Election or no election, the BBC continues to spew out with wearisome predictability tendentious nonsense about global warming. This time, it’s another melting glacier alert. This one ticks all the boxes for a BBC scare story because the mountain in question is in Africa, and of course, a central axiom of the BBC’s belief system is that Africans urgently need more money to fight the endless injustices heaped upon them by the filthy, capitalist West. The glacier is on Mount Margherita (Africa’s third highest peak), in the Rwenzori mountains on the border between Zaire and Uganda. The area in question is virtually inaccessible because of continuing warfare, but hey-ho, the local Africans know with certainty it must be global warming to blame and are keen to tell the world it is, so it must be true.
Completely absent from the BBC story is any mention of that the combined area of all glaciers in Africa, including those on Kilimanjaro, is less than 11km, and that it has been repeatedly pointed out that the causes of melt are both cyclical and to do with other man-made factors such as deforestation. Nor does the BBC care that not a smidgeon of detailed research appears to have carried out at Mount Margherita; papers that do exist acknowledge their lack of accurate information. A crack appears, the local authorities say it’s global warming and that’s all that it takes for our eco-freak friends at the corporation to spread at full volume yet another baseless scare story.
Saturday Live this morning, praise for the Green Facist who got eleceted, (but idoit mouthpeice proclaimed that she votes Labour first and wants PR so she can vote Labour and Green Facist. Oil companies / capitalism was denounced as bad, and there was a whine about sexism.
All in all the aural equivilent of Marxism Today.
the comment you referred to was by Oona King, ex-MP for Labour and now “Head of Diversity” at left-wing Channel 4, who was sticking her oar in at every opportunity in that hour-long programme.
i note that the beeboid scumbag that wrote this article wasnt brave enough to put his or her name at the bottom of it, which begs the question, why?
Just to note that in an otherwise excellent programme on design last night on BBC2 (“The Genius of Design”), mention of the Industrial Revolution could not be complete without a reference to it as the cause of, yes, “global warming”. Together with this was the continual pursed lips reference to, horrors, capitalism. The BBC cannot – will not – resist treating any history through the dark lens of greenie/socialist cant.
Interestingly, the programme revealed that William Morris was frustrated that his return to pre-industrial manufacture meant that his designs were only affordable by those horrid capitalist he so despised. The irony – that Harrabin and the rest of the AGW nutters seek, like Morris, to return us to a poverty-ridden pre-industrial world – is lost on the BBC.
Just when I thought the BBC had covered that election almost fairly, this pops up on the homepage.
“Coalition options – views from party members”
i.e. two Lib Dems who don’t like it and advocate a deal with Labour. Then two Tories who support it.
I don’t think the power-fearing views of two Lib Dims count as “views from party members”, do you?
When will anyone have the guts to confront the BBC with the hypocrisy of it all? Their ferrying of nonentities around the world on grossly over-staffed junkets (Olympics, World Cup etc) and the endless bills for taxi fares for all the other no-mark luvvies?
Every one of them should be made to either walk or bike it – or travel by horse and cart. Cut them from the national grid. Make make them generate their own power to run their studios and offices from 100% renewable sources. Why can’t someone confront them with this?
The BBC overspend on the refurb of Broadcasting House (a fairly small building, really) is £100 million, last time I heard. What’s that in Carbon Footprint ?
If they slosh OUR money round like that, why should they give a fig about sending thousands of people each year on unnecessary air trips, junkets etc ?
If the Tories had any sense, they would contrive an early big bust-up with the BBC, get rid of that useless Chairman of the BBC Trust, get Mark Thompson’s head on a platter, get a new Director General installed.
Newsflash – ice melts outdoors in Africa. Send cash.