If anyone else listened to Today this morning, wasn’t it interesting to observe the sheer excitement from the BBC commentators that Clegg is king-maker? The BBC doesn’t dwell on such pesky facts as the Lib-Dem losing seats at the GE, the mood music remains the same as it did during the TV debates when it comes to our Nick. I have argued that the BBC itself is more pro Lib-Dem than pro-Labour since the former have the more lunatic leftist policies but at the moment the visceral swooning over Clegg and his fellow political whores in the Liberal-Democrat Party has reached unbelievable heights!

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24 Responses to BBC GOES LIB-DEM CRAZY..

  1. Phil says:

    With the BBC’s enthusiastic embrace of PR, will they apply it to the affiliation of the guests they invite onto their political discussions I wonder?


  2. Umbongo says:

    For once, I believe Today got it right this morning.  In the various interviews they skewered each of the main parties.  Tessa Jowell was shown up for the dishonest old witch that she is, Ashdown exhibited the pomposity of a pools winner congratulating himself on the wise investment he made in selecting the correct 8 draws on the coupon in Thursday’s poll and Osborne showed all the backbone and principle of an earthworm in his (as Naughtie so accurately described it) “emollient” responses to the Today interview.  Even Nick Robinson joined in by quooting Ashdown against himself.   In other words, the politicians were shown up in all their disgusting machinations to gain power.  More please!


    • sue says:

      I quite agree.
      The way they dealt with the items you mentioned, Jowell claiming ignorance by pretending she thought Cleggy had “asked for” talks with Labour, “All I know is that I got a call.. ” Ashdown’s disclaimer over his own sincerity and Osborne’s oleaginous “emollience” resulted in an unusually  competent performance by the Today team.


  3. ap-w says:

    I was listening at around 7.30, when Sarah Montague was interviewing some financial market analyst (I did not get his name due to my 2 year-old making a noise). He pointed out that the markets had taken a dive yesterday when it suddenly looked possible that there would be a Lab-Lib coalition. Montague tried to suggest that was only because it created uncertainty. The interviewee put her right and gave her the full story; although the markets did not like uncertainty, more importantly they feared a government emerging which would not be seen as able to tackle the deficit. 


    • Umbongo says:

      It was Terry Smith of Tullett Prebon who knows more about the City and the global financial markets than any of the BBC’s in-house “experts” or tame economists (step forward Will Hutton or anyone in the NEF).  I don’t think we’ll hear any more from Terry (on the BBC anyway) until the £ is at par with the $ and the yield on UK government debt is well into double figures – say 3-6 months!


      • John Anderson says:

        News at One – a BBC guy says that today’s bond issue went OK (true) and that there was no turbulence for sterling (utterly false – they lie through their teeth when it suits them)


        • Umbongo says:


          As you say the gilts were sold but according to this article

          yield was up which is a worrying straw in the wind.  Also, unlike the Pollyannas at the BBC, the WSJ notes that “Gilts and  . . . sterling have been sent reeling after no party ended up with a majority in last week’s election. Investors are worried that the political wrangling could hamper efforts to plug the gaping fiscal deficit


  4. Abandon Ship! says:

    Can you imagine the only successful candidate from a fringe party being interviewed on the Radio4 news to give his/her views on how they will fit into a “progressive” coalition?

    Not really, that is unless it is Caroline Lucas of the Green Party*.

    *Beeboid approved


  5. John R Smith says:

    Pro LimDim? Pro-NuLieBore?
    Who cares what you call it.
    It’s always anti-Tory.


  6. George R says:

    “BBC forms own coalition as it gauges reaction to Brown’s resignation – with no Tory within earshot”

    Read more:–Tory-earshot.html#ixzz0ncDqJ3Xg


  7. fred bloggs says:

    ‘Progressive Alliance’ the Labour spin machine has conjoured up this phase to sell their foul politics and the Beed news falls over itself to use the phrase as often as possible.  The next BBc logo should use the old HMV one ‘His Master’s Voice’


  8. John Stern says:

    I certainly think that the BBC has been behind the Lib Dems this election, especially after the TV debates, where they obviously loved and aggressively promoted the Lib ‘ascendency’. And notice their insistance that ‘new media’ had no impact on the election – it’s still all about ‘traditional’ media they’re keen to remind us.

    Wonderful to see that the Libbos believed their own hype – the polls have spoken the truth. It’s just a shame that after such a miserable share of the seats they can act as if they’re the ones with the real power, with the Tories and Labour kissing the feet of HRH Nick as he muses upon whom he will deign to place the wreath of power


  9. George R says:

    Not for BBC politcal, economic and business ‘journalists’, and those Beeboids trying to stitch up a Lab-Lib Dem-SNP-Plaid, anti-Tory coalition:

    “Britain’s new £10bn bill to bail out euro at EU summit”

    Read more:


  10. Sceptical Steve says:

    The attraction of the LibDims to the BBC is that they see them as a blank canvas, and can then attribute to them the BBC’s existing political views. Experienced LibDim grandees are well used to playing this game and can be relied upon to offer supportive sound bites on request.

    The BBC’s previous infatuation with NuLab only fell apart when Blair’s machine wandered off-message over Iraq etc. Up to that point, the BBC had been more than happy to promote NuLab as the political orthodoxy, conveniently ignoring the illiberal and corrupt nature of Blair’s government. 

    Traditionally, ITV has actually been at least as supportive of NuLab but, their case, their editorial line clearly has a lot to do with the Government’s vast advertising budget at a time when ITV was in serious financial difficulties. (Conflict of interest? Surely not!)


  11. Martin says:

    Radio 5 was pure rabid anti Tory this morning.


    • Idiotboy says:

      Radio 5 has been rabidly anti Tory for weeks. I listen to it most mornings because of the reasonable football coverage and the fact that I had to give up listening in to Toady for health reasons.

      I have yet to hear a Conservative spokesman interviewed on the 5 live breakfast programme, and I cannot imagine this is solely due to poor synchronisation of my journey to work with the programme schedule.

      This morning’s programme was a Limp Dem love fest. As was yesterday’s, and the day’s before that.


      • davejanfitz says:

        anti tory for week,sorry anti tory for 13 years,surprised that this isn’t all maggie’s fault…tories views never get an airing.
        This might just give DC the balls to do something about the beeb…


  12. NRG says:

    Just heard intro to R4 1pm news. It seems that the recession is over, and the boomt imes are back and markets are really enthusiastic for a Lib-Lab govt.

    Who’ve thunk it!


    • John Anderson says:

      kinda omitting the fact that sterling fell against the dollar as soon as the LibLab idea appeared – previously yesterday it had inched above $1.50,  now down to 1.47 or so


  13. Martin says:

    Radio 5 attacking Sky’s Adam Boulton for losing it with tosspot Alistair Campbell.


  14. Martin says:

    Looks like the one eyed mong is gone chaps, hope the Champagne is flowing at the BBC, coz it is in my house.


    • Llew says:

      It will flow in mine too, just waiting for the absolute confirmation of Labour and the Mong leaving. I hope the BBC choke on theirs.


  15. Millie Tant says:

    Phew! It looks as if I can put away my pitchfork. I have been sharpening it diligently every day since Friday ready to march on Downing Street at a moment’s notice to pitch him out.  đŸ˜€

    Oh, happy day. Gloomy Tuesday is turning Sunny and Glorious.