Throughout the election, the BBC regarded UKIP as the party it despised but had to mention now and again; when it did so, Paxman and his cronies treated them with sneering disdain, as if their libertarian policies were akin to Nazism, and in line with David Cameron’s description of UKIP members as “fruitcakes”. I accept that during the campaign, the party compounded the problem by sometimes appearing to be not fully in command of its own message. But let’s get things in proportion. UKIP, on a shoestring budget, attracted almost 1m votes last Thursday (up 50% on 2005), and, according to the latest analysis, probably cost the Conservatives upwards of 25 seats, thus depriving them of their overall majority.
The reason is that the boy Dave took a cynical gamble that he woud win by not “banging on about Europe” (and rejecting a referendum on Lisbon)and by instead winning Liberal Democrat votes through centrist and loony greenie policies. His bid failed, and his strategy effectively disenfranchised and alienated all those who are true eurosceptics; mostly natural Tory supporters who saw through his pathetic porky that powers can be repatriated and the Brussels monster stopped in hits tracks without holding a referendum.
Meanwhile, at the BBC, there’s absolutely no attempt to analyse this aspect of the election – it’s as if UKIP now don’t exist and were never relevant as a force; that 1m votes count for nothing. The Greens, of course – who commanded less than a third of UKIP’s total vote and lagged way behind even the BNP – have attracted acres of fawning coverage because the odiously self-righteous Caroline Lucas won a solitary seat. To the boys and girls at the BBC, she is already a saint in the Bob Geldof league, and her cause is one they will champion with renewed fervour. Prepare for her loony,extremist, voice – that advocates condemning millions to fuel poverty and forcing us back to the stone age – to be featured on every BBC outlet until it makes you sick.
The terrifying thing is that Cameron agrees with almost everything she says. Aided and abetted by his best chum, Steve Hilton, and that eco-freak in chief, Zac Goldsmith. Look at his and Dave’s policies and weep.
I think you are correct in your assertions. But, I reckon that there will be another election within the next 12 months (though I am not looking forward to the next 12 months – it’s going to be quite unpleasant), David Cameron will be replaced, and perhaps we will once again have a proper Conservative party, which will win a majority and do what must be done to return our country to prosperity, security and some semblance of happiness. Coming out of the EU has to be the first action. And the second is repatriation of all the third world immigrants.
Watching the Breakfast News.
Apparently there are many Tories ‘violently opposed’ to a deal with the LibDems.
All the others in the fame are chatting sweetly, with no vocal supporters getting very agitated chatting outside, yet the BBC’S least favourite party’s members are ‘violently opposed’?
And, so far, I have had the take from Shami Chakrabati with the promise of Billy Bragg in the offing. [UPDATE – Female talking head just, amazingly, side-swiped him – on PR favouring the BNP – and he went into a major sulk and asked ‘what about Scotland’?. Yes Billy, what about folk who can vote on England…with no accountability their side of the border?]
Meanwhile, in the Grauniad, that well-known if not extensively read publication (outside the M25) that seems to set policy for the BBC:
Careful what you wish for, guys.
While it may appeal to create the fiction of Gordon vs. ‘the right wing press’, it may sink in to those not yet aware, that the various media ranged in support of various parties, Labour enjoys the slavish support of dogmatic tribalists in newspapers with influence way in excess of their representation, and a national broadcast propaganda entity that reaches into every home 24/7.
Now, SKY may well be partisan on occasion, though one man’s serious challenge on hypocrisy may be another’s ‘they are being mean to Gordon’ bias. However, there seems yet to be a
Thing is, and in this BBC vs. Rupert construct the luvvies are trying to spin, on an election I just went out and voted in that somehow delivered the ‘wrong’ result so it needs adjusting until it gives the ‘right’ one (for a small minority who seem to think they ‘know better’ and what’s best for us), I can choose not to pay for SKY.
A point that has escaped some who seem fervent inn their belief and hence support (wonder how many are staffers):
8 May 2010, 10:04PM
“I see nothing wrong. You’d all be crowing in agreement if it was BBC journo ripping into a Tory”
Wouldnt happen, the BBC are professional, Sky are pure scum. If you have any links of shrieking aggression and highly overt partisanship in a BBC election interview, please post it.
Awesome; worthy of Newswatch. No substance and a balnket claim in denial.
I am forced by law to fund the BBC, uniquely, yet seem to be served up opinion as reporting more and more.
Shame I cannot sack them. Maybe Jay has an answer to that too?
From the BBC article on the Green wench:
“”Thank you so much for putting the politics of hope above the politics of fear,” she told them.”
And thank you for reminding us that the liberal left is nothing more than a continuous loop of banal, shopworn slogans.
This is exactly the phrase used when Cameron began his address on a Lib-Dem coalition. There’s never a vomit bag handy when you need one.
As Christopher Monckton said: “They call themselves green because they’re too yellow to admit they’re red.”
Pity she didn’t continue: “…but if you continue making carbon dioxide then we’re all going to die horribly!”
What a pathetic bullshitting hypocrite she is. Bit more than a leg up by the BBC too. Still, a democracy is only as good as the electorate. That’s us f***ed then.
For BBC:
“Did anyone else notice that the Lib Dems lost?”
(by Janet Daley)
“I am genuinely shocked by the advocates of ‘progressive’ politics who are now calling for – of all things – a confederation of losers to outmanoeuvre the winners: as if the combined forces of the defeated, locking arms in a grossly opportunistic alliance, could have some bizarre moral legitimacy. Is this what you thought you were demanding? I thought it was a new era of open, accountable, transparent political life.”
Have just watched Andrew Marr show – I hope youre all frothing about the Kennedy woman expecting a ‘rainbow coalition’ and suggesting that the election shows that most people are ‘progressive centre left’ – blimey – did i miss all those Tory gains? – its frightening how these people are allowed to influence the public – the main victim in all this is clear, honest thinking.
If the tories had promised a referendum on EU and to be tough on immigration – they would have got in – but media types continue to justify electoral reform on the fact that a 2nd election will just be the same. NOT IF POLICIES CHANGE! -Thats what people vote for!
My personal feeling is that it’s all going to fall to pieces later this year. The “green” nonsense will be further exposed as the pointless, expensive fraud it truly is when the combnation of three ongoing events plunge us into a period of cold. We are waving goodbye to our friend El Nino, and are about to usher in a La Nina event. The sunspot cycle is just leaving a prolonged spell of minima. The larger Icelandic volcano, Katla, is more than likely to erupt withing the next few months. These three events combining will more than likely reduce the global temperature considerably, thus shattering the warmist cause. All this occurring whilst a mish-mash coalition (and largely pro-green) government are squabling amongst themselves, and wasting time on such issues as PR, and wth UK energy production approaching a crisis point. An interesting year is in prospect. What will happen?
The BBC lost the election.The Guardian lost the lection. Who is Billy Bragg? A man who has sold fewer records than an X-Factor loser.
Where was Billy Braqg in 2005 when Bliar won a 66 seat majority with 35% of the vote?
What is the love the BBC have for Norman Tebbit all of a sudden? He’s all over the BBC, yet the BBC wish he’d been killed by the IRA. TheBBC hate him. Oh hang on he’s slagging the Tories off, so there you go.
UKIP have been bracketed firmly with Nick Griffin & Co.
The Beeb and their hard left partners have evidently done a magnificent job of delegitimising the party and Nigel Farage as an individual – someone who actually defends their freedom – as evidenced by the vile, shameful rantings and sick jokes made about him on Twitter after his flying accident.
As you will see from the link, the commentary went way beyond banter – some of it was pure hatred – and this from people who probably don’t have the remotest clue about UKIP or its policies – let alone the ability to string a sentence together.
When I think of the hatebots being churned out annually by the thousand from our universities and schools by our educators and the media, I get a cold shiver.
Saul Alinsky is clearly still alive and kicking in the minds of the BH élite.
Notice how the Beeboid parasite scum are fawning around the Green facist, whose party collected a fraction of UKIP. One aspect of there beloved PR voting that the marxtist braodcasters do not mention.
Turned on Radio this morning, some comedian or actress slabbering obviously prepared propaganda about needing a better voting system, Turned Radio off.
Turned on TV a while later, the socialist mouth piece who had an arguement with David Cameron about care for disabled was holding court with Nicky Campbell and was laying into the Conservatives.
The BBC have no interest in analyising the election, they have written it off and simply consigned the views of anyone who did not vote the Beeboid approved way as “bigoted” – they are in full propaganda mode, preparing the ground for the next election – oh and another lavish party for Beeboid parasites .And you are paying for it.
Angry yet.
As every Sunday morning – the only reasonably balanced political discussion is on LBC. Much better guests, even the interviewing is balanced with Tory Andrew Pierce and Labour Kevin McGuire putting the questions.
Spot on, the BBC are trying to act as if the election never happened. “The Tories have no mandate” is the BBC cry.
Well the Tories have the biggest chunk of ENGLISH MP’s by a mile and that is all that matters.
I notice that NONE of the media want to pin fatty Salmond down on the question of him gaving to vote through English only legislation if he did do a deal with Liebour and the Limp Dems.
The BBC and Sky simply try to pretend that England doesn’t exist or matter.
Richard North in the link also seemed to be arguing that the BNP lost substantial votes for the Tories. I dont think so. All the analysis shows these are mainly working class ex-Labour voters.
If UKIP has deprived Cameron of a majority I rejoice. It would be a disaster for the country and a disaster for conservatism if he actually thought people supported what he’s done to the Conservative Party.
With the rolling propaganda war that the BBC wages against the Conservative Party to varying degrees of intensity according to the moment, if Cameron had decided to go with ‘cobalt conservatism’ instead of ‘turquoise toryism’ without tackling the ‘BBC problem’ in advance, then maybe the votes he’d have won from the Right would have been lost on the centre anyway? Basically the only way that a ‘cobalt blue’ programme is going to get a fair hearing is if the Conservative Party mount a coordinated full frontal assault on the propaganda role the BBC plays for the Left and pledges to restore its impartiality, an impartiality that was finally decimated when John Birt came in (yes, I know, a Thatcher appointee! One of her very few ill-thought out and dumb acts. Friends of the free market aren’t necessarily friends of democracy, just look at China who still have Chairman Mao on their bank notes!).
If Cameron does create a form of Coalition with the Lib-Dems what we do know is that the kulturkampf against Christianity will continue unabated. 5 years of a ConLib coalition continuing the bigoted social liberalism of Labour will see a pogrom against the Church.
Quite simply a new Conservative Party has to be created because under Cameron a Conservative Party no longer exists. I can’t see that happening. Things, as the song doesn’t say, can only get worse.
With the BBC setting the terms of debate on PR it seems likely the worst of all outcomes will be the result once Cameron decides what blood sacrifice he needs to make to the BBC.
A form of PR that retains the benefits of our constituency system and leads to a run-off if necessary between the top two parties to form a majority Government would be worthwile, but this would be very difficult and in all probability too cumbersome and unwieldly to implement.
With the pure PR that the Lib-Dems favour, you’d get a perpetual hung parliament and the Lib-Dems perpetually in power as a Coalition partner. I really don’t think that’s what the country wants. As imperfect as our current system is, unless someone can come up with something that is as simple and practical as the current system but fairer, its best to stick with what we have, that hasn’t served our country or the world too badly over the years. It’s a system, that as we see now, does give the Lib-Dems a chance at participating in Government from time to time. As it is, an opinion poll in the Daily Mail shows a decisive majority of 59 % want the Conservative Party to form a Government alone. There are compelling arguments to keep the current system, but can these filter through the BBC propaganda machine to the public? Not if David Cameron keeps ignoring the ‘BBC problem’.
Beeboids do not get it that BNP is a left wing party Nationalist Socialist (the clue is in the name).
Beeboids like celtic nationalist socialists, especially those with a marxist top spin. A mon-cultural Irish facist party that as been slaughtering nasty white British people for three decades is just the Beeboid’s cup of tea.
Some nationalism is better than others. We can all think of other examples, I bet.
An issue which is neglected, not only by the BBC:
“Why does David Cameron prefer to deal with the Liberal Democrats after an election than with UKIP before? ”
I think we will end up with the LibDems agreeing a 12 or 18 month “confidence and supply” deal, ie no coalition.
And agreement between Cameron and Clegg to do anything possible to stop the postal vote scams by Labour – which must have tilted quite a few seats. Plus urgent balancing of the size of vote per constituency – if this is practicable, this would benefit LibDems as well as Tories, the present imbalances on sizes of constituencies wholly favours Labour.
If this happens – it is essential for the Tories to get a grip on the BBC’s utter political bias before the next election.
If there is no deal before the markets open – the public will get 2 blunt lessons on Monday – Britain has been virtually bankrupted by Brown, and the lack of a clear-cut result this time shows the danger of muddled voting.
However much one might agree with UKIP – they did cost lots of seats that Cameron could have won. Hague as Foreign Secretary will mean a reasonably robust line will be taken on Europe, and this will sap support for UKIP.
Meanwhile some firm action on immigration – and on dole-bludging – will wean quite a few decent people across from the BNP. Ex-Labour working class voters will still refuse to back Labour and may conclude that the best way of really punishing Labour is to vote at least once for the Tories.
If an election comes in a year or so – the LibDems as well as the Tories will both hang the present economic mess round Labour’s neck.
It would not need much further swing to deliver an absolute majority for the Tories. The die-hard Labour rump won’t change their vote. But LibDems, UKIP and BNP won’t have the funds for such a big effort next time. And making the electoral system fairer in terms of stopping corrupt postal voting and altering constituency sizes is worth a bundle of seats.
A fascinating analysis that I broadly share. I’ve come up with a propostion for electoral reform that I call, incongruously enough, ‘First Past the Post PR’. Would make voting fairer to suit all tastes, but would probably rejected at a referendum as too cumbersome. Either way it would kick the issue into the grass and we can either carry on as we are or make a change with consent of Parliament and People and see how it works.
BTW John A, the Hon Zac G informs me he’s filed a complaint against Sarah Bell.
Very good about Zac filing a formal complaint – and letting you know this.
It may be worth going back to him with your dossier(s) of more general anti-Tory bias by the BBC during the campaign – asking him to confirm that he will pass it on to the Party Chairman and to whoever becomes Culture Secretary. Telling them that unless things are tightened up pretty damn quick, the BBC will be undermining the new Government and will really go for their jugular when the next election comes.
Because the stuff collected – eg by you and Craig – gives chapter and verse to the appalling bias we have all seen and heard.
Dianne Abbot on News 24 said her majority doubled. Not surprised with the postal voting fraud from Muslims and 14 year olds being allowed to vote.
Of course Dian Abbot’s majority increased. Stoke Newington wants to be Islington North, so what do you expect?
Actually I don’t agree. If you take ENGLAND only the Tories would get a huge vote under PR, Liebour exists only in the inner city shit holes and Scotland for the most part.
Get rid of the jocks and sort out our voting system (stop Muslims using multiple postal votes) and cut the number of MP’s in the inner city areas and I can see the Tories being in control of an English Parliament for years.
Plus skewer the bloody BBC
As a “jock” it pains me to agree that Martin is right. England would be better off without my lumpen countrymen who actually swung towards Labour.
However, they may have done the Tories a favour by denying the Tories their majority. I think Nick Clegg wants a coalition with the Tories but I don’t think his members will let him. This will show to the public that if the Lib Dems won’t go into a colaition with the Tories now, they never will. Vote Clegg, get Labour, will be undeniable.
Let Labour and the Lib Dems try a minority coalition. It will fall within a year, and I doubt any PR bill will go through before then. The Labour turkeys won’t vote for Christmas. And by that time Labour and the Lib Dems will have had to impose drastic cuts and the Tories won’t get the blame. Result: Tory landslide, hopefully without Cameron.
Most Labour MP’s oppose PR, they know that PR would lock them into doing a deal with the Lib Dems forever as well. But the BBC don’t want to tell the proles that, it’s just those nasty Tories that oppose PR.
Not a BBC article:
“Cut Scotland loose- then we’ll have a fair voting system”
(Minette Marrin)
Here’s a link to a fascinating account of what happened in February 1974 and the abortive attempt by Heath to retain power. By Robert Armstong, Heath’s Principal Private Sec at the time. John Hunt was Cabinet Sec – the other characters in the cast are mostly given their titles at the time.
Click to access E39D78DE7FBF4C7583FDFC8F7A029D42.pdf
BBC’s pro-EU, pro-Labour business editor, ROBERT PESTON is double-guessing on whether a future UK government will subsidise Euro-zone bail-outs:
“Osborne sounded out by Euro finance ministers”
Note Peston’s backtracking in his final sentence:
“Just in case any of you thought that Osborne was showing intriguing signs of what the Europeans would call a ‘communautaire’ spirit, I am told there is no guarantee he would back even the smaller stop-gap bailout scheme: he’d have to ‘see the details’, I am told.”
Of course, the BBC’s airbrushing of UKIP makes it difficult for the BBC to see a national interest for Britain which is not determed by the BBC’s beloved European Union.
It’s a bit ridiculous for Peston to wring his hands over the possibility of the UK bailing out the Euro under a future government. Unless a Con/Lib coalition government withdraws from Lisbon and the rest of it, you don’t have much choice in the matter.
I hope everyone remembers how the Icelanders were allowed to vote against taking care of UK citizens who lost their savings after IceSave went bust. The BBC sure was sympathetic to their feelings at the time. I just now heard the BBC News Channel tell me that Chancellor Darling “warns” that Britain will not prop up the Euro. I guess he means after the £8 billion you have been obliged to cough up already.
Funny how Peston had to add that update about Osborne not being so keen on selling £50b of bonds (backed by something that’s artificially inflated in value as it is) after someone from the Conservative camp obviously gave him a piece of their mind for talking crap.
The BBC just doesn’t like to draw anyone’s attention to how undemocratic the whole thing is.
This morning on Broadcasting House when one of the guests noted that the papers were reporting the rudeness or whatever with which Brown received Clegg’s call the swift response from the presenter was ‘that has been denied in our briefing papers’. he didn’t explain briefing by whom -note to the BBC – you don’t have to always report in the way the Lost Labour Party instructed you to. The bullying is over – you can now tell the truth. (Do you think the BBC wanted to always be the mouthpiece of Cambell, Brown, Watson, Balls etc????)
“as evidenced by the vile, shameful rantings and sick jokes made about him on Twitter after his flying accident.
As you will see from the link, the commentary went way beyond banter – some of it was pure hatred – and this from people who probably don’t have the remotest clue about UKIP or its policies – let alone the ability to string a sentence together.
When I think of the hatebots being churned out annually by the thousand from our universities and schools by our educators and the media, I get a cold shiver.”
I’m glad I’m not the only one to feel like this. I was absolutely disgusted and frightened by the hateful response and glee from people regarding Farage’s accident. The pictures were horrible and really upset me. I have to wonder if those same pictures would have got any distribution had they been of one of the “allowed” candidates, e.g. Brown.
The fact is as much as I hate Brown and others, I would have been very upset to see pictures of them suffering immediately after a near-fatal accident too.
What the hell is wrong with people?
Following the Taliban evidence in New York, has the BBC yet addressed these claims by MPACK. “Both barrels” what a charming contribution by the Religion of Peace to the British election! claims responsibility for defeat of Andrew Dismore in Hendon
A MUSLIM group is claiming responsibility for Andrew Dismore’s defeat in the Hendon seat yesterday.
The Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC) ran a campaign against the Labour MP who they accuse of being a staunch Zionist in the Hendon constituency, which he lost by 106 votes.
On its website MPAC has celebrated the result, saying: “Dismore (who backed the Iraq war and has a long record of Islamophobia) has MPACUK and the Muslims of Hendon to thank for his early retirement. We’re waiting for his card and flowers…
“We were planning Andrew Dismore’s downfall for a long time and the General Election was our chance to give Dismore both barrels.”
Conservative Matthew Offord took the seat, although Mr Dismore has said he has not ruled out legal action over how the election was conducted.
I hope Dismore takes legal action. It would not take much voter fraud on postal vote registrations to equate to that narrow majority. Tough on the Tory if Dismore wins the right to a re-election.
As that judge said a year or so ago – we are looking like a banana republic.
How about a possible BBC headline:
“Muslim protest vote wipes out Labour candidate and assures Tory victory!”
I’m sure we’d all like to join together and congratulate the BBC’s Mr Chris Summers’ election to Ealing Council.
I’ve just done so and reminded him that due to the BBC’s Chief Political Adviser Mr Eric Bailey failing to address the clear breach of BBC impartiality guildelines this (21st Feb and 13th April entries) entails that now the Election is over the Conservative Party might like to give the matter the attention it deserves.
One hopes Zac Goldsmith’s action in filing a complaint against the BBC’s report by Sarah Bell might give the Tories a bit of gumption to do what’s needed, but now they’re in talks with the Lib-Dems they’ll probably tell the Hon Zac G to shut the heck up about it, if past performance is anything to judge by.
Young Zac has too much invested – literally – to risk letting Kramer back in next time. His early home was Richmond (as well as Bermuda, South of France or whatever) and he has said he would not want to stand in any other constituency.
BBC reporters are all would-be thespian luvvies so when reporting on the parlous financial state of Germany’s local auhorities we get this horrifying fact
“She adds that in Wuppertal, even the theatre is under threat.”
What is the problem with Osborne as a name? Even the BBC are now mis-spelling it.
Peston: Osbourne sounded out
I attended an event today. Lots of people virtually all English. The strange thing was nobody wanted to talk about the election. It is as if we are all disgusted by the behaviour of the politicians and have given up on them
One man , a stranger to me, did say to general approving nods, that Mandleson would be well advised to keep quiet and that any Liblabnat coalition would have no legitimacy in England.
I have the distinct impression that this is the general view and that our politicians should be very careful.
The media particularly the BBC axis overestimates it’s power.
Most of us have an instinctive notion of right government and what our democracy really means.
Sometimes we make our feelings clear and our rulers learn the hard way.
It may well be neceassary to teach them English ways again.
as in Chesterton’s poem ..”For we are the people of England, and never have spoken yet”
There would I think be public scorn and fury if Labour tried to cobble a deal together with Scots and Welsh Nats. Or if the LibDems bought a mess of pottage from Labour who could not deliver anything they btried to promise on electoral reform.
Yes, there are plenty of LibDems who oppose talking to the Tories – and vice versa. But having seen both Clegg and Vince Cable live last Monday – I think they will be focussed on realpolitik. Hague is leading the negotiations for the Tories, he’s no mug and can find a deal if there is one, things look fairly solid to me, and they are all under acute pressure from events. “Events, dear boy”. The markets open in Japan and Hong Kong in just a few hours, any sign of wobbles on the negotiations and the pound sterling is in the crapper.
Chesterton’s poem.
To revert to the topic of Robin Horbury’s post – what a surprise that the BBC bigs up the solitary Green win – in a nutty constituency (Martin would feel well at home there ?) where all the Green forces were concentrated.
The credulous are always with us. Even here in Richmond, Zac Goldsmith’s new constituency. But an awful lot of traditional Tory voters held their n oses while voting tribally the Tory ticket.
I can assure you that Brighton isn’t my sort of place. It is the sort of place a male beeboid would enjoy though, drop your trousers and bend over and you’ll soon get serviced for free.
Just joking, Martin
Caught a bit of the fat shit Stephen Nolan on Radio 5. Jesus how did this fat talentless piece of human excrement ever get a job?
His hatred for the Tories goes beyond even leftists like Nikki Campbell and Richard Bacon, his attack tonight was on the Tories doing a deal with the Lib Dems. nolan just can’t see why the Lib Dems can’t do a deal with Liebour.
Nolan ranting about Ken Clarke who said political reform wasn’t the most important thing at the moment, which of course it isn’t. The Euro zone is on fire literally and economically and if we don’t get a stable government soon our economy (what’s left of it) will also be on fire.
But fatty Nolan just didn’t care, it’s the fault of the Tories (yawn).
Isn’t Nolan a perfect test case for BBC bias ?
I don’t listen to Radio 5, but by all accounts his bias is remorseless. Every day on Radio 5 ?
No BBC presenter should be allowed to rant on like that.
Are there any other Radio 5 presnters with an opposing view ? As in – on LBC on Sunday mornings, one week Andrew Pierce presents for 3 hours, the next week it is Kevin McGuire. The public can easily judge which side they represent – Telegraph versus Mirror. So the individual bias is open and above board – but there is balance.
And during the election, each Sunday they have presented jointly. And have had a jolly LibDem lassie for the third hour. Entertaining stuff – good guests and phone-calls to senior politicos, humour. NOT the sheer boredom of a one-track view.
Indeed I have noted more regular – daily – presenters on LBC saying time and time again during the election that they are not permitted to present their own poltical stance, because there are regulatory restrictions intended to prevent bias.
That is – LBC appear to me as an occasional listener to be broadly immune from any attack for bias, any charge to OFCOM that they are breaching the terms of their licence.
Whereas the BBC feels itself so immune from any real regulatory control that they let their presenters and interviewers display appalling bias, time after time, day after day.
And the same applies, apparently, to Victoria Derbyshire. Closed political slant, obvious bias in choice of guests etc.
Is there any regular Radio 5 presenter with an opposing slant ?
If not – it appears that hours and hours every day on Radio 5 is simply Labour propaganda ?
‘The public can easily judge which side they represent – Telegraph versus Mirror.’
They are on now. Even with Olly Grender added as the Lib Dem (and 3rd equal sex) rep.
Not quite sure why all broadcasters seem to feel that Maguire and Pierce are the only voices one needs to hear, and in so doing represent ‘balance’.
Especially when, like many from the ‘right’, Mr. Pierce can see other points of view and even critique the Conservatives, where Mr. Maguire is incapable of anything bar broadcast-only Labour-obsessed diatribes*.
‘Boulton pointed out that Balls was suggesting that Sky News had broken the law, as it is under a legal requirement of impartiality. ‘
Uh-huh. Thing is, the BBC adds £142.50 of enforced injury to insult.
*Supported, as now, by giggling teleprompter readers.
LBC is “talk radio” – lots of listeners calling in etc – and so is Radio 5.
Surely LBC’s programming which involves people backing all three parties is more balanced than the remorseless leftie bias we see in BBC presenters on Radio 5 ?
(And to my mind the LBC line-up also happens to be entertaining and more intelligent than BBC output.
Amazing how Labour waste no time in attacking a broadcaster for bias but with a mountain of BBC bias before the Conservative Party Cameron’s response is to pretend its not there. Pathetic. He doesn’t deserve to govern. The country doesn’t need a man like that. If we’re going to have Correctnick Fascism imposed on us I’d rather it done by Correctnick Fascists and not some Tory quisling.
Time for a military junta, I think. The army can overrun the BBC and take it over as a first step, and broadcast military music (or perhaps old ABBA songs), round up the BBC weirdos and march ’em down the road to the Scrubs.