Here’s a thought. Suppose the BBC had recorded Brown and not Sky, I bet we wouldn’t have heard about the tape either till after the election or unless it got leaked.
ITV News just tipped a bucketful over Brown even though Tom Bradby was VERY fair to one eye. ITV talked about McTwat not liking criticism (remember the Adam Boulton interview with the jock tosser?) and his bad temper.
“Here’s a thought. Suppose the BBC had recorded Brown and not Sky, I bet we wouldn’t have heard about the tape either till after the election or unless it got leaked”
That complicated? The order would have gone out to destroy the tape, and destroyed it would be. No tape to leak or use later on you can be sure of that.
This will give Peter Kellner of yougov an opportunity to revise labours poll ratings upwards? His wife must be telling him that the appology has made him look like a hero.
Yougov will just make sure they close their poll directly after Brown stops talking, rather than Clegg like last time. I’m sure they will be able to synchronize their watches properly with the BBC. Mind you, I would have thought that most of the actors ‘inbetween jobs, unemployed bohemians and students that actually assist Yougov will be out on the cider by then.
It will finish Brown despite the attempts on the 6Pm TV news to focus the argument on immigration.
Mrs Duffy looks just like an ordinary English woman from any town or village in the country. She is a widow and a grandmother. Brown’s contempt for her will finish him and there is nothing that can prevent this happening.
The beeboids never meet people like her, except under controlled conditions , so are unable to understand just how offensive Brown
was. Private or public it makes no difference. It’s over.
I expect the BBC’s desperate last ditch attempt to spin it for him will be abandoned and resources will switch to the Clegg droid. The last hope of the liberal left dreamers.
The Beeboids may agree with him that anyone concerned about immigration is a bigot, but they very clearly are shocked that Mr. Brown thought his encounter with Mrs. Duffy was a disaster. They thought it went rather well, and that he had convinced her to stick with Labour. I agree with that assessment, actually.
So the poor Beeboids are very confused as to why Mr. Brown said what he said. Not that the woman wasn’t a bigot – she is, in their minds, as am I – but that he should have thought the encounter went well.
Notice how the BBC has danced quickly away any time one of the talking heads mentions that this might mean that lots of ordinary people are bigots. They do not want to have that discussion, as it would go against the Narrative and hurt both Labour and the LibDems.
She’s the sort of person the BBC ignores. As I posted before the WWC only have themselves to blame. The inner cities are shit holes and will always be, because these places are the breeding ground of the core Liebour voter.
The BBC/Liebour know they don’t have to pander to the WWC unlike say Muslims as WWC don’t riot protest or blow people up on tube trains.
The woman was a bit of a pain because she was complaining bitterly about her own and other disadvantaged people’s financial plight due to Labour’s broken promises, then without drawing breath she launched into an assault on Labour’s unrealistic plans to repay the budget deficit. He couldn’t win. The immigration topic was thrown in for good measure, but the real issue with immigration still dare not speak its name.
If he thinks mentioning Eastern European immigration is bigoted, heaven knows what he’d have to say about criticism of the incoming flocks flocking in from Islamic states, peace be upon them.
I think he’s compounded matters now by saying some tosh about misunderstanding words. It’s pathetic, and more farcical than The Thick of It. Where’s Armando Iannucci? It’s poor Sue that gets my sympathy.
Pleased to note the recent reference to YouGov above. I complained to the BBC about the constant name checking only of YG to the exclusion of all others when mentioning “polls” on Today only to be given the expected brush off. They repeated the exercise two days later. I also queried whether any presenter of the Today programme had any shares in YG to be told that they hadn’t!
I await response to follow complaint of continued YG only name checking and asking for confirmation that JH no longer a shareholder in YG as that really is a public interest matter at this present time.
Compare and contrast – yesterday Cameron gets ambushed by political activist Jonathon Bartley, despite his and the BBC’s best efforts the damage caused to Cameron and the Conservatives is negligable.
Today an elderly lady from the north of England goes out to buy a loaf, sees a load of police and wanders down to see what’s going on…………………………………………
… the BBC paint her a a racist and out of touch with everyone else (even though sky and ITV point out her views are reflected by a lot of oother voters). The BBC just spin it as “Gordon being Gordon” and toenails spouts that “We’ve always known Gordon was like this”.
Really Toenails, anything else you’d like to tell us about? like the ‘rumour’ about Brown and Mandelson in a private office many years ago?
Dear Graham Norton, I first fell in love with Kay Burley when I saw her here.
And today watching her discussing bigot/duffy/rochdale-gate it was quite clear she was enjoying it every bit as much as I.
In complete contrast to the BBC BWOT* who went on (and on and on and on) about how sorry Captain Insensible looked. He was sorry alright, but only for himself. That was of course not what she was trying to convey.
Beeb then shipped in their Twitter expert who put up a screen of tweets (clearly from his own liberal-left inbox) pretending that they were a random sample. Said ‘random sample’ of course was full of ‘ shows Gordon to be human’…’Move on’…’ why are the press so obsessed with this? etc.
No chance then of them ever reading out my tweets on the BBC – I’ll tell you that for nothing.
Twitter is a virtual ‘source’ from heaven that puts the dozen mates on a BBC Producer’s iPhone speed dial to shame.
It creates the impression of a degree of impartiality, but beyond the actual total numbers (not manY), and the % usage of those in liberal professions (free all day), and the % of those who the Justins and Emilys follow and agree with them, it makes Mrs Kellner’s husband’s polls seem positively objective.
The commentariat now seems to be full on at odds with those who do not suck at the media industry teat from within the M25, rolling over the actual words and mentality (‘who put me with that woman?’) on display to spin the ‘human’, ‘mortified’ aspects of this non-novice, deranged leadership candidate.
Even James Whale on SKY seems to have decided that ‘they’ don’t need to be held accountable for what they actually do or say vs. what they claim.
But the BBC institutionally seems on near total ‘moving on’ mode following a brief shutdown to scrape the nasty stains off the leather studio seats.
The more you watch that interview the more you see what a vile nasty little jock thug Brown is.
The BBC though are really really spinning this story, I haven’t soptted a Tory on the BBC yet, perhaps I missed one? It’s been wall to wall backside licking from the BBC.
Yeah, they had a two Tories on yesterday. One was an old retired MP who expressed his full sympathy (part of the “who among us” narrative), and a rather inanimate Michael Howard, who let Charles Kennedy – the BBC’s second-favorite LibDem do most of the talking.
I see Sky are having to defend themselves now, they are pointin out the mic was worn at the request of Liebour.
funny the BBC tools found it funny when Bush got caught out being overheard making a private comment about some bloke calling him “a real asshole”. I’ve seen that clip played by the drug addled reny boy fondlers many times.
Expect the theme tomorrow to be “was it fair to play Gordon’s comments”? to which we will get engless Liebour party officials ring up pretending to be Tory voters who are now going to vote for Gordon and that Sky news are evil.
I rarely make promises but I can say with 100000% certainty that if the BBC alone had that tape then that tape would NEVER see the light of day EVER!
The BBC must have bukets of off mike/off camera bloopers and unless its a hated tory then they will never be aired.
We know how the BBC opperates and we know for a fact that the BBC goes out of its way to protect their allies.
“I’ve seen that clip played by the drug addled reny boy fondlers many times. ” & their agenda for today, blown off course by Brown’s ineptitude, was that other old favorite Bob Quick & how he was right to bang up Tory Green for a day over fatty smith’s leak
One thick-tongued Labour supporter in Norwich did just that. He said that the media was trying to force a narrative on everyone about this (!), and that the woman probably was a bigot after all.
All four vox pops in Norwich were in full support Gordon mode, reading flawlessly from the script. We all say things we regret, who among us will cast the first stone, it was a private conversation and shouldn’t count, this will not affect my vote.
That’s how it’s going to play out now. The woman’s opinion is meaningless, the points she raised without merit. It’s all about forgiving Gordon for a mistake we’ve all made at one time or another.
Forget that he said her question about immigration was “annoying” on the Vine show, which has nothing whatsoever to do with what he said in the car.
I notice how, even after all the apology-spinning and hand-wringing, nobody is mentioning that, during the Jeremy Vine segment, Mr. Brown said that Mrs. Duffy’s question on immigration was “annoying”.
Forget about the eavesdropping charge. Brown said it was “annoying” right there on the BBC. They can’t spin that away as something he didn’t mean.
‘They can’t spin that away as something he didn’t mean.’
Oh yes they can. And are.
What was actually said, done, and clearly meant has been already covered in a pile of opinion and explanation and excuse and sympathy (for a clear two-faced bully) and spin like dumping a man-made concrete mountain on Chernobyl.
It still is toxic, but for now, as long as it serves, it has been covered up.
I am sure the few BBC reporters who strayed have already enjoyed a quiet word to make sure they stick to the teleprompter in future even when it sticks in their professional, and personal craws.
Just seen some unbelieveable bias on the Campaign Show (BBC News 24,Weds 28th, 9:30pm)
They had Rawnsley and Harriet Harmon making excuses for Gordons (“We all say things we don’t mean from time-to-time, it was a mistake, he said sorry, he cares deeply..” blah blah blah)
Then they went to an outside broadcast from a hustings somewhere to get opinions from ‘4 ordinary voters’. All 4 gave Gordon a free pass – one blamed the media, one thought it was great he had said sorry, another thought Gordon was entitled to his opinion and maybe the woman was bigotted. All clearly Labour stooges!!
Then they hand back to the studio and the presenter agrees and says he’s also had many emails with similar sentiments.
Liebour really are pathetic. Ugly old hose head claims that this is a distraction and that no one is talking about policy. No we’d like to talk about immigration but the Liebour/BBC/Grauniad Mafia won’t let us, well not without calling everyone a bigot or racist.
Ah well, either way, today was a big bag of win and left me with a warm glow. I look forward to whoever the next ‘ordinary’ Kato is that will jump out on the Inspector Clouseau of British Politics.
Meanwhile the goldfish brains of the British public will wake up tomorrow to be reminded of it all over again by the tabloids just so they can forget again come Eastenders.
Gordon Brown is exactly what this country deserves and it’s giving me no end of amusement watching him flush turd after turd round the U-Bend that was this once great nation.
Post of the week I think, perfectly succinct and to the point Travis and sadly the truth.
How many more times will the bovine muppet public have their faces rubbed in the stinking political cesspit before they see the truth?
I used to think the British people would wake up and rebel en masse but not now. Many seem to in a sort of mental coma acting like zombies.
Maybe the UK is truly finished and deserves extinction like all other empires of the past, maybe its time all those who can get out should find pastures new and forget the little islands we left behind.
My grandad used to say all the best of his generation died in the great war and the best of their offspring followed in the second, after they were lost our nation was finished we just didnt know it. He went through the two wars in uniform and saw ALL his chums die.
The voters deserve people like Clagg/Brown and Cameron they really truly do!
I have just listned to the Brown comversation with Gillian Duffy. While everybody is getting worked up about the immigration thing nobody at the BBC has pointed out that he claimed to have a plan to half our debt in 4 years where as all he has is a plan to half the deficite in 4 years. Another Brown lie
He also said in response to Mrs Duffy’s complaint about paying income tax “Well we’re raising the threshold at which people start paying tax as pensioners”
Another lie, all tax allowances have been frozen this year
True. And Mrs. Duffy had to correct him about her double-taxed pension. He kept telling her she was eligible no matter how many times she told him she’d checked.
All fuss about a private comment made public and apologies is irrelevant. When confronted with it on Radio 2, Gordon Brown said that the woman’s question on immigration was “annoying”. That’s a public statement in a public forum on the BBC.
It’s incontrovertable evidence that Mr. Brown did mean what he said when he called Mrs. Duffy a bigot, and why he was upset that he had to listen to her. Anything else is spin and deceit.
Just watched ITV News at Ten, very little evidence of damage limitation on there as it was dissected over 15 minutes. Plus their poll (not by YouGov), before today’s contretemps, gave 36, 29, 28 Tory, Lab, Lib.
Anybody care to contrast that with coverage on the channel we have to pay for at the same time.
Its matters not whose microphone it was – it does not alter the words spoken. Do the BBC think this will work? Only people with a very low intelligence would conclude that it was the “mic. what done it” in the hands of the evil Murdoch empire. It beggers belief.
I think they’re banking on enough Labour supporters playing the forgiveness defense. “Who among us hasn’t,” etc. That’s because anyone who says that and claims it doesn’t betray anything else actually thinks Mrs. Duffy is a bigot, but won’t say it out loud.
One of the vox pops in Norwich suggested as much, though. And Mr. Brown’s statement on the Vine show that Mrs. Duffy’s question about immigration was “annoying” is a dead giveaway.
But they all think she’s a bigot, from No. 10 to Broadcasting House to that smiling archdeacon in Norwich. So they pretend it’s instead about a momentary lapse of reason, all should be forgiven.
I heard that the LibDems sent her a bunch of yellow flowers. She should throw it back in their faces because they think she’s a bigot, too.
‘John Horne Tooke Its matters not whose microphone it was’
I fear it does, and for reasons you go on to allude to.
Remember.. ‘tell a lie often enough’? It’s on every thread I read. I am still seeing wheelchair boy’s activist parent referred to as a ‘Dad’ who put Mr. Cameron on the spot.
Prescott has obviously only recalled the memo that it is Labour vs. Murdoch, with the BBC as the Battle of Britain’s Bozo’s squadron: ‘Never in the field of paid spin, have so few been given so much money by so many to serve the few’
Brown has form for treating questions about immigration with hostility. This episode today reminded me that a few years ago while he was still Chancellor when someone raised the question why 7 out of 10 immigrants to Britain are from Africa and Asia even though we are in the EU and he arrogantly dismissed the question declaring defiantly that it would continue to be the case, instead of answering the question.
Nobody has ever explained how, when, where and by whom it was decided that we should have what number of immigrants from wherever, including the EU (albeit that we have limited scope in the latter case to do much, other than decisions about further accession to the EU and transitional arrangements for any new accession States.) It remains something of a mystery and Brown once again conforms that he thinks that nobody should even ask, let alone be entitled to know or to have any say about immigration numbers.
While the Prime Minister was busy calling an old lady a bigot because she disagreed with him on a political issue a bigot, the President of the US was calling in the riot police on a few old ladies because they disagreed with Him on a political issue.
Is there any information on who ‘chooses’ the questions at these ‘leaders’ ‘debates’ (lot of quote marks there, but my lack of faith in the system is zero)?
Frankly I thought those at the first two were dire enough, but the notion of a BBC ‘team’ setting the tone, and a BBC ‘moderator’ running it is frankly a concern.
Just watching SKY interview Alan Johnson and his answer about how tonight’s event will be handled: ‘Labour won’t be running tonight’s event; the BBC will be running tonight’s event’.
If the BBC are running it then it is being run by Nu Liebour. Expect the audience to burst into applause every time McOne eye spouts up and Cameron will get booed.
If you notice both previous debates had a mostly white (and older) audience than you see on QT, but if the BBC are involved it will full of the usual Mohammeds and Abduls and spotty drugged up 16 year old’s.
Getting your excuses in early……. 9. Gordon Brown will have spent less time preparing than he will have liked.
and… 12.A member of the audience may be tempted to break their silence.
….well what a surprise that would be.
The most gut-churning moment for me was that huge false grin that he does so well (remember Dan Hannan?).
That sums up these people through and through: Brown, Draper, McBride, Balls. If you so much as disagree you are branded as a racist, fascist, bigot, homophobe, or whatever – anything that puts a stop to some honest dialogue.
I thought Paxman did a sort of OK job on this last night, but still allowed that tedious dogmatic Brown shill to dominate, nay monopolise the proceedings. He actually might have done everyone a huge favour, in allowing the nation to see what a complete cocksucker this guy was.
The beeb managed to find the only 4 people in the country who think Bruin’s shocking comments were no big deal:
1) Vicar of Dibley feels sorry for the prime minister – god bless her – (nevermind about the kind old widow he insulted on national TV)
2) Labour activist John thinks comments in private don’t matter.
3) Lefty student Charlie thinks the ‘media pushed the impression onto us’ (??) and the widow was indeed a bigot ‘in that situation what she commented on’
4) Charlie’s dad(?), Adrian, thinks we should relax and share our stresses – and Gordon is genuine.
Unbelievable. Even Harriet Harmon when commenting immediately after the segment notes that the ‘4 ordinary voters’ are “very forebearing, very understanding and very forgiving” (not to mention very card-carrying Labour party members).
I saw this last night and just had to go out of the room I was so angry with it. The bit when Harriet Harman served the whole episode up as a good reason for there being more women in the clergy was the last straw (and very indicative of her inability to separate the political from the non-political). Incidentally, I watch the Campaign Show every other day on averrage, and I have yet to see an edition where one of their daily 4 random voters they talk to is voting Conservative or UKIP.
Yup – I was visiting my parents house when this came on. My 75 year old mum is very trusting of the everything she sees on the BBC – but even she was astonished by the bias in this piece.
Given the range of people & opinions present at the hustings, how come the BBC managed to pick out 4 staunch Labour supporters who all think that dismissing an honest Labour voting widow as a ‘bigoted woman’ is A-OK.
All the BBC will achieve by doing this is to surpress yet more anger among the masses. It would have been a lot better for everyone if they’d just let the general public blow off steam. Now you will have millions walking around with all this pent up rage. So there will be plenty more punched faces, vomit filled gutters and paraletic bodies outside the bars and nightclubs this weekend.
It’s kind of difficult to find 4 Conservative or UKIP voters when the Beeboids keep going to Labour hustings. That church in Norwich was holding a Labour hustings, even though the partisan archdeacon said it was open to everyone.
At no point do they state that it’s a Labour-only hustings.
The 4 stooges are just described as ‘ordinary viewers’ and ‘ordinary voters’. Not Labour supporters.
It’s a clear attempt to brainwash viewers into thinking “well, if all those ‘ordinary people’ think it’s OK, then it must be OK – just a fuss about nothing – we all do it sometimes don’t we?. Why, only the other day I insulted a dear old widow who’d voted for me for 30 years”.
Mary Jackson:“Gordon Brown, a snob, as only a Socialist can be, ..” So true.
I think what Gordon found so hard to take was Mrs Duffy’s unresponsive demeanour, talking at him with absolutely no intention of listening. She beat him at his own game, so in that sense they were both displaying the characteristics of the bigot.
Harriet Harman was reduced to pleading that ‘he didn’t mean it.’ He certainly didn’t mean his outburst to be overheard, nor to reveal his psychological inability to accept his own failure and his compulsion to transfer blame to others.
“We’ve all done it,” she wailed. We have indeed. Inadvertently revealed our true nature.
Neither Cleggy nor Call me Dave are any more keen to address the real immigration problem than Gordon is. They’re determined to pussyfoot around it. It’s discussed, yes. It can no longer be brushed under the carpet. But the Islamisation of the UK, which is the real nub, is still a no-go area.
Nobody wants to meet the same fate as Theo van Gogh, do they? – ‘Not a threat, just a statement of fact.’
But Mrs. Duffy did listen to what Mr. Brown had to say. She allowed that she agreed with his statement about the winter fuel allowance, and listened to what he was saying about tuition fees and university opportunities. She went in angry and came out a happy supporter. Mrs. Duffy showed infinitely more patience and understanding than Mr. Brown did. She even grasped that it was a positive encounter, whereas the seemingly sociopathic Prime Minister was clearly in another world altogether.
Maybe, as a taxpayer in broken Britain, she is entitled to be rattled by Browns mantra – rattled off pat — she wants to be heard during her one big chance…but look at these comments on Youtube……
I fear there’s not much chance these days of rational discussion….
Those comments aren’t representative of the general public, they are the labour party rent-a-mob voters, sweeping the internet like soldier ants all the way up to the election. They are doing it on the comments section of every popular site.
If it had been your average Youtube viewers the comments would have been the usual variation of LOLs and 2 wannabe gangsters threatening to bash each other.
nauseating cosy chat just now on BBC World’s 24-hour international rolling news service between sap-headed male news presenter and balanced, unbiased political commentator Michael White. news presenter kicked things off with some revealing wishful thinking to the effect that hopefully most people are aware of newspapers’ political affiliations and won’t be too influenced by the headlines this morning. Michael White says the `high point’ of the campaign so far is the emergence of Nick Clegg, the `low point’ is the `pretty mean-spirited comments from Gordon Brown yesterday.’ presenter nods in agreement, we’re all on the same side here. Michael White finishes off with comment that tonight’s debate is about the economy — `THIS IS THE PRIME MINISTER’S STRONG SUIT, THIS IS WHERE HE SHINES. HE CAN SAY YOU MAY NOT LIKE ME, BUT I HANDLED THE FINANCIAL CRISIS AND HAVE DONE A LOT OF GOOD’ etc etc. This all passes without any questioning or disagreement. With the line that the nation’s finances are in great shape now out there, presenter looks a bit chirpier, everything’s cool !
BBC still in full Save Gordon mode. Look at the headline for the Mr. Brown story about halfway down the UK election page:
Gordon Brown got caught doing something few could claim never to have done.
This is leading the reader to an opinion. It’s not journalism or impartial at all. The BBC has had a legion of supporters on in the last 24 hours or so driving home the “who among us” narrative. The Beeboids themselves shouldn’t join in.
The line is a direct appeal for sympathy, and it’s in big, bold letters at the top of this article, which goes even further up Mr. Brown’s backside. It’s an “expert view” on why we all do what Mr. Brown did. Pathetic, BBC.
The Beeboids really ought to be asking themselves: Who among us is a biased bigot?
I also like the BBC website headline “PM seeks to focus on economy after slur”. It makes it sound as if he is the one who has been slurred – or is that what they are suggesting?
Well if it isn’t old Beattie Chops himself, author of the article in David P’s link! That’s the academic psychologist Geoffrey Beattie who’s never off the telly, both on Channel 4 for Big Brother and the BBC for whatever programmes he can get. It seems he’d do anything to get his mug on the telly, an impression confirmed by the story he tells against himself in the article, where he was just as two-faced as Brown in sycophantically telling the interviewer to call him on the telephone any time, while seething at the cheek of the interviewer for thinking himself too clever by half and giving him a difficult interview.
Again contributing to the impression of selling his soul to the highest bidder so long as he can get his mug on the telly, Ol’ Beattie Bob goes on shamelessly to proclaim himself the resident official psychologist on Big Brother, a programme which blatantly exploits loopy and unstable people, to the extent that at least one responsible psychologist associated with it resigned from it and other individuals and organisations involved with mental health have publicly protested about the exploitation.
But old Beattie Bob boasts that he is the official psychologist, his bank balance continues to benefit and there he is, sycophantic mug on telly, happy as a pig in muck.
They’re talking in their own terms. Who among BBC News & Current Affairs staff hasn’t inwardly dismissed someone as a bigot for expressing concern about the level of immigration. When the BBC say ‘we’, they mean ‘they’. I hope one of the erswhile Contributors to B-BBC might be able to find the time to dissect the BBC’s damage limitation exercise on this.
The UK political class of Labour, Lib Dems, and to some extent, the Tories, supported by BBC, ‘Guardian’, ‘Independent’ have had, and still have, a political agenda to get unspecified millions of immigrants into Britain from strongly Islamic areas of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, etc.
In addition, this political class campaigns for the further delegation of political power from Westminster to Brussels, which involves further large net immigration into the UK; and this political class all concurs in campaigning for the 75 million Muslim Turks to get into the EU, with further mass immigration from there, and further moves towards the imposition of Islamisation in Britain.
“How Labour threw open doors to mass migration in secret plot to make a multicultural UK”
You have to click twice to find out what this is – a list of approved candidates in the general election, i.e. approved by some Muslim organisation. Is it worth two clicks? No!
Just listened to Radio 5 on way home. Needless to say the whole BBC narrative is
1. Gordon is just Gordon
2. He’s said sorry so let’s move on.
3. It wasn’t fair his comments were recorded secretly
The BBC want to kill the story.
But remember Chris Grayling? He was secretly recorded as well saying something quite reasonable that in your own home you should be able to decide if you want homosexuals sharing the same bed.
Did the BBC say “let’s move on”? NO
Did the BBC say “it wasn’t fair that he was secretly recorded”? NO
Do can some drugged up beeboid put his 8 year old rent boy down and explain what the difference is between Grayling and Brown and why Brown is getting an easier ride when we know the one eyed git is a violent aggressive little fat shit?
And let’s not forget that Mr. Brown also called the immigration question “annoying” on the Vine show. That’s a public statement in a public forum, so no hiding behind the privacy smokescreen.
Yes, that is key, it shows there was no ‘misunderstanding’ about what she said. Loud and clear: If you are concerned about the level of immigration to Britain Brown thinks you’re a bigot.
While Prescott still lumbers about claiming, unchallenged, it was all a Murdoch plot, to be the one whose pool mike got used, and not make a lunge for a paranoid bully surrounded by armed cops to get it back as he made a panic dash away from an old lady who had shown him up like wot was not supposed to happen, mummy… er, Sarah…
@PatJHennessy Blimey….GB leaves radio mike on AGAIN after walkabout. This time BBC camera crew remove it.
Mind you, this is from a right wing plotting Telegraph journo, so one might need to crank an eyebrow on veracity. Unlike with more unique, objective sources.
If true, it is nice of the BBC to spare the blushes of Mr. B and his crack ‘team’. And saves tricky dilemmas all round, plus gives Mr. Prescott more ammo for his unchecked paranoid ravings too.
Professional pride-wise, about par. They must be proud.
The workers who met Mr Brown in a factory in Halesowen looked somewhat embarrassed to have walk-on parts in this painful spectacle. “Your firm’s doing well in China,” the prime minister told one who was lined up to meet him.
Her reply? “Our company’s doing very well everywhere, but I think it’s in spite of you.”
Politically desperate Labour sympathiser, the BBC’s Mark Easton, tries to bring his non-qualification in pyschoanalysis to explain the nice Mr. Brown’s actions to us in calling a Labour supporter ‘bigted’ because sahe is worried about Labour’s immigration.
The BBC link at its ‘News’ site on News Front Page refers, falsely, to the title of Mr. Easton’s blog piece as being:
“The politics of immigration” (check ‘top right’ under Election 2010 for BBC false title).
In real terms does it matter? Wouldn’t the seats that might change because of the candidates membership of the Destroy Israel Lobby be balanced by seats with a a pronounced Hindu, Jewish, or members of some Christian Groups population or a popular sitting candidate with Israel support cred?
How many of these 52 seats (out of 650) are genuinely shaky?
How many these seats are going to be supported on ethnic grounds anyway (I counted 11 sub continent names)?
I’m speechless. Stephanie Flanders, who is normally very much in favor of printing money…sorry…quantitative easing…just spoke very positively about Cameron’s statement that the government is not the economy, while being slightly criticial of Brown’s reliance on government spending and interference. She’s going to hear it from Robert Peston about this.
Did anyone else notice that in the first debate Clegg said the only referendum needed on the EU was ‘in or out’ but tonight he said he wouldn’t take Britain into the Euro without a referendum? What a liar! I’d rather have Brown than Clegg!
“Geert Wilders wants to impose sharp cuts on the publicly-funded networks. Not mincing his words, he tells de Telegraaf, “The ‘state broadcaster’ compared us to the Nazis and Milosevic. The programme was disgustingly biased. We should send the makers to Nova Zembla once we get them off the subsidy drip-feed.””
That is how you deal with broadcasting bias, call it like it is.
Yes who can forget in What’s The Story, Balamory? Edie Mcredie, as an annual treat, wants to take all the kids out for the day on her bus.
Where might she take them?
Perhaps for a wee paiddle in the burn?
Or a secluded beach where they can skip stones into the waves.
Or even a braw loch where they can be given some kiddie-sized fishing rods and some worms?
Nah. Edie takes the kids to the local mosque for their ‘treat.’
Anfd hat-tip to someone else 🙂 Balamory boasts such an impressive social diversity, including a hyperactive black fitness instructor, Josie Jump; a laid-back Afro-American painter called Spencer; an Asian family; and a paraplegic Geordie shopkeeper by the name of Penny Pocket. There is even Archie the Inventor, who wears a skirt and lives in a pink castle wink wink nudge nudge.
The prince of mince Nikki Campbell led the change against that evil Tory bastard Cameron this morning with his right on phone in.
A cafe full of drugged up students (who gives a shit what some doped up 18 year old thinks?) and then the usual bunch of tossers from Scotland and Liverpool going on about Thatcher.
90% of the calls were anti Tory and given plenty of airtime by Nikki.
BBC Radio 5’s vital propaganda -interrupts ‘the news bulletin’ at 11:30 am.
So politically desperate is the BBC to give its Labour Party a boost in the Election campaign that it gave priority to an interview with Tony Blair, supporting Brown.
The BBC will NOT be asking Blair about this:
“Shell drafted letter to Tony Blair sent to Gaddafi while Prime Minister”
Once again the BBC News website looks like a Labour promotion site. Today the leading item and headline is something along the lines of ” Brown – time for decision”. How is that the main news about the election campaign, especially in the wake of last night’s big media event? Yesterday the leading item and theme was Brown mortified, the BBC enthusiastically repeating the Brown/ Mandy mantra like a parrot.
Why doesn’t the BBC report the election campaign news instead of electioneering for Labour? THe News website front page begins to look like a repository of Labour Party press notices.
This is the type of person and behaviour that the BBC thinks is a suitable model and poster boy for young people and promotes with our money.
It’s not as if they weren’t warned, either:
In 2006, Tory leader David Cameron accused him of glorifying violence on his show, saying: ‘I would say to Radio 1, do you realise that some of the stuff you play on Saturday nights encourages people to carry guns and knives?’ He has also been ridiculed for his attempts to portray a macho and ‘street’ image, despite his middle-class upbringing.
He is a public schoolboy and the son of a vicar, Bill Westwood, who later became the Bishop of Peterborough.
But then we knew already that the BBC has no moral sense or sense of social responsibility – remember when they had to be sent on training courses to learn honesty.
I quite liked this comment on the BBC website live election text, re Clegg’s visit to the snooker at the Crucible Theatre, Sheffield;
The BBC’s Fiona Trott says Mr Clegg did get a few boos when he entered the Crucible arena – it is in a Labour-supporting part of Sheffield, after all
Given Brown’s cuurrent popularity we can clearly discount the possibility that anyone in the audience in Sheffield to watch the snooker might actually be Conservative
<img src=”” border=”0″/>
BBC news website lead item and banner headline this morning was of Brown saying it’s decision time. By the afternoon the lead item was another Brown says item: Brown ‘to dig deeper’ before poll The PM says he will fight to “the last second” as Nick Clegg and David Cameron battle to persuade voters they can bring change.Not only that but the second item billed under the Election 2010 heading has another “Brown says” Labour press office issue as its headline: Brown says he misunderstood the words of the woman he called a bigot. Don’t tell me those were chosen for top billing because they were the top news items of the day.It might as well be the Labour Party press office website. Who is the editor of the BBC news website? It is a blooming disgrace.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Here’s a thought. Suppose the BBC had recorded Brown and not Sky, I bet we wouldn’t have heard about the tape either till after the election or unless it got leaked.
ITV News just tipped a bucketful over Brown even though Tom Bradby was VERY fair to one eye. ITV talked about McTwat not liking criticism (remember the Adam Boulton interview with the jock tosser?) and his bad temper.
The BBC zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
“Here’s a thought. Suppose the BBC had recorded Brown and not Sky, I bet we wouldn’t have heard about the tape either till after the election or unless it got leaked”
That complicated? The order would have gone out to destroy the tape, and destroyed it would be. No tape to leak or use later on you can be sure of that.
The BBC DID record Brown. The question is, would they have broken the story if Sky hadn’t?
This will give Peter Kellner of yougov an opportunity to revise labours poll ratings upwards? His wife must be telling him that the appology has made him look like a hero.
Yougov will just make sure they close their poll directly after Brown stops talking, rather than Clegg like last time. I’m sure they will be able to synchronize their watches properly with the BBC. Mind you, I would have thought that most of the actors ‘inbetween jobs, unemployed bohemians and students that actually assist Yougov will be out on the cider by then.
Kellner has already been on BBC News Channel with Labour’s “Calm down” mantra
It will finish Brown despite the attempts on the 6Pm TV news to focus the argument on immigration.
Mrs Duffy looks just like an ordinary English woman from any town or village in the country. She is a widow and a grandmother. Brown’s contempt for her will finish him and there is nothing that can prevent this happening.
The beeboids never meet people like her, except under controlled conditions , so are unable to understand just how offensive Brown
was. Private or public it makes no difference. It’s over.
I expect the BBC’s desperate last ditch attempt to spin it for him will be abandoned and resources will switch to the Clegg droid. The last hope of the liberal left dreamers.
In a sane, moral country, yes it would be over. We are not in a sane, moral country.
The Beeboids may agree with him that anyone concerned about immigration is a bigot, but they very clearly are shocked that Mr. Brown thought his encounter with Mrs. Duffy was a disaster. They thought it went rather well, and that he had convinced her to stick with Labour. I agree with that assessment, actually.
So the poor Beeboids are very confused as to why Mr. Brown said what he said. Not that the woman wasn’t a bigot – she is, in their minds, as am I – but that he should have thought the encounter went well.
Notice how the BBC has danced quickly away any time one of the talking heads mentions that this might mean that lots of ordinary people are bigots. They do not want to have that discussion, as it would go against the Narrative and hurt both Labour and the LibDems.
She’s the sort of person the BBC ignores. As I posted before the WWC only have themselves to blame. The inner cities are shit holes and will always be, because these places are the breeding ground of the core Liebour voter.
The BBC/Liebour know they don’t have to pander to the WWC unlike say Muslims as WWC don’t riot protest or blow people up on tube trains.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Gillian Duffy soon discovers that her best cutlery has gone and her dog is pregnant.
Ha ! Ha!
The woman was a bit of a pain because she was complaining bitterly about her own and other disadvantaged people’s financial plight due to Labour’s broken promises, then without drawing breath she launched into an assault on Labour’s unrealistic plans to repay the budget deficit. He couldn’t win. The immigration topic was thrown in for good measure, but the real issue with immigration still dare not speak its name.
If he thinks mentioning Eastern European immigration is bigoted, heaven knows what he’d have to say about criticism of the incoming flocks flocking in from Islamic states, peace be upon them.
I think he’s compounded matters now by saying some tosh about misunderstanding words. It’s pathetic, and more farcical than The Thick of It. Where’s Armando Iannucci? It’s poor Sue that gets my sympathy.
Pleased to note the recent reference to YouGov above. I complained to the BBC about the constant name checking only of YG to the exclusion of all others when mentioning “polls” on Today only to be given the expected brush off. They repeated the exercise two days later. I also queried whether any presenter of the Today programme had any shares in YG to be told that they hadn’t!
I await response to follow complaint of continued YG only name checking and asking for confirmation that JH no longer a shareholder in YG as that really is a public interest matter at this present time.
Compare and contrast – yesterday Cameron gets ambushed by political activist Jonathon Bartley, despite his and the BBC’s best efforts the damage caused to Cameron and the Conservatives is negligable.
Today an elderly lady from the north of England goes out to buy a loaf, sees a load of police and wanders down to see what’s going on…………………………………………
… the BBC paint her a a racist and out of touch with everyone else (even though sky and ITV point out her views are reflected by a lot of oother voters). The BBC just spin it as “Gordon being Gordon” and toenails spouts that “We’ve always known Gordon was like this”.
Really Toenails, anything else you’d like to tell us about? like the ‘rumour’ about Brown and Mandelson in a private office many years ago?
Dear Graham Norton, I first fell in love with Kay Burley when I saw her here.
And today watching her discussing bigot/duffy/rochdale-gate it was quite clear she was enjoying it every bit as much as I.
In complete contrast to the BBC BWOT* who went on (and on and on and on) about how sorry Captain Insensible looked. He was sorry alright, but only for himself. That was of course not what she was trying to convey.
Beeb then shipped in their Twitter expert who put up a screen of tweets (clearly from his own liberal-left inbox) pretending that they were a random sample. Said ‘random sample’ of course was full of ‘ shows Gordon to be human’…’Move on’…’ why are the press so obsessed with this? etc.
No chance then of them ever reading out my tweets on the BBC – I’ll tell you that for nothing.
*blonde woman on telly
Twitter is a virtual ‘source’ from heaven that puts the dozen mates on a BBC Producer’s iPhone speed dial to shame.
It creates the impression of a degree of impartiality, but beyond the actual total numbers (not manY), and the % usage of those in liberal professions (free all day), and the % of those who the Justins and Emilys follow and agree with them, it makes Mrs Kellner’s husband’s polls seem positively objective.
The commentariat now seems to be full on at odds with those who do not suck at the media industry teat from within the M25, rolling over the actual words and mentality (‘who put me with that woman?’) on display to spin the ‘human’, ‘mortified’ aspects of this non-novice, deranged leadership candidate.
Even James Whale on SKY seems to have decided that ‘they’ don’t need to be held accountable for what they actually do or say vs. what they claim.
But the BBC institutionally seems on near total ‘moving on’ mode following a brief shutdown to scrape the nasty stains off the leather studio seats.
The more you watch that interview the more you see what a vile nasty little jock thug Brown is.
The BBC though are really really spinning this story, I haven’t soptted a Tory on the BBC yet, perhaps I missed one? It’s been wall to wall backside licking from the BBC.
Yeah, they had a two Tories on yesterday. One was an old retired MP who expressed his full sympathy (part of the “who among us” narrative), and a rather inanimate Michael Howard, who let Charles Kennedy – the BBC’s second-favorite LibDem do most of the talking.
I see Sky are having to defend themselves now, they are pointin out the mic was worn at the request of Liebour.
funny the BBC tools found it funny when Bush got caught out being overheard making a private comment about some bloke calling him “a real asshole”. I’ve seen that clip played by the drug addled reny boy fondlers many times.
Expect the theme tomorrow to be “was it fair to play Gordon’s comments”? to which we will get engless Liebour party officials ring up pretending to be Tory voters who are now going to vote for Gordon and that Sky news are evil.
I’m not joking, you read it here first.
It was a pooled mike – the feed went to Sky, ITV and the BBC simultaneously.
Funny how the BBC was slow to report what was obviously a disastrous gaffe.
I rarely make promises but I can say with 100000% certainty that if the BBC alone had that tape then that tape would NEVER see the light of day EVER!
The BBC must have bukets of off mike/off camera bloopers and unless its a hated tory then they will never be aired.
We know how the BBC opperates and we know for a fact that the BBC goes out of its way to protect their allies.
“I’ve seen that clip played by the drug addled reny boy fondlers many times. ” & their agenda for today, blown off course by Brown’s ineptitude, was that other old favorite Bob Quick & how he was right to bang up Tory Green for a day over fatty smith’s leak
One thick-tongued Labour supporter in Norwich did just that. He said that the media was trying to force a narrative on everyone about this (!), and that the woman probably was a bigot after all.
All four vox pops in Norwich were in full support Gordon mode, reading flawlessly from the script. We all say things we regret, who among us will cast the first stone, it was a private conversation and shouldn’t count, this will not affect my vote.
That’s how it’s going to play out now. The woman’s opinion is meaningless, the points she raised without merit. It’s all about forgiving Gordon for a mistake we’ve all made at one time or another.
Forget that he said her question about immigration was “annoying” on the Vine show, which has nothing whatsoever to do with what he said in the car.
I notice how, even after all the apology-spinning and hand-wringing, nobody is mentioning that, during the Jeremy Vine segment, Mr. Brown said that Mrs. Duffy’s question on immigration was “annoying”.
Forget about the eavesdropping charge. Brown said it was “annoying” right there on the BBC. They can’t spin that away as something he didn’t mean.
She was perfectly reasonable giving the one eyed an idiot a going over that the crap lobby pack haven’t got the balls to do.
‘They can’t spin that away as something he didn’t mean.’
Oh yes they can. And are.
What was actually said, done, and clearly meant has been already covered in a pile of opinion and explanation and excuse and sympathy (for a clear two-faced bully) and spin like dumping a man-made concrete mountain on Chernobyl.
It still is toxic, but for now, as long as it serves, it has been covered up.
I am sure the few BBC reporters who strayed have already enjoyed a quiet word to make sure they stick to the teleprompter in future even when it sticks in their professional, and personal craws.
‘New English Review ‘ has this:
Just seen some unbelieveable bias on the Campaign Show (BBC News 24,Weds 28th, 9:30pm)
They had Rawnsley and Harriet Harmon making excuses for Gordons (“We all say things we don’t mean from time-to-time, it was a mistake, he said sorry, he cares deeply..” blah blah blah)
Then they went to an outside broadcast from a hustings somewhere to get opinions from ‘4 ordinary voters’. All 4 gave Gordon a free pass – one blamed the media, one thought it was great he had said sorry, another thought Gordon was entitled to his opinion and maybe the woman was bigotted. All clearly Labour stooges!!
Then they hand back to the studio and the presenter agrees and says he’s also had many emails with similar sentiments.
Absolutely unbelieveable bias.
Liebour really are pathetic. Ugly old hose head claims that this is a distraction and that no one is talking about policy. No we’d like to talk about immigration but the Liebour/BBC/Grauniad Mafia won’t let us, well not without calling everyone a bigot or racist.
Ah well, either way, today was a big bag of win and left me with a warm glow. I look forward to whoever the next ‘ordinary’ Kato is that will jump out on the Inspector Clouseau of British Politics.
Meanwhile the goldfish brains of the British public will wake up tomorrow to be reminded of it all over again by the tabloids just so they can forget again come Eastenders.
Gordon Brown is exactly what this country deserves and it’s giving me no end of amusement watching him flush turd after turd round the U-Bend that was this once great nation.
Post of the week I think, perfectly succinct and to the point Travis and sadly the truth.
How many more times will the bovine muppet public have their faces rubbed in the stinking political cesspit before they see the truth?
I used to think the British people would wake up and rebel en masse but not now. Many seem to in a sort of mental coma acting like zombies.
Maybe the UK is truly finished and deserves extinction like all other empires of the past, maybe its time all those who can get out should find pastures new and forget the little islands we left behind.
My grandad used to say all the best of his generation died in the great war and the best of their offspring followed in the second, after they were lost our nation was finished we just didnt know it. He went through the two wars in uniform and saw ALL his chums die.
The voters deserve people like Clagg/Brown and Cameron they really truly do!
Travis and Cassie. Excellent posts both, sadly. I am already making preparations to emigrate. Whatever the result, the UK is finished.
I have just listned to the Brown comversation with Gillian Duffy. While everybody is getting worked up about the immigration thing nobody at the BBC has pointed out that he claimed to have a plan to half our debt in 4 years where as all he has is a plan to half the deficite in 4 years. Another Brown lie
He also said in response to Mrs Duffy’s complaint about paying income tax
“Well we’re raising the threshold at which people start paying tax as pensioners”
Another lie, all tax allowances have been frozen this year
True. And Mrs. Duffy had to correct him about her double-taxed pension. He kept telling her she was eligible no matter how many times she told him she’d checked.
Brown and the BBC frequently confuse debt and deficit, although maybe they don’t know the difference.
All fuss about a private comment made public and apologies is irrelevant. When confronted with it on Radio 2, Gordon Brown said that the woman’s question on immigration was “annoying”. That’s a public statement in a public forum on the BBC.
It’s incontrovertable evidence that Mr. Brown did mean what he said when he called Mrs. Duffy a bigot, and why he was upset that he had to listen to her. Anything else is spin and deceit.
Just watched ITV News at Ten, very little evidence of damage limitation on there as it was dissected over 15 minutes. Plus their poll (not by YouGov), before today’s contretemps, gave 36, 29, 28 Tory, Lab, Lib.
Anybody care to contrast that with coverage on the channel we have to pay for at the same time.
Newsnight and Radio 5 STILL peddling lie that it was the fault of Sky News (fat turd Prescott peddling some lie about a murdoch stitch up)
I told you.
BBC NOT stating it was a pooled mic.
Its matters not whose microphone it was – it does not alter the words spoken. Do the BBC think this will work? Only people with a very low intelligence would conclude that it was the “mic. what done it” in the hands of the evil Murdoch empire. It beggers belief.
I think they’re banking on enough Labour supporters playing the forgiveness defense. “Who among us hasn’t,” etc. That’s because anyone who says that and claims it doesn’t betray anything else actually thinks Mrs. Duffy is a bigot, but won’t say it out loud.
One of the vox pops in Norwich suggested as much, though. And Mr. Brown’s statement on the Vine show that Mrs. Duffy’s question about immigration was “annoying” is a dead giveaway.
But they all think she’s a bigot, from No. 10 to Broadcasting House to that smiling archdeacon in Norwich. So they pretend it’s instead about a momentary lapse of reason, all should be forgiven.
I heard that the LibDems sent her a bunch of yellow flowers. She should throw it back in their faces because they think she’s a bigot, too.
They all think she is a bigot but they still want her vote. Hypocrite socialist scumbags.
‘John Horne Tooke
Its matters not whose microphone it was’
I fear it does, and for reasons you go on to allude to.
Remember.. ‘tell a lie often enough’? It’s on every thread I read. I am still seeing wheelchair boy’s activist parent referred to as a ‘Dad’ who put Mr. Cameron on the spot.
Prescott has obviously only recalled the memo that it is Labour vs. Murdoch, with the BBC as the Battle of Britain’s Bozo’s squadron: ‘Never in the field of paid spin, have so few been given so much money by so many to serve the few’
Annoying, I know.
Aunty, any views…
Professional rock vs. future narrative hard place?
Ugly jock female beeboid on News 24 paper review looked like she was about to break into tears as Tim walker went through the papers.
I saw it, too. She managed to keep it together for a while, but by the end it was, “oh dear”.
Great Sun headline, though.
Brown has form for treating questions about immigration with hostility. This episode today reminded me that a few years ago while he was still Chancellor when someone raised the question why 7 out of 10 immigrants to Britain are from Africa and Asia even though we are in the EU and he arrogantly dismissed the question declaring defiantly that it would continue to be the case, instead of answering the question.
Nobody has ever explained how, when, where and by whom it was decided that we should have what number of immigrants from wherever, including the EU (albeit that we have limited scope in the latter case to do much, other than decisions about further accession to the EU and transitional arrangements for any new accession States.) It remains something of a mystery and Brown once again conforms that he thinks that nobody should even ask, let alone be entitled to know or to have any say about immigration numbers.
While the Prime Minister was busy calling an old lady a bigot because she disagreed with him on a political issue a bigot, the President of the US was calling in the riot police on a few old ladies because they disagreed with Him on a political issue.
The BBC won’t report this.
Funny isn’t it that Barry like McTwat hate anyone who doesn’t agre wtih them?
Deomcracy is only one way with those two idiots, you agre with me or else…
Is there any information on who ‘chooses’ the questions at these ‘leaders’ ‘debates’ (lot of quote marks there, but my lack of faith in the system is zero)?
Frankly I thought those at the first two were dire enough, but the notion of a BBC ‘team’ setting the tone, and a BBC ‘moderator’ running it is frankly a concern.
Just watching SKY interview Alan Johnson and his answer about how tonight’s event will be handled: ‘Labour won’t be running tonight’s event; the BBC will be running tonight’s event’.
Ooooh, peachy.
If the BBC are running it then it is being run by Nu Liebour. Expect the audience to burst into applause every time McOne eye spouts up and Cameron will get booed.
If you notice both previous debates had a mostly white (and older) audience than you see on QT, but if the BBC are involved it will full of the usual Mohammeds and Abduls and spotty drugged up 16 year old’s.
Getting your excuses in early…….
9. Gordon Brown will have spent less time preparing than he will have liked.
12.A member of the audience may be tempted to break their silence.
….well what a surprise that would be.
‘Unexpected trip to Rochdale…’
Do they think we are simple?
Which one? The one they set up (in every way bar the cock-up)?
Or the one they set up (in every way, including the first name and gurn cock up at end) later?
I what way was any of this ‘unexpected’ other than a self-inflicted detour to Mr. Brown’s swotting?
The most gut-churning moment for me was that huge false grin that he does so well (remember Dan Hannan?).
That sums up these people through and through: Brown, Draper, McBride, Balls. If you so much as disagree you are branded as a racist, fascist, bigot, homophobe, or whatever – anything that puts a stop to some honest dialogue.
I thought Paxman did a sort of OK job on this last night, but still allowed that tedious dogmatic Brown shill to dominate, nay monopolise the proceedings. He actually might have done everyone a huge favour, in allowing the nation to see what a complete cocksucker this guy was.
Checkout the extraodinary bias in this segment from the Campaign Show, BBC News 24, broadcast 9:30pm 28th April.
Jump to 25:00
The beeb managed to find the only 4 people in the country who think Bruin’s shocking comments were no big deal:
1) Vicar of Dibley feels sorry for the prime minister – god bless her – (nevermind about the kind old widow he insulted on national TV)
2) Labour activist John thinks comments in private don’t matter.
3) Lefty student Charlie thinks the ‘media pushed the impression onto us’ (??) and the widow was indeed a bigot ‘in that situation what she commented on’
4) Charlie’s dad(?), Adrian, thinks we should relax and share our stresses – and Gordon is genuine.
Unbelievable. Even Harriet Harmon when commenting immediately after the segment notes that the ‘4 ordinary voters’ are “very forebearing, very understanding and very forgiving” (not to mention very card-carrying Labour party members).
Here’s the direct link to the show:
The offending segment starts at 25:40
I saw this last night and just had to go out of the room I was so angry with it. The bit when Harriet Harman served the whole episode up as a good reason for there being more women in the clergy was the last straw (and very indicative of her inability to separate the political from the non-political). Incidentally, I watch the Campaign Show every other day on averrage, and I have yet to see an edition where one of their daily 4 random voters they talk to is voting Conservative or UKIP.
Yup – I was visiting my parents house when this came on. My 75 year old mum is very trusting of the everything she sees on the BBC – but even she was astonished by the bias in this piece.
Given the range of people & opinions present at the hustings, how come the BBC managed to pick out 4 staunch Labour supporters who all think that dismissing an honest Labour voting widow as a ‘bigoted woman’ is A-OK.
All the BBC will achieve by doing this is to surpress yet more anger among the masses. It would have been a lot better for everyone if they’d just let the general public blow off steam. Now you will have millions walking around with all this pent up rage. So there will be plenty more punched faces, vomit filled gutters and paraletic bodies outside the bars and nightclubs this weekend.
It all be forgotten about come Monday.
It’s kind of difficult to find 4 Conservative or UKIP voters when the Beeboids keep going to Labour hustings. That church in Norwich was holding a Labour hustings, even though the partisan archdeacon said it was open to everyone.
At no point do they state that it’s a Labour-only hustings.
The 4 stooges are just described as ‘ordinary viewers’ and ‘ordinary voters’. Not Labour supporters.
It’s a clear attempt to brainwash viewers into thinking “well, if all those ‘ordinary people’ think it’s OK, then it must be OK – just a fuss about nothing – we all do it sometimes don’t we?. Why, only the other day I insulted a dear old widow who’d voted for me for 30 years”.
Mary Jackson: “Gordon Brown, a snob, as only a Socialist can be, ..” So true.
I think what Gordon found so hard to take was Mrs Duffy’s unresponsive demeanour, talking at him with absolutely no intention of listening. She beat him at his own game, so in that sense they were both displaying the characteristics of the bigot.
Harriet Harman was reduced to pleading that ‘he didn’t mean it.’ He certainly didn’t mean his outburst to be overheard, nor to reveal his psychological inability to accept his own failure and his compulsion to transfer blame to others.
“We’ve all done it,” she wailed. We have indeed. Inadvertently revealed our true nature.
Neither Cleggy nor Call me Dave are any more keen to address the real immigration problem than Gordon is. They’re determined to pussyfoot around it. It’s discussed, yes. It can no longer be brushed under the carpet. But the Islamisation of the UK, which is the real nub, is still a no-go area.
Nobody wants to meet the same fate as Theo van Gogh, do they? – ‘Not a threat, just a statement of fact.’
But Mrs. Duffy did listen to what Mr. Brown had to say. She allowed that she agreed with his statement about the winter fuel allowance, and listened to what he was saying about tuition fees and university opportunities. She went in angry and came out a happy supporter. Mrs. Duffy showed infinitely more patience and understanding than Mr. Brown did. She even grasped that it was a positive encounter, whereas the seemingly sociopathic Prime Minister was clearly in another world altogether.
Maybe, as a taxpayer in broken Britain, she is entitled to be rattled by Browns mantra – rattled off pat — she wants to be heard during her one big chance…but look at these comments on Youtube……
I fear there’s not much chance these days of rational discussion….
Those comments aren’t representative of the general public, they are the labour party rent-a-mob voters, sweeping the internet like soldier ants all the way up to the election. They are doing it on the comments section of every popular site.
If it had been your average Youtube viewers the comments would have been the usual variation of LOLs and 2 wannabe gangsters threatening to bash each other.
That just proves the theory that anyone who uses the “who among us” defense really thinks Mrs. Duffy is a bigot.
nauseating cosy chat just now on BBC World’s 24-hour international rolling news service between sap-headed male news presenter and balanced, unbiased political commentator Michael White. news presenter kicked things off with some revealing wishful thinking to the effect that hopefully most people are aware of newspapers’ political affiliations and won’t be too influenced by the headlines this morning. Michael White says the `high point’ of the campaign so far is the emergence of Nick Clegg, the `low point’ is the `pretty mean-spirited comments from Gordon Brown yesterday.’ presenter nods in agreement, we’re all on the same side here. Michael White finishes off with comment that tonight’s debate is about the economy — `THIS IS THE PRIME MINISTER’S STRONG SUIT, THIS IS WHERE HE SHINES. HE CAN SAY YOU MAY NOT LIKE ME, BUT I HANDLED THE FINANCIAL CRISIS AND HAVE DONE A LOT OF GOOD’ etc etc. This all passes without any questioning or disagreement. With the line that the nation’s finances are in great shape now out there, presenter looks a bit chirpier, everything’s cool !
‘Migrationwatch’ has selection of media reports on immigration which BBC largely ignores:
BBC still in full Save Gordon mode. Look at the headline for the Mr. Brown story about halfway down the UK election page:
Gordon Brown got caught doing something few could claim never to have done.
This is leading the reader to an opinion. It’s not journalism or impartial at all. The BBC has had a legion of supporters on in the last 24 hours or so driving home the “who among us” narrative. The Beeboids themselves shouldn’t join in.
The line is a direct appeal for sympathy, and it’s in big, bold letters at the top of this article, which goes even further up Mr. Brown’s backside. It’s an “expert view” on why we all do what Mr. Brown did. Pathetic, BBC.
The Beeboids really ought to be asking themselves: Who among us is a biased bigot?
I also like the BBC website headline “PM seeks to focus on economy after slur”. It makes it sound as if he is the one who has been slurred – or is that what they are suggesting?
That was the same yesterday, the headline made it look as if SHE had called him a bigot.
Well if it isn’t old Beattie Chops himself, author of the article in David P’s link! That’s the academic psychologist Geoffrey Beattie who’s never off the telly, both on Channel 4 for Big Brother and the BBC for whatever programmes he can get. It seems he’d do anything to get his mug on the telly, an impression confirmed by the story he tells against himself in the article, where he was just as two-faced as Brown in sycophantically telling the interviewer to call him on the telephone any time, while seething at the cheek of the interviewer for thinking himself too clever by half and giving him a difficult interview.
Again contributing to the impression of selling his soul to the highest bidder so long as he can get his mug on the telly, Ol’ Beattie Bob goes on shamelessly to proclaim himself the resident official psychologist on Big Brother, a programme which blatantly exploits loopy and unstable people, to the extent that at least one responsible psychologist associated with it resigned from it and other individuals and organisations involved with mental health have publicly protested about the exploitation.
But old Beattie Bob boasts that he is the official psychologist, his bank balance continues to benefit and there he is, sycophantic mug on telly, happy as a pig in muck.
They’re talking in their own terms. Who among BBC News & Current Affairs staff hasn’t inwardly dismissed someone as a bigot for expressing concern about the level of immigration. When the BBC say ‘we’, they mean ‘they’. I hope one of the erswhile Contributors to B-BBC might be able to find the time to dissect the BBC’s damage limitation exercise on this.
The UK political class of Labour, Lib Dems, and to some extent, the Tories, supported by BBC, ‘Guardian’, ‘Independent’ have had, and still have, a political agenda to get unspecified millions of immigrants into Britain from strongly Islamic areas of Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, etc.
In addition, this political class campaigns for the further delegation of political power from Westminster to Brussels, which involves further large net immigration into the UK; and this political class all concurs in campaigning for the 75 million Muslim Turks to get into the EU, with further mass immigration from there, and further moves towards the imposition of Islamisation in Britain.
“How Labour threw open doors to mass migration in secret plot to make a multicultural UK”
Read more:
This is the debate, about stopping mass Muslim immigration into Britain, which the political class (inc. BBC) does not want to discuss:
From ‘ATW’:
“Approved by Islam”
You have to click twice to find out what this is – a list of approved candidates in the general election, i.e. approved by some Muslim organisation. Is it worth two clicks? No!
Robin Shepherd:
“UK Muslims systematically supporting anti-Israel candidates in British election campaign”
Just listened to Radio 5 on way home. Needless to say the whole BBC narrative is
1. Gordon is just Gordon
2. He’s said sorry so let’s move on.
3. It wasn’t fair his comments were recorded secretly
The BBC want to kill the story.
But remember Chris Grayling? He was secretly recorded as well saying something quite reasonable that in your own home you should be able to decide if you want homosexuals sharing the same bed.
Did the BBC say “let’s move on”? NO
Did the BBC say “it wasn’t fair that he was secretly recorded”? NO
Do can some drugged up beeboid put his 8 year old rent boy down and explain what the difference is between Grayling and Brown and why Brown is getting an easier ride when we know the one eyed git is a violent aggressive little fat shit?
And let’s not forget that Mr. Brown also called the immigration question “annoying” on the Vine show. That’s a public statement in a public forum, so no hiding behind the privacy smokescreen.
Yes, that is key, it shows there was no ‘misunderstanding’ about what she said. Loud and clear: If you are concerned about the level of immigration to Britain Brown thinks you’re a bigot.
While Prescott still lumbers about claiming, unchallenged, it was all a Murdoch plot, to be the one whose pool mike got used, and not make a lunge for a paranoid bully surrounded by armed cops to get it back as he made a panic dash away from an old lady who had shown him up like wot was not supposed to happen, mummy… er, Sarah…
@PatJHennessy Blimey….GB leaves radio mike on AGAIN after walkabout. This time BBC camera crew remove it.
Mind you, this is from a right wing plotting Telegraph journo, so one might need to crank an eyebrow on veracity. Unlike with more unique, objective sources.
If true, it is nice of the BBC to spare the blushes of Mr. B and his crack ‘team’. And saves tricky dilemmas all round, plus gives Mr. Prescott more ammo for his unchecked paranoid ravings too.
Professional pride-wise, about par. They must be proud.
Actually, Martin, I think Gordon the Moron is a lot worse than that !
Even Toenails had the balls to report THIS
The workers who met Mr Brown in a factory in Halesowen looked somewhat embarrassed to have walk-on parts in this painful spectacle. “Your firm’s doing well in China,” the prime minister told one who was lined up to meet him.
Her reply? “Our company’s doing very well everywhere, but I think it’s in spite of you.”
Politically desperate Labour sympathiser, the BBC’s Mark Easton, tries to bring his non-qualification in pyschoanalysis to explain the nice Mr. Brown’s actions to us in calling a Labour supporter ‘bigted’ because sahe is worried about Labour’s immigration.
The BBC link at its ‘News’ site on News Front Page refers, falsely, to the title of Mr. Easton’s blog piece as being:
“The politics of immigration” (check ‘top right’ under Election 2010 for BBC false title).
But this is misleading because the title of Mr. Easton’s article is actually:
“The politics of race” !
Mr Easton provides no immigration figures, but simply makes up what he (Easton) thinks Brown meant to say!
Pathetic really.
In real terms does it matter? Wouldn’t the seats that might change because of the candidates membership of the Destroy Israel Lobby be balanced by seats with a a pronounced Hindu, Jewish, or members of some Christian Groups population or a popular sitting candidate with Israel support cred?
How many of these 52 seats (out of 650) are genuinely shaky?
How many these seats are going to be supported on ethnic grounds anyway (I counted 11 sub continent names)?
Nick Robinson just did a pretty reasonable report. Let’s see if he ruins it with his studio babble.
God help me, I agree with what Nick Robinson just said.
I’m speechless. Stephanie Flanders, who is normally very much in favor of printing money…sorry…quantitative easing…just spoke very positively about Cameron’s statement that the government is not the economy, while being slightly criticial of Brown’s reliance on government spending and interference. She’s going to hear it from Robert Peston about this.
Maybe like Nazis towards the end of WWII doing deals to save Jews?
Did anyone else notice that in the first debate Clegg said the only referendum needed on the EU was ‘in or out’ but tonight he said he wouldn’t take Britain into the Euro without a referendum? What a liar! I’d rather have Brown than Clegg!
BBC (via Mr. Casciani) reports European Court of Justice decision almost completely from the point of view of suspected terrorists:
The ‘Daily Express’ doesn’t:
“Euro Court hands our benefits to terrorists”
and ‘Mail’:
“Wives of terrorist suspects ‘CAN claim benefits’, say European judges”
Read more:
The Gazans push metal
As further victims of the blockade they must smuggle equipment and protein supplements through the tunnels. Oh, the inhumanity.
I particularly like image #4. The chubby to the right couldn’t look less interested.
One Laptop Per Child reaches Gaza Strip
I wonder if they have Internet? There are so many things out there that Hamas would disaprove of.
But you can find out how to build a bomb, wear a suicide vest and see the glorious martyrs of Islam in action.
BBC’s uncritical support for Islamising Britain:
Meanwhile in the Netherlands, unreported by BBC:
“Geert Wilders wants to impose sharp cuts on the publicly-funded networks. Not mincing his words, he tells de Telegraaf, “The ‘state broadcaster’ compared us to the Nazis and Milosevic. The programme was disgustingly biased. We should send the makers to Nova Zembla once we get them off the subsidy drip-feed.””
That is how you deal with broadcasting bias, call it like it is.
For BBC:
“UK: Mosque trip and Muslim clothes ‘compulsory'”
Yes who can forget in What’s The Story, Balamory? Edie Mcredie, as an annual treat, wants to take all the kids out for the day on her bus.
Where might she take them?
Perhaps for a wee paiddle in the burn?
Or a secluded beach where they can skip stones into the waves.
Or even a braw loch where they can be given some kiddie-sized fishing rods and some worms?
Nah. Edie takes the kids to the local mosque for their ‘treat.’
Anfd hat-tip to someone else 🙂 Balamory boasts such an impressive social diversity, including a hyperactive black fitness instructor, Josie Jump; a laid-back Afro-American painter called Spencer; an Asian family; and a paraplegic Geordie shopkeeper by the name of Penny Pocket. There is even Archie the Inventor, who wears a skirt and lives in a pink castle wink wink nudge nudge.
Balamory is on the BBC – like you couldn’t guess.
The prince of mince Nikki Campbell led the change against that evil Tory bastard Cameron this morning with his right on phone in.
A cafe full of drugged up students (who gives a shit what some doped up 18 year old thinks?) and then the usual bunch of tossers from Scotland and Liverpool going on about Thatcher.
90% of the calls were anti Tory and given plenty of airtime by Nikki.
The prince of mince
Ha. Ha. Marty strikes again.
BBC Radio 5’s vital propaganda -interrupts ‘the news bulletin’ at 11:30 am.
So politically desperate is the BBC to give its Labour Party a boost in the Election campaign that it gave priority to an interview with Tony Blair, supporting Brown.
The BBC will NOT be asking Blair about this:
“Shell drafted letter to Tony Blair sent to Gaddafi while Prime Minister”
Once again the BBC News website looks like a Labour promotion site. Today the leading item and headline is something along the lines of ” Brown – time for decision”. How is that the main news about the election campaign, especially in the wake of last night’s big media event? Yesterday the leading item and theme was Brown mortified, the BBC enthusiastically repeating the Brown/ Mandy mantra like a parrot.
Why doesn’t the BBC report the election campaign news instead of electioneering for Labour? THe News website front page begins to look like a repository of Labour Party press notices.
More evidence of something rotten in the state of BBC:
This is the type of person and behaviour that the BBC thinks is a suitable model and poster boy for young people and promotes with our money.
It’s not as if they weren’t warned, either:
In 2006, Tory leader David Cameron accused him of glorifying violence on his show, saying: ‘I would say to Radio 1, do you realise that some of the stuff you play on Saturday nights encourages people to carry guns and knives?’
He has also been ridiculed for his attempts to portray a macho and ‘street’ image, despite his middle-class upbringing.
He is a public schoolboy and the son of a vicar, Bill Westwood, who later became the Bishop of Peterborough.
But then we knew already that the BBC has no moral sense or sense of social responsibility – remember when they had to be sent on training courses to learn honesty.
Not bias, but this line from the BBC report on the car crash near Labour’s poster launch gave me a wry smile:
“The Golf’s driver, unemployed Omed Rashid, 27, said he would be voting Labour next Thursday.”
Sums things up quite nicely.
I quite liked this comment on the BBC website live election text, re Clegg’s visit to the snooker at the Crucible Theatre, Sheffield;
The BBC’s Fiona Trott says Mr Clegg did get a few boos when he entered the Crucible arena – it is in a Labour-supporting part of Sheffield, after all
Given Brown’s cuurrent popularity we can clearly discount the possibility that anyone in the audience in Sheffield to watch the snooker might actually be Conservative
<img src=”” border=”0″/>
BBC news website lead item and banner headline this morning was of Brown saying it’s decision time. By the afternoon the lead item was another Brown says item: Brown ‘to dig deeper’ before poll The PM says he will fight to “the last second” as Nick Clegg and David Cameron battle to persuade voters they can bring change.Not only that but the second item billed under the Election 2010 heading has another “Brown says” Labour press office issue as its headline: Brown says he misunderstood the words of the woman he called a bigot. Don’t tell me those were chosen for top billing because they were the top news items of the day.It might as well be the Labour Party press office website. Who is the editor of the BBC news website? It is a blooming disgrace.