Richard Black continues to churn out BBC groupthink about the need to cut CO2 emissions as if Climategate has not happened and the IPCC AR4 report is still the gold standard of reliability. What’s fresh about his wearying latest tirade is that he’s found a new group of climate change fanatics to support his assertion that whatever we are doing, it’s not enough; nothing less than the end of industry is required. This one’s called Sandbag (what a nice, twee, right-on lefty name – I wonder which brand focus group thought that one up?); the cast of eco-agitators – not one of them a sceintist as far as I can see, but hey, what does that matter? – includes one from the BBC’s own in house climate change agency, our old friends Futerra – to whom the BBC sends its staff for indoctrination. How cosy.
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Bryony Worthington could well be added to the BBC speedial list image you featured the other day. Let’s just say her ‘opinion’ is held in high esteem, often, by our objective national broadcaster, with its unique funding (out as well as in, it seems) structure.
One small irony is the prevalence these days of various climate change advocacy groups that have been assembled (often, in true BBC style, using public money) to better address how the public needs to think.
But the truly funny part is that their rallying cry seems to be a mission to combat ”wrong thinking” organised and paid for, as they are clearly trying to claim, by ‘vested interests’ which are at best vague. Frankly more a boo-hiss collective paranoia term for diverse individuals who have their own minds and question things when they don’t add up…or get fiddled to fit. Which can really rattle the hive mind.
If it were not often our money I’d actually think it appropriate that the vast majority of it seems to go into totally separate offices, officers, comms budgets and trips around the world… when not on the blower to make sure Richard is up to speed.
I am sure if they claim Polish deniers have attacked and they need to invade back he’ll have the press release retyped in a jiffy.
From a quick glimpse at their sites Sandbag and Futerra have the same trading address in the UK: 4 Charterhouse Square
I prefer to call them FU-terra.
Because this bunch of gravy train eco-fascists have fingers in every “communications” pie.
Including “training” BBC drones in “green” sensitivity” for “reporting purposes.
dick black the eco twat even manages to plug one of the kings of moonbatery, Lord Sterns looney lefty think tank, although the Dick does mention that lord stern isnt as god or gore like as the sandbags (with a magazine of 30 rounds….load…..ready…..targets fall when hit, watch and shoot, watch and shoot)
“Lord Stern’s team at the Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment in London has also run the figures; and although their conclusions on the numbers are similar, they do not see things in quite such a pessimistic light.”
I thought there was already a term for those who wish to turn back technology – Luddites.
God, how I wish we could cut noxious Richard Black emissions (RB2-faced).
Will no one rid me of this wearisome arsehole.
It’s an interesting graph to illustrate the point. I have included a screen grab.
Note: Temperature rise from pre-industrial times °C This graph starts at 1980! If we consider the Industrial Revolution to be the start of industrial times then the first reading of this graph ignores two centuries of temperature figures.
Some sloppy subediting, too. Chances of a 3C rise are higher than evens. 3C not 3°C – evens not even.
There’s even an internal contradiction. The following graph shows a drop in carbon emmissions since 1980. So if carbon emissions are on a downward slope why project rises in global temperature as a consequence of rising emissions.
In the first figure, the “Temperature rise from pre-industrial times” is the label of the Y axis, not refering to the year in which the graph starts. If you rephrase it as “Temperature rise above pre-industrial times” perhaps you may find it less confusing.
The second figure is about European carbon dioxide emissions (the key word being “European”), which have fallen. Global emissions have risen, fueled by the likes of China. Therefore, there is no “internal contradiction”: European emissions have fallen, but globally they have risen. Carbon dioxide mixes through the whole world’s atmosphere, it doesn’t hover in a patch above Europe or China.
Companies House and Facebook is a treasure trove of information on these eco-harpies.
BRYONY KATHERINE WORTHINGTON started Sandbag a mere 6 months ago.
Naturally they ALL went to Cambridge in the early 1990’s. So they’re all mid-30s wanabees.
They are all FACEBOOK friends as well. Check them out.
Seriously, I hate them on principle.!/profile.php?id=693596594&ref=search&sid=734388627.3958012532..1