Over in the States, the Obama regime is doing what it can to undermine the reputation of Wall Street and in particular in the form of Goldman Sachs. The BBC never misses a chance to kick those evil bankers and so Today joined in the fun this morning @ 7.50am. Isn’t capitalism just sooooo evil? If only we lived in a nice socialist collective where income was assured through enforced taxation, oh hang on a sec…..
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Notice that the BBC reports on the ‘immigration survey’ but makes no mention of these stories. I wonder why?
Labour was last night facing damaging claims that the public has been ‘misled’ for years over the true scale of violent crime.
Britain is ‘left weak’ by Gordon Brown’s spending spree and racking up debt, claims report
No word from the BBC on the role of Gavyn Davies and his role in advising Gordon Brown on such cunning plans as the seling off of the nations gold reserves at fire sale prices and quantative easing and the bank bailouts and the deliberate policy of house price inflation. Davies and Goldman Sachs seems to have benefited to the tune of hundreds of billions of pounds however the cost to the UK has yet to be measured but it could run to a trillion pounds.
Goldman Sachs just happened to profit hugely from the intimate relationship with with newlabour, a money laundering merrygo round opperation where Brown was able to create a false boom spending the proceeds on rigging an election for himself. Brown and the carpet bagging spivs, that would make a great BBC panarama!
The political classes seem to be in the control of big money and their next big Brooklyn bridge scam is carbon trading, this will net the organised criminals hundreds of billions of pounds milked from an ever weaker wealth creating class.
The BBC is happy to jump on the bash the bankers bandwaggon yet they will not be so eager to pick apart the can of worms that is the relationship between the political classes and the carpet baggers, unless of course they can point the finger of blame on its political enemies.
I suspect that once the relationship between the profiteers of the economic collapse and the political classes becomes clear it will lead to revolution.
When people get aound to examining the timing of the profit taking sell offs just before the the financial meltdown that apparently nobody saw coming, who sold at the top and bought again at the bottom.
Seems to me that this should be an enormous story with the potential to put the PM and his former advisor Davies behind bars for 15 years for their involvement in fraudulent insider dealing, which put the interests of a badly-run investment bank before those of the nation to which the then-Chancellor was ultimately responsible. Could even be treason. (Do we still execute for that? Please say yes!) But Brown is happy to use his stock manoeuvre of hypocritically smearing those to whom he was close in order to create a smokescreen around himself, and the bloody BBC is prepared to obediently toe his line. Unbelievable. Don’t they have ANY investigative journalists in that place?
Some interesting comments on this Telegraph report on Brown’s relationship with Gavin Davies and Goldman Sachs that led to disasterous Treasury decisions on gold.
If memory serves, Gavin Davies used to be a frequent guest on TODAY in the couple of years before the ’97 election, bigging up New Labour economic policies without anything being mentioned about his (obviously) close relationship with New Labour.
Anyone notice the BBC going big on the hypocrasy of liberal Clegg bashing “greedy bankers” when his private school and great wealth and privledge come from his family who are all, ..er greedy bankers!
It’s pretty clear that some at Goldman Sachs were up to no good regarding the financial crisis, but those are individuals and beside the point.
The main problem with this taxation-as-punishment noise is that it’s being presented dishonestly. Everyone from The Obamessiah to Senator Chuck Schumer to BBC business editor Robert Peston keep saying that it’s only fair to tax these banks who got bailout money so that they “give back” what they got from the taxpayer, etc. Except many of these banks already have. Bank of America and Citigroup and others have all paid back the TARP money – plus interest. (The Treasury twisted a few arms to get them to accept TARP funds in the first place, but that’s another story.)
I don’t know what has gone on in the UK, but in the US many banks that got bailout money have paid it back and the taxpayer has made a little profit in the deal.
So to claim that nasty bankers who got bailed out should be taxed to pay it back out of fairness is false. Further, Lloyds was more or less forced by the government to take over HBOS, which is the cause of their current problems, so it’s a bit unfair to call them parasites and slap another tax on them.
The world cries out for peace, freedom and a few less fat bastards having all the money
You speak for the world then?
How about giving us your name Mr Speaker For The World?
Freedom? Pull the other one.
Anon – and once we slash the BBC and the public sector we will be well on the way to achieving at least one of those goals.
(BTW – nice of you to take it upon yourself to speak on behalf of the world – you did, I am sure, check in with everybody before taking on that awsome responsibility)
NRG — just noted that we crossed thoughts! But you first.