“Mosab Hassan Yousef is the eldest son of a senior Hamascommander. He was arrested by Shin Bet and beaten by three of their agents. Hepoints out that this is not Shin Bet or Israeli policy, but the actions ofindividual agents who hate Palestinians. He has converted to Christianity andnow works to save lives – Israeli or Palestinian. If that means informing onHamas or Fatah operations he will do it. He blames the war not of Israelis orPalestinians but on ideology – specifically the Koran.
He was presumably asked onto Hardtalk on account of abook he has written. Zeinab Badawi persistently interrupted him, and tried todivert him from points he wanted to make to issues which she considered moreimportant. Badawi is from a Muslim background, though whether she is apractising Muslim is not known to me. It was obvious that Yousef’s criticism ofPalestinians and Islam were getting under her skin. That Yousef should hold upa Koran at the end and blame it for the whole Israel/Palestine conflict musthave shot a dagger through her multicultural spleen. Watch for yourself.”
The link is only for UK residents (to show you do get something for the tax? *DONT_KNOW* ) Does anyone have another link?
There’s a 4.5 minute excerpt here:
Nicely edited to concentrate on Israeli torture… note also how she changes the subject when he starts to talk about Hamas torturing Palestinians (around 3 mins 20 in).
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/hardtalk/default.stm works for me.
Note the text beneath the video: “Mosab Hassan Yousef is regarded as a traitor to his family, his people and his faith.” Typical BBC – it’s not a lie, but it’s not exactly the whole truth, either, is it?
Regarded by whom as a traitor ? The BBC ? I regard him as a hero !
Are converts from Christianity to Islam regarded as traitors by the BBC ?
That was exactly my thought. The text Fred highlights shows the BBC mindset very neatly.
I’ve seen other interviews with him and he is a hero – he saved many lives, both Israelis and Arabs.
Note also the BBC do not describe him as a “renegade” as they did recently in the piece about German Jews who aided the Allies in WW2.
Roland and Bio
Spot on . The BBC are totally shameless.
Obviously yes
Usual one sided “uniquely funded” b-BBC view of the world. Just one more reason to close them down quickly.
That’s really quite an astonishing interview. Would a representative from Hamas have conducted the interview much differently from the way the Beeboid did? I think not.
A Hamas representative would probably have shot him. Even the BBC don’t go that far, yet anyway !
I thought that interview went far beyond any acceptable interrogative style. Unfortunately Israel has been condemned by the BBC as devilish and it’s now quite normal to assume that everyone feels the same, so Badawi’s attitude could pass for impartiality at the BBC.
It would be difficult to complain formally about something like that however overt her hostility was, although in some ways it reminded me of Barbara Plett’s tears, and they did eventually uphold that. For what it’s worth.
(From Wiki: Badawi has been an adviser to the Foreign Policy Centre and a Council Member of the Overseas Development Institute. She is a trustee of the National Portrait Gallery since 2004 and the British Council.)
Heaven help us.
Mosab Hassan Yousef conducted himself heroically in that interview, but then he is quite a hero.
What’s it worth the BBC upholding a complaint? Zilch. They’ll only do it for damage limitation purposes, and then very grudgingly and with disclaimers. We should be complaining to the Party in now in power and press them to take the action necessary to restore BBC impartiality. The BBC is in the hands of subversives. They’re not going to change. They need to be kicked out.
Badawi is sometimes sent on jollies to places like Dubai or Malysia to do special five minute reports. These invariably paint a rose tinted picture of societies with some pretty drastic shortcomings (Dubai: a tyrrany, built with virtual slave labour, imorted housemaids usually used as sex slaves by their employers – Malaysia: the Muslim Malays systematically leech off the economically active Chinese and Indian communities while excluding them from various education grants, Islamism on the increase) which some other journalist may or may not have picked up on. Badawi most definitely would not.
BBC’s Ms. ZAINAB BADAWI is not only from an Islamic family in Sudan, but, apparently, she too is a Muslim:
“…newscaster Zainab Badawi is a Muslim, as is TV correspondent Rageh Omaar”*
*He was given a big pro-Islamic TV series, at the BBC; he now works for the Islamic TV channel Al Jazeera, with which the BBC has a ‘technical’ agreement, and for whom many ex-Beeboids work.
(see point 10 of Islamic propaganda article here 🙂
One Muslim whom Zainab Badawi is disinclined to interrupt is, of course, Muslim TARIQ RAMADAN:
Heh, Tariq Ramadan – that’s a funny name. The Islamic equivalent of my good friend Jimmy Christmas.
She is yet another from the BBC’s favourite recruiting ground: Channel 4. It’s not only the BBC that we have to worry about.
Badawi’s behaviour was disgraceful. Holding out a senior Hamas figure as a hero, and trying to portray his son (who is the real hero) in a bad light.
This must be one of the worst cases of the BBC pushing the Hamas line.
Plus – as she ranted away – didn’t she look a real harpy ?
Alternatives to BBC Ms. Z. BADAWI’s pro-Hamas propaganda.
‘Jihadwatch’ re- MOSAB HASSAN YOUSEF:-