Several good laughs tonight. BBC News reported Brown going into to see Her Majesty suggesting he would be in “for some time.” He was out after 15mins. BBC then reported Cameron going in to see Her Majesty suggesting it would be “about 5 minutes” – he was in for at least 20 minutes, BBC stunned! Meanwhile, I was listening to a one of those “special” BBC panels on the World Tonight – noticed no Conservative commentators, so usual BBC balance! They must be gutted that all these years of Labour are over….any champagne bottles spotted in the corridors of Broadcasting House yet?
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I noticed that all of a sudden the BBC doesn’t seem very keen on consensus politics and coalition. Why not BBC? For weeks YOU bigged up the idea of a coalition of the willing so why have you now gone sour on it?
Could it be because it was the Tories that did the deal, the fact that the Lib Dems could see the evil poison oozing from Mandelson and co and that the Tories were deadly serious about a deal?
For all Cameron’s faults he has one thing the one eyed jock liar didn’t have, INTEGRITY.
Will St Vince be seen as an economic guru by the BBC now I wonder?
I thought the BBC already thought that idiot Vince was an economic guru, apart from Andrew Neil who ripped him to shreds a couple of weeks ago.
Newsnight – BBC editorial policy developing before our eyes: “where did it all go wrong”, isn’t this awful?, and instead of infomring licence fee payers about options for the future we are having a left-wing hand wringing exercise.
How different from 1997.
You just know that BBC in-depth scrutiny of the Government will start now – every missed target, every 0.01% fall in the FTSE, every 1 cent drop against the dollar, every 1 point increase in child poverty or child pregnancy etc will be headline news.
Every parking offence by a Tory will be a scandal. Every hint of a racial or politically incorrect private comment will be recorded and made into a Panorama programme.
The BBC is now going to be completely against the Government whilst bigging up the opposition as much as they can “for the good of the country”.
Spot on !
I am enjoying my bottle of wine celebrating. Happy coincidence no work tomorrow. Help, some 2585 comments on Guardian Sparrow blog. Was tun?
Great to see Dianne Abbott shoving Polly Toynbee aside on Newsnight. Pity she didn’t slap her one.
If Cameron is to be taken seriously as Prime Minister he needs to make very clear publically to the BBC that they are not the Opposition, they are there to facilitate debate to serve democracy. The partisanship they showed New Labour before taking power and after will not be tolerated, and if they continue to try to dictate the terms of political debate in this country he will do what is necessary to restore it’s impartiality.
Anyone holding their breath for this to happen?
Er… no unfortunately.
Even if Cameron had any plans for the BBC, the Lib Dems will block them.
John Prescott was asked on 5 Live who was going to form the next Government. He replied “Those two Posh boys will get together”.
Do you think when he worked for Tony Blair he used to call him “Posh boy”, or are they only posh when they aren’t Labour supporters.
I think that was the most one-sided Newsnight I’ve ever seen. Lefty-Libs & Labs in shared grief with not a Tory in sight (except wetty Finkelstein). More time was spent with a stuffed dolphin than the party now in government.
Wark’s excuse of not getting a Tory on because the MPs were meeting was pathetic, plenty of non-Labour MPs were trotted out to speak for the Labour party including Alistair Campbell and Polly Toynbee.
Agreed the likes of Iain Dale Michael Hesseltine, Portillo etc would have been available.
Rat face is a miserable bitch
Kirsty Squawk is the ultimate bitch from hell !
As Craig says, she likes to take people for a Wark on the biased side.
The Class War is still alive and kicking at the BBC, as the main online article about Cameron’s becoming Prime Minister includes this irresistable (to a Beeboid) dig:
Mr Cameron, six months younger than Tony Blair when he entered Downing Street in 1997, is the youngest prime minister since 1812 and the first Old Etonian to hold the office since the early 1960s.
Why is that even relevant anymore, unless one is still deeply invested in class warfare. Who cares about the Etonian angle in this day and age? The class warriors at the BBC, of course.
I also realize that the class war was lost long ago, and anyone not born in the correct circumstances will always face snobbery and prejudice.
I think Blair was the first Old Fettesian to be PM.
Put it another way: we’re now drawing PMs from the generation denied the chance of grammar school education, so they’ll all be old public school boys and girls.
Destroying this country’s most effective engine of social mobility out of spite gets my vote for the very worst Labour policy of all, although I have to admit it’s a hard choice to make.
the Beeboids on news24 sound like they have manic depression
fantastic 😀
no empty champagne bottles, just empty packs of prozac
Just in case any beeboid scumbag is reading this and needs help, 0845 90 90 90 – the samaritans
I will always remember the election of 2010, the corridors of my home were strewn with empty beer bottles.
Martin, being a posh boy, my flat was strewn with empty wine bottles !
I’ve been laughing my b***ocks off at Five Dead tonight. Trembly voices aplenty. Just about the brightest person they could get on earlier this evening to endorse Brown was Dianne Abbott. Oh, and the murderous Alastair Campbell. He was allowed to state unchallenged that Labour have left Britain in a “much better state” than they received it in. Who’da thunk it?
They are oh-so upset. This makes me smile and drink red drinks, just like they did at our expense in 1997.
I had a couple of good laughs amid the strain and frustration of the last five days. One was when The Sun sent a removal lorry to Downing Street with Brown & Brown painted on it. I think that was on Saturday and the next thing we heard was that Brown had decamped to Scotland! You couldn’t make it up.
The other was when we heard that the LibDems complained that Labour’s chief negotiator was too belligerent. Where have they been all these years? Ed Balls, Brown’s henchman, belligerent? Now, there’s a surprise.
And the funniest thing about it is the very idea of anyone making Balls a negotiator. Who the hell thought that one up? They might as well have sent Brown himself to bully and hector the LibDems! What a bunch of bunker loons they turned into.
Agreed, why the Limp Dems even thought Liebour could be trusted is beyond me.
They didn’t. It was all for show, to demonstrate to their members that they’d tried to speak to Labour.
Could well be, and also to screw more out of the Tories.
We don’t know that – Nick Clegg looks like a Tricky Dicky, so it is possible. Equally, he could have been beguiled by Labour’s blandishments and hoped that it would be possible to work with them. He was sly enough not to let on to Cameron and co what he was up to.
Beeboid narrative develops, great concern for Lib Dem voters who voted Clegg and got Cameron. View of Conservative voters who did not expect Cameron to roll over and hand a third of the government over to Clegg.
Beeboids still do not get it that Tories got the largest share of the vote. Conservative supporters just do not figure in state funded Beebworld.
They have contempt for democracy.
Kind of tired of hearing endless encomiums to Mr. Brown, saying how his actions in the last few days have been so “dignified”. He tried to cling on to power like a (insert one of Martin’s quips about Beeboids and rent boys here), for heaven’s sake. It’s only because he went too far with yesterday’s declaration that it was his duty to stay on until September that Balls and the rest of them mutinied and forced him to resign. Haven’t heard a single Beeboid – not even Nick Robinson – mention the abrupt about face. And I’ve been following the World Service and the News Channel for a few hours now.
Also, I haven’t heard any Beeboid discuss what actually caused the LibDems to tell Labour to get lost. All I’ve heard is the repetition of Mandelson saying the LibDems felt that their best interests lay in the “Conservative” way. That’s a pejorative in Progressive-speak, so something happened. My money’s on too many Labour figures hungry for power and not willing to give so many Cabinet seats away. So they set Capt. Bligh…er… Brown adrift because he was going to step on their self-indulgence in order to continue staying the course.
The analogy ends there, as the real-life Bligh was apparently a first-class navigator, whereas Mr. Brown……
I can’t stand that pious speechifying Clegg with those annoying hand gestures and the OVER. EMPHATIC. halting. mannered. way. of. talking. So false and calculated. Does he think he is addressing a roomful of particularly thick children?
He’s a right jammy opportunist having the Deputy PM dropped in his lap just like that and half his bonkers manifesto to boot.
His coach for the debates did brief him to speak to people like they’re 10 year olds.
I’m pleased the BBC are dis-pleased.
Let the parasitic public sector cuts begin!
lets start with the bbc,just wait untill the beeb turns on the limp dums,then the government might just do something,lets hope….
Poor Vince Cable, he’s going to be bitch slapped by endles camp BBC males now.
Nikki Campbell is a,omst in tears this morning.
Don’t forget the other bonus is there is a great chance the jocks might piss off now.
Now that really would be great.
Well, there’s no need to wait for Alec Salmond to make up his mind – or his nation’s mind. England could do what I often threaten to do – leave and start my own country! All England need do is declare UDI to leave the UK. Now, that would put the cat among the pigeons. Shoe on the other foot, then! 😀
I’m surprised an ex-British soldie takes that attitude to the Jocks.
best moment of the election for me . today morning sky news, eamonn holmes with ‘independent commentator’ kevin maguire and jon gaunt. maguire going on about brown’s dignity and how he did not use his children for political gain etc etc and how the public could not see this face of him and how he has so much integrity etc. jon gaunt really went for him calling brown a sociopath and someone who wrecked this country and made a huge mess and said that it was his decision not to parade his children. really made me happy after all this gordon dignity bollocks
Laura Kuensseberg just said that the LibDems giving up of their desire to join the Euro “doesn’t seem like a good idea at the moment.”
Pro-Euro and EU bias still alive and well at the BBC.