Richard Black discusses the alleged “review” of the IPCC that is underway today as if it were genuinely independent. As usual, in his writing, the views of sceptics are only marginally mentioned; and there is no reference to the mountains of work on dozens of websites which show that many of the IPCC’s predictions are dangerous. fantastically expensive hogwash.
Meanwhile, separately from the BBC, sources tell me that the forces of the legal establishment remain intent on crushing those who dare to challenge the climate change orthodoxy; latest in the firing line are Richard North (of EU Referendum) and Christoper Booker (along with the Sunday Telegraph) who are being forced into the High Court to defend various claims about his worship Rajendra Pachauri, the always correct and above reproach IPCC chief. Pachauri’s lawyers are Carter Ruck, of course.
Just rememeber, the BBC was peddling the Himalayan glacier melt as if it were gospel truth until the blogsphere subjected the IPCC claims to proper scrutiny. And, surprise, surprise, Richard Black himself was foremost among those pushing this particular scare.
I repeat, of course, for his BBC lawyer’s benefit, that Richard is above reproach in his expenses claims for attending conferences.
“I repeat, of course, for his BBC lawyer’s benefit, that Richard is above reproach in his expenses claims for attending conferences”
But for everything else spouted by this blatantly biased buffoon, particularly anything IPCC-Himalayan-glacier-related, take with a hefty pinch of salt.
I repeat, of course, for his BBC lawyer’s benefit, that Richard is above reproach in his expenses claims for attending conferences.,
Such a model Beeboid and paragon. 😉 I still haven’t seen chapter and verse of any payments or expenses for attending conferences. Am awaiting these with baited breath.
Of course, it’s not all about the money either. It would be interesting to know which conferences he has attended and which ones he has declined to attend.
And , of course, it is our money they are troughing on !
‘- journalists are asked to chair conferences precisely because we can be objective, impartial referees’
Journalists and editorial colleagues that seem to be able to create, and then try (not very well) to bury evidence of ‘interesting’ efforts such as this?:
Apparently, ‘there was a ‘glitch in [his] editing process’ and that when calling a chill in U.S.-Israeli relations ‘enjoyable’ he had meant to attribute this view to the Palestinians. The article was subsequently amended on the BBC News website but no acknowledgement of an error was made.’
Amazing what £3.5B can, and can’t get you.
Including the ‘get out of anything free’ ‘card’ that is… ‘the glitch’.
Maybe that might work ‘backatacha’ with litigious-minded folk and their altruistic legal support systems?
His lawyers are Carter Ruck, of course.
And also, of course, Carter 4uck are very EXPENSIVE to retain.
So one wonders, out aloud, unless Carter 4uck are operating as the LibelLawyers4U offshoot of InjuryLawyers4U (costs “U” nowt)…
How can Black afford such prestigious shysters on his meagre salary? It’s hardly as if he earns a tidy sum doing conferences and the like.
Again I hear that Richard Black is USUALLY above reproach!
Clearly I have misread, etc… it’s not Black has Carter 4uck/LibelLawyers4U.
But it still stinks.
” meagre salary” ? How do we know ? I am so sick of scum like Black sucking our money. But , what can we do ?
“Wrong as usual”
Are we still allowed to say that Black is still a useless twat?
Res ipsa loquitur
Heh… ask his lawyer. I’m sure he’ll know the answer. 😉
Perhaps we could come up with a list of questions for his lawyer.
Remember that programme, I think it was called Twenty Questions. Is it animal, vegetable or mineral?
I think if you put a ‘allegedly’ in there ! as it seems to work for the not the news quiz thingys !.
Mr Black is a charming, friendly, fair-minded chap, first-class journalist, learned scholar and authority on the earth (its climate, history and all its workings); passionate in pursuit of knowledge and willing to consider others’ points of view and engage them in debate; always thoroughly objective, informative and impartial; possessing a fine analytical brain, sound judgement and integrity…
He has a first class honours degree in Twattery from the University of Twats !
Martin, in libel matters the truth is the ultimate defence so I suspect you’d be on perfectly safe ground.
As ever, follow the money and you will find the source of the lies.
Greenpeace is the source of some of the IPCC “facts”.
vote Green
get Monster raving loony
Vote Green. Live Green… Die Hungry (eaten by your cats)
The Attorney General of the state of Virginia is looking to examine all the papers of Michael Mann, the inventor of the Hockey Stick. Mann had worked at Uni of Virginia before moving to Pennsylvania (where he has been whitewashed so far). If Mann has misused public funds by doing any false work on climate change while at Virginia, he could face legal action.
Has Black reported that ? I thought not.
Much as I’d like to see every warmist quack pinned to the wall, according to Steve McIntyre
the proposed Virginia prosecution of Mann would be an egregious abuse of executive power (by the Virginia attorney general) rather than an exercise in exposing charlatanry. Were this prosecution to proceed it could give Mann (and warmism generally) grounds for a totally unwarranted claim that a scientist (I know, I know) was being persecuted by the forces of denialism.
Frankly, I’m surprised that Black hasn’t reported it but not for the reasons you imply. Such a misguided prosecution could easily be spun both as an illustration of the dangers of AGW scepticism generally and, in this specific instance, the martyrdom of one of the secular saints of warmism. Black’s missing a trick here.
Interesting information on Michael Mann –
As irreproachable as only anyone with a bottom less pit of taxpayer funded litigation can be. I haven’t checked the previous thread, but does anyone know of a Minister of the Crown using Government funded lawyers to issue legal threats on their behalf concerning person matters.
I am not aware of that, but I doubt if Black is setting a precedent. All these people are rotten to the core, totally corrupt and with our money. Shameless scum !
Still waiting for Black to post here and defend himself !
Probably Carter Ruck are struggling wit the laws of defamation in relation to the internet . What a bunch of wasters !!!
Muitas linguas estrangeiras no site !!!!!!!
But, Hippie, you surely have to agree that Portuguese is a more beautiful language than Spanish ?
¿En qué estás pensando…? No this is what automatically comes up when I go to post, I must have hit the wrong button!
Oi !!!! As they say in Portuguese !
The BBC should remember the McLibel Trial If EUReferendum has the enormous balls to go through with it I will gladly donate to the defence fund.
Unfortunately if he wins it will be the British public who picks up the bill.
I couldn’t help noticing the front cover of New Scientist magazine while browsing the shelves of my local supermarket. They really have no shame anymore. This “scientific” magazine has something like 10 or 12 pages disparaging the sceptics, comparing these “deniers” (yes, they’re still using that one) to people who dent evolution and AIDS.
It really is a cult.
There’s a lefty who works alongside me, a very educated and intelligent man; but when I mentioned that I didn’t believe in this global warming nonsense, he went ballistic, saying that it WAS happening, that the evidence was incontrovertible. Is it a mental disorder?
I’m sure otherwise decent people had this reflex reaction if someone said they liked Jews in Nazi Germany. Not only must people have the ‘right opinions’ they must be seen to have the ‘right opinions’. Wither British democracy.
The thing is light we don’t help ourselves when we say we don’t believe in climate change. The truth is the climate changes all the time, what I’m sceptical about though us msn being the sole cause of global warming.
There is so much woo going on in climate science though
What an effin eejit AGW shill Black is, a f&$twit of extraordinary biarse, he is no scientist, understands the science darkly and has no legitimacy whatsoever.
All his woeful article amounted to was (figuratively speaking), a rearranging of the deck chairs on the ship as the hulk founders on the iceberg of real science, AGW is defenestrated and Black is desperately clutching at straws, just what the hell did he think Pachi was gonna say?…….
“Oh yeah, we’ve been talking BS for years, the science doesn’t mean Jack sh*t and we have been wasting time, money and effort on a useless conjecture!”
I wish.