I see now that Progressive Christian activist with a strong anti-Tory position Jonathan Bartley was not a BBC plant. He planted himself. He says on his blog that a Conservative Party handler asked him to talk to Cameron, so I suppose we can’t blame the BBC for that. It’s a bit of a coincidence that an activist magically has an appointement around the corner from a Cameron appearance, and that he got there early and had plenty of time to watch and get invovled, but I’ll let it slide.
However, what we can definitely blame the BBC for is their total failure to mention not only what thinktank he’s head of – Ekklesia – or that he’s a committed anti-Tory (despite his protestations on air to the contrary) but that he is a regular on the BBC. It’s not the BBC’s fault that he was on air talking to Cameron, but their follow-up segment giving him carte blanche to give his views was presented dishonestly.
Amusingly, Bartley’s blog shows not only his strong anti-Tory stance, but that he thinks the BBC is biased against religion.
A look at the Ekklesia site shows the organizations progressive policies. They’re also part of the “Hang ‘Em” group, which wants to get everyone to vote strategically to get a hung parliament. So Bartley’s claim to be undecided is a load of crap as well.
The BBC’s inability to provide anything like accurate or honest background or context for those it chooses to portray as ‘members of the public’, or interview as guest gobs or, worse, experts, is a disgrace.
According to the Mail Bartley was on Major’s campaign team when Redwood ran against him. Wild speculation, but maybe Bartley mentioned this to the Tory activist so that he could set Cameron up?
Three mentions now on the News Channel of the Tory candidate being forced to stand down because he made some unfortunate remarks. As of this time yesterday, there were exactly zero mentions of the Labour candidate forced to stand down because he made some unfortunate remarks.
Doesn’t surprise me one bit, and I fully expect this type of slanted reporting to intensify as election day get’s closer. And to be perfectly honest, so long as Cameron and the rest are in this apparent state of denial when it comes to bbc bias they desrve everything they get.
Agreed. For a moment I was almost starting to like the idea of some of Cameron’s policies. But after reading his statement about the BBC I hope the prick rots in a slow burning hell with the rest of his public schoolboy suck-ups.
Quite frankly, I’m almost hoping Brown wins at the next election so we can watch the pathetic masses of this country get exactly what they deserve for being such fat, idle, ignorant morons.
I’ll be using my voting card to scrape shit off my boots.
When the Conservative Party is so in thrall to BBC propaganda power that it literally sacrifices candidates on the altar of BBC bias, democracy in Britain is in very serious trouble.
Here is another comment from Philip Lardner’s website:
“I urge all common-sense people in my Constituency to stand up to the politically-correct bullies in this country and vote me into Westminster to stand up for freedom of speech and common sense.That really WILL be a vote for change!” Unfortunately, in the ‘brave new Conservative Party’ of David Cameron, The Tory Party acts as a BBC Correctnick bully by proxy. How servile to BBC bias the Tory Party as become. How unfit to govern. VOTE UKIP 6th MAY!
It seems our favourite state broadcaster has taken it upon itself to trawl for anti-Conservative stories. Isn’t that the job of Labour spindoctors?
It contacted Tory council chiefs in an apparent bid to drum up any criticism about the party’s education scheme and then, to the delight of Labour, led with Mr Carter’s comments in its news bulletins this morning.
Just a quick technical point – i’m not able to gain access to this site via the internet through my mobile phone, I get a message back saying “”Unable to process this page. Page size is too large”. Does anybody else have this issue?
Is this something that can be remedied by the techies? I don’t have any issues accessing similar sites such as Guido’s, Craigs and notasheep etc. Would be much appreciated if you could look into this.
Lloyd. The site can be browsed from my iPhone and, it seems, Travis’ iPhone too. Which means that your error is related to something specific to your model of phone, browser etc. Drop me a message using the FAQ Contact option on the left of the blog with model of phone, browser type and version etc etc and I’ll take a look.
Travis. To log on to the comment system in its current configuration using a mobile device you need a browser which can use high-end javascript functionality. Your iPhone browser probably doesn’t have that, along with many mobile device browsers. The reason for this requirement is that we have enabled the Rich Text Editor on the comments box. If we turn that off it’ll work fine on all mobiles, but will reduce the functionality for all other users. It’s a judgement call which I’m flexible on depending on demand and feedback.
The BBC just did yet another piece about nasty Goldman Sachs. The Beeboid explains that now The Obamessiah must “create new laws” to rein in the activities of Goldman and other banks so this doesn’t happen again.
One problem: What the GS guy did is already illegal – that’s why he’s been dragged in front of Congress to testify. No new laws needed, unless one has another agenda.
Typical Leftoid bias here. Never mind enforcing laws already on the books: we must create even more as a form of cathartic revenge. But it’s not the BBC’s place to state categorically that the solution is new laws.
The BBC takes the position of the White House. No reporting going on here, just parrotting of a political agenda.
BBC repeating the activist stitch-up of Cameron regarding the disabled children schooling options. No mention at all of Jonathan Bartley’s activist credentials, open anti-Tory stance, or regular BBC appearances.
It’s backfiring a little bit, I think, in that Cameron is now getting time to clear the air. Oh, but Bartley’s on again spouting his side – from inside Broadcasting House. He is not introduced as anything but an innocent, independent voter. He’s just a “father of boy with spina bifida”. He is actually misrepresenting the Tory policy, but at least Laura Kuenssberg set him straight.
Kuenssberg just mentioned that Bartely worked for the Conservative Party! In fact, he worked for John Major’s campaign against Jonathan Redwood. Not really working for the Party itself. But no mention whatsoever of all his progressive activities, such as campaigning now for a hung parliament, his current anti-Tory stance (as evinced on his own blog), writing for the Guardian, the New Statesman, and making regular appearances on the BBC. He is not an unbiased, innocent voter at all. But the BBC is actively hiding his intentions.
Funny that as the BBC highlighted the guy that heckled the one eyed idiot a couple of weeks ago. The BBC fail to mention that one eye runs away but Cameron faces them.
The BBC’s live election blog is keeping up the ‘innocent voter’ narrative:
1941:The parent who confronted David Cameron over his policy on disabled children’s schooling says the Tory leader “hasn’t really engaged” in debate. Jonathan Bartley, whose son has spina bifida, earlier said he was concerned that the Conservatives wanted to “end the bias towards the inclusion of children with special needs in mainstream schools”. Mr Cameron has denied that he is planning to force disabled children into special needs schools.
The thing that makes me laugh is that this guy was disagreeing with everything Dave was saying…as if he was just chomping at the bit to tell Davo he was wrong!
BUT, the reality is…the guy should be taking the piss out of Labour as they are the clowns who have been in power for the last 13 years who have created the situation today with schooling for kids like his son.
Then again, as soon as I saw the headline on Skynews I started wondering what this guys real story was!
Bartley doesn’t think Labour has it totally wrong. He’s just pushing the “Nasty Tory Cuts” narrative, which could work for either Labour or the LibDems. There may be some merit to his later claim (when he was inside Broadcasting House, just like so many other voters off the street, yeah) that Cameron hasn’t said where he’s going to come up with the funding to create the choices he claims without cutting into his (Bartley’s) son’s ability to go to a local, normal school. But we weren’t given the opportunity to find that out. All we heard was him shouting over Cameron, and then spouting his own point of view unchallenged in two separate segments afterwards.
During his first segment, from (I think) a doorstep near the original encounter, he said he was an undecided voter, and that he might vote for anyone. He went on to list nearly every other party going – including the Tories. The BBC knew this was a lie from the start.
I started looking him up as soon as they showed his name. The way Bartley was saying “your manifesto says”, and kept repeating the same riffs just raised a red flag of non-innocence to me. At first I was put off by the way Cameron eventually gave up on him and walked away, as I felt he hadn’t really gotten a complete sentence out that would prove the guy wrong. But that’s partially due to the fact that some idiot Beeboid techie minding the board had the bump background music feed turned up so loud (accidentally, I know, as it happened again later) I couldn’t hear a word Cameron was saying much of the time. Once I found out what was going on, I understood Cameron’s reaction. He realized he was talking to an activist and was in a no-win situation.
In any case, once I saw the ambush clip the second time, it was obvious that he had planned this out, that he was speaking from a script, hammering the catch phrases not unlike a professional advocate. Turns out that’s exactly what he is. Too bad he gave Cameron a harder time about the education issue than he ever has the BBC about the Christianity issue.
Fourth mention now on the News Channel of the Tory candidate forced to step down for making some unfortunate remarks. I had the News Channel on all day yesterday, during the exact same time period as I’ve been monitering it today, and there were exactly zero mentions of the Labour candidate forced to step down for making some unfortunate remarks.
The BBC have now taken to beating up swans in their desperation to titilate the masses. Even when caught on camera, they still have the temerity to deny it ever happened.
I dunno, I thought this was the perfect example of what’s wrong with the BBC. Politics is only part of it. There a resson why when you go to see a movie at the cinema, they don’t suddenly interupt the last five mintues with a trailor for what’s coming next. Only a congenitally arrogant organisation could really belive that its desire to blow its own trumpet was more important than the viewing experience of its customers.
Beeboids are in overdrive today. When they’re not battering swans they’re killing off pigs. Of course, trust the MSM not to suggest the real reason why the BBC would be falling over themselves to remove giant images of a cartoon pig from the Labour party campaign.
The interviews are negative ranging from criticism of her lack of visits to outright republicanism combined with Welsh nationalism. This is more than countered by hundreds of flag waving Welsh.
Absolute bliss to watch the political classes twisting in their own wind!
1. Re “Attack of the clones” entry earlier-hope someone will count how many editions of “Start the Week”, “Midweek”, “Mock the Week” etc that these lickspittles get to appear on as a reward for slavering up to the Beeb! Robert Webb already got the “Have I got News for you” gig!
2. Anyone else hear the ludicrous Justin Webb confine his “rural issues” bit of the Toady prog yesterday to Fox Hunting(but what else?)…and Evan Davis this morning refer to the stabbing of a kid at Victoria station a few weeks back as a mere “anecdote” in his section on why crime is falling and we the little people needn`t fuss ourselves so! Trust good Gordie eh?
Such are the metrosexual elite that hold our ministers to account…more fool us for paying for their piercings!
Prickstocke has tweeted: “I’ve been keeping quiet for a number of reasons but the Conservative’s ‘hung parliament’ PP broadcast is pathetic and offensive bullshit.”
‘I asked Hadlow today why, as controller of BBC2, she thought her pre-existing schedule was a greater public service than showing the debate, in the middle of the most closely fought election for years…. It turns out that Hadlow wasn’t involved in the decision at all. She wasn’t even aware, until I told her, that Sky had offered a free feed to whoever wanted it. The debate ‘wasn’t offered to BBC2′, she said, with all decisions on it being taken by BBC News. The decision not to show it on BBC2 must, she thought, have been taken by BBC head of news Helen Boaden and BBC director general Mark Thompson.’
One can see why these guys get the big bucks, be it for their broad grasp of issues or total objectivity and professionalism.
The Guardian and the BBC jointly win a major journalism award for their reporting of a jointly-investigated story, over which both organisations had to subsequently fork out substantial libel compensation.
Pro-Islam, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah BBC concentrates its Middle East propaganda daily in portraying Israel as the threat, relegating the significance of:
“Iran could have missiles for US strike in five years”
Interesting item on The Today Programme around 7.15 this morning discussing the financial hole the Greeks have dug themselves into and now expecting everyone else to bail them out (unlike our somewhat more honourable cousins across the Irish Sea who appear to be biting the bullet of wage reductions as the only way to restore competitiveness once you are in the Euro straight jacket).
The item eventually turned to the position of the U.K. where while having similar figures to Greece much of our debt is over 12 years old so isn’t such a problem (I kid you not)
The one thing noticeably missing from the beeboids report was the fact that we were not in the Euro and the government’s bacon has effectively been saved by the ability to devalue Sterling by about 20% against the Euro and Dollar to effectively achieve competitiveness without actually cutting wages. Those of you old enough to remember Harold Wilson and his “pound in your pocket” broadcast will instantly understand.
It couldn’t be that the BBC is still the torch bearer for the Euro and ever deeper involvement in Europe could it?
Norman Smith on Today was talking about the failure of the parties to address the huge debt/deficit problems. He said this risks the public being surprised by a new PM making very large cuts. The only examples he mentioned were Thatcher after 1979, and Major after 1992.
I would have thought that everyone in 1979 realised Thatcher was going to get tough. The only real question was whether the Tories would sustain fiscal rectitude to really get inflation down.
A far bigger surprise, surely, was Brown’s raid on pensions in 1997. Withdrawing tax relief is de facto an increase in tax – and it had a huge expect. THAT was the biggest surprise post-election I can ever remember, never even hinted at in the election.
But Norman Smith failed to mention it. Funny that. The impression he left – deliberately? – was “If you vote Tory you are in for a nasty big shock”
Travis , thanks for the link. The clip of Brown’s reaction to the tape really shows him up for the spineless, lying, grovelling little creep he is. The only person I can think of who is more repulsive than Gordon the Moron is Mandelson.
Incredible! If Brown could get upset by this anodyne conversation, what have “professional” journalists been doing all this time? Mrs Duffy was clearly pro-Brown; all she wanted were a few straight answers and all Brown could do was retreat into mantra-speak. Truly, truly pathetic. BTW, the BBC had no alternative to broadcasting this one – if it hadn’t it would have handed Sky the scoop (so far) of the election.
Half the BBC is probably utterly bewildered about what he had to apologise for. What Brown said ‘off mike’ would have been exactly the thoughts going through their heads.
For those who follow US politics (as many of us do), this is Brown’s JOE THE PLUMBER moment.
So it will interesting to see if al-Beeb, et al, follow the US media template; when they passed over Obama’s “spread the wealth” crypto-Maxian gaffe, and spent the rest of the campaign “investigating” Joe.
I hope this poor lady doesn’t find herself being investigated for “previous.” by our ever vigilant BBC.
Hard to lay bias on the doorstep of the BBC for this one. I think even the commies at broadcasting house have realised HMS Gordon is sinking so it’s time to man the Clegg liferaft. Jeremy Vine rubbed Brown’s face in it with some pretty gratuitous barbs. “You called her a very bigoted woman did you not?” “Is she not entitled to her opinions” “So are you blaming your staff”. Gordo squirmed and grimaced like a strangled ferret. It must be the worst day of his life to realize he doesn’t even have friends at the Socialist HQ of Broadcasting House.
That moment of him bucking at the horrendous realization that he was going to have to hear his own insults will go down in history and played back in slow-motion endlessly through the decades as the defining moment of the 2010 election.
However, I’m sure this won’t discourage the mass of thick northerners who still think a labour vote is one for the “working man”.
I’ve recently bought a house in a traditionAL white working class district. Walking around this morning i saw precisely ONE Labour party poster in a house window..
Jack unless this lady turns out to be Nick Griffin’s Gran and has form for KKK membership I reckon Gordon is done for and the Beeb know it. Travis is right it will be all aboard Nick Clegg now. Expect no more talk of a hung parliament now but instead how it is “inevitable” the Lib Dems will win.
You can be absolutely certain that a full search for dirt and potential smear material has already been conducted. It is a reflex reaction. If she had so much as put her bin out on the wrong day then it would have been ‘wheeled out’
Painful? I have never laughed so hard in all my life. The BBC could have at least laid on another six or seven microphones so he could have his his fat jowels and seventeen chins properly. But his eyes reveal all the pain. They are the windows to the arsehole.
One does wonder if things might have ended up differently had it been a BBC mic as opposed to one from the forces of Murdoch against whom they are ranged. Apparently.
Using what a ‘no time for a novice’, media-savvy bloke actually said is just so not on.
I also wonder if we will be treated to the kind of questioning of Peter Mandelson just now on SKY, which elicited such gems as:
‘We don’t always say what we mean‘, but he refused to be drawn on how that might be applied to everything else they come out with, then.
Also ‘Gordon will say in public what he feels in private‘, when I am pretty sure this whole episode suggest the complete reverse is true.
But I am sure The Guardian’s Michael White is right when he dismisses it as trivial tittle-tattle , and he and Kevin Maguire will be on the BBC for the next week to make sure it sinks in as such.
Brown is toast, and he knows it.
Iagree with 1327, the BBC will go balls out for Clegg.
At least they have time to re-select the audience questions for tomorrows debate, and reconfigure the bias-ometer to yellow.
Expect to see some negative Labour reporting.
If Labour complain, they’ll argue that it is to ‘balance’ the earlier pro-Labour reporting.
I think this scenario will give Cameron an undeserved majority.
I’m not so sure on that Travis. This has the possibility of making immigration the big issue of the election and its one that the Lib Dems with their amnesty are very weak and vulnerable with. The beeb will want to bury this but if the papers and the Tories make a fuss then the Lib Dems have had it. In my view the BNP are more likely to take the old Labour votes instead.
Travis, I have the feeling that the Lib Dems have had nearly all of the swing they will get.
I agree with 1327 that the Lib Dem Achilles heel is the amnesty.
BNP/UKIP will probably get the majority of the lost Labour vote (male)
Tories will probably get the majority of the lost Labour vote (female)
Generalising, I know, IMHO Most of the female Labour supporters who haven’t swung, still see Lib Dems as bearded ecologists who eat nut cutlets, and male working class will never vote Tory, or support an amnesty, leaving BNP/UKIP.
I understand your logic Manfred FR, but I think you credit the simpletons with way too much complexity. Bear in mind that as of this morning Labour was at 39% in the polls. That means that there are 39% of voters that still don’t care that Gordo has shafted this country, so why would they care if he shafts some old granny?
Those that would, of which I am certain there are very few, would have to be so fickle that they would only be voting for vanity anyway. Therefore all the female voters would opt for Clegg, because he’s the least ugly of the three evils and the men would just not bother to vote ‘because they’re all a shower of bastards aren’t they.’
The British electrorate are so terminally ignorant, superficial and self-involved that I would be surprised if there was anything more than a 2% swing in the polls over the next few days away from labour which will almost immediately correct itself to 39% come voting day.
God knows I’d love to be wrong, but as of this moment I couldn’t give a rat’s arse who gets in, this country has already been flushed.
I had lunch yesterday with a friend who is a Labour party member ( yes I do know some ! ) and he agree that he couldn’t care less who wins as the country is screwed anyway.
After an initial flurry of fairly neutral reporting he bbc have now stealthily moved into Save Gordon. Bacon on 5live presented us with one apologist after another and now the news channel are getting on message.
Cameron has one huge, massive ginormous OPEN GOAL gaping here.
Has he got the balls to score?
Or is is really too much of a scaredy cat? Felix who would rather have the “support” of the media lumpen Marxetariat by not mentioning the “unmentionable” and going on the relentless attack over Labour’s open borders policy.
Exactly. Is there anyone who will dare use this to break open the immigration/Islamification debate? Either they have to call nearly everyone a bigot, or admit that there’s a a legitimate concern, in which case their argument is basically lost. And I especially include the BBC in that.
We’re all bigots now. Of course, I’m used to this as I had to listen to the BBC suggest that I’m a racist for months and months before the US election, and then again afterwards when reporting on the Tea Parties. Now they either have to back off doing it to the British public, or lose the narrative.
Laura Kuenssberg now explaining that this incident with Mrs. Duffy brings up all those accusations that Mr. Brown is a bully, negative, different in private than in public. They have to admit this is damaging. Now, how to control the spin afterwards?
Now she says that Tony Blair controlled his appearances better and would never have taken a mic from a broadcaster like that, but would have had a Labour-controlled mic.
Back to the studio, Andy Burnham defending Mr. Brown, as being “human”, just an “off the cuff remark”, “he’ll be mortified.” The Beeboid questioned if it was human to call someone a bigot, which is a bit of a joke considering at least half a dozen Beeboids called me and people like me racists for months before we elected a black man as President.
Beeboids now seriously concerned that Mr. Brown’s visit with Mrs. Duffy is taking more than half an hour. It must be serious and they are freaking out.
The Beeboids are such hypocrites. Every time they talk about the BNP or Republican voters or certain Eastern European political parties, they either openly called them racists or bigots, or at the very least suggested that motivation.
So it’s an absolute joke to listen to these Beeboids talk as if it’s wrong to call someone who doesn’t agree with the PC position on immigration a bigot. This is what they do themselves all the time!
I have to say that the “I said that because I misunderstood what she was saying” is a pretty good defense. I don’t buy it, of course, but it’s a good tactic.
He’s a master at worming his way out of things. It certainly was very good damage limitation, and he knows he doesn’t have to worry about the BBC constantly hounding him about it ad nauseum.
Ooh, female Beeboid in the studio just absolutely slammed Mr. Brown and now sticking it to Mandelson’s crap defense.
The Beeboids are stunned that Mr. Brown thought his exchange with Mrs. Duffy was a “disaster”. They thought he had won her over in the end. This bigot noise has broken the veil.
Oh wait, maybe not. The first Conservative they have on to comment is a retired MP who is defending Brown. Desperate times. The Beeboids are freaked out over this, and it’s very, very amusing to watch them scramble to sort out their emotions.
BBC News channel in major damage limitation exerciswe over bigotgate. We get that old lefty harriden Jackie Ashley telling the Tories to stop crowing (they haven’t said a word) because Gordon was just being “human”. Then the teleprompter reader ties to equate Brown’s scorn for an innocent voter with the “bastards” comment uttered by Major about troublesome CABINET MINISTERS
Still waiting for the BBC to show Nick Clegg’s statement. He basically agrees with Mr. Brown that anyone who complains about immigration is a bigot. I wonder why they’re not showing it to help with the defense?
Perhaps they thought they could be libellous – mostly they were hinting that perhaps the woman was indeed a bigot.
Here’s one that was still there when I just copied it:
21. At 3:00pm on 28 Apr 2010, rogers1892 wrote:
I’ve not heard what she actually said, so he could be right in his views of her. Plus, if it turns out her views were biggoted, then this could be a major boost to his popularity, as was the case when 2 jags slapped that farmer guy!
WOW!!! Been out all day, Bigotgate! Unbelievable, but listening to a bit of Radio 5 on the way home it was clear the BBC have already started to spin this for the one eyed jock mong.
Peter Allen almost in tears, Toenails Robinson sounding like his dog just died and the BBC news website headline “Brown mortified by bigot slur” so did someone call Gordon a bigot? Er no but you would think that from the headling.
How about “One eyed demented jock twat insults core voter”?
Thing is women like her will STILL vote Liebour (OK I know she says she won’t, but she will, their hatred of the Tories is in their DNA) and it’s why I hate women like her.
Of course leftists hate her, they hate her views, but what does the white working class demand of Liebour in return for the millions of votes? Sweet FA, the white working class threaten not to support Liebour but just as a dog can’t help pissing up a lamp post the working class can’t stop voting Liebour. That’s why I hate them.
Sadly what you say is true, core labour voters would vote labour if a labour government had them shipped to a gas chamber and demanded their vote just before they entered the gas chamber itself.
Gordon Brown could roll up and piss on their living room carpet give the family dog a blow job and hard fisting while evicting them from their home and giving the keys to a Somali single mother of ten and they would still vote labour.
The tragedy of the working class labour voter is that they will never see the truth about what socialism has done in the past and will always do in the future.
Exactly, why is it in the interest of Liebour to bring up the working class to be better off? Thatcher did that with some by letting them buy their council houses, a lot of them probably became Tory voters.
Liebour want to keep the working class feeding off the teat of the state benefits, they have no interest in seeing the working class better themselves.
What I hate though is the way the BBC how totally spun this story to make out SHE’s the bigot and not the one eyed jock mong.
You’d be hard put to it to find any difference between Brown’s spinner in chief, Mandy, and the BBC’s headline.
“Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said Mr Brown was “mortified” over the hurt he had caused Mrs Duffy.”
And look who also leapt on the Mandy mortification mantra. Lo, if it isn’t the old spinner Alastair Campbell:
“Tony Blair’s former communications director who met Mr Brown after the incident, said his remarks were a “mistake”.
“To say he was mortified is an understatement,” he wrote in his blog. ”
And look at the BBC headline quoted by Martin above. Brown mortified.
Why doesn’t the BBC report facts and not merely parrot the Brown party line and propaganda? It is supposed to be an independent entity, not a mouthpiece.
Of course he was “mortified”, but not of what he said but of being heard to say it. He is “mortified” that he may have lost votes. He does not give a fig for this Duffy women. Labour do not represent working people, all that ended in 1997 with Blair.
Christ, imagine Gordon Brown in that woman’s house, tripping over her Argos furniture, knocking over the china ornaments, stepping on the dog and tipping her tea into the pot plant every time she gazes out of the window to make some ignorant, working class remark.
It must be like having the marxist version of Frank Spencer in your house.
Personally, I’d have the place fumigated right after he leaves.
On Sky News Adam Boulton said that Brown’s wife has to be by his side or he gets disorientated. WHAT!!!! If this one eyed twat can’t do simple jobs on his own how the bloody hell can he be trusted to run the Country?
Oh hang on he’s got Mandy’s arm up his arse working him.
What a shower of shit, but still Liebour will get 30%+ at the election.
If Brown had pepper sprayed the old boot and then kicked her in the ribs a few times, the result would have been the same. The sort of brain-dead TV nation that vote nowadays are used to watching pap where the bad guys learn the error of their ways and become good again, which galvanizes them into liking them even more.
You think labour voters can discern between the moral arc of Gordon Brown and an actor in a Clint Eastwood film?
One of the Beeboids in the studio a said the same thing a couple of hours ago. His wife wasn’t with him, so that’s why he went off like that.
I give the BBC full credit for giving this their full attention and heaping their own scorn on him. But they are absolute hypocrites just the same because they say the same damn thing all the time.
How the hell can he barge into her house when she hasn’t even had enough time to hoover and dust and tidy the place? =-O
That aside, I do think the visit was ill judged and over- apologising is a mistake. The damage was done because it revealed what Brown thinks of the ordinary voter and no amount of somersaults can mend that.
It is one of those things, like the MPs’ expenses debacle, that was utterly revealing and utterly shocking because it let the cat out of the bag about the politicians’ contempt for the ordinary people. “The little people” as that wealthy woman once called them (Leona Helmsley, was that her name?)
Brown has humiliated himself and made himself look undignified before this with excessive and repeated apologies – sending additional letters to soldiers’ families, if I recall correctly – and every further iteration of an apology just makes him look more and more inept and not in control of events or of himself.
YAY!!! BBC 1 news. Most people disagree with the woman spouts camp wet looking male beeboid “Gordon’s now made it less bad by going back and saying sorry”
BBC now more on quickly to news story.
Watch the beeboids try to kill this story BIG TIME
Dear, dear Frankie made the cardinal error of saying what he meant, when he should have stuck to the lefty script that it’s Israelis what I hate, rather than using the J word.
This story may well be buried for a few days, the debates are on tomorrow so that will kill it.
I would point out though, next Tuesday is the Daily Politics debate on Immigration (UKIP present on this one) and Wednesday is on Trust in Politics. Should be good for a Sky+, although I have a feeling they will blow this whole thing up again just in time for polling day 😀 .
Alan Yentob refusing to travel riff-raff class because he has a very important job to do which could only be done in business class. I.E necking down huge bottles of champagne and scarfing bucketloads of quails eggs and flamingo spit whilst wiping his mouth with fistfuls of TV licences.
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ZephirMar 30, 15:35 Weekend 29th March 2025 A Female Dwarf goes to the doctors and says “everytime it rains my vagina hurts” The doctor has a good…
ZephirMar 30, 15:24 Weekend 29th March 2025 I can see a boycott from 12 year old schoolgirls …
diggMar 30, 15:23 Weekend 29th March 2025 Wonder which globalist is secretly funding that little plot?
I see now that Progressive Christian activist with a strong anti-Tory position Jonathan Bartley was not a BBC plant. He planted himself. He says on his blog that a Conservative Party handler asked him to talk to Cameron, so I suppose we can’t blame the BBC for that. It’s a bit of a coincidence that an activist magically has an appointement around the corner from a Cameron appearance, and that he got there early and had plenty of time to watch and get invovled, but I’ll let it slide.
However, what we can definitely blame the BBC for is their total failure to mention not only what thinktank he’s head of – Ekklesia – or that he’s a committed anti-Tory (despite his protestations on air to the contrary) but that he is a regular on the BBC. It’s not the BBC’s fault that he was on air talking to Cameron, but their follow-up segment giving him carte blanche to give his views was presented dishonestly.
Amusingly, Bartley’s blog shows not only his strong anti-Tory stance, but that he thinks the BBC is biased against religion.
A look at the Ekklesia site shows the organizations progressive policies. They’re also part of the “Hang ‘Em” group, which wants to get everyone to vote strategically to get a hung parliament. So Bartley’s claim to be undecided is a load of crap as well.
The BBC’s inability to provide anything like accurate or honest background or context for those it chooses to portray as ‘members of the public’, or interview as guest gobs or, worse, experts, is a disgrace.
According to the Mail Bartley was on Major’s campaign team when Redwood ran against him. Wild speculation, but maybe Bartley mentioned this to the Tory activist so that he could set Cameron up?
Extra unspecified spending enforced on BBC taxpayers for BBC World Service coverage of UK Election:
Three mentions now on the News Channel of the Tory candidate being forced to stand down because he made some unfortunate remarks. As of this time yesterday, there were exactly zero mentions of the Labour candidate forced to stand down because he made some unfortunate remarks.
Doesn’t surprise me one bit, and I fully expect this type of slanted reporting to intensify as election day get’s closer. And to be perfectly honest, so long as Cameron and the rest are in this apparent state of denial when it comes to bbc bias they desrve everything they get.
Agreed. For a moment I was almost starting to like the idea of some of Cameron’s policies. But after reading his statement about the BBC I hope the prick rots in a slow burning hell with the rest of his public schoolboy suck-ups.
Quite frankly, I’m almost hoping Brown wins at the next election so we can watch the pathetic masses of this country get exactly what they deserve for being such fat, idle, ignorant morons.
I’ll be using my voting card to scrape shit off my boots.
Unfortunate remarks? Seemed eminently sound to me. You can judge him by his own words:
When the Conservative Party is so in thrall to BBC propaganda power that it literally sacrifices candidates on the altar of BBC bias, democracy in Britain is in very serious trouble.
Here is another comment from Philip Lardner’s website:
“I urge all common-sense people in my Constituency to stand up to the politically-correct bullies in this country and vote me into Westminster to stand up for freedom of speech and common sense. That really WILL be a vote for change!”
Unfortunately, in the ‘brave new Conservative Party’ of David Cameron, The Tory Party acts as a BBC Correctnick bully by proxy. How servile to BBC bias the Tory Party as become. How unfit to govern.
“Spending cuts to be deepest since 1970s”
-BBC itself expects to avoid them, as usual.
Of no interest to pro-Islam BBC:
“Anti-free speech proceedings against Geert Wilders to resume in October“
“Geert Wilders vs. The Multicultural Inquisition”
(by Fjordman)
It seems our favourite state broadcaster has taken it upon itself to trawl for anti-Conservative stories. Isn’t that the job of Labour spindoctors?
It contacted Tory council chiefs in an apparent bid to drum up any criticism about the party’s education scheme and then, to the delight of Labour, led with Mr Carter’s comments in its news bulletins this morning.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election/article-1268885/General-Election-2010-BBC-claiming-Tories-divided-flagship-schools-plan.html#ixzz0mJz92LWl
Just a quick technical point – i’m not able to gain access to this site via the internet through my mobile phone, I get a message back saying “”Unable to process this page. Page size is too large”. Does anybody else have this issue?
Is this something that can be remedied by the techies? I don’t have any issues accessing similar sites such as Guido’s, Craigs and notasheep etc. Would be much appreciated if you could look into this.
I have never yet been able to log onto this site with my iphone. It just isn’t possible due to the convuluted process involved of signing in.
These are two seperate things, so one by one…
Lloyd. The site can be browsed from my iPhone and, it seems, Travis’ iPhone too. Which means that your error is related to something specific to your model of phone, browser etc. Drop me a message using the FAQ Contact option on the left of the blog with model of phone, browser type and version etc etc and I’ll take a look.
Travis. To log on to the comment system in its current configuration using a mobile device you need a browser which can use high-end javascript functionality. Your iPhone browser probably doesn’t have that, along with many mobile device browsers. The reason for this requirement is that we have enabled the Rich Text Editor on the comments box. If we turn that off it’ll work fine on all mobiles, but will reduce the functionality for all other users. It’s a judgement call which I’m flexible on depending on demand and feedback.
The BBC just did yet another piece about nasty Goldman Sachs. The Beeboid explains that now The Obamessiah must “create new laws” to rein in the activities of Goldman and other banks so this doesn’t happen again.
One problem: What the GS guy did is already illegal – that’s why he’s been dragged in front of Congress to testify. No new laws needed, unless one has another agenda.
Typical Leftoid bias here. Never mind enforcing laws already on the books: we must create even more as a form of cathartic revenge. But it’s not the BBC’s place to state categorically that the solution is new laws.
The BBC takes the position of the White House. No reporting going on here, just parrotting of a political agenda.
BBC repeating the activist stitch-up of Cameron regarding the disabled children schooling options. No mention at all of Jonathan Bartley’s activist credentials, open anti-Tory stance, or regular BBC appearances.
It’s backfiring a little bit, I think, in that Cameron is now getting time to clear the air. Oh, but Bartley’s on again spouting his side – from inside Broadcasting House. He is not introduced as anything but an innocent, independent voter. He’s just a “father of boy with spina bifida”. He is actually misrepresenting the Tory policy, but at least Laura Kuenssberg set him straight.
Kuenssberg just mentioned that Bartely worked for the Conservative Party! In fact, he worked for John Major’s campaign against Jonathan Redwood. Not really working for the Party itself. But no mention whatsoever of all his progressive activities, such as campaigning now for a hung parliament, his current anti-Tory stance (as evinced on his own blog), writing for the Guardian, the New Statesman, and making regular appearances on the BBC. He is not an unbiased, innocent voter at all. But the BBC is actively hiding his intentions.
Funny that as the BBC highlighted the guy that heckled the one eyed idiot a couple of weeks ago. The BBC fail to mention that one eye runs away but Cameron faces them.
The BBC’s live election blog is keeping up the ‘innocent voter’ narrative:
1941: The parent who confronted David Cameron over his policy on disabled children’s schooling says the Tory leader “hasn’t really engaged” in debate. Jonathan Bartley, whose son has spina bifida, earlier said he was concerned that the Conservatives wanted to “end the bias towards the inclusion of children with special needs in mainstream schools”. Mr Cameron has denied that he is planning to force disabled children into special needs schools.
The thing that makes me laugh is that this guy was disagreeing with everything Dave was saying…as if he was just chomping at the bit to tell Davo he was wrong!
BUT, the reality is…the guy should be taking the piss out of Labour as they are the clowns who have been in power for the last 13 years who have created the situation today with schooling for kids like his son.
Then again, as soon as I saw the headline on Skynews I started wondering what this guys real story was!
Bartley doesn’t think Labour has it totally wrong. He’s just pushing the “Nasty Tory Cuts” narrative, which could work for either Labour or the LibDems. There may be some merit to his later claim (when he was inside Broadcasting House, just like so many other voters off the street, yeah) that Cameron hasn’t said where he’s going to come up with the funding to create the choices he claims without cutting into his (Bartley’s) son’s ability to go to a local, normal school. But we weren’t given the opportunity to find that out. All we heard was him shouting over Cameron, and then spouting his own point of view unchallenged in two separate segments afterwards.
During his first segment, from (I think) a doorstep near the original encounter, he said he was an undecided voter, and that he might vote for anyone. He went on to list nearly every other party going – including the Tories. The BBC knew this was a lie from the start.
I started looking him up as soon as they showed his name. The way Bartley was saying “your manifesto says”, and kept repeating the same riffs just raised a red flag of non-innocence to me. At first I was put off by the way Cameron eventually gave up on him and walked away, as I felt he hadn’t really gotten a complete sentence out that would prove the guy wrong. But that’s partially due to the fact that some idiot Beeboid techie minding the board had the bump background music feed turned up so loud (accidentally, I know, as it happened again later) I couldn’t hear a word Cameron was saying much of the time. Once I found out what was going on, I understood Cameron’s reaction. He realized he was talking to an activist and was in a no-win situation.
In any case, once I saw the ambush clip the second time, it was obvious that he had planned this out, that he was speaking from a script, hammering the catch phrases not unlike a professional advocate. Turns out that’s exactly what he is. Too bad he gave Cameron a harder time about the education issue than he ever has the BBC about the Christianity issue.
Fourth mention now on the News Channel of the Tory candidate forced to step down for making some unfortunate remarks. I had the News Channel on all day yesterday, during the exact same time period as I’ve been monitering it today, and there were exactly zero mentions of the Labour candidate forced to step down for making some unfortunate remarks.
And the BBC’s live election blog has published six posts (so far) on this story this evening.
The BBC have now taken to beating up swans in their desperation to titilate the masses. Even when caught on camera, they still have the temerity to deny it ever happened.
Did the swan call someone a golliwog or something?
5,600 grown men who live at home with their mums have some tacky BBC agitprop disturbed by advert for tacky annoying homosexual:-
I dunno, I thought this was the perfect example of what’s wrong with the BBC. Politics is only part of it. There a resson why when you go to see a movie at the cinema, they don’t suddenly interupt the last five mintues with a trailor for what’s coming next. Only a congenitally arrogant organisation could really belive that its desire to blow its own trumpet was more important than the viewing experience of its customers.
Advertising on ITV = Eeeeevil capitalists interrupting programs
Advertising on BBC = Raising awareness of public broadcasts
Beeboids are in overdrive today. When they’re not battering swans they’re killing off pigs. Of course, trust the MSM not to suggest the real reason why the BBC would be falling over themselves to remove giant images of a cartoon pig from the Labour party campaign.
Contrast & Compare, both from the BBC:
Israel blasts new Shalit cartoon released by Hamas
Hamas man Mahmoud al-Zahar denounces Shalit cartoon
Israel “blasts” while Hamas “denounces”.
Honest Reporting looks at BBC bias
Yes, everybody’s at it – documenting the BBC’s bias against Israel.
Here too:
Well, technically, doesn’t one denounce something when one is on the same side?
BBC anti Monarchism
Queen returns to visit Caernarfon after 35 years
The focusd of the article is that not everyone is happy with this. The lead-in is <img src=”http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/47726000/jpg/_47726896_jex_675004_de31-1.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”The Queen visits Caernarfon in Wales”/> <img src=”http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/shared/img/o.gif” border=”0″/> Mixed reaction to Queen’s visit.
The interviews are negative ranging from criticism of her lack of visits to outright republicanism combined with Welsh nationalism. This is more than countered by hundreds of flag waving Welsh.
BTW What’s this Caernarfon?
Caernarfon, this is where the investiture of the Prince of Wales took place in 1969
It has a huge – and hugely significant – ancient historic castle built as the symbol and seat of English conquest and rule over Wales.
The Welsh were saved from themselves. The Crown in London has always paid due respect to Wales – from young Harry onwards.
And the Welsh whom I know are as respectful to an honourable monarchy – to HM The Queen – as most other people with a sense of history.
But the leftie BBC is anti-monarchy – anti anything our nation stands for
Absolute bliss to watch the political classes twisting in their own wind!
1. Re “Attack of the clones” entry earlier-hope someone will count how many editions of “Start the Week”, “Midweek”, “Mock the Week” etc that these lickspittles get to appear on as a reward for slavering up to the Beeb! Robert Webb already got the “Have I got News for you” gig!
2. Anyone else hear the ludicrous Justin Webb confine his “rural issues” bit of the Toady prog yesterday to Fox Hunting(but what else?)…and Evan Davis this morning refer to the stabbing of a kid at Victoria station a few weeks back as a mere “anecdote” in his section on why crime is falling and we the little people needn`t fuss ourselves so! Trust good Gordie eh?
Such are the metrosexual elite that hold our ministers to account…more fool us for paying for their piercings!
Not for BBC:
“Tories stretch lead as Labour remain in third place”
Turd place in Ulster.
Prickstocke has tweeted:
“I’ve been keeping quiet for a number of reasons but the Conservative’s ‘hung parliament’ PP broadcast is pathetic and offensive bullshit.”
pathetic and offensive bullshit
Funny, that’s what I think of Marcus Prickcock.
leave out the bull
I’d say the same thing about the BBC’s ongoing noise about a hung parliament, which is getting dangerously close to a PP broadcast.
Go figger…
‘I asked Hadlow today why, as controller of BBC2, she thought her pre-existing schedule was a greater public service than showing the debate, in the middle of the most closely fought election for years…. It turns out that Hadlow wasn’t involved in the decision at all. She wasn’t even aware, until I told her, that Sky had offered a free feed to whoever wanted it. The debate ‘wasn’t offered to BBC2′, she said, with all decisions on it being taken by BBC News. The decision not to show it on BBC2 must, she thought, have been taken by BBC head of news Helen Boaden and BBC director general Mark Thompson.’
One can see why these guys get the big bucks, be it for their broad grasp of issues or total objectivity and professionalism.
The BBC’s hung Parliament strategy prevents it from criticising Clegg full on:
“Nick Clegg made £300,000 from house in Brussels after getting £140,000 from taxpayers”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/election/article-1269343/General-Election-2010-Nick-Clegg-300-000-house-Brussels-getting-140-000-taxpayers.html#ixzz0mNQFnqZE
BBC also airbrushes:
“Europe-loving Lib Dems can’t wait to hand over more power to Brussels”
The Guardian and the BBC jointly win a major journalism award for their reporting of a jointly-investigated story, over which both organisations had to subsequently fork out substantial libel compensation.
Just about sums up the BBC, its mentor, and the state of Leftie media luvviedom in one concise sentence.
Pro-Islam, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah BBC concentrates its Middle East propaganda daily in portraying Israel as the threat, relegating the significance of:
“Iran could have missiles for US strike in five years”
(-and UK in range too, of course)
“Hezbollah armed with improved missiles -US”
BBC’s on-going Islamisation of Europe project.
Today: the BBC typically has a pro-Islam piece about the Netherlands.
Tomorrow: the BBC will not have an anti-Islam piece by e.g. a leading Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, who faces trial for his views on Islam.
“Anti-free speech proceedings against Geert Wilders to resume in October“
Supplementary – not available at BBC:
This Islamisation of UK also favoured by BBC?:
Interesting item on The Today Programme around 7.15 this morning discussing the financial hole the Greeks have dug themselves into and now expecting everyone else to bail them out (unlike our somewhat more honourable cousins across the Irish Sea who appear to be biting the bullet of wage reductions as the only way to restore competitiveness once you are in the Euro straight jacket).
The item eventually turned to the position of the U.K. where while having similar figures to Greece much of our debt is over 12 years old so isn’t such a problem (I kid you not)
The one thing noticeably missing from the beeboids report was the fact that we were not in the Euro and the government’s bacon has effectively been saved by the ability to devalue Sterling by about 20% against the Euro and Dollar to effectively achieve competitiveness without actually cutting wages. Those of you old enough to remember Harold Wilson and his “pound in your pocket” broadcast will instantly understand.
It couldn’t be that the BBC is still the torch bearer for the Euro and ever deeper involvement in Europe could it?
Norman Smith on Today was talking about the failure of the parties to address the huge debt/deficit problems. He said this risks the public being surprised by a new PM making very large cuts. The only examples he mentioned were Thatcher after 1979, and Major after 1992.
I would have thought that everyone in 1979 realised Thatcher was going to get tough. The only real question was whether the Tories would sustain fiscal rectitude to really get inflation down.
A far bigger surprise, surely, was Brown’s raid on pensions in 1997. Withdrawing tax relief is de facto an increase in tax – and it had a huge expect. THAT was the biggest surprise post-election I can ever remember, never even hinted at in the election.
But Norman Smith failed to mention it. Funny that. The impression he left – deliberately? – was “If you vote Tory you are in for a nasty big shock”
Apparently Brown had a meltdown on microphone after being questioned by a HAND PICKED traditional labour voter; i.e. A white, working-class old lady.
Caught on tape asking who arranged this “bigoted” woman!
Her “crime” — worrying about the out of control colonization of this country by alien cultures!
This is why Labour is going to get its arse kicked every which way to Sunday on May 6.
Watching the BBC play the clip back to the fatboy is better than sex
Travis , thanks for the link. The clip of Brown’s reaction to the tape really shows him up for the spineless, lying, grovelling little creep he is. The only person I can think of who is more repulsive than Gordon the Moron is Mandelson.
Even the BBC haven’t been able to ignore this one!
Incredible! If Brown could get upset by this anodyne conversation, what have “professional” journalists been doing all this time? Mrs Duffy was clearly pro-Brown; all she wanted were a few straight answers and all Brown could do was retreat into mantra-speak. Truly, truly pathetic. BTW, the BBC had no alternative to broadcasting this one – if it hadn’t it would have handed Sky the scoop (so far) of the election.
She dared ask a question about immigration. Therefore she is a bigot.
Half the BBC is probably utterly bewildered about what he had to apologise for. What Brown said ‘off mike’ would have been exactly the thoughts going through their heads.
It is the BBC’s fault for leaving the microphone on !
For those who follow US politics (as many of us do), this is Brown’s JOE THE PLUMBER moment.
So it will interesting to see if al-Beeb, et al, follow the US media template; when they passed over Obama’s “spread the wealth” crypto-Maxian gaffe, and spent the rest of the campaign “investigating” Joe.
I hope this poor lady doesn’t find herself being investigated for “previous.” by our ever vigilant BBC.
Hard to lay bias on the doorstep of the BBC for this one. I think even the commies at broadcasting house have realised HMS Gordon is sinking so it’s time to man the Clegg liferaft. Jeremy Vine rubbed Brown’s face in it with some pretty gratuitous barbs. “You called her a very bigoted woman did you not?” “Is she not entitled to her opinions” “So are you blaming your staff”. Gordo squirmed and grimaced like a strangled ferret. It must be the worst day of his life to realize he doesn’t even have friends at the Socialist HQ of Broadcasting House.
That moment of him bucking at the horrendous realization that he was going to have to hear his own insults will go down in history and played back in slow-motion endlessly through the decades as the defining moment of the 2010 election.
However, I’m sure this won’t discourage the mass of thick northerners who still think a labour vote is one for the “working man”.
Hey Travis — I’m a non-thick northerner!
I’ve recently bought a house in a traditionAL white working class district. Walking around this morning i saw precisely ONE Labour party poster in a house window..
I’m also in the north Jack, and they are all Labour drones here, mostly because they do low paid jobs (which they hate) in the public sector.
TB — Oh, I’m not disputing the drone factor!
I just don’t see any visible enthusiasm, which will affect Labour’s efforts to turn out the vote in their trad. areas.
In a diverse constituency like mine, there are plenty of pockets conservative voters that could cause an upset.
I too am a non-think northerner – and I know quite a few other non-think northerners.
Jack unless this lady turns out to be Nick Griffin’s Gran and has form for KKK membership I reckon Gordon is done for and the Beeb know it. Travis is right it will be all aboard Nick Clegg now. Expect no more talk of a hung parliament now but instead how it is “inevitable” the Lib Dems will win.
Gordon preached his religion to the masses as the messiah of socialism, now he must be crucified.
No guesses as to who his Judas is.
You can be absolutely certain that a full search for dirt and potential smear material has already been conducted. It is a reflex reaction. If she had so much as put her bin out on the wrong day then it would have been ‘wheeled out’
Here’s a direct link to the Jeremy Vine interview with Gordon. Painful.
One effect will be to raise immigration up the agenda.
I have not heard the BBC really putting to Clegg or the LibDems that their amnesty policy will make things far far worse.
Painful? I have never laughed so hard in all my life. The BBC could have at least laid on another six or seven microphones so he could have his his fat jowels and seventeen chins properly. But his eyes reveal all the pain. They are the windows to the arsehole.
One does wonder if things might have ended up differently had it been a BBC mic as opposed to one from the forces of Murdoch against whom they are ranged. Apparently.
Using what a ‘no time for a novice’, media-savvy bloke actually said is just so not on.
I also wonder if we will be treated to the kind of questioning of Peter Mandelson just now on SKY, which elicited such gems as:
‘We don’t always say what we mean‘, but he refused to be drawn on how that might be applied to everything else they come out with, then.
Also ‘Gordon will say in public what he feels in private‘, when I am pretty sure this whole episode suggest the complete reverse is true.
But I am sure The Guardian’s Michael White is right when he dismisses it as trivial tittle-tattle , and he and Kevin Maguire will be on the BBC for the next week to make sure it sinks in as such.
Personally I think Sky should prosecute Brown for theft of that radio mic.
I gather it was a pool mike – ie the broadcasters agreed to share just one, it happens to have been from Sky but they all shared the feed.
Brown is toast, and he knows it.
Iagree with 1327, the BBC will go balls out for Clegg.
At least they have time to re-select the audience questions for tomorrows debate, and reconfigure the bias-ometer to yellow.
Expect to see some negative Labour reporting.
If Labour complain, they’ll argue that it is to ‘balance’ the earlier pro-Labour reporting.
I think this scenario will give Cameron an undeserved majority.
This is going to be a lib dem swing. The labour morons will go straight for the monkey now that the organ grinder has gone.
Hung parliament here we come!
I’m not so sure on that Travis. This has the possibility of making immigration the big issue of the election and its one that the Lib Dems with their amnesty are very weak and vulnerable with. The beeb will want to bury this but if the papers and the Tories make a fuss then the Lib Dems have had it. In my view the BNP are more likely to take the old Labour votes instead.
Travis, I have the feeling that the Lib Dems have had nearly all of the swing they will get.
I agree with 1327 that the Lib Dem Achilles heel is the amnesty.
BNP/UKIP will probably get the majority of the lost Labour vote (male)
Tories will probably get the majority of the lost Labour vote (female)
Generalising, I know, IMHO Most of the female Labour supporters who haven’t swung, still see Lib Dems as bearded ecologists who eat nut cutlets, and male working class will never vote Tory, or support an amnesty, leaving BNP/UKIP.
I understand your logic Manfred FR, but I think you credit the simpletons with way too much complexity. Bear in mind that as of this morning Labour was at 39% in the polls. That means that there are 39% of voters that still don’t care that Gordo has shafted this country, so why would they care if he shafts some old granny?
Those that would, of which I am certain there are very few, would have to be so fickle that they would only be voting for vanity anyway. Therefore all the female voters would opt for Clegg, because he’s the least ugly of the three evils and the men would just not bother to vote ‘because they’re all a shower of bastards aren’t they.’
The British electrorate are so terminally ignorant, superficial and self-involved that I would be surprised if there was anything more than a 2% swing in the polls over the next few days away from labour which will almost immediately correct itself to 39% come voting day.
God knows I’d love to be wrong, but as of this moment I couldn’t give a rat’s arse who gets in, this country has already been flushed.
You’ve got a point Travis, and your last paragraph echoes my thoughts exactly.
I had lunch yesterday with a friend who is a Labour party member ( yes I do know some ! ) and he agree that he couldn’t care less who wins as the country is screwed anyway.
Agreed !
‘You don’t want Britain taken over by mass immigration?’
You’re a bigot, says Labour. BBC doesn’t say it too, but packs its audiences for ‘QT’ and ‘AQ’ with people who do.
Also, the end of free speech and Labour, re-Islam:
‘Jihadwatch’ comment on BBC report:-
“UK: Labour party candidate for Parliament suspended after saying he didn’t want any of his children to marry a Muslim“
A reminder of what sort of propaganda the BBC put out on Islam a year ago (subsquently revised after public pressure):
“Islam, the BBC and Propaganda”
(by Paul Weston, UKIP candidate in London Westminister area)
“‘Bigoted ‘ Gillian Duffy makes me proud to be British”
(by Ed West)
After an initial flurry of fairly neutral reporting he bbc have now stealthily moved into Save Gordon. Bacon on 5live presented us with one apologist after another and now the news channel are getting on message.
Hell’s Bells. They must be a smidge concerned though.
Posted on a few BBC blogs and they have almost gone into a Richard Black ‘watertight oversight’ near shutdown as they assess the ‘correct’ response.
Maybe if they hold their nerve they can either a) ignore it, b) say it didn’t happen or c) blame Rupert Murdoch.
Cameron has one huge, massive ginormous OPEN GOAL gaping here.
Has he got the balls to score?
Or is is really too much of a scaredy cat? Felix who would rather have the “support” of the media lumpen Marxetariat by not mentioning the “unmentionable” and going on the relentless attack over Labour’s open borders policy.
Exactly. Is there anyone who will dare use this to break open the immigration/Islamification debate? Either they have to call nearly everyone a bigot, or admit that there’s a a legitimate concern, in which case their argument is basically lost. And I especially include the BBC in that.
We’re all bigots now. Of course, I’m used to this as I had to listen to the BBC suggest that I’m a racist for months and months before the US election, and then again afterwards when reporting on the Tea Parties. Now they either have to back off doing it to the British public, or lose the narrative.
Laura Kuenssberg now explaining that this incident with Mrs. Duffy brings up all those accusations that Mr. Brown is a bully, negative, different in private than in public. They have to admit this is damaging. Now, how to control the spin afterwards?
Now she says that Tony Blair controlled his appearances better and would never have taken a mic from a broadcaster like that, but would have had a Labour-controlled mic.
Back to the studio, Andy Burnham defending Mr. Brown, as being “human”, just an “off the cuff remark”, “he’ll be mortified.” The Beeboid questioned if it was human to call someone a bigot, which is a bit of a joke considering at least half a dozen Beeboids called me and people like me racists for months before we elected a black man as President.
Beeboids now seriously concerned that Mr. Brown’s visit with Mrs. Duffy is taking more than half an hour. It must be serious and they are freaking out.
The Beeboids are such hypocrites. Every time they talk about the BNP or Republican voters or certain Eastern European political parties, they either openly called them racists or bigots, or at the very least suggested that motivation.
So it’s an absolute joke to listen to these Beeboids talk as if it’s wrong to call someone who doesn’t agree with the PC position on immigration a bigot. This is what they do themselves all the time!
I have to say that the “I said that because I misunderstood what she was saying” is a pretty good defense. I don’t buy it, of course, but it’s a good tactic.
He’s a master at worming his way out of things. It certainly was very good damage limitation, and he knows he doesn’t have to worry about the BBC constantly hounding him about it ad nauseum.
Poor woman only went out for a loaf……. 😀
Aww, look at all the long faces. Poor Beeboids.
Ooh, female Beeboid in the studio just absolutely slammed Mr. Brown and now sticking it to Mandelson’s crap defense.
The Beeboids are stunned that Mr. Brown thought his exchange with Mrs. Duffy was a “disaster”. They thought he had won her over in the end. This bigot noise has broken the veil.
Oh wait, maybe not. The first Conservative they have on to comment is a retired MP who is defending Brown. Desperate times. The Beeboids are freaked out over this, and it’s very, very amusing to watch them scramble to sort out their emotions.
BBC News channel in major damage limitation exerciswe over bigotgate. We get that old lefty harriden Jackie Ashley telling the Tories to stop crowing (they haven’t said a word) because Gordon was just being “human”. Then the teleprompter reader ties to equate Brown’s scorn for an innocent voter with the “bastards” comment uttered by Major about troublesome CABINET MINISTERS
The comments on Nick Robinson’s blog are “unavailable”. Now why would that be?
Just listened to the media prog on R4.
Beeboid saying it’s very overblown & if it lasts past tomorrow night we need our heads examined.
Say “Aaah”.
Still waiting for the BBC to show Nick Clegg’s statement. He basically agrees with Mr. Brown that anyone who complains about immigration is a bigot. I wonder why they’re not showing it to help with the defense?
Gordon Brown’s remarks: Your reaction
The first Broon suporters to chime in don’t seem to have even seen the interview!
two screenshots here of the first 12 posts at the top of the page, nearly all censored or nonchalantly damage-controlling, bizarre!
Perhaps they thought they could be libellous – mostly they were hinting that perhaps the woman was indeed a bigot.
Here’s one that was still there when I just copied it:
21. At 3:00pm on 28 Apr 2010, rogers1892 wrote:
I’ve not heard what she actually said, so he could be right in his views of her. Plus, if it turns out her views were biggoted, then this could be a major boost to his popularity, as was the case when 2 jags slapped that farmer guy!
WOW!!! Been out all day, Bigotgate! Unbelievable, but listening to a bit of Radio 5 on the way home it was clear the BBC have already started to spin this for the one eyed jock mong.
Peter Allen almost in tears, Toenails Robinson sounding like his dog just died and the BBC news website headline “Brown mortified by bigot slur” so did someone call Gordon a bigot? Er no but you would think that from the headling.
How about “One eyed demented jock twat insults core voter”?
Thing is women like her will STILL vote Liebour (OK I know she says she won’t, but she will, their hatred of the Tories is in their DNA) and it’s why I hate women like her.
Of course leftists hate her, they hate her views, but what does the white working class demand of Liebour in return for the millions of votes? Sweet FA, the white working class threaten not to support Liebour but just as a dog can’t help pissing up a lamp post the working class can’t stop voting Liebour. That’s why I hate them.
Sadly what you say is true, core labour voters would vote labour if a labour government had them shipped to a gas chamber and demanded their vote just before they entered the gas chamber itself.
Gordon Brown could roll up and piss on their living room carpet give the family dog a blow job and hard fisting while evicting them from their home and giving the keys to a Somali single mother of ten and they would still vote labour.
The tragedy of the working class labour voter is that they will never see the truth about what socialism has done in the past and will always do in the future.
Exactly, why is it in the interest of Liebour to bring up the working class to be better off? Thatcher did that with some by letting them buy their council houses, a lot of them probably became Tory voters.
Liebour want to keep the working class feeding off the teat of the state benefits, they have no interest in seeing the working class better themselves.
What I hate though is the way the BBC how totally spun this story to make out SHE’s the bigot and not the one eyed jock mong.
You’d be hard put to it to find any difference between Brown’s spinner in chief, Mandy, and the BBC’s headline.
“Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said Mr Brown was “mortified” over the hurt he had caused Mrs Duffy.”
And look who also leapt on the Mandy mortification mantra. Lo, if it isn’t the old spinner Alastair Campbell:
“Tony Blair’s former communications director who met Mr Brown after the incident, said his remarks were a “mistake”.
“To say he was mortified is an understatement,” he wrote in his blog. ”
And look at the BBC headline quoted by Martin above. Brown mortified.
Why doesn’t the BBC report facts and not merely parrot the Brown party line and propaganda? It is supposed to be an independent entity, not a mouthpiece.
Of course he was “mortified”, but not of what he said but of being heard to say it. He is “mortified” that he may have lost votes. He does not give a fig for this Duffy women. Labour do not represent working people, all that ended in 1997 with Blair.
Gordon the Moron is mortified that he got caught out.
Christ, imagine Gordon Brown in that woman’s house, tripping over her Argos furniture, knocking over the china ornaments, stepping on the dog and tipping her tea into the pot plant every time she gazes out of the window to make some ignorant, working class remark.
It must be like having the marxist version of Frank Spencer in your house.
Personally, I’d have the place fumigated right after he leaves.
On Sky News Adam Boulton said that Brown’s wife has to be by his side or he gets disorientated. WHAT!!!! If this one eyed twat can’t do simple jobs on his own how the bloody hell can he be trusted to run the Country?
Oh hang on he’s got Mandy’s arm up his arse working him.
What a shower of shit, but still Liebour will get 30%+ at the election.
If Brown had pepper sprayed the old boot and then kicked her in the ribs a few times, the result would have been the same. The sort of brain-dead TV nation that vote nowadays are used to watching pap where the bad guys learn the error of their ways and become good again, which galvanizes them into liking them even more.
You think labour voters can discern between the moral arc of Gordon Brown and an actor in a Clint Eastwood film?
One of the Beeboids in the studio a said the same thing a couple of hours ago. His wife wasn’t with him, so that’s why he went off like that.
I give the BBC full credit for giving this their full attention and heaping their own scorn on him. But they are absolute hypocrites just the same because they say the same damn thing all the time.
Gordon has let the BBC down, and when you have been playing up how great he is for years, being let down by an idiot is difficult to take.
How the hell can he barge into her house when she hasn’t even had enough time to hoover and dust and tidy the place? =-O
That aside, I do think the visit was ill judged and over- apologising is a mistake. The damage was done because it revealed what Brown thinks of the ordinary voter and no amount of somersaults can mend that.
It is one of those things, like the MPs’ expenses debacle, that was utterly revealing and utterly shocking because it let the cat out of the bag about the politicians’ contempt for the ordinary people. “The little people” as that wealthy woman once called them (Leona Helmsley, was that her name?)
Brown has humiliated himself and made himself look undignified before this with excessive and repeated apologies – sending additional letters to soldiers’ families, if I recall correctly – and every further iteration of an apology just makes him look more and more inept and not in control of events or of himself.
What sort of person would let scum like Brown into her house in the first place ?
YAY!!! BBC 1 news. Most people disagree with the woman spouts camp wet looking male beeboid “Gordon’s now made it less bad by going back and saying sorry”
BBC now more on quickly to news story.
Watch the beeboids try to kill this story BIG TIME
From one insulting jock to another.
Dear, dear Frankie made the cardinal error of saying what he meant, when he should have stuck to the lefty script that it’s Israelis what I hate, rather than using the J word.
This story may well be buried for a few days, the debates are on tomorrow so that will kill it.
I would point out though, next Tuesday is the Daily Politics debate on Immigration (UKIP present on this one) and Wednesday is on Trust in Politics. Should be good for a Sky+, although I have a feeling they will blow this whole thing up again just in time for polling day 😀 .
But tomorrow’s debate will cover immigration as well, no?
Alan Yentob refusing to travel riff-raff class because he has a very important job to do which could only be done in business class. I.E necking down huge bottles of champagne and scarfing bucketloads of quails eggs and flamingo spit whilst wiping his mouth with fistfuls of TV licences.