BBC’s eyes, that makes him a candidate for sainthood. Especially as his main activity is listed as Adventure Ecology, a fanatical “expedition group” raising awareness about climate change.

Our Dave’s philosopy, uncannily like the BBC ‘s, is outlined on one of his websites, this one about his failed mission to traverse the Arctic in 2006:

“Now that I’m back at home safely it’s crystal clear in my mind what I left behind is a rapidly dying ecosystem. Over the last 100 days I’ve had the unique privilege to call the Arctic Ocean my home. This opportunity has given me a first hand glimpse at the truly devastating effects of global warming and climate change. It’s fair to say that most eco systems are usually very capable of maintaining themselves but like everything in life there is always a breaking point when you push things too far, the same applies to the Arctic.

“Prior to this expedition I don’t think I had truly grasped the sensitivity of our climate systems. The bottom line is they are littered with a multitude of tipping points and feedback loops which when crossed replace the so called ‘slow creep’ of environmental decay with a sudden and self perpetuating collapse.”

With a grasp of science like that, no wonder the BBC thinks he’s a true eco-warrior!


It’s an odd thing to see yourself the subject of a BBC post. As you can see, I have been selected to fight the East Belfast constituency at the forthcoming general election. The First Minister of the NI Assembly, Peter Robinson, is the sitting MP and has been so for 30 years (Same length of time that Mugabe has been in power) This will mean I have less time to blog here as the pressures would be too great but I can assure you that I still will be posting but maybe not just as prolific!


Must have been some sort of oversight but the BBC seems oddly subdued about the fantastic gains  Geert Wilders  has made in the local elections in the Netherlands. One might have thought this merited some prime time discussion ahead of weighty topics such as “political protest songs” but apparently not. Ah well – the BBC has tough editorial decisions to make all the time…..


Concerning BBC coverage of South Africa’s Jacob Zuma. 

BBC world affairs correspondent Peter Biles says Mr Zuma – a polygamist who has married at least five times – is renowned for his charm.

So, here is the “charming” Zuma sharing some of his thoughts on Blighty in the Indie….

“I am very clear on these issues,” he said. “I’ve not looked down upon any culture of anyone, and no one has been given an authority to judge others. The British have done that before, as they colonised us, and they continue to do this, and it’s an unfortunate thing.”

The BBC seemed curiously reticent to explore Zuma’s political personality in any depth, but perhaps like Peter Biles they were just simply charmed off their feet? 


I see the BBC has opened up a new front in Iraq by claiming that those bad Americans are responsible for a rise in the number of birth defects amongst the children born in Fallujah. Yes, John Simpson has been spearheading this investigation and we all know John is a very unbiased kind of guy. This is a great story that the BBC has created since it will then disseminate these unfounded allegations until they become presented as being fact. I look forward to future questions of Question Time when learned members of the audience shout out “What about the Fallujah deformities.” The BBC – always keen to attack US Armed forces.