The election continues, with all three main parties steadfastly refusing to discuss properly their insane, bigoted advocacy of massive new taxes on energy. Meanwhile, the BBC continues to report the agenda of greenies with relentless bias. Take this story about greenie fanatics stopping the import to Kenya of GM maize on the ground that it might contaminate the soil. Such supersititious rot would put Matthew Hopkins (the Witchfinder-General) to shame, but the reporter doesn’t waste an ounce of effort looking for alternative views. Tens of thousands are at risk of starvation in Kenya because of cyclical drought, but the BBC has green issues to pursue and that is all that matters.
Anyone who has visited Africa knows that one of the main problems of the continent is inadequate power supplies. As well as endless power cuts, tens of thousands of Africans die every year through house fires that are caused because they don’t have access to electricity and use crude torches instead. So when the World Bank decides to help (and act sensibly for once) with the building of a major new power plant, it should be unqualified good news. Not for the BBC; its main concern in its reporting of the topic is what “environmentalists” think.
This greenery is everywhere, it’s only since Climategate that the rightish tory press even pay lip service to a bit of healthy scepticism.
We know the Beeb have it in their editorial policy that the climate change agenda must be given higher weighting than opposing views in the name of balance.
That it is a political issue and therefore should be treated properly is neither here nor there.
Think of how many NGOs will go bust if the poor of Africa could feed and look after themselves.
The whole ethos of the left is to keep people under the yoke of socialism. They do not want people to run their own lives. How many “charities” are now in Africa? There must be hundreds, yet people are still starving.
Anyone who can champion so-called green isuses over the lives of the weak and vulnerable should be tried for crimes against humanity. The “greenies (read: reds)” would be lost without poor black people to patronise. What disgusting excuses for human beings these people are.
John, Good points all. The ordinary black people I know in W. Africa despise the NGOs.
That twat Cameron has just written me a letter ‘personally’ to tell me “I care passionately [about] our environment” then continued on blithering about ‘reducing carbon’ and ‘Green Deal’ and ‘Green Investment Bank’ which is more of this carbon trading non-event with people pushing pieces of paper around trying to make more money than everyone else, while NOBODY is actually making any real money, it’s just being taken from people who actually work in the form of ‘green taxes’ and splashed around the banks.
When will these self centred patronising idiots realise that us scum out here actually do have some intelligence and we can figure things out for ourselves, such as AGW is a SCAM and we know you are using this as a ruse to collect yet more tax, so damn well stop it NOW!
You should write to him directly, to be fair I have always had a secretarial reply from him. Many other politicians I have written to have ignored my mails (in fact, Cameron has always replied directly to my mails, some nothing more than drunken ramblings). I’m not a tory, but I aint a lefty either.
The only other UK politician I can say replies so consistently is Kenny McAskill of the SNP (who once sent me a reply at 11.30pm in his own words).
Although he did ignore my comments about climate change. In fairness to him, I put a load of leaked emails from East Anglia University about climate change online using the same web address I mail him from, so perhaps he is wary of that.
Re- the World Bank approval of a $3.75 billion loan for the building of a coal-fired power station in South Africa, the colonialist ‘greenies’ don’t like it and want to leave millions of poor people there without electricity.
As ‘EU Referendum’ says [final paragraph]:
..”development or greenery, but not both. Even if the likes of the UK are prepared to wreck its economy in pursuit of green obsessions, developing countries are not prepared to follow.”
The green eco fascists have followed an agenda that has killed many people, they are peddling a narrative of poverty and misery that uses fear and superstition instead of reason.
The green narrative has nothing to offer but anti reason anti common sense and anti humanity, the green dream is in fact a nightmare of luddite fundamentalism.
Has there been any green scaremongering predictions that have come true? Their stupidity is only matched by their arrogance and hatred of humanity and its journey to a better world theough the gift of logical thought and industrial based civilisation.
The green narrative seems to be either designed by morons OR by very clever people intent on bring about a population collapse, I hope for the first but fear the latter to be true.
Perhaps the watermellons wish to bring about world poverty and distress, after all a prosperous happy world has no need for Marxist/leftist socialism. Marxism therough ecomentalism?
Those ex-BBC employees are such tinkers…
Shame these things seldom have comments enabled.
A nearly ex-BBC employee, semi-detached Terry Wogan, writes ” Although I won’t be around to see it, I believe that in 50 years’ time, a bigger penny will drop, and our descendants will look at each other in disbelief and say, “All those windmills! What were they thinking of?”
The government funds the BBC.
The government appoints every single member of the BBC’s governing body.
And the BBC toes the government line on the forthcoming eco-apocalypse.
What a surprise.
We all try to please our paymasters. We all have kids to feed and bills to pay.
Typical bbc spouting crap. Don’t foget to follow biased bbc on twitter.
An interesting, and potentially welcome new feature.
Though, as linking back seems to get one to the entire thread, if technically possible might it be better to restrict to just when one of these is posted by a site author, as opposed to every post made subsequently as well?
Most first lines are not written for twitter.
The BBC link to the”its main concern in its reporting of the topic is what “environmentalists” think”, is down.
I was glad to see that Terry Wogan is poking fun at those ‘windmills’.
If only he and Joanna Lumley would team up and go after the Greeny Labs and Cons. It would be just too fun to see the likes of ministers run for their lives.
They may also like to bear in mind, that Joanna Lumley can call upon the Gurkhas anytime she likes.
The main problem in Africa, is that the economy is still, while the population is growing rapidly. Power generation is just one aspect of the economy that is on the doldrums.
‘The BBC understands…’
Or, some blokes he hangs out with have given a press release to our Roger?
Hard to call it ‘reporting’, or analysis worth a stuff from a person so ably qualified by education and past record.