Red Nose =Red face

The BBC raises stacks of dosh with their Comic Relief campaign. In the last six years it has donated £1,687,918 to War on Want.
War on Want was behind the invasion of the Barbican’s Waitrose by a gaggle of anti-Israel protesters. WoW seems to have turned into a highly politicised anti-Zionist organisation, not a charity. If you donated to Comic Relief you might have inadvertently funded some of those Free Palestine tee-shirts. See RichardMillet’s blog.

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7 Responses to Red Nose =Red face

  1. Martin says:

    Luckily I’ve never given a penny to anything promoted by the drug addicts at the BBC.


  2. Anonymous says:

    War On Want was run by George Galloway in the ’80s and pays him a gold-plated defined benefit pension.

    Anyone who gives to Comic Relief is either a leftie or ignorant.

    Comic Relief supports the “Robin Hood Tax”, a proposal first touted by WoW, the hike in stamp duty alone (a small part of the £100bn they absurdly call a tax on bankers) would cost British, private sector, pensioners £5bn per annum. That is equivalent to Gordon’s pension tax raid.


  3. hippiepooter says:

    ‘War on Want’ was also the first ‘charity’ of Mr Galloway’s to be investigated for misappropriation of funds:

    Personally, I never donate to BBC charities.  You just know a huge amount of money is going to be funnelled to supporting left-wing causes with the unsuspecting British public knowing nothing about it.


    • It's all too much says:

      “The spokeswoman insisted that all the projects funded by Comic Relief were carefully vetted before being approved by the charity’s trustees.”

      Yes carefully vetted

      ‘Charity’ for those with a pathalogical hatred of Britain [tick]
      ‘Charity’ for convicted terrorists who have detonated bombs with resulting deaths [tick]
      ‘Charity’ to support the annexation of part of the United Kingdom [tick]

      you get the idea

      Thought experiment.  Would the BBC endorse donations to provide support to members of the [entirely legal] Orange Order.  How about support to released members of the AWB in South Africa?


  4. Travis Bickle says:

    Running charities are to the middle class what claiming benefits are to the working class.  Just an excuse for a bunch of workshy, greedy layabouts to sponge off of others.


  5. DJ says:

    BBC charidee supporting Islamism? That’s unpossible!


  6. Philip says:

    Fortunately, I’ve fixed their video for them 🙂