God help us all. The “left-leaning” (BBCspeak for ardent lefty, Europhile, climate change fanatic) Chris Huhne is taking up the environment and climate change brief. Expect this intolerant, self-opinionated noneity to be omnipresent on BBC programmes from now on; and expect an instant stepping up of the volume of climate change moonshine. Oh, and prepare for massive power cuts – because that’s where we are heading.
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That’s the final nail in the coffin. I’m now (seriously!) looking to move to Thailand – everything’s cheap, no petty laws and it’s warm. Life’s easy and taxes are low and absolutely none of this global warming shit being used as an excuse for more and more taxes…
Good bye
Please confirm it’s not for the Thai she-males or he-women!
Because you can get them in the Lib-Dems no probs. Or so I have heard.
Who me??? No, I’ll just stick to the women made to the original design. As it happens, they too are very friendly.
As for the Lib-Dem variety, I’ll pass thank you very much.
Many years since I have been to Thailand, but the Thai women certainly made an impression on me !
I suppose an independent inquiry into ‘Climate Change’ is out of the question now. Doesn’t matter who’s in charge, still the idiocy of fighting ‘climate change’.
Oh dear. As long as the Tories get Culture Sec and Home Sec it will be ok. Limit the damage the loons can do!
I can’t understand why the BBC would be anti-“Conservative”. It’s not as if any of the policies now to be adopted by the coalition (and put forward by the Cameroons before that) diverge from the agenda promulgated from the dinner tables in Islington. They’ve got it all – “war” on climate change, pro-EU, pro-immigration (if not an amnesty – for now), voting system change, “equality” lunacy at the Home Office etc. The BBC might not like the fact that Cameron went to Eton and (whisper it) Clegg went to Westminster but, in reality, it doesn’t matter. Gramsci would be proud.
But don’t you remember the 80s and that FASCIST THATCHER, MAAAAAAAAAAAAAN
Yes I do, they were good times. Thatcher was a leader
They’re so pretty, oh so pretty, VACANT.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated. Good night.
The one hope is that with a hard-nosed Chancellor and Chief Secretary at the Treasury, some of the costs of green initiatives might be challenged.
Treasury civil servants have always been free to challenge the policies of any Department. And with acute need for cuts, everythin g can be under scrutiny.
Indeed, thinking of it a bit more – the Treasury would be the best place to start the fight back against eco-loonery and all the climate change mania.
BUT – a lot of the loonery does not involve public expenditure – it is transfers between private citizens and companies – that is, between the mug individuals and companies and the scam artists in the carbon tax game.
Clegg’s speech sounded awfully libertarian. He called it “liberalism”, and pretended that’s what he meant about “fairness” during the election, but declaring that this coalition government wants to give power and opportunity back to the people in order to foster individualism certainly sounds libertarian and not the continuation of overt wealth redistribution and the Welfare State.
The Beeboids are going to hate this new government.
David — by their deeds shall ye know them.
Lib-Dems haven’t the slightest interest in really doing something “liberal” such as cutting spending, cutting taxes, cutting government.
No… the only thing they want to cut is Dry Ice. That’s Carbon Dioxide for all the ignorant BBC twats out there.
I realize the LDs are more interested in being in the government for the first time in a century than anything else. But they’re going to get their 10K tax cutoff, and spoke of localization and individualism. Not a bad start.
The BBC is now left to looking under every rock in an attempt to find things that will drive the coalition apart.
Nick Robinson just asked an asinine question at the press conference. He asked if we’ll now see Cameron and Clegg “side by side” meeting world leaders, “declaring war”, etc. The first question from the BBC to the new Government, and it’s basically an insult.
It’s not a co-premiership, Nick. Stop being so up yourself and playing games. He knows better, actually, but he can’t help himself because his privleged position of power at the BBC makes him think he needs to take pot shots just to be cute. It’s just like the entire BBC coverage of election night: the proceedings were far more about the Beeboid personalities and their own personal attitudes than about the serious issues of the election.
Good sign that Cameron did NOT call on the presumptious BBC for the first question
I don’t remember Tony Blair and John Prescott meeting world leaders side by side. Did Prick Robinson comment on that ?
The focus on climate change is no surprise – all four parties (LibLabCon & Green) on the DP Environment Debate signed up to green taxes that would cost at least £18 Billion – INITIALLY.
Quite apart from being a nice little earner, the Tories promoted themselves as green during the campaign & can’t back away easily now. The other three parties view the environment & man made global warming as religious dogma.
BBC propagandising, as usual, for Labour’s E.U. bureaucrat, Ashton:
“EU’s Baroness Ashton relaxed about Tories”
Just heard a bitter Alistair Campbell on Radio 5 with Richard Bacon hanging on his every word !
Al Campbell all over the Beeb like a rash. Probably picking up a couple of hundred quid an appearance.
Surely it should be people with Cons and LibDem connections being interviewed as to how policy will play out, instead Beeboids in denial crying about where it went wrong and balming bigoted voters for bringing down the great leader.
Beeboids in first stage of grief cycle: we have denial there are anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance still to come.
BBC has this, at least:
“Sweden Prophet Muhammad cartoonist ‘head-butted'”
-BUT, the BBC doesn’t put it in a context of:
(a.) the increasing Islamisation of Sweden;
(b.) the increasingly violent repression of free speech by Islam:-
“Radical Islam on university campuses”
This is Sweden: Muslims shout “Allahu akbar” as Lars Vilks is attacked
The BBC doesn’t have to go as far as to Sweden to find out about the Islamisation process being enforced in the European Union.
Report what’s happening to English children, BBC:
U.K.: Catholic schoolchildren told to dress as Muslims — headscarves included — for mosque visit, or be marked as truants
For the information of BBC:
I have waited for some hours, but have yet to find out who has been made ‘Minister for destroying the BBC’.
“It gets worse”
I heard a brief interview with newly appointed Cutture Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Radio 5. The interviewer was keen to know what was planned for the BBC. Hunt said Dave was pro-BBC. He said that you wouldn’t create a licence fee funded broadcaster these days, but it seems to work and so it’s staying. Pressed further, he said they do have some issues with the BBC, and when pressed further still he mentioned executives salaries.
This man has a lot to learn.