The BBC raises stacks of dosh with their Comic Relief campaign. In the last six years it has donated £1,687,918 to War on Want.
War on Want was behind the invasion of the Barbican’s Waitrose by a gaggle of anti-Israel protesters. WoW seems to have turned into a highly politicised anti-Zionist organisation, not a charity. If you donated to Comic Relief you might have inadvertently funded some of those Free Palestine tee-shirts. See RichardMillet’s blog.
Red Nose =Red face
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Luckily I’ve never given a penny to anything promoted by the drug addicts at the BBC.
War On Want was run by George Galloway in the ’80s and pays him a gold-plated defined benefit pension.
Anyone who gives to Comic Relief is either a leftie or ignorant.
Comic Relief supports the “Robin Hood Tax”, a proposal first touted by WoW, the hike in stamp duty alone (a small part of the £100bn they absurdly call a tax on bankers) would cost British, private sector, pensioners £5bn per annum. That is equivalent to Gordon’s pension tax raid.
‘War on Want’ was also the first ‘charity’ of Mr Galloway’s to be investigated for misappropriation of funds:
Personally, I never donate to BBC charities. You just know a huge amount of money is going to be funnelled to supporting left-wing causes with the unsuspecting British public knowing nothing about it.
“The spokeswoman insisted that all the projects funded by Comic Relief were carefully vetted before being approved by the charity’s trustees.”
Yes carefully vetted
‘Charity’ for those with a pathalogical hatred of Britain [tick]
‘Charity’ for convicted terrorists who have detonated bombs with resulting deaths [tick]
‘Charity’ to support the annexation of part of the United Kingdom [tick]
you get the idea
Thought experiment. Would the BBC endorse donations to provide support to members of the [entirely legal] Orange Order. How about support to released members of the AWB in South Africa?
Running charities are to the middle class what claiming benefits are to the working class. Just an excuse for a bunch of workshy, greedy layabouts to sponge off of others.
BBC charidee supporting Islamism? That’s unpossible!
Fortunately, I’ve fixed their video for them 🙂