One of the ways that BBC bias operates is that those who presenters do not like are bludgeoned virtually to death when they appear on programmes. UKIP ex-leader Nigel Farage is well able to look after himself, but this morning Evan Davis went flat out on Today to rubbish UKIP’s claims of being able to make £50 billion savings in public spending. On my count there were 16 interruptions in an exchange lasting no more than three minutes or so. Mr Farage ploughed on gamely, but the incredulity and scorn in Mr Davis’s voice was palpable; his main aim was to block Mr Farage from outlining his proposals in any detail. Of course, to Mr Davis and his cronies, the idea of not spending money on the EU and getting rid of qangos is almost a bigger crime than saying you don’t support gay rights.
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I did not hear that interview, but I did hear him interview Mandy. His treatment of Mandy was nothing like your description of what Farage got. An interviewer should be even handed, dish it out to one, then all should receive the same treatment!
BBC permanent fixture Brigstocke loathes UKIP and its supporters:
@wallaceme I don’t despise ordinary people Mark. I despise UKIP people. It’s different.
@philosofilify Singer “admits he once received an unsolicited $10,000 from Exxon”. Goodnight. Don’t vote UKIP.
Brigstocke the “climate change” (spit) “expert”:
@philosofilify I accept you don’t see that, but I do. That is my experience + my opinion. UKIP deny climate science. So they’re thick too.
@philosofilify If you support UKIP you clearly have no clue as to the science of climate change and have not done your research. No insult.
@philosofilify Sorry, I know you support UKIP + all that but honestly but you simply don’t know enough about climate change to debate this.
@Wyrdtimes Enough. I truly despise so much of what you believe in. You’re welcome to UKIP + Farage. Good luck to you.
@amandavin Please withdraw your admiration if you are UKIP supporter. I have no respect whatsoever for you and yours. Tired or otherwise.
Tweets by marcusbrig
I thought the BBC had very strict rules regarding partisan comments during elections. Shouldn’t they be notified?
If the Chris Summers case is anything to go by, as I think it is, not only will noone be disciplined for serious breaches of BBC impartiality guidelines there will not even be the most perfunctory of investigations. It is not worth the paper it is written on. It’s author, as I understand, is one David Jordan, ex ‘Chief Political Adviser’ now Director of Standards who before was the Producer of one of the BBC’s most brazenly biased programmes, ‘On the Record’.
I’m really hoping for a huge UKIP vote this election. Cameron is in bed with the BBC agenda for fear of getting on their wrong side and he’ll continue the anti-Christian pogrom that the Correctnicks have instigated. As big a vote as possible for UKIP might stand some chance of saving British democracy.
I thought the BBC had very strict rules regarding partisan comments during elections. Shouldn’t they be notified?
Twitter doesn’t count. Apparently. It was made clear at all the seminars we paid for them to attend.
Marcus Brigstocke – probably the biggest wanker out of all of Al Beebs leftist comedians
Has Brigstocke taken the social media training course paid for by the license fee?
There’s nothing like being lectured on SCIENCE by a guy who studied drama at Bristol university.
As an aside… I was interested in the Brigstocke knee-jerk view that has to demonize, for instance Exxon Mobil.
Checking the endowments to his alma mater Bristol U., I note that for the past five years BRITISH PETROLEUM has been giving money so that…
Investment from organisations such as these continues to be crucial in adding value to our (UoB) strategic plans and helping our researchers constantly break new ground across many fields.
In fact, links between Bristol and BP preceded the glorious arrival of Prickcock to that institution. I guess BP is the “good” pertro-chem company.
BP reveals ‘uptake-release’ gel
18 May 1992 00:00 [Source: ICB]
A POLYMERIC gel that retains macromolecules and releases them on heating has been developed by researchers from BP’s R&D centre at Sunbury, UK, and the University of Bristol.
Don’t blink, you might miss it, but here’s UKIP’s Nigel Farage on BBC ‘Newsnight’ last night, allowed to comment in 1 min:26 secs (Youtube) on the 3rd leaders’ TV debate:
The BBC played the clip where Farage said that Clegg admitted the EU immigration problem. The problem is that the BBC cut everything else out and made it look as if Farage was bigging Clegg up. These snivelling socialists don’t miss a trick do they?!
That was on breakfast news this morning!
The problem is that the BBC cut everything else out
The power of the edit suite is not lost on them. You can turn black into white with a few snips.
They have had plenty of practice in the use of the sly snip to portray someone to advantage or disadvantage. I remember being shocked at the cynical and dishonest way they employed it on Newsnight against Hillary Clinton during the contest with Obama for the Democrat nomination.
I have no time for Marcus Brigstocke. He’s made an opinion and decided that its fact. He doesn’t read opposing research, and claims he can say whats fact because he’s made research trips to the arctic. Big whoop.
His approach is akin to reading a government report on government malpractice and saying “its clear the government are doing nothing wrong”. Oh wait… the Oxburgh report already did that.
Meanwhile, Nick Griffin made a valliant stand against a determined Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 today. Make no mistake, I have no time for the BNP either, but he’s constantly made out to be far worse than he actually is.
Not once did Jeremy quiz Nick on hot political topics such as the economy, spending, etc, though there was brief mention of immigration… oh yeah… to criticise Griffin as a racist (again).
All the following call-ins were from people against the BNP. Nice try Nick, but this was the BBC you were talking to.
Best part: Nick Griffin: No, its the BBC that says these things and never lets me reply to them.
— Richard
“Make no mistake, I have no time for the BNP either, but he’s constantly made out to be far worse than he actually is.”
Errm, he’s a Nazi.
In a democratic society an impartial broadcaster has a duty to be biased against extremists who would destroy our democracy. Unfortunately at the BBC, the reason the British Nazi Party suffers such ordure is because the extremists on the other side are running the BBC. The moment it becomes convenient for them to align with the BNP like Stalin did with Hitler and Galloway and the SWP with Islam, they’d do it at the drop of a hat. On the whole, the BNP and the BBC deserve eachother. After the Iraq war I remember a questioner on Question Time announcing himself as a BNP member and praising up Saddam Hussein and condemning the Iraq War and he was treated very favourably by the left-liberals on the panel. The leftheads at the BBC are all about posturing and have no principle. They’re just a different variety of evil to the BNP.
You’ve missed my point and the point in general here.
I know Nick Griffin is unsavoury (trying not to start a war here), but not as much as the BBC tries hard to make out. If the BBC were to be believed then Nick is Hitler incarnate, but thats not true. As I say, I have no time for him or his policies, but the BBC needs to not push their view as truth.
My main point is that had the discussion been conducted properly in the context of the election there would be more discussion of how the BNP might deal with other mainstream topics – a fair discussion since if (heaven forbid) the BNP were elected they’d have to deal with those as well. The discussion on Radio 2 did not proceed this way, but was (despite Nick’s protestations) wholesale an attack on the BNP and Nick in particular. It could have taken place at any time and had little to do with the upcoming election.
— Richard
Griffin is no “Nazi” (to use that boring and overcooked anachronism). Neither is he “unsavoury” or any of the other distancing-adjectives used by his thuggish political opponents and by fearful free-thinking people who don’t want to suffer them either. Let me guess, you’ve already decided who I’m voting for and, thus, I’m a “Nazi” too, right? Wrong. Time for maturity my friends. Griffin does actually voice what many people, perhaps a good majority, are saying in workplaces, pubs and homes all over the country when it comes to immigration and multiculturalism etc.
Yet the BBC, an organisation which exists by forcing owners of television type equipment to give it money, has its own political agenda which is clearly at odds with what its involuntary subscribers are thinking at home. This comes across more clearly when Griffin is in the fray than with anyone else. That infamous edition of Question Time last year was the most disgusting example of state-sponsored mobbing, a particularly vehement form of illegal group bullying, I have ever witnessed.
Yes, the Nazi leadership of the BNP do try to exploit people’s legitimate grievances.
What happened there is happening here. Nice and easy pre-packaged thought. No mess or hardship. Do you want it gift wrapped or standard, it doesn’t really matter. Lazy lazy lazy.
At least it wasn’t Lord Pearson he was interviewing. I heard Lord Pearson’s interview with Eddie Mair the other night – my God, that was car crash radio.
What happened? Is it on-line anywhere?
He was unable to provide answers to questions, saying he didn’t know the answer but that it was in the manifesto. The old line of “not being a professional politician” came out. He was correct there – it made UKIP look thoroughly amateurish.
It was on PM on Monday or Tuesday night, I think. Not sure if that’s available online.
Pearson was a hopeless old duffer – unable to answer much, didn’t know his own party’s manifesto, a total joke
Okay, I see your point. Couldn’t find the radio interview but I just found this video clip when he was interviewed at the BBC:-
I agre with UKIP in principle, but if the best they can do for a leader is ‘Lord don’t-question-me-you-silly-boy Snooty, of Snootsville, Toffenhampshire, I’ll still be using my voting card as a shit scraper.
If you really must listen to it, it’s here, at 0:50:50 in. Your toes will curl.
Thanks for posting that. I thought it was a very fair interview by Eddie Mair who is not always noted for his balance. I have certainly heard Lord Pearson do better and this interview would not have won him any votes, but as a deferential Tory, any small ‘c’ conservative Party Leader who says “awf’ gets my vote.
Lord Pearson did sound like the strain of the election campaign has been getting to him a bit. He should referred Mr Mair to his vatman for questions on policy details, but Lord Pearson is a quasi regal figurehead for UKIP who inspires confidence in me.
Aside from that, the way the Conservative Party has surrendered to BBC cultural Marxism as big a UKIP vote as possible is the best chance of saving British democracy in my view.
I see the BBC are having a HUGE election night party on a posh boat on the Thames. Me thinks the Champers won’t be opened this time around te he he.
Hopefully – come the day after the election – the corridors at Broadcasting House will be strewn with empty bottles of cyanide.
Let’s hope so!
Martin, they will still open the champers to console themselves, especially as we are paying for it !
Interviewers are not wholly to blame for their rude treatment of people like Farage. They know everything they say on air is being scrutinised by sinister BBC people behind the scenes, eager to enforce the corporation’s vile political correctness.
Too make sure they say absolutely nothing which could possibly be interpreted as condoning the views of such ‘unapproved’ people the interviewers over-compensate and end up being aggressive and hectoring.
Not very professional, but then there are mortgages to pay, kids to feed, jobs to keep and promotions to chase so it is best not to take any chances whatsoever.
Workers in any organisation quickly get to know the views, opinions and prejudices of their bosses and pander to them if they have any sense at all.
I have invented a novel way of interviewing people:
Interviewer: What are your solutions for the present economic situation Mr Farage?
Mr. Farage Answer.
Interviewer: What line does UKIP take on immigration?
Mr. Farage Answer.
Iterviewer Thank you Mr Farage.
Iterviewer: What are your solutions for the present economic situation Mr Brown?
etc etc.
We would than get to know what postions the various politicians take on different subjects. The viewer/ listener could chose which one he belived and vote for them. Simple.
Of course, to Mr Davis and his cronies, the idea of not spending money on the EU and getting rid of qangos is almost a bigger crime than saying you don’t support gay rights.
Or in Mr Davis’s case “Leather S&M Biker Boy In Chains” Rights.
Yes, I have seen Mr Davis outside work. And no, it wasn’t a club, it was Tower Records!
Yes, he was photographed a few months ago at his newsagents picking up his copy of Morning Star, or whatever.
His attire was a particularly unsavoury combination of body piercings, chains, and flesh.
Although I believe that outside work, you should be able to say and do what you want, it left me with a distinctly uneasy feeling.
MVR — I was standing in front him in the line at the former Tower Records, Piccadilly Circus. Not the ideal position!
To say it wasn’t a pretty sight is… an understatement. Though he could probably get work on the TV show Sons of Anarchy.
Phew! I thought you were going to say the urinals on Hampstead heath for a minute Jack!
I remember posting a photograph of him out shopping on a Saturday, all garlanded in metal chains. He looked weird – I mean, he is a middle-aged man, and a privileged one of education and position, not some 20-year-old punk rebel anarchist or the like. It just looks strange on a grown-up man of supposed maturity.
Compare the way Davis treated Farrage – ie speaking most of the time (as he did with Griffin), to the fawning way he gave a platform to the Green leader.
Pretty disgraceful interview, even by BBC standards. It’s one thing to be combative in an interview but quite another to start lecturing the interviewee and spout off your own propaganda over the top of his answers. Gavin Davis can go rot. Dragon’s Den is old hat now anyway! Hopefully the BBC will be before long.
I see the BBC are having a HUGE election night party on a posh boat on the Thames.
Let’s hope some of them take the expression: “drown their sorrows” literally.
Ben Bradshaw got several minutes of uninterupted propaganda on The Daily Politics today. Eric Pickles, on the other hand, didn’t!
Counting up the amout of time Evan Davis spoke for and the amount of time Nigel Farage spoke for shows that Evan spoke for some 48% of the interview, Nige for 52%. It was more a case of arguing than interviewing on Evan Davis’s part.
Craig, yes it was like an argument between UKIP and a Labour party representative, which I suppose, in reality, it was !
I just listened to it. What an amazing “interview” even by the BBC’s low standards. Nigel excellent as ever, but I did laugh as Evan increasingly got his knickers in a twist. No attempt at impartiality whatsoever.