For an example of BBC bias at its sneery, snidey best, have a listen to The World This Weekend here – the relevant item is at about 35 minutes into the programme and is by a reporter called John Manel. His target was alleged flaws in UKIP’s immigration policy. He claims basically that the party is so stupid that it doesn’t know what it is doing. In order to set up his premise, he talks to a chap called Will Sommerville, who he describes as follows:
Will Sommerville has worked as a civil servant in the Cabinet Office on immigration, for the left-leaning think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research, and for the Commission for Racial Equality. He is now a senior policy analyst at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute, based in Washington DC.
Who better to give and independent view of UKIP policy? Mr Manel’s next tack is to sneerily talk to party figures and he edits the whole sequence into something which – hey presto! – Mr Somerville then says won’t work. And in a final twist of the tale of bias, Mr Manel frames his reporting to suggest that this particular UKIP member is so venal and naive that he won’t apply the policy to his own family; in other words, that old chestnut – if all else fails throw in ad hominem attack, especially if it is on someone who the BBC perceives to be right-wing.
This was a particularly biased report aimed at showing that UKIP are stupid, nasty, xenophobic racists. That’s the BBC’s default approach to the party. In coverage of UKIP so far, the leopard hadn’t shown his spots; but it was only a matter of time before reports like this surfaced.
He could barely suppress his schoolboy glee at the hatchet job he was doing. This was Adrian Mole and his girlfriend putting something together for 6th form radio to please their leftie ‘meeja studies’ professor.
Normally when the foreign provenance of a British Subject is questioned the BBC are quick to imply or directly accuse racism, but not when it concerns someone who is assimilated and proud to be British, then the BBC takes delight in goading someone about their family’s foreign blood like some repugnant BNPer.
Let’s hope this is a hung parliament and another election has to be called soon, then Cameron might get up a bit of gumption and really take it to ‘the enemy within’ to save Britain from cultural Marxism.
Not a pleasant piece at all. The BBC reporter clearly chose the UKIP member, a parliamentary candidate in Wales, just to set him up because he has a foreign name (and so a foreign father) and turns out to have a Filipino wife.
If Manel was genuinely confident the UKIP policy wouldn’t really put a dent in immigration he would have ran it past Sir Andrew Green of Migrationwatch instead who is also an expert on immigration, but unlike the ‘independent’ MPI Mr Sommerville belongs to, wants to curb it not keep the floodgates open.
If I was UKIP I would seek an opinion from Sir Andrew Green on their immigration policy. If the conclusion Manel and his expert drew doesn’t stand-up than certainly excellently ammunition for UKIP to formulate a policy to take draconian measures to uproot the entrenched subversion at the BBC.
For anti-UKIP BBC:
UKIP’s Immigration Policy, 23 page document –
Not a BBC report:
“Brown faces backlash after telling voters to put immigration crisis ‘into perspective'”
Read more:
I am a BNPer and I really am not “repugnant” In fact the word could well be used to describe the street thugs of the UAF I think.
If you witness masked thugs waving hammer and sickle red flags and acting like rabid animals I guess the term repugnant is a valid description.
I find islamic fundamrntalism,slave trading children,suicide murder,honour murder,common purpose/nwo repugnant but I fail to see how a democratic party wanting to fight those things can be repugnant.
In a few weeks we will see what the voter finds repugnant when they cast their votes, that dear friends will be the real test.
Your powers of self-delusion about Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons and co continue unabated I see.
I thought I recognised the name. Manel is the BBC guy who interviewed Binyam Mohamed and their chief Guantanamo reporter.
I heard it and … this was artless and really bad , really, really bad.
This wasn’t reportage – it was a shrill amateurish attempt at a hatchet job. The guys and gals at AlBeeB are going to get themselves into hot water if this is how they carry on this early in the election.
I sincerely hope that Jon Manel is a boiled frog whe the dust settles and he can go back to his job on SWP Weakly / The Workers Voice or wherever he came from
You can get the feel the Paxman sneer here:
Its fascinating to see the amount of effort Auntie Beeb is putting into smearing UKIP. I remember after the last Euro electrion when the UKIP did rather well they didn’t appear to be allowed to be mentioned. Its a sign I think of how they scare the political class. On the other side of the coin we have the greens – Has anyone heard a Beeb interview of one of their candidates that was anything but gushing ?
Incidentally I doubt the Beebs hostile treatment of UKIP does them any harm at all. The UKIP voters I know (I’m an occasional one) believe the Beeb is a lying left wing organisation. If the Beeb really wanted to harm the the UKIP they should be nice to them and generally treat them like greens.
I’ve just sent this off to UKIP. Erik Morales, please note the last line:
Dear Mr Farage,
For your information I have logged the following with the BBC concerning the above:
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is not a complaint to the BBC concerning the above. I have no confidence in the professional integrity of the BBC to deal with complaints of bias. I am making this complaint to UKIP against you and am merely using this facility for logging purposes.
Mr Manel’s animus against UKIP was very evident in the piece. He could barely contain his sense of his own cleverness and glee in the hatchet job he was doing against UKIP. His goading of Mike Wieteska for his foreign anecedents and his wife could have come from the mouth of a BNP thug.
I put together the Digest for B-BBC / beebbiascraig so there ‘s no need for me to add further to what I’ve already sent you and your colleagues about this. As with a previous complaint I logged with the BBC through its website, no ref no was generated and no automated email was sent.
Best regards,
Graeme Thompson
And don’t forget that Sommerville’s former employer, the fake charity IPPR, is a notorious shill for this ‘government’s’ immigration policies. The IPPR doesn’t provide details of its funders, merely a list of organisations who may or may not be attendees at its ‘events’.
Most of the names are government departments or quangoes, though!
The more you see of the picture, the more you understand.