Now might be a good opportunity to reminisce; recalling those old, but not forgotten, times….
“I do remember… the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles. I’ll always remember that”
Jane Garvey on BBC Five Live, May 10th 2007, recalling May 2nd 1997 (Audio / Transcript)
We’re betting it’s not like that this year, eh, Beeboids?
However this is currently the view from your liveblog Moderator’s desk at Chateau Eye. Cheers!
Hi, the impression I’m getting is that Cameron’s babes and general shiny new candadates have bombed. If so, I wonder if Cameron gets the message?
Prediction: LabLib alliance and referendum on PR coming our way (a version of PR that will ensure a LabLib Government for at least a generation.
Still smarting eh hippiepoter? Maybe if there hadn’t been so many hopeless fantasists voting UKIP their wasted votes could have been put to some good use resoundly removing the illegal alien that currently resides in number 10.
Chris Huhne has already stated that the lib dems will side with the party with the most seats. Right now the tories are on 288. Labour are on 243. Lib dems on 51. There are only 42 seats up for grabs. So unless the commie fucks can create themselves some new boroughs before the end of the day I’d guess that there are a few brown trousers at Brodcasting House this morning.
I think you are 100% correct. I reckon Clegg and Cameron are both hoping for a small conservative majority. I think its extremely unlikely Clegg will want to cohabit with a weirdo like Brown. So being forced to side with conservatives may well put the final nail into this communist toerag once and for all.
But some kind of PR will be the price to pay.
@ TB: Sirrah, thou speakest conspiracy theory.
Labour and BBC: ‘as true democrats, we will not give up the political power which is rightfully, and permanently, ours.’
I, Brown, am the only one who know s how to rule you sort of ignorant bigoted peasants. I know, know, know everything about everything and those other parties know nothing, understand nothing and are incapable of anything. I am the I that I am, forever and ever, Amen.
At least the BBC bias still continues.
Just awoke, heard the BBC lay into Michael Gove, using the usual attack, question and interrupt manner. Then onto Mandelson, and its Paxo being softer on him, letting him answer the questions etc. They’ve even gone back to him to let Mandelson reply again.
BBC bias. Job Done. Drink the champagne. Months and months of hammering the Tories whilst bigging up Labour seems to have worked. The Tories are not in clear control. Slap your leftie lovie backs.
Apart from a couple of hours kip in two shifts I watched all the coverage and thought there was very little hint of bias. Where I did see it was with Paxman. It’s not just his bias that is unprofessioal but his style. He’s like an overgrown schoolboy always looking to goad. The only stain upon BBC Election Night I found.
Oh. let me add that in the news report sandwiched in between when they only said ‘Ed Balls has fought off the Tories’ or something like that as if he’d had a resounding triumph, that was bias. The story was despite huge swing against him he survives.
Well Paxman is your typical socialist in that he lives in a tiny village, 3 miles outside Henley-on-Thames in a £3 million property!
Nothing is too good for the workers, Comrade.
Of course, the BBC hypes the Green Party’s one seat, but BBC relegates news of defeat of Labour Muslim MP and Minister, SHAHID MALIK, in Dewsbury:
Winner – Simon Reevell
Adrian Cruden, Green Party – 849
Michael Felse, English Democrats – 661
Andrew Hutchinson, Liberal Democrats – 9,150
Khizar Iqbal, Independent – 3,813
Shahid Malik (defending), Labour – 17,372
Simon Reevell, Conservative – 18,898
Roger Roberts, British National Party – 3,265
Majority – 1,526
Turn out – 68.7 per cent
Which collective loons voted in the Let’s Return Us To The Stone Age Where All the Food Is Green party?
Gays Jack. Gays.
They must have be promised new bath houses, cinemas and a blind eye turned to public sex.
It will be hilarious though watching Brighton fall apart under the Greens like a bit of cheap Argos furniture.
Brighton has another seat – and there is also an MP for Hove.
No doubt the BBC sees the election result as even more cause to push greenie/commie views.
The BBC slavishly follows the Labour agenda (or the latest Labour agenda) seeking electoral “reform”. Apparently – according to Mandelson on Today – this has been something Labour has always wanted (but somehow forgot from 1997 until now) – even Humphrys couldn’t quite bring himself to believe this example of spin. Even so, the vast majority of BBC comment and coverage (in the context of a possible LibDemLab carve-up) concerns electoral “reform” and the incompetence (true) of many electoral returning oficers who have failed to organise a piss-up in a brewery: this failure, according to the BBC, Labour and the LibDems, inevitably implies an end to FPTP. No comment that if the people in charge of the present process are useless, then the same people in charge of the new process will also be useless. But, of course, such utterances wouldn’t fit the BBC/Labour/LibDem agenda.
No comment, also, now or in the days before the election that the present system is hopelessly skewed so that the average constituency in England has 71,000 voters while the Welsh and Scottish average is around the mid/upper-50,000s. So maybe, before we start messing around with “reform” to keep Brown in power, we should reform (ie improve not change) the present system. You won’t hear that opinion (from any of the parties) today.
I wonder how many Labour MPs would vote for electoral reform when it actually came down to it. First-past-the-post has served them pretty well in the past. Would they condemn themselves to permanent coalition with the Lib Dems?
Yes; supplementary:
“Electoral Bias”
Anti-Tory BBC still trying to politically organise a Labour-Lib Dem coalition government.
The BBC is not keen to emphasise what opportunist Clegg said last week:
“…the party that has more votes and seats, but doesn’t get an absolute majority — I support them.”
A view rarely voiced on BBC:
“Labour has lost the authority to govern”
Who believes anything Clegg, or any other Lib-Dum says? They are congenital liars to a man.
As to the election, it was fraudulant by definition, thousands of postal voters registered just before the deadline and so not checked, ha bloody ha. The Electoral Commission should be investigated by the police, they are “not fit for purpose”.
As to the result, only one person is to blame for the “conservative party” not winning, David Cameron.
I see that the BBC is bigging up the fact that some people couldent get to vote yesterday. If the populus cannot arrange their day around a 15 hour window, that is their fault, and not the election agencys problem. Too long in the pub on dole day me thinks!
I see that the BBC is bigging up the fact that some people couldent get to vote yesterday
Yes, the polls in Afghanistan Poppy Fields East, Pakistan Jihadi Central, and Sheffield Mosque Ward all had problems in stuffing ballot papers into boxes designed to taking one tenth the amount.
What the fuck are they fretting about? The idiots were just lining up to vote the very party back in that had forced them to stand there in the first place.
They deserve all they got.
Labour’s unelected Alastair Campbell trying to keep political power, and moaning about the role of the media (BBC not mentioned here, of course) in having the audacity to criticise Labour:
“Why IS the BBC lionising a liar like Alastair Campbell?”
Read more:
Never fear – the LibDems have no money for another early election, they can’t be seen to keep Brown in office – there will be a cobbled-together deal with the Tories – who do NOT need to be passing any legislation so votes in the House won’t matter. Most of what needs to be done is executive rather than legislative – especially on the economy and cutting back public waste. The Libs could be offered PR for the Lords, maybe – and even a referendum on Alternative Vote rather than pure PR, the Lib dream.
But my abiding sense is that the present dire problems are causede directly and deliberately by the size of the immigrant vote – including oodles of electoral fraud. If Cameron could by any means tighten up the voting arrangements, and carry enough of the country on the need for urgent economic action, there will be better prospects of fairness next time.
AND – the Tories would have to put the screws on the BBC – “stay properly neutral or we will demolish you after another election”.
The Libs want to replace Labour as the Left party – as they have been doing in a lot of local Government. That is – they want to displace Labour. Best way short-term to do that is to kick Brown out and to appear to act Vince-Cablewise as responsible partners on the economy.
Glorious moment just now – David Owen tells Paxman it is wrong for the BBC to keep banging on about Brown hanging on – when the Tories have strong authority to now lead. Unfortunately interrupted by the Warwick result – another Tory gain.
Labour’s former Home Secretary, JACQUI SMITH lost seat; maybe for an additional reason not mentioned by BBC: her banning of Dutch MP, Geert Wilders from Britain:
Classic beeboid balance. Paxo currently talking to Powell (new Labour), Benn (old Labour) and Wallace (Lib Dem).
This is a partial win for the BBC. The Conservatives do not have a majority, and it’s close enough that there could have been a Lib/Lab pact. The Beeboids can crow about it for six months, undermining Cameron’s authority, and the new Narrative will be about how Cameron has to call a new election.
Legacy of the class war.
BBC’s S. SCHAMA, US citizen, Obama supporter, and Labour supporter is given prime position by BBC News TV channel NOW to tell British people what is in his political interests.
At least the BBC is finally acknowledging that the LibDems did poorly. Last night everything was a bit different, plenty of oohs and ahs over swings in their favor.
Shocking bias in the people given a mouthpiece by the BBC. When have you ever seen Carswell and then Hannan given such a platform? They’re two of the most radical conservatives – I like them – but the BBC would never usually have these two on representing the Tories one after the other… so why have the BBC done so now? Patently obvious its because both are open to some form of electoral reform and they’ve both been questioned and given plenty of time to express this opinion – this is no way shape or form a reflection of the Conservative party as a whole.
The BBC is openly promoting very hard for turning our democratic system on its head, this is an outrage.
Rory Cellan-Jones on now telling everyone how exciting Twitter has been for this election. Opens up new avenues, great ideas exchanged, etc.
No mention of the various comedians taking the BBC shilling who’ve been busted for openly tweeting their politicazl biases and have tried to cover it up by deleting them. Also no mention of the BBC spending money on training thousands of Beeboids to use Twitter.
Mr Cellan-Jones and his masters might struggle to justify how what he and his mates tweeted each other somehow got spun up into often top billing on BBC Breakfast News as ‘trending’ nationwide.
Interesting to contrast this with their new-found interest in giving ‘the people’ a real voice.
Well, until it can be re-rigged so only those who know better get to use broadcast-only mode again.
“BBC blasted for £29,000 election boat party after ‘dumbed down’ celebrity-studded event irritates millions”
Read more:
Been out all day but did listen to Radio 5 driving back. So the Tories have no mandate but Liebour does according to the BBC.
The BBC seem to be upset that Clegg hasn’t given Brown one up the backside in public.
I’m not so sure Cameron shouldn’t sit back and let Clegg and Brown do a deal, Gordon Brown an utter failure of a human being left torun the Country with 28% of the vote.
Anyone else see shit head Paddy pantsdown whining last night that the exit poll was wrong? The poll is just about spot on.
I’m not so sure Cameron shouldn’t sit back and let Clegg and Brown do a deal…
My sentiment this morning. Let the two LIES own the looming disaster.
As to PR — Labour seem to think that this will “create” as permanent anti-conservative state.
I think it will destroy the Labour party as constituted.
And once the concept of “PR” is initiated, under what moral authority should a permanent CONSERVATIVE majority in England be over-ruled by the Welsh/Scots loony left predilictions.
“I’m not so sure Cameron shouldn’t sit back and let Clegg and Brown do a deal, Gordon Brown an utter failure of a human being left torun the Country with 28% of the vote. ”
Yeah, especially as Clegg doesn’t want to get in with Labour – he wants to ride on Cameron’s coat tails. And he can’t stand that weirdo in No. 10. If Cameron stayed cool and played hard to get, Cleggy Boy would come running. And the shoe would be on the other foot. He’d be like the weirdo – begging and imploring to join Cameron’s gang. Cameron could walk away or dictate terms. But Cameron was never going to take the risk of Cleggy running off to weirdo, so it’s academic now. Taking the Lib Dems on board isn’t an unmixed blessing. They are far from being a boon to Cameron with their airy fairy nonsense policies.
Fantastic news that George Galloway failed in likehouse! The good news for George is this should allow him to get on with hating Israel without the inconvenience of being an elected member of parliament!
Second point is around people whinging about not being able to vote. My heart bleeds purple p1ss for them as they had 15 hours to sort their lives out.
I have to say that George Galloway’s failure was the icing on the rapturous cake of joy I have been feasting on all day.
Jacqui Smith was the cherry on top.
Did the jock twat lose? The BBC haven’t mentioned him at all, perhaps his homophobic rantings didn’t go down well in the urinals on Hampstead Heath with the beeboids?
Of course I meant to say limehouse above 🙂
I had to laugh at the Limp Dems on Radio 5 today who were stating that they wanted PR and didn’t want a deal with the Tories.
So that means the ONLY party they’d deal with is Liebour, in which case why ever vote Lib Dem if you’re only going to ever get a Liebour Government? Why not just vote Liebour in the first place?
So that means the ONLY party they’d deal with is Liebour, in which case why ever vote Lib Dem if you’re only going to ever get a Liebour Government?
A deceptively simple, but brilliant piece of analysis!
Which no doubt didn’t occur to the R5 drone asking the questions.
Why’s everyone so somber? Isn’t there any cause for celebration right now? It is at least a victory of sorts.
I’m unfortunate enough to live in the the city of Derby, which remains a poxy labour council, and what struck me as I walked around today was how utterly oblivious the working class automatons were to what was going on.
In the town center is a huge screen, transmitting 24 hour BBC propaganda in an attempt to appear to be some sort of weather map and local information guide. When Cameron came out to make his decision there was all of two people standing in the middle of that huge empty square looking up at the screen. The rest of the Derby souls just drifted around like ghouls haunting their own miserable existence.
I would lay money that most of them never bothered voting, and those that did would have been the legion of immigrant cab drivers doing their utmost to “stick it to whitey” (who they seem to hate with a passion) and the army of right-on progressive students with their “High School the Musical” haircuts and designer jeans hanging halfway down their ankles exposing the arses they haven’t got.
I have never felt so ashamed to live in Britain as I did today. And I have never felt so disgusted with the thick as dogshit northern twat-sticks that infest this city like rotting maggots.
Steady on Travis. Is Derby really in the north!
Great post, Travis !!
There should be an IQ test before it is possible to get the vote Travis but that rather neatly sums things up.
I just noticed that the BNP got nearly 15% more votes than the SNP. Some nationalist, ethnicity-based parties are better than others, I guess.
General Election TV: BBC’s sinking ship of celebrities
All very interesting but irrelevant. The fraudulent nature of the US federal Reserve, the BOE and the European Central Bank’s creation of fiat money is about to blow up in their faces. I had the feeling that Gordon was really relieved to be soon out of it. He looked that way outside No 10.
Reality is coming but still the BBC and most of the media persist in denying it.
Today Greece , tomorrow Spain and Portugal and then ?
The creation of fiat money which is then used to strip us of the fruits of our labour , in effect to steal our lives to feed their own, is the last great gamble of a discredited elite.
I really do not care who becomes PM. What has been done and is being done is an offence against us all and a denial of truth.
Just watched Sheena Easton on the BBC making excuses for our f**ked up voting system. Compare that to the savage way the BBC attached the Americans over ‘hanging chads’ and the US Police allegedly stopping people from voting in Florida in 2000.
Also regarding Clegg, the BBC appear to be trying to big up the fact that PR is the all for Clegg.
Sorry but the main issue at the moment is sorting out the mess the one eyed mong and co have made of the economy, the massive debt we have, unemployment the bloated public sector and so on.
But Cameron needs to be careful, if he does turn Clegg away over PR the Tories will only force the one eyed cretin’s hand as Clegg may be happy to put PR to one side for a while but the loonies in the Lib Dems won’t.
Here’s a thought. Cameron and Clegg come out and say that they’ve agreed a general framework for a Queen’s speech, NOT including possible PR. Clegg says that for 1 year he will abstain on major votes in the Commons (the Tories have more than enough of their own votes to get legislation through) and give the Tories a chance to do their stuff.
Clegg then says that in 12 months time if the economy is on the up and things are getting better he wants to talk to Cameron about voting reform. If Cameron says no, Clegg can pull the plug, it makes both Clegg and Cameron look good and avoids another election in the Autumn.
Cameron needs to think clearly here, if Liebour elect Miliband as their new leader (I wish they’d get Hattie) Cameron will have a fight on his hands, PR of some sort will be coming anyway as the Liebour party will offer Clegg free anal to get back into power.
But if Cameron decides he doesn’t want to deal on PR then the Tories need to make sure that the Lib Dems and Liebour have a fight in the Commons as the one eyed twat will need the votes of the SNP and possibly the SDLP to out vote the Tories and that means Brown promising NO public sector cuts in Scotland or NI. Will the people of England accept that?
A bad night for fascism: George Galloway stuffed and so were hte BNP – YIPPEE!
No doubt the pro-EU BBC will provide a spin on this soon:
‘David Rennie of The Economist told euronews: “I wonder whether Britain would be allowed to sit on the sidelines with its arms folded and say: we are not going to contribute a cent towards that bailout. Now if Europe comes to Britain and says – ‘start bailing out euro zone countries’ then, whether the Tories, Lib-Dems or Labour like it or not, I predict a big fight between Britain and the EU.”
JESUS CHRIST!!!! Newsnight, that effing rat faced drunk jock slapper Kirsty Wark was really on a pro Liebour rant, asking Ken Clarke about climate change deniers in Europe!! Even the Limp Dem in the studio couldn’t believe what he was hearing. She really is a bitter and twisted rat faced old dog.
Now she’s PLEADING with the sainted Alistair Campbell for Liebour to do a deal.
Indeed, Wark was absolutely vile on Newsnight in not letting Ken Clarke get a word in edgeways, whilst her demeanour changed completely when Alistair Campbell was allowed to come over all saint like. Seems the BBC’s love of hung parliaments only applies when the “right two” parties talk to each other….
Yes I saw the Jock female? in action.
She clearly needs de-Nazification from Labour.
She obviously hasn’t yet registered that her controllers/paymasters have now changed.
Anyway, she’s well past her sell by date.
Ken Clarke came across as reasonable – as did the LibDem peer. Wark came across as a harpy. Especially her stupid giggling, trying to make light of a serious issue.
Trouble is – she and the BBC in general are not affected by the serious economic problems, they sail on regardless on the £3.6 billion licence tax.
Just caught the lovely report showing the downfall of Nick Griffin and the BNP in Barking. Fact kept from the public by the BBC: This time, the BNP’s national vote share increased by nearly 300%. That’s the biggest swing by far of any party, I think. Over half a million votes, in fact, making them the #5 party in the election. Yet the BBC wants you to think that the BNP is dying on the vine.
Which means that with PR the BNP would get MPs into parliament. They got 2 seats in the EU tahnks to PR.
Does the BBC really think that PR will help the socialists?
“A more proportional electoral system is far more likely to tug Britain to starboard. All three major parties are run by a broadly liberal elite. But PR would massively empower the populist Right.”
JHT, I believe it could well be feasible to have a constituency version of PR with a ‘run-off’ between the top two parties to decide who governs. Pure PR would make the Lib-Dems kingmakers for ever and a day, and I really dont think the electorate would regards that as a fair voting system.
Ah, the unintended consequences of good intentions…
DP, you seem determined to spin for the British Nazi Party here. The fact that in this election they fielded 300 candidates instead of 119 in the previous might account for why they got more votes nationally. In Barking where Fuhrer Griffin hoped to win the seat, his party’s vote dropped 2% and they lost every single one of their 12 seats on Barking Council. Not promising news for the establishment of the Fourth Reich in Great Britain, thank goodness. As dire as our problems of immigration and multiculturalism are, the message clearly got through about the evil intentions that lie behind the reasonable arguments of the BNP.
That other prize fascist George Galloway and his Reichstag Party also got its comeuppance. A good night all round for seeing fascist ass whupped.
My opinion of the BNP is irrelevant, as is yours. I am aware that the near tripling of candidates resulted in a near tripling of their vote share. I’m too tired to run the numbers right now, but I believe you’ll find that there was an actual increase in the vote share above the percentage increase of candidates in the field.
But guess what: this still proves that the BBC Narrative that the BNP is on the decline is false. No spin there, simple fact. It’s also a neutral fact that the BNP is now the 5th largest vote-getting party in the UK. My opinion of that is irrelevant, as is yours. I’m merely pointing out that the BBC has chosen to hide this from you in their election broadcasting.
Regardless of your or my opinion of the BNP, that’s bias. One ought to be even-handed and rational enough to point out BBC bias when logic dicatates, regardless of personal opinion or political persuasion. Ideally, that’s what this site should be about.
There’s also the delicious irony in the idea that the very people who go to such lengths to condemn people who show concern about certain results of mass immigration as being wrong-headed, probably racist, and possibly BNP Nazis, might just enable the BNP themselves with a PR voting scheme. As JHT points out, the EU election is a very recent example of just the kind of unintended consequences of good intentions I was suggesting. It’s as if they’re unaware.
Previously you had suggested the BNP were no better and no worse than the SNP which does suggest you are spinning for the BNP when you know the SNP leadership do not have Nazi backgrounds virtually to the man.
When the BNP lost every single one of their 12 seats on Barking Council and Griffins’ % vote dropped in their No 1 target seat, it seems fair to say the BNP is on the decline.
Also, as I’ve previously stated, in a democracy a broadcaster with a duty to impartiality has a democratic duty to be biased against totalitarian parties. Unfortunately at the BBC this bias is only reserved for the BNP, and its not a democratic bias, its a left-wing bias. The BBC are more than happy to promote the hoods on the other side of the extreme who come full circle with the BNP, mainly because a lot of these hoods are employed by the BBC.
I admit that I see little difference between the nationalism of the SNP with that of BNP, but I’m really talking about nationalism in the abstract, and not about specific methods of achieving nationalistic goals. Obvioulsy there’s going to be a difference there (although they’re both Socialist parties). But that’s a personal opinion, and irrelevant here. I’m talking about the objective facts of the vote. There’s no spin there at all. Spin means taking something and trying to make it mean or appear to be something else. I’m pointing out simple, neutral facts. Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean I’m spinning it. Please try to separate personal opinions from objective facts.
Also, as I’ve previously stated, in a democracy a broadcaster with a duty to impartiality has a democratic duty to be biased against totalitarian parties.
This statement is self-contradictory. Impartiality by definition cannot require bias. If you want to talk about a broacaster with a duty to democracy and a preferred set of political and moral values, then sure, you can say it has a duty to be biased against totalitarian parties. However, by your requirements, the BBC ought to be biased against Labour before it’s biased against the Tories, as Labour has exhibited serious totalitarian tendencies.
But you cannot say that impartiality requires bias. That’s illogical.
Your failure to address the BNP’s loss of all it’s seats in Barking shows the spin your doing for them.
The purpose of broadcast impartiality is to serve democracy which in my view would mean most sincere democrats would consider the BBC has a democratic duty to be biased against totalitarian parties. As unsavoury as I find many Brownites, the Labour Party is not a totalitarian party, but if the occasion arose an impartial broadcaster would give you time to argue that was the guess and either someone argue against and/or another person argue that the Tories were in fact a totalitarian party.
Nazi and Communist Parties such as the BNP and SWP/Respect are beyond the democratic pale and should be treated as such by an impartial broadcaster. The objective duty of an impartial broadcaster should be to expose the totalitarian nature of such parties to protect democracy from threat.
I am pointing out the number of votes they got nationally versus the number of votes other parties got. That’s a stone cold fact, no spin involved. Locally, yes, the BNP lost this time. Nationally, however, their vote share has not decreased even a fraction of a percentage point and has, in fact, increased. Therefore the Narrative that the BNP is generally on the decline is false. No matter how much you or I may dislike the BNP, this is an indisputable fact. We need to separate personal opinions and emotions from facts.
Having said that, your continued use of the word “spin” shows that you are now simply lying to support your cause. As I’ve pointed out more than once now, the word “spin” has a different meaning from the way you’re using it to accuse me of nefarious actions. I can no longer continue this debate, as you are now lying and not engaging in a rational discussion.
Well, they had a University Professor from Chester on just now to say that coalitions work well, so it must be true.
No one else. And challenged by a teleprompter moppet allowed out to gush in the open. So it really must be true, as she smiled a lot.
The metaphors for the age of reward for failure could not be more stark.
Having never won anything by way of a public mandate, and now having lost massively, it seems that Mr. Brown clings to ‘power’ on the basis of not having fouled up totally massively by being propped up by voter blocs created who were incapable of rejecting their support system.
That our screens are still alive with Labour shills claiming ‘victory’ on this basis is risible.
Despite all the BBC’a money, ITV still managed to report the results first. Pathetic !
BBC’s !
Bias everywhere, as usual. Radio 4 Saurday Live (9am) “magazine” is being run by a Guardian-quoting clown, main guest is Oona King (schoolmate of the Milibands, now Head of Diversity at Channel 4 FFS !) – and King is being allowed to shill for Labour at every turn, on individual items as well as her own interview.
Anyone else noticed how the BBC are going ALL OUT to promote PR all of a sudden? Every News report seems to tell us how brilliant PR is.
On BBC breakfast for example the ugly beeboids Sian Williams introduced some ‘Dr’ from Sussex University as a PR expert (turned out he’s a rabid leftie) who told us PR is brilliant and works everywhere, oh and that it would work really well for a Liebour Liberal Socialist Government (well that’s nice). When the other guest commented that Clegg wouldn’t be wise to do a deal with Brown the supposedly neutral ‘Dr’ gave a big smile and said “Brown won’t be there forever”.
Laughs all round.
But boy is the BBC angry, Radio tore into Trevor Kavanah from the Sun, Phil Williams stating “Clearly many of your readers didn’t listen to you to vote Tory”, really Phil? The Tories got more votes than Bliar did at the last election and EVEN under PR the Tories would be the largest party.
I detect despair at the BBC, I bet the arses of the local Romanian rent boys population around White City will have been well bloodied by angry male beeboids taking their frustration out on their local piece of ‘chicken’
You couldn’t make it up.
I just heard Jackie Ashley on Radio 4 spouting that “the entire media was against Labour”.
BBC ? ITV ? Channel 4 ?
Even Sky was fairly balanced – as required by law. As was LBC during the campaign.
By far the biggest cheer-leader for Brown much of the time was the BBC. Including Ashley’s husband. Yet Ashley has the absolute gall to claim that poor Gordy was friendless.
This ‘he did great considering all the media were against him’ meme seems to be the new parrot du jour per the latest FoB(Friends of Brown)off memo.
I agree that SKY has been pretty even handed. The bias accusations seem to be most shrill when they have the temerity to ask necessary questions that BBC poodles wouldn’t dream of.
Even then, I think they can be a bit too polite. Saw Ben Bradshaw this morning get very snarky, when not mixing up the people’s money with that of the shambles he is still part of.
As one of the few senior Labour ministers not booted out or kicked almost into touch his main aim seemed to be to try and accuse ‘the right wing press’ for every cock up Gordon and his GOATs have inflicted on themselves and the country, with the full complicity of the £3.5 national broadcaster.
Guessing he did not once work with SKY then.
One wonders how precise are the recollections of BBC’s favorite grey beards in their memories of the great hung parliament of 1974. Yesterday we had Michael Cockerell with tall tales of Jeremy Thorpe (which didn’t involve pillows or dogs), telling us that colour TV had not been invented.
Today BBC’s favorite lefty Prof, Hennessey, tells us that Thatcher cleverly engineered her future reign of terror by being the person who stopped Heath offering PR in his negotiations with Thorpe (must have been the only time Heath heeded her opinion) – she apparently warned Heath that PR would prevent the evil Tories ever again seizing power.
Charles Moore on BBC/Guardian:
“It turns out that the least right analysis of this campaign was the one favoured by the Guardian and the BBC and, indeed, Mr Clegg. The voters were not completely disillusioned with the old politics. They found the leaders’ debates a useful stimulus, but not a replacement for parliamentary democracy. The “old” parties (actually there aren’t any new ones of any consequence) are not collapsing. Even Labour, though it did very badly, held on to its core support. Except in their leaders’ debate participation, the Liberals did not break any mould. The party that achieved by far the biggest movement – attracting more than two million extra votes – were the Conservatives. Our way of doing politics has come under strain, but has not been shaken to its foundations.
It was fitting that the BBC chose to give its election night party on a boat. No sooner had the fun started than the entire television system on board broke down for three quarters of an hour. So the flagship of the biggest broadcaster in the world, with captain Mark Thompson (and your columnist) on board, was floating helplessly, out of contact with the outside world.
“Our predicament was a metaphor for the media’s failures in reporting this election. We have abandoned serious study of what actually bothers people. We have become cut off from understanding the way voters feel about things outside London and the world of celebrity. The enormous variety of constituency results surely shows how unhelpful national opinion polls have become. The media attend to the air war and forget the ground war. ”
Jesus the BBC keep wheeling out Polly fatty Toynbee again and again and again.
Funny that for the last 13 years fat slugs like Toynbee never went on about voting reform then.
The BBC line is very clear, we must keep Gordon and a Lib Lab pact.
What a mess.
After Polly was lovingly questioned guess who they had on for the paper review? Yup, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown whose money quote was:
“I agree with Polly”!
I await the balance on this one, the equivalent of Norman Tebbit being interviewed by appreciative BBC newscasters followed by James Delingpole doing the paper review, castigating the greenies and agreeing with Norm as the beeboids nod in agreement.