I have long suggested that the BBC prefers the Lib-Dem political philosophy to that of Labour because it is further to the left and so acts as a ratchet to ensure UK politics keeps shifting ever leftwards. So, is it just me or is dear old Auntie loving Cleggmania as it sees this as the one clear chance of keeping Brown the loser in some sort of power? As the aftershocks of the TV debate are still felt, I detect a grim satisfaction at Broadcasting House, do you?
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Why is the BBC wasting money on polls about obama?
Ok I know it’s the World Service, but it’s still my taxes funding this crap.
The Foreign Office puts money into the World Service. It’s still your money being used to promote the agenda of a leader of a foreign country whether you like it or not. It’s what the BBC does as the official national broadcaster of the UK.
It’s quite clear from the polls that the nation doesn’t want McFailure, but the BBc doesn’t seem to want to point this out. What’s also fascinating is that even on about 25% Liebour still end up with 250 MPs.
What no one is picking up on is the number of UNITE sponsored MPs there will be after the elction in the Liebour party, none of them are going ot allow the huge public sector cuts the Limp Dems say that they want to see if the one eyed idiot somehow remains in power.
The Lib-dems are to the left of Labour, but then so in significant respects are Camerons’s Conservatives. Hung parliament, new election *real Conservatives, please, please, please, please, please. Please.
Exactly my thinking. The Conservatives getting power in their present form would be a disaster for the political right, they would not be able to make the changes necessary while wooing the Guardian but would immediately get blamed for the economic failings of Labour.
I totally agree – but to face another 5 years of Labour will kill democracy stone dead. This will be the last elections where the outcome may make a difference, next time there will be no point Britain will be totally subserviant to Brussels. In Labours post-democratic society elections will be as meaningfull as elections where in the USSR.
For the BBC, who is the ‘poshest’, and therefore to the BBC, the ‘nastiest’ candidate?
Could it be CLEGG?
“Clegg, the panto Yorkshireman: He plays the Northerner, but he’s really from the Home Counties and is as posh as Dave”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election/article-1266677/ELECTION-2010-Clegg-plays-Northerner-really-posh-Dave.html#ixzz0lXrNkeVa
“Louis Theroux claims he was Nick Clegg’s ‘fag’ at public school”
Now, the BBC is not keeping quiet about Clegg’s ‘poshness’ for political reasons, is it?
Or is it?
Well, the sudden popularity of the LibDems is a big story, so it’s going to get a lot of coverage. I don’t recall the BBC making such a big deal out of their rise in the polls back when they did well due to the Iraq war. Of course, this was before the BBC turned against Blair because of Iraq, and there was no danger of Labour losing power at the last election.
Cleggy is a eurofanatic who would have us join the Euro, just when it is collapsing (Greek debt etc) and believes that wind turbines, rather than nuclear power, can provide our enegy needs! They don’t come much dafter than that but of course, it is a perfect fit with the BBC’s agenda. May the Good Lord save us from these maniacs!
So the Lib Dems are now souring ahead in the polls. I think the old saying is indeed right.
“Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius”