Frying pans and fires come to mind there! I hope your decision isn’t based on the Lib Dem “only Labour or Lib Dem can win here” leaflets, because they simply aren’t true. They’ve tried that in my constituency of Edinburgh South, and I seem to recall you’re somewhere near there. The Tory has a chance, although I fear the Lib Dems will probably take it.
Anyway, I couldn’t vote for any party that calls me a nutter, even to oust Labour.
Yes, I am in Edinburgh North Leith. If you look at the 2005 results you will see that the conservatives have no chance here . I agree a vote for Lib. Dems. is risky if they get the balance of power overall. But, I vote with my head, not my heart !
It was bad enough when the BBC merely avoided the T word – never describing overseas atrocities as terrorism, never calling the murderers terrorist – even if that is how it was all described by the legal machinery afterwards.
Now, as you say, they always avoid the I word. And the J word.
I think the venerable Mark Stein has commented that the Obama administration also goes anal on terrorism – it dare not cite the motivation, namely “a word that starts with I and ends with -slam”.
Anyone hear Nikki Campbell, the man who looks a like a skinny abused rent boy, this morning?
Talking to some Muzzie woman about this new Jihad terrorist ‘comedy’ film. She thought it sounded really funny (well she would so what with her being a towel head and all) but when the pint sized ponce asked her SEVERAL times if she’d consider making a film taking the piss out of Mohammad she dodged the question.
If only the pint sized tool had pointed this out that she was refusing to answer the question.
However, the movie did get the nod off approval by the beeboids.
I wonder if the BBC would find a comedy story about Muslims going around and blowing up mens urinals where homosexuals gather for anal would be considered ‘funny’ and ‘edgy’ by the BBC? or simply as ‘homophobic’?
Radio 4 seems to be going into overdrive with its Muslims-as-victims theme in the coming week.
The Friday play tomorrow commemorates the death of Zahid Mubarek, the Asian youth who was murdered in jail, after being put in the same prison cell as a racist psychopath.
while all on Tuesday listeners are being treated to a 40 minute documentary allegations of mistreatment of prisoners at the US Bagram airbase in Afghanistan and UK involvement in special rendition of captives from Iraq to the prison.
Over on radio 3 there are daily 15minute ‘essays’ celebrating Istanbul’s year as capital of European culture: ‘These essays paint five very different and very personal views of this extraordinary city.’ In line with BBC policy of running a news blackout on such matters, I doubt if so much as a mention will be made of the matters discussed at, for instance:
BBC uninterested as the crash not fatal? Establishment unhappy their second ‘David Kelly’ failed?
I can just see the quickly shredded/scrapped BBC headlines ‘UKIP leader death crash ‘tragedy/accident’ BBC news team just happened to be on the spot but fled when Farage walked off from the crash site.
Not likely I know but with the BBC you just never know!
Many blessing and best wishes to Nigel and the pilot, hoping they make a full recovery.
This election will no doubt have it’s fascinating twists and turns. But it may no longer be relevant. Imagine holding an election in 1939 as the Wermacht was poised on the Polish border.
Sovereign debt is about to overwhelm Greece and then Portugal, Spain and then which country next?
We face a complete meltdown of the economic system of the west due to greed, incompetence and a refusal to face reality.
I would not want to be in power over the next 12 months.
Lay in stocks of food , dig your garden and look after your friends and family.
Above all keep the faith , as the English have always done, because we may well be able to rebuild a better land for us when it is all over.
I dont recognize this election at all, its been like witnessing a minor eurotrash/former soviet client state election. It just didnt seem British at all, a bunch of lying cheating glossy fools promising shit they know they cannot deliver and never intend to even try to deliver, all you see in their eyes is pound signs and the desire to get rich.
Thirteen years of labour has turned the UK into a proto third world cesspit whithout the charm!
I Couldn’t agree more Cassandra. I saw your posting on the other thread and I swear you are not alone in expecting the worst and hoping for the best.
I too would like nothing more than to be utterly ridiculed and cast out of the Biased BBC village in shame at being totally wrong for predicting a labour win, but every polling station I’ve walked past today has looked more like Glastonbury than a general election. It appears that the communist shits that have destroyed this nation are out in force doing their bit to ensure the ballot boxes are stuffed to bursting with Labour crosses.
Right behind you Martin. I considered UKIP for a moment but after remembering hippiepooters fanboy remarks on the other thread, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So with shaking hand and physical disgust I ticked the ‘conservative’ box. Highly distasteful. Like wiping somebody else’s arse.
Fortunately, my borough had a local election going at the same time, so my second vote went resoundly to the BNP. They couldn’t possibly make the borough any worse than it already is, but I certainly wouldn’t want them running the country.
I noticed my polling station was crawling with tree huggers and soap-shy layabouts, so doubtlessly I’m just pissing in the wind. No doubt the corrupt official that sees my cross against BNP will automatically notch one up for the labour party instead.
I agree with Cassandra, it felt more like voting in communist Russia.
Seems like lots of people had second thoughts about voting UKIP. The BNP outpolled them in a number of places, and they never took enough votes away from the Conservatives to make a difference anywhere.
That is why I voted Lib. Dem. much as I hate them. A vote for the Tories in my constituency is wasted. The central objective is to get rid of Gordon the Moron before he can do any more damage.
if Al Beebs leftist HQ was strewn with empty champagne bottles on 10th May 1997, i expect the same moonbat HQ to be strewn with beeboid scumbags swinging from the rafters, others dead in their chair after biting into their cyanide capsule and shootng themselves in the head at the same time with their Walther PPK, in a scene reminiscent of hitlers bunker
Unfortunately I think they may well be celebrating tonight, come what may. A surprise Labour win on the back of postal voting, a Labour/LibDem alliance win, even a Conservative win – all mean Labour joy, the latter because they can question the legitimacy of ythat Conservative government …
What will the BBC do? Will George Galloway’s next Viva Palestina debacle receive even less attention?
From the Guardian Comment is Free Galloway’s Iranian propaganda?
The Respect MP has turned on supporters of gay rights in Iran and falsely accused us of warmongering
Another magnificent (and totally biased) Jeremy Bowen analysis. Even by his lax standards this stands out for telling half the story.
Analysis: Bleak climate for Mid-East talks And the reason is entirely Israel’s settlement policy.
*Have the Palestinians ever done anything to hinder the process?
*Were there any fundamental flaws in Oslo except the failure to curb Israeli building? Such as expecting the Palestinians to accept a settlement means the end of demands for resettlement?
*Was there peace before 1967 when Israel had had no ‘settlements’ in the area since 1948?
*Was there peace in Gaza after Israel removed all settlements?
*Are there any internal reasons why Abbas might prefer the status quo?
*Do the Palestinians play games with ambiguity?
* Apart from a one word reference to Hamas, could Islamism be the problem?
We’ll never know J.B. doesn’t even hint. Bad, bad, bad … ISRAEL.
You raise a valid point about the lack of peace after the withdrawal from Gaza. It’s the same argument I’ve been having for 25 years, from back when the Jewish Left in the US was trying to make the case for a Palestinian state.
The assumption was that the Palestinians had nothing to lose under the status quo, so would continue the blowing up of buses, markets, and pizza joints. Supposedly, if they were given a state of their own, they’s have something to lose, and common sense would dictate that they’d cool it.
My argument against that premise was that every peaceful gesture from Israel was met not with peace but with more violence. The fact of the PLO’s call for the destruction of Israel was dismissed as a temporary mood, sure to change as soon as Arafat was given his own country.
It’s the same thing today. Nobody is allowed to suggest that there’s no historical evidence for the Palestinians going all peaceful after concessions. The call for the destruction of Israel in the Hamas Charter is dismissed out of hand. Any suggestion that handing the Egyptian territory of Gaza over to the ex-Egyptian Palestinians did not result in peace is answered by moving the goal posts: it’s the checkpoints, or the fence, or the blockade (which was actually a response to the rockets and other attacks after Hamas took over by force).
Even if Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 borders, ended all checkpoints, pulled all settlers out, and tore down all fences and barriers, Hamas and Fatah and their puppetmasters in Syria and Iran would still want Israel destroyed, and the violence would continue. Bowen and the BBC bosses know all too well that the only real solution the Palestinians seek is the dismantling of Israel, and there will not be an honest discussion about it on the BBC.
BBC News Channel reporting that people are “shocked” that the protests in Greece got so violent that people were burned to death. Beeboid reporter explaining how surprising it is, and after all the Greeks just want these nasty austerity measures toned down a couple notches.
No mention that these kind of protests about wealth redistribution always result in violence and the destruction of property. It was only a matter of time before this kind of thing led to cold-blooded murder. But the BBC plays it down as shocking, nobody meant it to happen.
Yeah, nobody meant it to happen but they didn’t care much whether it did or not. The BBC had a lot of sympathy with the IRA, total empathy with a sea of Arab psycopaths looking to whack Israel, and every sympathy for violent protesters who take life. There is an end that their bias works towards, and it is a very unpleasant one. Drastic measures are needed to upend their subversion.
Agreed. And as Cassandra points out below, showing up with gas masks and blunt instruments kind of detracts from any claims of spontaneity. Yet, the BBC hasn’t had anyone on to bring that up.
Anyone with half a sense of history should know that Greece (and Italy) have a strong tradition of a violent Communist Party. Heck, Greece even had a civil war.
@ beebinator , re ‘ mass beeboid suicides’ . Sadly not I fear. Beeboids will experience very little difficulty swapping horses to the limp dims. Indeed most secretly prefer the limp dims, because they come without all that nasty white working class bagage that one has to put up with labour .
The beeboids were the ones most assiduously pushing the hung Parliament meme, once it was clear labour would crash and burn.
Beeboid on the News Channel right now discussing the Greece protests with some Greek talking head.
The Greek guy says that the people who benefited under the years of “profligacy and overspending” will not be the ones who pay for it. By this he means the bankers, of course. Which is absolute BS. First of all, they’ll get paycuts and have to pay higher taxes just like everyone else, and quite a few of them will probably lose their jobs (never mind the buildings in which they worked, or their lives, FFS). It’s one small step away from saying that the bank employees who were murdered were merely getting their comeuppance. Secondly – and more importantly here – where does he think he money for all those benefits and waste came from? Taxing the nasty bankers. Just like in the UK.
The whole of society benefited from the culture of spending and coddling. They were getting a free ride that they shouldn’t have had, and taking away excessive benefits is not the same thing as “paying a price”. Reducing overspending is not the same thing as sacrifice.
It’s the same perspective as when Gordon Brown says that not raising a tax is the same thing as taking money out of the economy. Yet, this Greek talking head is allowed to go on and on about it, not only without challenge but with nodding approval from the Beeboid in the studio.
Far-Left political worldview influencing BBC reporting once again.
Then the Greek guy lies and says that we must remember that nearly all protesters are peaceful, and it’s only a small percentage of them that got violent!
As ALWAYS, pure sympathy for violent Leftoid protesters.
Of course, those in denial, are the very people who have benefitted most from the profligate public spending binge of the last decade.
Diversity Officers, Climate Change Managers, Compliance Officers, Government Management Consultants, Quangocrats, and, er, BBC Diversity Officers, BBC Climate Change Managers……….
Like it or not all non-job holders in the public sector (and BBC), (and that’s a hell of a lot), will have to go.
You can’t run an economy with such a high proportion of non-productive passengers, without eventually hitting the buffers of reality. By perpetuating the myth that things can carry on more or less as normal is grossly disingenuous.
The BBC has a duty to report how things are, not as they would like it to be in their lefty multicultural heaven.
The swingeing cuts that are inevitable, won’t be as a result of policy, but as a result of reality – ‘Hey Fellers, we’re SKINT’
The longer this reality is kept from the denyers, the bigger the shock – and backlash- when it happens.
Spot on David. What the BBC tools can’t see is that years and years of bloated public spending that Greece couldn’t afford has got to stop. We are in the same boat as Greece, where does the BBC think Brown can get the money from to continue with his wasteful spending (sorry ‘investment’)? Print it? Borrow it? Tax it?
What I think 167 tax rises under Liebour, Darling has had the John Bull printing set going all day and night and no one is going to lend us any more money.
Note how the BBC ignore just how pissed off the Germans are having to fund the corrupt Greeks, their 14 pay packets a year, their bloated pensions and tax dodging culture.
Oh and I just have this feeling that Brown is going to get smashed tonight.
The violent radical revolutionary Marxist/leftist rent a rabble mob are active in Greece, they want only anarchy and they thrive on violence and hooliganism.
The BBC keep stating that the demos turned violent when they know full well that the mobs went on the rampage soley to cause mayhem with stones and firebombs and hefty sticks poorly camoflaged with red flags.
The violent mobs thrive on violence and went for a conflict situation armed and masked and ready for action, they hijacked the demos and went for blood and a good scrap.
The BBC is trying to portray the violence as heat of the moment and spontaneous, you dont go to a demo armed with masks, staves, petrol bombs, stones etc unless you mean to use them. The BBC is sympathetic to all violent leftist rent rabble whenever and wherever they show their ugly heads.
Well it’s good to know that democracy and free speech are still in action in this land of the free.
Regardless of what political hue, the above should be true.
Not so, for the BNP, whose webmaster, Simon Bennett, took down their website, facebook and twitter last night, coincidentaly the night before the election, supposedly over a dispute on payment and copyright.
One must assume that to work for the BNP on such a sensitive job, the webmaster would have been vetted by them to confirm he had their ‘viewpoint’.
Was this a setup from a leftie group?
I smell a rat.
Whether you agree with them or not, they do seem to be very ‘unlucky’ of late.
Sorry HP, I am not offering a defence for the BNP; But I do not support the idea of subversion/sedition to silence a legally constituted political party in the UK.
If they were allowed to come out and have a free debate with other points of view, my feeling is that their arguements would be easily dismantled.
By shouting them down and silencing them so they can’t air their views is to mimmick the BBC’s disasterous tactics on QT.
Oh give it a rest hippiepooter your UKIP wet dreams will be over by tomorrow. It’s a general election not a charity. Do you seriously think voting for a Nazi loving racist is a worse idea than voting for Gordon Brown? Nick Griffin could have been a self confessed baby eater and he still would seem like the nice guy up against Brown.
It’s all relative when yo’re trying to compare the politics of Hitler with those of Stalin.
Yet more pronouncement on the justifiable anger of the Greek protesters/murderers on the BBC.
Latest excuse: The Greek government is in debt because “Rich people don’t pay their taxes”.
Unchallenged, allowed to stand as the legitimate statement of protesters simply passed on by a reporter. I have yet to hear anyone on the BBC say that the culture of entitlement, overfunded by the easy borrowing enabled by Greece’s membership in the Euro, was unsustainable and should never have been allowed to grow past 50% of GDP. Nor have I heard anyone blame the Greek public themselves for demanding such a state of affairs, which is why the politicians made it happen.
Like that saying about the devil quoting scripture for his purpose, methinks.
Yes, folks, “impartiality” has its uses now and then. And the BBC is not hypocritical or anything nasty like that, after the last four weeks of electioneering. Oh, no.
Plenty of lying and scaremongering by Labour on the BBC was allowed to pass without a word from the BBC presenters (e.g. Jack Straw on Any Questions was given free rein to spout an obviously pre-planned electionioneering deluge of lies and smears with no interruption or objection from Jonathan Dimbleby).
Well, look who’s claiming the TV debates clouded the election. If it isn’t the biggest black cloud himself looming over us all and sucking the life out of us:
What clouded the issues more than anything else in the election was the blanket lies and smears of Labour, enthusiastically mediated and promoted by the BBC.
Wee Nicky Campbell this morning gave over the R5 phone-in to the subject of possible offence caused to the victims of terrorist acts by the Chris Morris “satire” “Four Lions”. The film’s plot appears to be about the antics of 4 “Yorkshire” lads and their ridiculous efforts to bomb the London Olympics.
The programme producers allowed a succession of folk airtime to tell us that we will defeat terrorists by ridiculing them. Apparently it’s how we won WWII – just think how many millions of lives that could have been saved if the nation had been led in laughter by Arthur Atkinson rather than Churchill. Why did we expend so much blood & treasure when more belly laughs would have done the trick?
Morris’s target is usually the media & their self important hyperbole – & that may be the case with “4 lions” but the media aren’t saying. But that leaves me with my other gripe. I am not being made afraid by media overstatement – I’m just a mad a hell about the swamping of my country by a large number of aliens who have no intention of integrating.
Having just seen two different news segments on this, a thought occurs:
Where are the protests from the usual Muslim suspects?
I totally sympathize with those victims and families who are upset about having their own trauma satirized, I also support the idea of ridiculing these Islamo-nutters as much as possible. So I don’t know if I condemn the movie as such.
But if it’s really a good send-up of these idiots, as the producers and Beeboid supporters seem to be claiming, how come there is no hue and cry about this potentially leading to anti-Muslim sentiment, violence, and all the usual nonsense?
The woman defending the film from some media magazine said the film showed that these guys are mostly idiots, not a “monolithic force” aligned against us all, and have no real motives other than their own stupidity. She and the supportive Beeboid female in the studio implied that we shouldn’t be so afraid of them. I think I object to that more than anything else.
But still, where is the outcry from the usual crowd concerned about Muslim sensibilities? Could it be that there won’t be because this plays down the whole idea of dangers of jihad and terrorist networks?
The ‘film ‘Four Lions’ is largely being lionised by the BBC/Guardian, at the expense of the sensibilities of the 7/7 victims, and despite its avoidance of a direct critique of Islamic jihad.
Note that the ‘fearless’ political left does not directly criticise the core ideology of Islam; somewhat irresponsibly, and superficially, we are encouraged to ‘laugh at our own fears’ (of Islamic jihad?).
What about opposing Islam as an enemy of Western civilisation? No, that’s beyond the left’s irresponsible joking.
The link on the main News page (under the Europe section) to the BBC report about Nigel Farage’s plane crash still appears as:
Eurosceptic Farage injured in plane crash
This can’t be anything other than a political bias in the minds of BBC News Online editors and sub-editors. It reveals the perspective through which they view him, and the BBC’s real priorities when deciding how to report the news.
“19:49 BBC journalist Martha Kearney could have fallen foul of election day rules by tweeting a party’s predictions of tonight’s results. She’s since pulled the posting.”
‘Somebody should be keeping a list of BBC twitter twats.’
It’ll be a long one, so like their headline rationale, if it doesn’t fit (well, with ‘the narrative’, in which case they’d buy you a 50″ screen on others’ licence fees to get it across), they won’t feel it’s necessary.
BBC News Channel right now doing a phone interview of a British citizen living in Greece who is a professor from Ionian University. He’s actually participating in the protests in Greece.
This is his second protest his says. His first one was against – surprise! – Margaret Thatcher. He’s allowed to explain his views without question that it was all Goldman Sach’s fault and that policemen and civil servants are underpaid. Bring the nasty bankers to justice, he cries.
He also says that people are wondering if they’re getting the short end of the stick from the EU here – seriously! – because Greece spends a higher percentage of its budget on defense, and the EU bosses want to keep them under their thumb.
That last part is partially true, I imagine. However, I personally know someone in Greece who just got out of the army about five months ago. During his last couple of months, he was constantly complaining about the severe shortage of money in the army, and poor management. That’s the fault of the Greeks, not the EU. This mess was brought about by the Greek government, at the behest of workers and wet activists, who demanded things like hairdressers and newsreaders get retirement at age 50 with a state-funded pension. No mention of this ever from the BBC.
Now they’re repeating Robert Peston’s segement where he says Germany and the rest of Europe need to get on with forking over the cash again because everybody’s scared.
“He also says that people are wondering if they’re getting the short end of the stick from the EU here – seriously! -”
Hah! Greece has been receiving EU development funds since it joined nearly 30 years now and I believe still receives more than any other country – at least ten times more than Ireland, for example.
BBC today were interviewing the returning officer, can’t remember his name but presumebly a Labour placeman, about postal voting and didn’t ask the obvious question about postal vote fraud. And the Labour boy didn’t mention it .
Grant’s measure of democracy is the longer the gap between voting and the result, the less democratic is the country.
‘The Economist’ expects EU to pressure new UK government to contribute billions of pounds to Greek bail out. No doubt the pro-EU BBC will keep us fully informed.
No doubt Clegg would leap at the chance to donate UK taxpayers’ funds in such a Lib Dem cause:
My first thought, puntcuated with a number of expletives, was the cheek of the man. My second thought was OK, let’s have an impartial enquiry into broadacast media bias. The BBC will not come out of it well.
Anyone listen to Saturday Live this Morning with guest Oona King, this morning? The long-deposed Labour MP, now head of, um, ‘Diversity’ at C4, Oona provides an object lesson in how the left wing works to change and control your behaviour and your language.
Is it just me but after weeks of banging on about the delights of a hung parliament the Beeb suddenly doesn’t seem that keen because they aren’t going to see the Lib-Lab pact they had been having wet dreams about ?
This mornings and lunch times Radio 4 news broadcasts seemed fairly even handed for the Beeb giving the similarities and differences in Lib Dem and Tory manifestos. But then like a switch being flicked things changed for the 5 pm news. All of a sudden we had endless problems with such a coalition , there was a long section on a very suspiciously well organised demo demanding PR outside the Lib Dem HQ and we had new Lib Dem MP’s who had just beaten Tories (never Labour oh no) saying how bad this would all be.
Oh and then we had an item on the new MP’s and their new jobs. Guess who was interviewed .. a Lib Dem who had just beaten a Tory. I guess the Tories can’t have won any seats on Thursday !
BBC’s Business Editor, of Labour family, ROBERT PESTON, cannot avoid making casual pro-EU comments, coupled with casual derogatory speculations on future Tory economic policy towards the European Union.
Peston speculates that Eurozone members may set up their own ‘IMF-style fund’, concluding:
..”George Osborne – is likely to be even less sympathetic” [than Darling] “to the idea of throwing in a few tens of billions of British pounds for the common European good.”
Apparently on Sunday we are about to be forced to part with 8 billion to bail out Greece. The Lisbon Treaty means we cannot vote against by veto. Majority voting rules enshrined in the treaty prevent the use of a veto by any member state.
it is all starting to fall apart. This crisis is just beginning and who knows where it will end. Anyone still think our election was relevant?
This is the greatest theft of a people’s weath in history other than by conquest and all parties are complicit in it.
The governments and the banking cartels are going for broke.I wonder if they have such contempt for us that they believe they are going to get away eith it
an evil man soaked in blood, whose vile idology has enslaved and killed hundreds of millions.
“London became for Lenin a symbol of the evil he wanted to destroy.”
“In the Marx Memorial Library in London there is a mural, made in 1935. It shows a bare-chested worker surrounded by a blue-eyed Lenin, Marx and Engels. The worker is breaking the chains and shaking the whole world. Big Ben is falling down, burying the capitalists.”
You couldn’t make this stuff up. The BBC willing to sing the praises of one of the most evil men ever to have lived. You can be quite sure that the tone would be a bit different if there was a nutter out there who that Von Ribbentrop buildings needed a shrine to Nazi idologues
Why do the BBC think that anybody cares what Billy Brag thinks?
Ask a politician about pop music and you are likely to get a stupid answer (Brown ans the Artic Monkeys!) Ask a pop singer about politics and the answer is likely to be just as idiotic.
Note how the BBC promotes ‘left’ politically dangerous wishful thinking that Islamic jihad is a joke, thereby adopting a ‘Four Lions’ approach of mixing up fiction with the very real fact of the impact of Islamic jihad murders on British people.
Interesting discussion here of the merits and demerits of Laura Kuennsberg and some of Biased BBC’s “favourite” Beeboids, e.g. Frei Boy, Mark Mardell, Crick (or Crock as I inadvertently typed the other day):
I was going to say “Crock instead of Crick works for me” – but that might imply that BBC reporters work for US, the licence-tax payers. Which I sometimes, just sometimes, rather doubt.
Search Biased BBC
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For the first time in my life I am taking the BBC’s advice and voting Lib. Dem. It is the only party which can defeat Labour in my constituency !
Frying pans and fires come to mind there! I hope your decision isn’t based on the Lib Dem “only Labour or Lib Dem can win here” leaflets, because they simply aren’t true. They’ve tried that in my constituency of Edinburgh South, and I seem to recall you’re somewhere near there. The Tory has a chance, although I fear the Lib Dems will probably take it.
Anyway, I couldn’t vote for any party that calls me a nutter, even to oust Labour.
Yes, I am in Edinburgh North Leith. If you look at the 2005 results you will see that the conservatives have no chance here . I agree a vote for Lib. Dems. is risky if they get the balance of power overall. But, I vote with my head, not my heart !
BBC avoids words ‘ISLAMIC JIHAD murderer’, to the end:
No lessons to be learnt by BBC; to it, he was merely a ‘militant’, his Islamic jihad motivation to be censored.
When the Indians hang him, I wonder if the BBC will run sobs stories on the iniquities of the barbaric (SIC) death sentence?
Wonder if a delegation from the EU will try to get “clemency” for this particularly revolting sub-human monster?
Apparently, there is a problem finding a hangman. Surely much cheaper just to get an Indian soldier to shoot the b*****d ?
It was bad enough when the BBC merely avoided the T word – never describing overseas atrocities as terrorism, never calling the murderers terrorist – even if that is how it was all described by the legal machinery afterwards.
Now, as you say, they always avoid the I word. And the J word.
I think the venerable Mark Stein has commented that the Obama administration also goes anal on terrorism – it dare not cite the motivation, namely “a word that starts with I and ends with -slam”.
Anyone hear Nikki Campbell, the man who looks a like a skinny abused rent boy, this morning?
Talking to some Muzzie woman about this new Jihad terrorist ‘comedy’ film. She thought it sounded really funny (well she would so what with her being a towel head and all) but when the pint sized ponce asked her SEVERAL times if she’d consider making a film taking the piss out of Mohammad she dodged the question.
If only the pint sized tool had pointed this out that she was refusing to answer the question.
However, the movie did get the nod off approval by the beeboids.
I wonder if the BBC would find a comedy story about Muslims going around and blowing up mens urinals where homosexuals gather for anal would be considered ‘funny’ and ‘edgy’ by the BBC? or simply as ‘homophobic’?
Radio 4 seems to be going into overdrive with its Muslims-as-victims theme in the coming week.
The Friday play tomorrow commemorates the death of Zahid Mubarek, the Asian youth who was murdered in jail, after being put in the same prison cell as a racist psychopath.
while all on Tuesday listeners are being treated to a 40 minute documentary allegations of mistreatment of prisoners at the US Bagram airbase in Afghanistan and UK involvement in special rendition of captives from Iraq to the prison.
Over on radio 3 there are daily 15minute ‘essays’ celebrating Istanbul’s year as capital of European culture: ‘These essays paint five very different and very personal views of this extraordinary city.’ In line with BBC policy of running a news blackout on such matters, I doubt if so much as a mention will be made of the matters discussed at, for instance:
Radio 4 and the BBC’s obsession with promoting minorities through most of it’s output, merely alienates the long suffering licence paying majority.
Nigel Farage injured in air crash!
BBC uninterested as the crash not fatal? Establishment unhappy their second ‘David Kelly’ failed?
I can just see the quickly shredded/scrapped BBC headlines ‘UKIP leader death crash ‘tragedy/accident’ BBC news team just happened to be on the spot but fled when Farage walked off from the crash site.
Not likely I know but with the BBC you just never know!
Many blessing and best wishes to Nigel and the pilot, hoping they make a full recovery.
BBC ‘Europe’ page (top right) describes the injured Nigel Farage of UKIP as ‘eurosceptic’:
Eurosceptic Farage hurt in plane crash
-Rather like describing the BBC as ‘UKIP-sceptic’, and ‘Tory-sceptic’ .
Best wishes to Nigel and pilot.
A non-BBC, non-stilted report from ‘Sky News’:
“UKIP’s Nigel Farage in Plane Crash”
Maybe, just maybe, Nigel may attract a few sympathy votes – anything to oust the slimebag Bercow.
This election will no doubt have it’s fascinating twists and turns. But it may no longer be relevant. Imagine holding an election in 1939 as the Wermacht was poised on the Polish border.
Sovereign debt is about to overwhelm Greece and then Portugal, Spain and then which country next?
We face a complete meltdown of the economic system of the west due to greed, incompetence and a refusal to face reality.
I would not want to be in power over the next 12 months.
Lay in stocks of food , dig your garden and look after your friends and family.
Above all keep the faith , as the English have always done, because we may well be able to rebuild a better land for us when it is all over.
This election must go down as the “liars & fraudsters” election, the only description that fits.
I dont recognize this election at all, its been like witnessing a minor eurotrash/former soviet client state election. It just didnt seem British at all, a bunch of lying cheating glossy fools promising shit they know they cannot deliver and never intend to even try to deliver, all you see in their eyes is pound signs and the desire to get rich.
Thirteen years of labour has turned the UK into a proto third world cesspit whithout the charm!
I Couldn’t agree more Cassandra. I saw your posting on the other thread and I swear you are not alone in expecting the worst and hoping for the best.
I too would like nothing more than to be utterly ridiculed and cast out of the Biased BBC village in shame at being totally wrong for predicting a labour win, but every polling station I’ve walked past today has looked more like Glastonbury than a general election. It appears that the communist shits that have destroyed this nation are out in force doing their bit to ensure the ballot boxes are stuffed to bursting with Labour crosses.
Just been and voted. Tory this time, did think about UKIP but need to get rid of the one eyed mong.
Had to be done. No other choice.
It’s the William F. Buckley admonition to always vote for the most conservative candidate in the race.
Right behind you Martin. I considered UKIP for a moment but after remembering hippiepooters fanboy remarks on the other thread, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So with shaking hand and physical disgust I ticked the ‘conservative’ box. Highly distasteful. Like wiping somebody else’s arse.
Fortunately, my borough had a local election going at the same time, so my second vote went resoundly to the BNP. They couldn’t possibly make the borough any worse than it already is, but I certainly wouldn’t want them running the country.
I noticed my polling station was crawling with tree huggers and soap-shy layabouts, so doubtlessly I’m just pissing in the wind. No doubt the corrupt official that sees my cross against BNP will automatically notch one up for the labour party instead.
I agree with Cassandra, it felt more like voting in communist Russia.
Seems like lots of people had second thoughts about voting UKIP. The BNP outpolled them in a number of places, and they never took enough votes away from the Conservatives to make a difference anywhere.
That is why I voted Lib. Dem. much as I hate them. A vote for the Tories in my constituency is wasted. The central objective is to get rid of Gordon the Moron before he can do any more damage.
if Al Beebs leftist HQ was strewn with empty champagne bottles on 10th May 1997, i expect the same moonbat HQ to be strewn with beeboid scumbags swinging from the rafters, others dead in their chair after biting into their cyanide capsule and shootng themselves in the head at the same time with their Walther PPK, in a scene reminiscent of hitlers bunker
Viz Martin — this time BBC HQ will be strewn with crack pipes, needles and empty cans of glue.
And drugged 8 year old Romanian rent boys
Unfortunately I think they may well be celebrating tonight, come what may. A surprise Labour win on the back of postal voting, a Labour/LibDem alliance win, even a Conservative win – all mean Labour joy, the latter because they can question the legitimacy of ythat Conservative government …
What will the BBC do? Will George Galloway’s next Viva Palestina debacle receive even less attention?
From the Guardian Comment is Free
Galloway’s Iranian propaganda?
The Respect MP has turned on supporters of gay rights in Iran and falsely accused us of warmongering
Another magnificent (and totally biased) Jeremy Bowen analysis. Even by his lax standards this stands out for telling half the story.
Analysis: Bleak climate for Mid-East talks
And the reason is entirely Israel’s settlement policy.
*Have the Palestinians ever done anything to hinder the process?
*Were there any fundamental flaws in Oslo except the failure to curb Israeli building? Such as expecting the Palestinians to accept a settlement means the end of demands for resettlement?
*Was there peace before 1967 when Israel had had no ‘settlements’ in the area since 1948?
*Was there peace in Gaza after Israel removed all settlements?
*Are there any internal reasons why Abbas might prefer the status quo?
*Do the Palestinians play games with ambiguity?
* Apart from a one word reference to Hamas, could Islamism be the problem?
We’ll never know J.B. doesn’t even hint.
Bad, bad, bad … ISRAEL.
You raise a valid point about the lack of peace after the withdrawal from Gaza. It’s the same argument I’ve been having for 25 years, from back when the Jewish Left in the US was trying to make the case for a Palestinian state.
The assumption was that the Palestinians had nothing to lose under the status quo, so would continue the blowing up of buses, markets, and pizza joints. Supposedly, if they were given a state of their own, they’s have something to lose, and common sense would dictate that they’d cool it.
My argument against that premise was that every peaceful gesture from Israel was met not with peace but with more violence. The fact of the PLO’s call for the destruction of Israel was dismissed as a temporary mood, sure to change as soon as Arafat was given his own country.
It’s the same thing today. Nobody is allowed to suggest that there’s no historical evidence for the Palestinians going all peaceful after concessions. The call for the destruction of Israel in the Hamas Charter is dismissed out of hand. Any suggestion that handing the Egyptian territory of Gaza over to the ex-Egyptian Palestinians did not result in peace is answered by moving the goal posts: it’s the checkpoints, or the fence, or the blockade (which was actually a response to the rockets and other attacks after Hamas took over by force).
Even if Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 borders, ended all checkpoints, pulled all settlers out, and tore down all fences and barriers, Hamas and Fatah and their puppetmasters in Syria and Iran would still want Israel destroyed, and the violence would continue. Bowen and the BBC bosses know all too well that the only real solution the Palestinians seek is the dismantling of Israel, and there will not be an honest discussion about it on the BBC.
BBC News Channel reporting that people are “shocked” that the protests in Greece got so violent that people were burned to death. Beeboid reporter explaining how surprising it is, and after all the Greeks just want these nasty austerity measures toned down a couple notches.
No mention that these kind of protests about wealth redistribution always result in violence and the destruction of property. It was only a matter of time before this kind of thing led to cold-blooded murder. But the BBC plays it down as shocking, nobody meant it to happen.
Those who advocate robbing Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul
Yeah, nobody meant it to happen but they didn’t care much whether it did or not. The BBC had a lot of sympathy with the IRA, total empathy with a sea of Arab psycopaths looking to whack Israel, and every sympathy for violent protesters who take life. There is an end that their bias works towards, and it is a very unpleasant one. Drastic measures are needed to upend their subversion.
Agreed. And as Cassandra points out below, showing up with gas masks and blunt instruments kind of detracts from any claims of spontaneity. Yet, the BBC hasn’t had anyone on to bring that up.
Anyone with half a sense of history should know that Greece (and Italy) have a strong tradition of a violent Communist Party. Heck, Greece even had a civil war.
The “modern” Greeks have always been a bunch of failures and wasters. We should let them sink into the Med !
@ beebinator , re ‘ mass beeboid suicides’ . Sadly not I fear. Beeboids will experience very little difficulty swapping horses to the limp dims. Indeed most secretly prefer the limp dims, because they come without all that nasty white working class bagage that one has to put up with labour .
The beeboids were the ones most assiduously pushing the hung Parliament meme, once it was clear labour would crash and burn.
Beeboid on the News Channel right now discussing the Greece protests with some Greek talking head.
The Greek guy says that the people who benefited under the years of “profligacy and overspending” will not be the ones who pay for it. By this he means the bankers, of course. Which is absolute BS. First of all, they’ll get paycuts and have to pay higher taxes just like everyone else, and quite a few of them will probably lose their jobs (never mind the buildings in which they worked, or their lives, FFS). It’s one small step away from saying that the bank employees who were murdered were merely getting their comeuppance. Secondly – and more importantly here – where does he think he money for all those benefits and waste came from? Taxing the nasty bankers. Just like in the UK.
The whole of society benefited from the culture of spending and coddling. They were getting a free ride that they shouldn’t have had, and taking away excessive benefits is not the same thing as “paying a price”. Reducing overspending is not the same thing as sacrifice.
It’s the same perspective as when Gordon Brown says that not raising a tax is the same thing as taking money out of the economy. Yet, this Greek talking head is allowed to go on and on about it, not only without challenge but with nodding approval from the Beeboid in the studio.
Far-Left political worldview influencing BBC reporting once again.
Then the Greek guy lies and says that we must remember that nearly all protesters are peaceful, and it’s only a small percentage of them that got violent!
As ALWAYS, pure sympathy for violent Leftoid protesters.
Of course, those in denial, are the very people who have benefitted most from the profligate public spending binge of the last decade.
Diversity Officers, Climate Change Managers, Compliance Officers, Government Management Consultants, Quangocrats, and, er, BBC Diversity Officers, BBC Climate Change Managers……….
Like it or not all non-job holders in the public sector (and BBC), (and that’s a hell of a lot), will have to go.
You can’t run an economy with such a high proportion of non-productive passengers, without eventually hitting the buffers of reality. By perpetuating the myth that things can carry on more or less as normal is grossly disingenuous.
The BBC has a duty to report how things are, not as they would like it to be in their lefty multicultural heaven.
The swingeing cuts that are inevitable, won’t be as a result of policy, but as a result of reality – ‘Hey Fellers, we’re SKINT’
The longer this reality is kept from the denyers, the bigger the shock – and backlash- when it happens.
Spot on David. What the BBC tools can’t see is that years and years of bloated public spending that Greece couldn’t afford has got to stop. We are in the same boat as Greece, where does the BBC think Brown can get the money from to continue with his wasteful spending (sorry ‘investment’)? Print it? Borrow it? Tax it?
What I think 167 tax rises under Liebour, Darling has had the John Bull printing set going all day and night and no one is going to lend us any more money.
Note how the BBC ignore just how pissed off the Germans are having to fund the corrupt Greeks, their 14 pay packets a year, their bloated pensions and tax dodging culture.
Oh and I just have this feeling that Brown is going to get smashed tonight.
The violent radical revolutionary Marxist/leftist rent a rabble mob are active in Greece, they want only anarchy and they thrive on violence and hooliganism.
The BBC keep stating that the demos turned violent when they know full well that the mobs went on the rampage soley to cause mayhem with stones and firebombs and hefty sticks poorly camoflaged with red flags.
The violent mobs thrive on violence and went for a conflict situation armed and masked and ready for action, they hijacked the demos and went for blood and a good scrap.
The BBC is trying to portray the violence as heat of the moment and spontaneous, you dont go to a demo armed with masks, staves, petrol bombs, stones etc unless you mean to use them. The BBC is sympathetic to all violent leftist rent rabble whenever and wherever they show their ugly heads.
Well it’s good to know that democracy and free speech are still in action in this land of the free.
Regardless of what political hue, the above should be true.
Not so, for the BNP, whose webmaster, Simon Bennett, took down their website, facebook and twitter last night, coincidentaly the night before the election, supposedly over a dispute on payment and copyright.
One must assume that to work for the BNP on such a sensitive job, the webmaster would have been vetted by them to confirm he had their ‘viewpoint’.
Was this a setup from a leftie group?
I smell a rat.
Whether you agree with them or not, they do seem to be very ‘unlucky’ of late.
Sorry HP, I am not offering a defence for the BNP; But I do not support the idea of subversion/sedition to silence a legally constituted political party in the UK.
If they were allowed to come out and have a free debate with other points of view, my feeling is that their arguements would be easily dismantled.
By shouting them down and silencing them so they can’t air their views is to mimmick the BBC’s disasterous tactics on QT.
I think they’ve got first class arguments and extremely evil intentions. The Nazi backgrounds of their leadership is a clue ..
Oh give it a rest hippiepooter your UKIP wet dreams will be over by tomorrow. It’s a general election not a charity. Do you seriously think voting for a Nazi loving racist is a worse idea than voting for Gordon Brown? Nick Griffin could have been a self confessed baby eater and he still would seem like the nice guy up against Brown.
It’s all relative when yo’re trying to compare the politics of Hitler with those of Stalin.
Yet more pronouncement on the justifiable anger of the Greek protesters/murderers on the BBC.
Latest excuse: The Greek government is in debt because “Rich people don’t pay their taxes”.
Unchallenged, allowed to stand as the legitimate statement of protesters simply passed on by a reporter. I have yet to hear anyone on the BBC say that the culture of entitlement, overfunded by the easy borrowing enabled by Greece’s membership in the Euro, was unsustainable and should never have been allowed to grow past 50% of GDP. Nor have I heard anyone blame the Greek public themselves for demanding such a state of affairs, which is why the politicians made it happen.
So here’s the BBC coming over all scrupulous and “impartial” when it suits:
Like that saying about the devil quoting scripture for his purpose, methinks.
Yes, folks, “impartiality” has its uses now and then. And the BBC is not hypocritical or anything nasty like that, after the last four weeks of electioneering. Oh, no.
I see there have been complaints to Ofcom about a Labour scaremongering election broadcast:
Plenty of lying and scaremongering by Labour on the BBC was allowed to pass without a word from the BBC presenters (e.g. Jack Straw on Any Questions was given free rein to spout an obviously pre-planned electionioneering deluge of lies and smears with no interruption or objection from Jonathan Dimbleby).
Well, look who’s claiming the TV debates clouded the election. If it isn’t the biggest black cloud himself looming over us all and sucking the life out of us:
What clouded the issues more than anything else in the election was the blanket lies and smears of Labour, enthusiastically mediated and promoted by the BBC.
Wee Nicky Campbell this morning gave over the R5 phone-in to the subject of possible offence caused to the victims of terrorist acts by the Chris Morris “satire” “Four Lions”. The film’s plot appears to be about the antics of 4 “Yorkshire” lads and their ridiculous efforts to bomb the London Olympics.
The programme producers allowed a succession of folk airtime to tell us that we will defeat terrorists by ridiculing them. Apparently it’s how we won WWII – just think how many millions of lives that could have been saved if the nation had been led in laughter by Arthur Atkinson rather than Churchill. Why did we expend so much blood & treasure when more belly laughs would have done the trick?
Morris’s target is usually the media & their self important hyperbole – & that may be the case with “4 lions” but the media aren’t saying. But that leaves me with my other gripe. I am not being made afraid by media overstatement – I’m just a mad a hell about the swamping of my country by a large number of aliens who have no intention of integrating.
Having just seen two different news segments on this, a thought occurs:
Where are the protests from the usual Muslim suspects?
I totally sympathize with those victims and families who are upset about having their own trauma satirized, I also support the idea of ridiculing these Islamo-nutters as much as possible. So I don’t know if I condemn the movie as such.
But if it’s really a good send-up of these idiots, as the producers and Beeboid supporters seem to be claiming, how come there is no hue and cry about this potentially leading to anti-Muslim sentiment, violence, and all the usual nonsense?
The woman defending the film from some media magazine said the film showed that these guys are mostly idiots, not a “monolithic force” aligned against us all, and have no real motives other than their own stupidity. She and the supportive Beeboid female in the studio implied that we shouldn’t be so afraid of them. I think I object to that more than anything else.
But still, where is the outcry from the usual crowd concerned about Muslim sensibilities? Could it be that there won’t be because this plays down the whole idea of dangers of jihad and terrorist networks?
The ‘film ‘Four Lions’ is largely being lionised by the BBC/Guardian, at the expense of the sensibilities of the 7/7 victims, and despite its avoidance of a direct critique of Islamic jihad.
Note that the ‘fearless’ political left does not directly criticise the core ideology of Islam; somewhat irresponsibly, and superficially, we are encouraged to ‘laugh at our own fears’ (of Islamic jihad?).
What about opposing Islam as an enemy of Western civilisation? No, that’s beyond the left’s irresponsible joking.
An enemy of western civilisation is an ally of the Marxist Left.
Yes perhaps when the allies stormed ashore on D-day they should have had joke books not rifles.
How is this any different, in principle, from any number of films about incompetent criminals?
The link on the main News page (under the Europe section) to the BBC report about Nigel Farage’s plane crash still appears as:
Eurosceptic Farage injured in plane crash
This can’t be anything other than a political bias in the minds of BBC News Online editors and sub-editors. It reveals the perspective through which they view him, and the BBC’s real priorities when deciding how to report the news.
They’re starting to change the links to “UKIP’s Farage…”
Still haven’t changed the one on the main news page, but it’s an improvement.
Remind yourself just how vile kinnock was….
We’re all right! we’re all right
I’ll follow that vid up for you, from the same Year, when both the BBC and a now familiar idiot, were absolutely positive that they were gonna win.
Has Martha Kearney broken the Law?
“I hope you realise you’ve broken the law by revealing that information. Even if you’ve since deleted that tweet.”
Tweets by wjfox
“19:49 BBC journalist Martha Kearney could have fallen foul of election day rules by tweeting a party’s predictions of tonight’s results. She’s since pulled the posting.”
All that license fee-funded social networking training still paying dividends, I see.
Somebody should be keeping a list of BBC twitter twats.
‘Somebody should be keeping a list of BBC twitter twats.’
It’ll be a long one, so like their headline rationale, if it doesn’t fit (well, with ‘the narrative’, in which case they’d buy you a 50″ screen on others’ licence fees to get it across), they won’t feel it’s necessary.
BBC News Channel right now doing a phone interview of a British citizen living in Greece who is a professor from Ionian University. He’s actually participating in the protests in Greece.
This is his second protest his says. His first one was against – surprise! – Margaret Thatcher. He’s allowed to explain his views without question that it was all Goldman Sach’s fault and that policemen and civil servants are underpaid. Bring the nasty bankers to justice, he cries.
He also says that people are wondering if they’re getting the short end of the stick from the EU here – seriously! – because Greece spends a higher percentage of its budget on defense, and the EU bosses want to keep them under their thumb.
That last part is partially true, I imagine. However, I personally know someone in Greece who just got out of the army about five months ago. During his last couple of months, he was constantly complaining about the severe shortage of money in the army, and poor management. That’s the fault of the Greeks, not the EU. This mess was brought about by the Greek government, at the behest of workers and wet activists, who demanded things like hairdressers and newsreaders get retirement at age 50 with a state-funded pension. No mention of this ever from the BBC.
Now they’re repeating Robert Peston’s segement where he says Germany and the rest of Europe need to get on with forking over the cash again because everybody’s scared.
“He also says that people are wondering if they’re getting the short end of the stick from the EU here – seriously! -”
Hah! Greece has been receiving EU development funds since it joined nearly 30 years now and I believe still receives more than any other country – at least ten times more than Ireland, for example.
5 minutes to go everyone. Run for the hills. We wake up tomorrow in a communist state.
BBC today were interviewing the returning officer, can’t remember his name but presumebly a Labour placeman, about postal voting and didn’t ask the obvious question about postal vote fraud. And the Labour boy didn’t mention it .
Grant’s measure of democracy is the longer the gap between voting and the result, the less democratic is the country.
News 24 having a discusion Guardian jounalist and a liberal actavist.
‘The Economist’ expects EU to pressure new UK government to contribute billions of pounds to Greek bail out. No doubt the pro-EU BBC will keep us fully informed.
No doubt Clegg would leap at the chance to donate UK taxpayers’ funds in such a Lib Dem cause:
Given that the Tories have 4million more votes than the liberals and 6 times the number of seats
What are the chances that the BBC will start refering to a lib-con pact
My first thought, puntcuated with a number of expletives, was the cheek of the man. My second thought was OK, let’s have an impartial enquiry into broadacast media bias. The BBC will not come out of it well.
Alastair Campbell complaing about media bias.
(Discussion starts at 1:50)
Anyone listen to Saturday Live this Morning with guest Oona King, this morning? The long-deposed Labour MP, now head of, um, ‘Diversity’ at C4, Oona provides an object lesson in how the left wing works to change and control your behaviour and your language.
iPlayer link (La King from approx 2:07)
Is it just me but after weeks of banging on about the delights of a hung parliament the Beeb suddenly doesn’t seem that keen because they aren’t going to see the Lib-Lab pact they had been having wet dreams about ?
This mornings and lunch times Radio 4 news broadcasts seemed fairly even handed for the Beeb giving the similarities and differences in Lib Dem and Tory manifestos. But then like a switch being flicked things changed for the 5 pm news. All of a sudden we had endless problems with such a coalition , there was a long section on a very suspiciously well organised demo demanding PR outside the Lib Dem HQ and we had new Lib Dem MP’s who had just beaten Tories (never Labour oh no) saying how bad this would all be.
Oh and then we had an item on the new MP’s and their new jobs. Guess who was interviewed .. a Lib Dem who had just beaten a Tory. I guess the Tories can’t have won any seats on Thursday !
BBC’s Business Editor, of Labour family, ROBERT PESTON, cannot avoid making casual pro-EU comments, coupled with casual derogatory speculations on future Tory economic policy towards the European Union.
Peston speculates that Eurozone members may set up their own ‘IMF-style fund’, concluding:
..”George Osborne – is likely to be even less sympathetic” [than Darling] “to the idea of throwing in a few tens of billions of British pounds for the common European good.”
-What ‘common European good’, Mr. Peston?
Apparently on Sunday we are about to be forced to part with 8 billion to bail out Greece. The Lisbon Treaty means we cannot vote against by veto. Majority voting rules enshrined in the treaty prevent the use of a veto by any member state.
it is all starting to fall apart. This crisis is just beginning and who knows where it will end. Anyone still think our election was relevant?
This is the greatest theft of a people’s weath in history other than by conquest and all parties are complicit in it.
The governments and the banking cartels are going for broke.I wonder if they have such contempt for us that they believe they are going to get away eith it
Yes; no doubt the pro-BBC (and Lib Dems) will approve of this –
“British taxpayers ordered to bail out Euro”
Lenin was a Saint – BBC, Offiicial
Hey, isn’t it a pity that we don’t have a proper monument to LENIN –
an evil man soaked in blood, whose vile idology has enslaved and killed hundreds of millions.
“London became for Lenin a symbol of the evil he wanted to destroy.”
“In the Marx Memorial Library in London there is a mural, made in 1935. It shows a bare-chested worker surrounded by a blue-eyed Lenin, Marx and Engels. The worker is breaking the chains and shaking the whole world. Big Ben is falling down, burying the capitalists.”
You couldn’t make this stuff up. The BBC willing to sing the praises of one of the most evil men ever to have lived. You can be quite sure that the tone would be a bit different if there was a nutter out there who that Von Ribbentrop buildings needed a shrine to Nazi idologues
Why do the BBC think that anybody cares what Billy Brag thinks?
Ask a politician about pop music and you are likely to get a stupid answer (Brown ans the Artic Monkeys!) Ask a pop singer about politics and the answer is likely to be just as idiotic.
The Big Question is going to ask is the electoral system unfair?
The BBCs view is any system that does not re-elect Brown with a massive majority is unfair.
They had an audience that was 90% for PR I doubt very much if that is representative of the population as a whole.
Ann Leslie was never given the chance to finish making a point.
BBC propagates pro-Islamic falsity about Islamic Jihadists:
“The Blackburn Resistance: jihadists or jokers?”
Note how the BBC promotes ‘left’ politically dangerous wishful thinking that Islamic jihad is a joke, thereby adopting a ‘Four Lions’ approach of mixing up fiction with the very real fact of the impact of Islamic jihad murders on British people.
Interesting discussion here of the merits and demerits of Laura Kuennsberg and some of Biased BBC’s “favourite” Beeboids, e.g. Frei Boy, Mark Mardell, Crick (or Crock as I inadvertently typed the other day):
I was going to say “Crock instead of Crick works for me” – but that might imply that BBC reporters work for US, the licence-tax payers. Which I sometimes, just sometimes, rather doubt.