I noticed the BBC was running a story just before 7am suggesting that there is little connection between levels of crime and high levels of immigration but that there is a connection between those with low academic achievement and support for the BNP! Wonder could the BBC not run a similar story suggesting that rank stupidity is an essential requisite for voting Lib-Dems or that being a moron is the ideal requirement for supporting Labour? Look, I have no time whatsoever for the BNP but the BBC desire to smear those who are alarmed at immigration is risible and fatuous little non-stories run off-peak by Al Beeb shall not pass unchallenged.
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David, you shouldn’t have to qualify what you say about the BNP.
No properly constituted, legal political party should have to suffer the subtle slurs, blatant slant and venom dished out to the BNP, Israel and just about anyone/thing else that doesn’t fit in al-BBCeera’s cosy, Student Grant-esque middle-class worldview.
I am very glad DV that you did make clear that:
1) You have no time for the BNP whatsoever
2) The lies that the BBC tells about immigration and the contempt they show to people who complain about it are what drive otherwise decent people into the arms of Nazi scum like the BNP in the first place.
We dont need Nazism to defeat Communism and we dont need Communism to defeat Nazism, what we need is a bit of good old fashioned British moral fibre, and there’s no sign that Cameron is trying to stir that up in the British people. I’m hoping that there will be a hung Parliament that will lead to another election soon, and this time round Cameron will wake up and smell the coffee and take the war to the Labour BBC axis of cultural Marxism. If he doesn’t, I have the even more forlorn hope that Mel Phillips will get a provisional party together, say ‘the Independent Democratic Party’, to stand in 4-5 constituencies where the BNP are strongest to blast them off the face of the earth and inflict huge damage to Cameron’s blue labour with unalloyed cross-party conservatism to hopefully get them back to being Conservatives again.
Yes, I guess you would be very happy, hp. You seem to use the ‘Nazi’ reflex almost as much as a UAF stooge.
My point is that, regardless of what one feels about Griffin and co., this is not a place where we should feel we have to append our opinions with caveats.
You forgot to mention the bit where they said support for the BNP was lower in areas of high immigration, and higher in areas of low immigration.
Does this mean that:
a) People living in areas of high immigration are content, so don’t vote BNP.
b) Immigrants who live in areas of high immigration don’t vote BNP.
I think I know which way the spin was aimed, but for me it was an own goal.
Hang on, that goes against all the other BBC reports I’ve seen about neighborhoods which are leaning towards the BNP. In every case we are told that it’s the high immigration what’s frightening the little minds of locals because they’re just not used to the rapid “change”. They need to get with the times and realize that “change” is good, but these white, working-class slobs are too thick to know.
How can this report say that BNP support is lower in areas of high immigration?
The IPPR think tank is a left wing labour mouthpiece, anything they say must be viewed as coming from a left wing perspective yet the BBC fails to mention the left wing nature of the IPPR and its close links to labour.
This report just happened to find that the more people experience the joys of mass immigration the more they find how wonderful it is QUELLE SURPRISE!
This leads to the authors to the view that if only immigration increased and everyone could get to experience the joys of multiculturism and mass immigration then we could all live in harmony, fears and worries about mass immigration are caused by ignorance and right wing fear mongering it seems.
The BBC toady show had a special report on how wonderful the NHS has become under newlabour, they report wonderful changes and improvements over the last 13 yrs and proved this theory by visting a shiny new hospital filled with happy gratefful inmates Potemkin village style, where the kapos and camp guards cared for and looked after the inmates wonderfully, the administrators were kindly experts doing wonderful things and worth every penny spent on them, its all great news innit? A real socialist triumph rekord traktor production and rekord grain harvests USSR style.
Pity they chose not to visit a real hospital like
Stafford or a similar place up and down the nation that has suffered from stunningly poor management,ppor service,high infection rates,dirty wards,hostile staff,hideous food,overcrowded wards and places where English is spoken so poorly you could be in a third world nation with a top heavy over paid ignorant box ticking management.
The BBC has learned much from the USSR it seems.
I knew something was up when I heard John Humphrys say, “Let’s talk to another satisfied customer. ”
The piece ended with yet another satisfied customer, an old lady who compared the bad old days when doctors shouted at you (obviously when it was official Conservative government policy to shout at patients) with now when they are just soooo nice.
The odd thing is that I have heard her say exactly that sometime in the last week – wish I could remember when -probably on Today.
It’s obviously kept in a bulging Today file marked, “Satisfied Customers.”
Do you know, I don’t really like anchovies very much. Many people do especially on Pizza, but I don’t. Don’t get me wrong, you are free to eat them and I won’t force my prejudice on you.
Is my failure to like these salty fish due to my bigoted ignorance, general stupidity and a closeed-minded little englander approach to food? Is my ‘ignorance’ due to a lack of education which could be reversed if I went away to intensive re education at a designated state fish taste awareness centre? Perhaps I just don’t like the taste and it is a matter of personal preference
I’m not too keen on that seafood salad with tentacles in it either. Jee whizz, I really am ignorant, uneducated and stupid. It’s amazing that ‘they’ allow me to vote as I am clearly too dumb to know what is good for me and ‘progressive society.’
The BBC, the guardian and the lefrtist establishment seem to believer that they have a Marx-given right to deternine not only behaviour but personal preference as well; and this is the point: I have no truck with the BNP (wierd, unpleasant, Nazi wannabees who metaphorically dress up in uniforms and pretend to be in the SS at night.)Pathetic and incompetent as politicians though they are they do represent some people – more than the Greens.
The point is that the left orthodoxy is so intolerant and fascist that it cannot bear anyone to express an opinion that is not part of their purtian doctrine. I don’t like anchovies because they taste foul, I hate the leftist project and its BBC narrative cheerleaders because it has imposed on me, without my agreement. My society, my views and values have been assulted and marginalised over the last 20 years; and that tastes a lot worse than anchovies on pizza,
Nick Griffin is on the bbc r5 now and Cambell is doing his slimy upmost to make Nick Griffin look like a nasty racist. Like or loath the BNP, immigration and its effects, is a huge problem that needs addressing and solving and trying to discredit anyone who wants to do that is just wrong. I notice that the majority of the callers so far are hostile. surprise surprise.
Yeah, people do tend to be hostile to Nazism.
British people dont like uncontrolled immigration, the dont like bogus asylum seekers and they dont like racism.
Unfortunately when Hague made an issue of bogus asylum seekers unrelenting BBC proganda persuaded enough people he was raising the issue because he’s a racist and didn’t vote for him even though they agreed with him.
Unless the Conservative Party faces up to the malign nature of the forces at work in our country that are throttling the life out of it, we’re going to go down real soon.
I think Cameron is a good leader and capable of leading us out of the mess we’re in, but he’s not going to do it trying to beat the Marxist Left at its own game. He’s got to squarely face reality and speak out against the new age fascism that is driving our country off the cliff and turn the tables on it see it go tumbling instead. That would be a leader worth fighting for. As it is, he doesn’t deserve a mandate to govern.
You could well be right but reality and the current political class have become strangers to each other.
Tonight Panorama is doing a show about population numbers. The Mail has an article by the reporter in today’s paper.
It is deeply dishonest and a maze of useless statistics.
What is actually happenning is population replacement and this is what is driving BNP support.
Emigration is , and we badly need the figures. nearly all by indigenous whites. Immigration is largely third world and these figures we also badly need..Forget the net figure it is irrelevant.
Without this breakdown any debate is without validity.
For the most dupicitous and insane of reasons the political class has connived at a policy of replacing the indigenous population of England by immigrants drawn from the third world.
It is the policy of the insane. I repeat yet again. No people has voluntarily handed over it’s country or abandoned it’s traditions unless by force of arms. That is the reality and I really despair at the lunacy of those who really believe that the English will be the first people in history to do so.
Yes, the focus on NET immigration by NuLabour, the immigration industry and the BBC is ridiculous.
And now there is a heavy outflow of skilled and professional Brits to OZ, New Zealand etc, I predict that this will accelerate – those many who succeed tell their friends back in the UK, the magnet effect starts to operate.
I wonder if those countries really present a long term solution (Oz and NZ and the USA). Looking into my crystal ball I wonder if the best of our young should not consider Eastern Europe. Poland, the Ukraine and Western Russia perhaps? Off the wall I know but these lands have managed to avoid the sickness of the spirit that has fatally affected Western civilisation.
Whether we would be welcome or not I do not know. I rather suspect we would. Adaptabilty is an English virtue.
Leave England to an underclass of indigenous chavs , the wailing libleft and a growing non European majority to be.
I wonder if you’ll find those Eastern European countries so favorable after 15 or so years of EU regulations and open borders.
What you actually noticed was that most of the callers allowed to air were hostile.
The left simply have to maintain the lie that nationalism is akin to nazism, the ultimate smears of racist and nazi have been shouted for so long at any enemy of the left that some otherwise intelligent people believe the leftist smears and lies.
I know many BNP supporters and not one is a nazi, I would never and could never join a party that harboured nazism or used the methods of nazism and they would not be tollerated within the party structure and rightly so. British nationalism is the mortal enemy of the internationalist left/progressive new world order globalists, the desire to maintain an independent British homeland simply has to crushed and the leftists will use any means, tell any lie, use any smear to make sure any nationalist party is destroyed.
The people who repeat the nazi/racist smears against the BNP have never had any actual dealings with BNP members or supporters they simply listen to the propaganda and repeat the mantras. The good news is that the more the public see BNP candidates and supporters campaigning door to door the more they see that far from being skin heads/nazis/KKK suited racists they are ordinary folks trying to stop the great betrayal of our nation, take the time to talk to a BNP member and you suddenly find that all the leftist smears have been invented, sit down and have a chat with a BNP member and what you find is just another decent Brit trying to save whats left of our shared home.
The BNP is open to all British nationalists regardless of colour, the party draws the line at nazis though 😀
Cassandra, Adolf Hitler could join the BNP and you’d say he wasn’t a Nazi. Still waiting for you to explain what you know about Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons …
Suggesting that BNP supporters are less inteligent is the same as saying that those who support the BBC by buying a TV license are less inteligent.
freddo41 – I also heard the old lady going on about the doctors recently. I think it was part of series of opinions that J.H. had got from members of the public regarding what concerned them most. He ran down a list of ‘concerns’ and I remember listening to hear if immigration was going to be one of them…surprise, surprise. No-one concerned enough.
Thanks Pat, that could well be it.
there is a connection between those with low academic achievement and support for the BNP!
Anything on the BBC about connection betweeen low academic achievement and the malign influence of insane PC-addled, crypto-commie teachers unions, and the socialist politicians which support them?
How about the fact that teachers cannot even write on HOMEWORK.. F. Try Harder, in case it hurts the feelings of poor wittle Karl slash Mohammed.
A glorious success for the teaching profession – with sometimes 100 ‘parent’ languages spoken, children really don’t need to be able to read far less apply critical thought as there is such a rich cultural melange in the cities for them to benefit from.
The BBC has simply to re-define the problem. Only people who do not agree with them suffer ‘low educational achievement’ (obviously). Look, the kids have even spontaneously taken up ‘urban sports’ in Victoria – how much more initiative and vim do you want? No doubt they are fully aware of which rights and which legislation to call on when asked by a totally f’ing useless PCSO if shanking each other in stations is a nice way for polite boys and girls to behave?
Low educational achievement is their fault and not mine.
For what it’s worth.
Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ
In related news
Radical Islam is welcome in the UK -Demos think tank
The Institute for public policy research has completed a study, yes folks another government backed quango has come up with the goods – again, needless to say the outcomes of this report are even more farcical than the Demos report.
The report a study covering 150 local authorities launched today it is entitled Exploring the Roots of BNP Support
All three parties are level pegging. This is worrying for all the three main parties, as they think that the electorate may do a ‘Swiss’ on them. This effect is when the electorate lie to pollsters, and then deal a killer blow in the polling booth.
Basically these articles from establishment lackeys, it is a sign of panic.
In related news
Radical Islam is welcome in the UK -Demos think tank
The Institute for public policy research has completed a study, yes folks another government backed quango has come up with the goods – again, needless to say the outcomes of this report are even more farcical than the Demos report.
The report a study covering 150 local authorities launched today it is entitled Exploring the Roots of BNP Support
All three parties are level pegging. This is worrying for all the three main parties, as they think that the electorate may do a ‘Swiss’ on them. This effect is when the electorate lie to pollsters, and then deal a killer blow in the polling booth.
Basically these articles from establishment lackeys, it is a sign of panic.
In every case we are told that it’s the high immigration what’s frightening the little minds of locals because they’re just not used to the rapid “change”. They need to get with the times and realize that “change” is good, but these white, working-class slobs are too thick to know.
Yep, my yankee friend, change is bloody brilliant, It sure did the world of good to the red indians.