All the cretinous party leaders and their supporters (except UKIP) in our so-called general election are wedded to eco-mania. There hasn’t been a single meaningful debate about the topic, despite the fact that all the main parties are advocating energy measures that will lead to fuel poverty on a savage scale. This underlines the increasing divide between the political classes and the rest of us, who must endure the consequences of their inane, insane vacuity. Meanwhile, the BBC ploughs relentlessly on with its eco-warmongering, publishing this report that – in chilling Orwellian terms – suggests that taking exercise in the open air is linked with the “green” agenda. What’s so terrifying about the framing of stories like this is the hijacking and politicisation of every aspect of our lives and language by greenie fanatics at the corporation. And meanwhile, Richard Black continues to churn out his own brand of eco-facism: in this piece about another hijacked and done-to-death word, “biodversity”, he advocates that the only answer is for us to go back to the stone age. And exercise a massive cull of human beings – there’s too darn many of us. The type of logic exercised by Black and his cronies leads to nonsense like this story, from What’s Up with That? – a so-called educational display at a US aquarium featuring a cow in a gas mask to prevent methane emissions.
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In world history, various eras have been identified as this or that age. I suggest that currently, we are in the Bonkers Age, where humankind loses all sense of reality and direction, and is rapidly disappearing up its own bottom. How the animals must laugh at us. The only danger of global catastrophe lies with our own crass stupidity. Man-mad climate change – what a hoot!
Yes, Natsman, The Bonkers Age is about right. Masks for cow, artificial trees, burying CO2…
The total silence as regards any debate on the whole eco-scam has been deafening. I only hope those in the conservative party who are informed and skeptical can apply pressure to refocus on what is important and the reality of the situation.
It’s the sheer hubris of the ‘climate control’ movement that gets me.
It’s as if they believe it in the movies when a few terraforming humans set up a factory to make air on newly discovered planets. It’s a device plot – it takes a few film minutes (years), mother nature would take billions of years to change planetary climates.
Bless though, if Dave really is green zealot, perhaps he’ll need the BBC who are excellent at this kind of propaganda.
No doubt tha ecorrupt prick Dim Yeo, MP would be some big eco-cheesehead in a Cameron cabinet.
We’re devolving ladies and gentlemen. The Dark Ages descend.
The late Ayn Rand said it first in the 1960s, the anti industrial greens want to reduce us to stone age living. Just finished the book “Return of the Primitive”, had she got it correct, pity no one listened.
Rand had the eco-fascists well and truly pegged in the 1960s.
She was right, and has been proved right:
“Ecology as a social principle . . . condemns cities, culture, industry, technology, the intellect, and advocates men’s return to “nature,” to the state of grunting subanimals digging the soil with their bare hands.
The dinosaur and its fellow-creatures vanished from this earth long before there were any industrialists or any men . . . . But this did not end life on earth. Contrary to the ecologists, nature does not stand still and does not maintain the kind of “equilibrium” that guarantees the survival of any particular species—least of all the survival of her greatest and most fragile product: man.
“Now observe that in all the propaganda of the ecologists—amidst all their appeals to nature and pleas for “harmony with nature”—there is no discussion of man’s needs and the requirements of his survival. Man is treated as if he were an unnatural phenomenon. Man cannot survive in the kind of state of nature that the ecologists envision—i.e., on the level of sea urchins or polar bears . . .”
Doesn’t most of – if not all – the methane come out of the cow’s ass? I guess nobody wants to disturb the kids with talk of farting cows when discussing…the mass culling of cows.
Any way. I have a solution to this non-problem. Ecofags should euthanise themselves. And then we can get on with our lives, safe in the knowledge that Anthropogenic Global Warming is no longer a threat (because the ‘theory’/dogma will have died with the last envirofascist). Come on you tiny-minded miscreants – do it for Gaia!