I’ve noticed a lot of new names posting here in the run up to, and aftermath of, the election. It’s good to see, and I hope represents a growing awareness of the BBC’s bias. Keep posting, because things can only get worse now Labour are in opposition!
Of course, this BBC report does not add the obvious: that despite Turkey’s aggression, under the leadership of PM Erdogan, in Britain the Tories, Lib Dems, Labour and BBC all give their support to Turkey’s EU application, and the consequent Islamisation of the EU.
While I agree with you that it would be a disaster for Turkey to join the EU and it is moving towards an Islamic state, I can assure you that many secular Turks are working to prevent this. The best hope is for a military coup and I would not rule that out.
So far as Greece is concerned, both countries are members of NATO. But, it will never come to war as the Greeks know that they would be quicly destroyed as the Turkish military are vastly superior.
Historically, the Turks have shown great restraint in not seeking revenge for the Greek illegal invasion of Turkey in 1921 and the appalling atrocities carried out by the Greeks.
Again , in 1974 , when the Greeks started exterminating Turkish Cypriots, the Turks showed great restraint in not taking the whole of Cyprus when they could easily have done so .
As you clearly take an interest in Turkish matters, may I suggest , as an introduction Prof. Andrew Mango’s book ” The Turks Today”. A few years out of date now , but an excellent primer. You may be surprised. Turkey is not some monolithic, uniform Islamic country any more than Iran.
Thanks for that link. I would generally agree with Fitzgerald’s analysis, but would take issue with him on Armenian matters.
Try http://www.tallarmeniantale.com for an alternative view.
I have family connections with Turkey going back 45 years, have lived and worked in the country and speak Turkish.
But, I do not take the view “Turks right or wrong”. It is a very complex country and people .
It is essential for the security of the West to neuter the Islamic threat in Turkey. But, allowing Turkey into the EU will not do that and the UK politicians who support this are stupid and do not understand Turkey and Turks.
For about the first 20 years of its EC membership, Greece stood implacably in the way of Turkey’s application to join, but then gave up its objection about 10 years ago. So with that obstacle removed, the way is clear.
Classic ! Yes, I promise ! But I do miss “cok” Scott M . Always great fun when he was posting here . Actually in Turkish ” Cok” just means ” very “. Let’s get back to Ugandan matters !
Richard Bacon’s Radio 5 Live studio seems to be the Labour Party’s relaunch nerve centre. If Bacon gets any more biased even the Labour luvvies might start to get a little embarrassed.
And the top contender for the BBC radio article asking the most brazen question award must surely be Steve Hewlett’s question on the Media show of whether Sky is politically biased. Splinters, planks and eyes come to mind.
Yawn yawn yawn the Radio 5 phone in is another Liebour love fest. Endless pigeon English speaking halfwits blaming the Murdoch press for Liebour failing, idiots from Liverpool with that silly accent spouting on about “evil Tooories” and Nikki Campbell sitting there smugly letting endless callers and texts spout anti Tory bile.
The phone-in was supposed to be about what Labour does next, but as usual it’s just another chance for the BBC to tell us how WE should have voted.
So it’s the opposite of last night’s Question Time, in which a Dimbleby killed a discussion of what the Conservatives would do next into an endless whine fest about how to save Labour.
I think they must have a “rent a scouser” number they call when they want some dim Liverpudlian to phone up and blame the worlds ills on the Tories.
In the olden days there was a saying that you just had to whistle down a coal mine to find a fast bowler. Well the BBC just whistles at Merseyside , and Merseyside comes up trumps and supplies some halfwit who can barely talk blaming Thatcher.
I thought I’d share this worthless reply, which I received yesterday to my complaint to the BBC (nearly a month ago!) about that annoying twatterer Brett Spencer.
“Thank you for your email about some twitters made by Brett Spencer. The BBC does expect staff to adhere to certain obligations with regard to editorial standards even in their personal statements on social networking sites. We understand that Brett removed the remarks as soon as he became aware of how they could be interpreted. He had no intention to bias his comments against one candidate or another and commented irreverently about all the candidates in the PM Leadership debates. However he accepts that it was inadvisable to tweet about this topic, has apologised for them and is clear that he will not be making personal statements of this kind in future.
Thank you for taking the trouble to alert us to your concerns.
Yours sincerely
Vis Karunaratne (Ms)
Complaints Advisor for Future Media & Technology
BBC Audience Services”
Do you have her email address? I need to ask her which video format will succeed Blu-ray. I can’t afford to waste money buying another to-become-obsolete format player. I’m looking at you HD DVD. You broke my heart.
Penn, 49, will be able to complete his community service working for his Haiti charity. IOW He will continue doing exactly what he was doing before and call it serving his debt to the community.
It is quite evident that the present aim of the BBC is to uncover “splits” in the present coalition government and overplay the election of a new leader of the Labour Party so I think there will be plenty to comment about. Who knows we may soon get some (more?) with Lib Dem sympathies swelling poster numbers whose eyes may well be opened to the (im)partiality of the BBC having done a deal with the devil.
Much build up on Radio 4 given to the “shock horror expose” on the prison on Baghram Air Base. Much more interesting was a programme on World Service about 3.00 a.m. this morning by a BBC reporter from the Swat? Valley in Pakistan.
Interview with a nice Taliban who descibed his beheading of 8 people, (including two teachers!). Reporter also basically equated the Pakistani Taliban with the Mafia where personal wealth accumulation was at least as important as any religious fervour. Now if any BBC programme needed promoting and broadcasting on Radio 4 that was it. I may be doing them a disservice and someone may have heard it on Radio 4 – if so please advise, but with the love a Taliban BBC I somehow doubt it.
If anyone listened to the Baghram expose did the reporter ask anyone handed over by the nasty British what they were doing when captured – trying to shoot / blow up our troops?
It was not the worst piece I have heard from the BBC regarding Taliban, but it was presented very much through the lens that at heart Taliban are a liberation movement and a reaction to oppression and inequality. In other words, a well reasoned report if you are reading Marxism Today.
It is funny how in all similar reports the basis of the BBC’s reporting is that all the world’s evils flow from capitalism or inequality. Never do the Beeboids examine the mass murder and general misery brought about by failed socialist experiments.
Beeboids see Thatcher as evil but Mugabe as a lion roaring against colonialism. US troops abusing prisoners is massive news, Taliban beheading teachers is only worth mentioning in passing. That’s the BBc worldview in a nutshell.
The following quote from the article linked gives an interesting insight into the Beeboid mind with its blithe assurance that Nick was not a nasty Tory: he was anti Thatcher. No bias there, then eh?
One former member of the BBC political staff, who preferred to remain anonymous, told The First Post today: “There are two things to bear in mind. One, it’s true Nick was a Tory, but he never a ‘nasty Tory’. He was against Thatcher. Secondly, his history as a Conservative means he has more insight into the subject. It makes him a better political correspondent.”
Robinson has the nickname Toenails which was given to him BY people at the BBC for being up the arse of Brown and Blair so far all you could see were his Toenails. Hardly a Tory.
So where’s the Facebook group calling for the removal of Robert Peston for being Gordon Brown’s biographer, or Andrew Marr for being part of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory, or James Naughtie for saying “we”, or Jane Garvey for the champagne bottles, etc., etc.?
Robinson is compromised because he’s more concerned about the feelings of the politicians he covers than about giving the audience a straight story. It’s as if he’s more one of them than a member of the public (remember how Robinson couldn’t shut up about how devastated and depressed all those innocent MPs were during the expenses scandal?). He needs to get too close to the politicians and leadership in order to maintain his prime position at the top of the No. 10 calling list, and to get those insider stories and advance warnings (which allows the Government to use him for their own PR ends). He’s compromised on both sides, and would be more suited to being a spin doctor for a political party than a political reporter these days.
The presenter of the financial slot in the first hour of Today this morning interviewed the CEO? of Go Ahead the transport company. Apart from the attempted snigger at his background of bus conductor to CEO all bar one question invited him to decry policies of the new government. To his credit he played an extremely straight bat leaving me better informed but the BBC man doubtlessly disappointed that his attempted googlies were wasted. I don’t expect the Go Ahead man to feature much on the BBC in the future.
Talking of featuring on the BBC has Kevin McGuire got a BBC microphone permanently attached to his lapel, he seems of late to pop up to provide a rent a quote comment everywhere.
Now that the election is over a simple competition for you. Can you name the one polling organisation that seemed to receive more name checks than any other on the BBC?
If I were a betting man that lead by Peter Kellner would get my money.
Talking of YouGov the editor of the Today programme responded to a complaint about over name checking You Gov that none of the presenters were shareholders in that company. Wikipedia indicates that one at least had an interest.
The BBC have not replied to my request for confirmation of what has happened to that holding. Surely with a matter of public interest like that it should tell us.
More nonsense from the BBC. This idea of having 55% of MPs vote to bring down a Government is being badly spun by the BBC.
You’d normally need 326 anyway if you have a Government that only has 325 MP’s. Now you’d need 358.
The proposed change would have no effect on Government with a large majority but on smaller majorities it offers some additional stability, the trade off is a fixed term Parliament. I’d have preferred 4 years not 5 personally, but the BBC is being very misleading.
Funny how the BBC saw nothing anti-democratic in an attempted unmilitary coup by whelan, mandelson, campbell, and brown. In fact, not only did they not find it ‘anti-democratic’ they found it ‘progressive.’
It will be interesting to see if the likes of Robinson, Peston and Sheena now get cut out of the political loop. Will Peston give us his sneering drawl over ‘exclusives’ like he got under Nu Liebour?
Will Sheena spin Downing Street crime figures as facts still I wonder.
I agree the 55% is being wrongly reported by most at the BBC. PM yesterday was a fine example until a BBC reporter pointed out that it was still 50% plus 1 to defeat the sitting government but it would require 55% supporting a specific dissolution motion to terminate that PARLIAMENT, not government, “mid term”. If we return to the situation of one party rule that party will have more than 50% plus 1of the seats so can effectively cut and run, negating the idea of fixed term.
2.) p.m., given over to BBC panel of Kermode, and co., presenting eulogy to left-wing American comedian , Bill Hicks,(1961-94), who made jokes against Christianity, but not against Islam.
To be fair, nobody in the US cared about Islam back in the early 90s, when Hicks had his short-lived career. It wasn’t news at all, nothing worth making a good joke. The first bombing of the World Trade center barely even put Islamic terrorism on the radar.
I was aware of his comedy when he was still alive, and he was an above average version of the usual irreverent comedians who made a living out of poking fun at inconsistencies and absurdities in authorities and conventional wisdom. If he was alive today, I daresay he’d be one of those rare comedians who actually would make a joke about the Mohammed cartoons.
Yes, Hicks wasa oblivious to the 1,400 years of Islamic imperialism, so like most comedians in the West picked on the easy target of Christianity, as many such dual-standards comedians still do, notably on the BBC.
Mark Mardell is lying about the new Arizona law allowing state police to arrest people for being in the US illegally. He’s promoting the side of those who want amnesty and those who say this is a racist law.
What Mardell doesn’t want you to know is that in fact the law only allows state police to enforce federal laws already on the books: it’s already illegal to be in the US without proper papers.
First sentence of Section 1:
The legislature finds that there is a compelling interest in the
cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of Arizona.
This AZ law did not create a crime out of thin air. Also left unremarked by Mardell: it’s only the Hispanic community (aside from the usual neo-Marxist far Left activists) who want amnesty and are protesting this law, because they want all these illegals to be legalized due exclusively to their race, the color of their skin.
Those complaining about this law are mostly racists: Latinos who want more people who look just like them and share their culture to be allowed to break the law. There is no other reason for their advocacy, and they state it openly. A group calling itself “La Raza” – The Race – is a prime mover and shaker on this issue. They’ve never pushed for amesty for the illegal Chinese restaurant workers or illegal Ukranian maintenance workers.
One other thing Mark Mardell doesn’t want you to know is that this law is not about randomly stopping Hispanic-looking people on the street and asking for their papers. The Latino he quotes claiming fear of going to AZ without a passport is based on a lie. This law is about giving the state and county police the ability to enforce laws already on the books, which really means they can now do something when they find one car full of 15 illegals, or a van full or truck full. Nothing to do with stopping innocents on the street and racially profiling them.
You can all read the law for yourselves here (PDF). Note that it has also been amended to remove any chance for the racial profiling over which Mardell is encouraging you to wring your hands. But he forget to tell you that, didn’t he?
Mark Mardell is a dishonest reporter. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
That’s the whole point: the federal law is not being enforced by any stretch of the imagination, and until now it’s been outside the remit of local law enforcement to do anything about it. That’s why Sherrif Joe got bad press for so long: he was arresting illegals and trying to get them on buses to the border. It was outside his jurisdiction, and he was using resources he shouldn’t have to do it. But he kept doing it anyway, and that publicity combined with the very real violence going on around Tucson and down to the border forced the state legislature into action.
The federal laws simply were not being enforced, and the state was suffering unduly because of it. The federal government has a duty to protect its borders and citizens in this situation, and it has pretty much refused to do so. At that point, the individual state has a legal right to protect itself, so the legislature made it a reality.
This law equally applies to undocumented dishwashers in Chinese restaurants and Polish prostitutes.
I see California proposes to unilaterally bring in sanctions against Arizona and cancel contracts etc etc. How can this be ? Surely the USA as a whole cannot permit any single state to act as if it is a sovereign country? Arizona is presumably entitled to the protection of federal law and the constitution which it appears to be in no way infringing.
I know they are all insane in California but this appears to be madness.
BBC twats STILL banging on about this 55% nonsense. Camp male beeboid on News 24 talking to some Tory MP. He wants a Minister to come and explain it to them (which he said someone has agreed to) but of course camp male beeboid pounced “when when?” was his question.
“We haven’t even been sworn in or had the Queen’s speech” was the reply”
“Oh I’m rushing you” was the beeboids sneering answer.
The BBC are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Think about it, if you have fixed term Parliaments it takes the power away from the PM to call an election at a time that suits him.
However, under the existing system of 50%+1 it would be very easy to ‘fiddle’ a vote of no confidence by losing a vote and then calling an election at a more convenient time.
Raising the threshold makes that less likely which to me seems a good thing. However, I really do think 4 years is enough, most Government run out of steam after that.
God the BBC really are making utter tits of themselves over this fixed Parliament issue.
GOVERNMENT FACES BACKLASH claims the drugged up twats. What backlash? Only in the dreams of the beeboids.
The jocks operate a fixed term Parliament on an even higher % of MP’s. Clearly if you can’t get 55% of the MP’s to vote against the government it’s not that unpopular is it?
Notice how all of a sudden the BBC has gone off PR, fixed Parliaments and coalitions. I wonder why? Even Alex’s Salmond’s surprise at how accommodating Cameron was today was twisted and spun by the drug addicts at the BBC.
The BBC are also attacking William Hague for making his first trip to America not Europe. Had he gone to Europe first the BBC would have said he was snubbing the USA!!!!!
Does anyone know who’s who and what’s waht in Thailand.Are the Red shirts good guys opposing a dictator, or are the Islamic, Marxist or just nuts?
BBC backgrounder is not clear. But we are told that their opponenets, the Yellow Shirts are “royalists, businessmen and the urban middle class.” ie everythign that the BBC hates.
Tv news at sic found a British ex-pat (actually looked like a hippy, anachist failed terrorist turned bully) to put is straight on the matter. Apparantly in is all the fault of “arrogant rich people”.
There is some info here about who they are – some sort of working class movement, apparently for democracy and against dictatorship. Seems they are led by an ousted former Prime Minister now living in exile, so maybe it has as much to do with factional politics as anything else. I’m speculating about that. I don’t know really.
If you only listened to the BBC then you’d think that the original version of that quote was actually said by Sarah Palin rather being, as it was in reality, a joke from the Comedy Channel.
On the BBC a Woman of No Appearance is reported to have stabbed Stephen Timms. On Sky “a source had revealed that the suspect was an Asian woman, believed to have mental health problems”.
They shouldn’t have told us it was a woman, then. Should have just said it was a “person from Porlock”, if they are going to censor information about the perpetrator. Mind, I thought they had a duty to inform, rather than a duty to keep information from us.
Former Labour minister Stephen Timms has been stabbed twice in the stomach at a constituency event in east London. Mr Timms, 54, is being treated in Royal London Hospital. His injuries are not said to be life-threatening. A 21-year old woman was arrested after the attack at about 1500 BST at the Beckton Globe Library in Newham, where the MP holds a regular surgery.
A former minister was stabbed twice in the stomach by a knife-wielding woman today as he held a surgery for constituents.
Stephen Timms was attacked by the 21-year-old, who appeared to be wearing Muslim dress, at his regular Friday afternoon surgery in his East London constituency.
She lunged at him and stabbed him twice before being wrestled away by a security guard and arrested.
Eye-witnesses screamed in terror as they watched the woman stab him in the abdomen.
One person who arrived moments after Mr Timms was attacked, said she saw blood on his shirt and an Asian woman being restrained by security guards.
Sagal Ahmed,16, a student at Kingsford Community School, was in the community centre in Beckton when the stabbing happened.
‘We just heard this big commotion so we ran in to the room,’ she said.
‘The security guard had grabbed this Asian woman. She was wearing a long black outfit like what Muslims wear and an orangey headscarf. I think she was a Muslim.
‘She wasn’t saying anything. They were just grabbing her to keep her still. She was really shaking.
‘The Muslim woman seem shocked and distressed. It was the most shocking thing I’ve ever seen.
‘Then we saw the man (Stephen Timms) getting put in another room. We saw the blood on his shirt but I couldn’t tell where he’d been stabbed. They were dragging him.
‘He was conscious. He looked shocked and he was pale.’
BBC still trying to make this 50% thing a story, no other news network thinks it’s a real story. Now the BBC are ‘claiming’ that Tory MP’s are unhappy.
Expect the full forces of the piss ant BBC to be unleashed on the Tories, fat shit Stephen Nolan, the Toady show and of course the jug eared twat on Sunday.
Let me guess at the guest line up for jug ears on Sunday
Just thought I would let you guys and gals know, I have just lodged an official complaint about Any Questions tonight.
It was held in Brighton (where I live) and so had to have Caroline “eyebrow” Lucas on board. The crowd was a bloody disgrace.
I am not a Tory, I am and always have been Liberal (civil liberties, etc) but I could not let tonight go by. The Greens got less than 1% of the vote but the entire audience were f*cking students.
Agreeing with Martin (and not taking that Marr bet), one suspects that, if they can spin it long enough, the next will be stacked with unelected Labour Lords or gobs for hire who are ‘outraged’ over the 55% rule. Plus a mysterious % of card-carrying ‘whatever it is we’re against it’ in the audience.
YAE! Let that teapot fly! These were exactly my sentiments when I was a Tribunite member of the Labour Party the late 70’s. I didn’t want the BBC tilting the playing field. If we got elected I wanted it to be on the strength of a free and fair debate and the country decided we had the best people and policies to govern. That way democracy would always be the winner. Most people at the BBC, whether behind the mikes or in the control room, are not democrats. I used to incense the Trots in Labour when I said I would have no hesitation in voting Tory rather than have Communists like them in power because if the Tories were in we’d have a chance to elect them out, whereas with Communists it would be the end of democracy.
We need to have a cull of the cultural Marxists at the BBC. It’s as simple as that.
A timely reminder that in this objective, balanced media environment only compromised by SKY, ‘editorial’ can start well before the studio or edit suite kick in:
Week in Westminsiter, presented by rabid leftist Guardian bitch, the wife of a leftist Beeboid parasite.
1. Attcak the Lib/Con coalition
2. labour leadership – exciuse for Labour praise and Guardian bitch – acting as BBc presenter decalres “the encouraging thing is 8000 people have joined laubor.”
I notice that all day today (Saturday) the top BBC news item appears to be all about that other marxist Miliband creature intending to join the contest for the Labour leadership. Do we care? They are old news – why do the BBC keep ON plugging the ruddy labour party?
Why News 24 thought that running LIVE coverage of the other retarded Milipead brother was beyond me. A bigger pair of twats you would find hard to meet.
Back when the financial crisis started, the BBC was going on and on about the failure of Capitalism. Across the spectrum of BBC reporting, they did things like this:
I also remember Mark Mardell (Europe editor at the time) on the evening of the EU elections openly expressing his astonishment that many places in Europe voted slightly to the right when clearly, he said, Capitalism had failed. He couldn’t understand why the Continenent hadn’t gone stampeding toward Socialism.
So I have a question: Now that Greece has had to be bailed out, and Spain and Portugal and other countries – not to mention the UK after 13 years of Labour – are next, when will the BBC get around to asking if Socialism has failed? Where are the talking heads discussing the end of Socialism, or that this is a clear example of how Socialism is inevitabley unsustainable?
Mark Mardell is now the American editor, and I have yet to see something from him or any of his fellow Beeboids in the US about how the benefit culture has made California essentially bankrupt. Instead, they do little news briefs about how nasty Republicans won’t let Governer Arnold raise taxes to save welfare programs. Wealth must be redistributed, according to the BBC, even in the face of disaster.
I have some old friends in LA, have lived there all their lives.
Now aiming to move out.
As you say, the state is bankrupt, hugely in hock to the public sector unions who have an armlock on most elections and on the State congress. Teachers especially.
Have we ever heard a dicky-bird from the BBC about the dire future Cali now faces ?
The BBC doesn’t aread photographs very well but stays true to the message. A Palestinian refugee looks at the Israeli town of Avivim from the southern Lebanese village of Marun al-Ras. Palestinians are marking the 62nd anniversary of the Naqba, the “catastrophe” of the birth of Israel that created hundreds of thousands of refugees, on 14/15 May. Photo: AFP
Why is he looking up in the air and not down in the valley? Because it is a posed shot and he probably has no idea what to do with binochulars.
Why is he wearing not one but two kheffiyas? Because if he didn’t wear the checked, typical Palestinian one over his typical Beduin one no one would know he is a refugee.
Why is there no mention of the lack of basic rights of Palestinians in Lebanon? Beats me – detracts from the bad Israel angle.
Why is there no mention of terrorist (oops militant) attacks on the moshav (not town) of Avivim?
On May 8, 1970, terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Organization attacked the community school bus, killing nine children and three adults, and crippling for life a further 19 people.
Avivim also suffered during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, and was subject to at least one infiltration attempt by HezbollahThe moshav also came under fire from Hezbollah forces in the nearby village of Maroun al-Ras, across the border in Lebanon.
The Fourth International Conference on Climate Change will be held in Chicago, Illinois on May 16-18, 2010 at the Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile Hotel, 540 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. It will call attention to new scientific research on the causes and consequences of climate change, and to economic analysis of the cost and effectiveness of proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The purpose of ICCC-4 is the same as it was for the first three events: to build momentum and public awareness of the global warming “realism” movement, a network of scientists, economists, policymakers, and concerned citizens who believe sound science and economics, rather than exaggeration and hype, ought to determine what actions, if any, are taken to address the problem of climate change.
BBC’s EU man, Gavin HEWITT, avoids any reference to NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY in his article on EU crisis:
“Europe: A pause in the crisis.”
Hewitt avoids even mentioning the political choice beteen further EU ‘integration’ and national sovereignty; for Hewitt, the ‘choice’ is merely that of the UK remaining in one kind of EU or another:
“What will play out is a struggle between ‘integrationists’, who see the answers in greater integration, and others who care less for the dream or institutional changes and more for delivering on jobs and growth.”
BBC News is giving heavy coverage to the Google unsecured wi-fi evesdropping outrage, their technology website title page also covers privacy issues re Facebook & in Germany.
I noticed on the BBC’s F1 coverage that Jake Humpries appears to be using an ipad now rather than a Blackberry. The ipad isn’t released in the UK yet, so how did the BBC get hold of one? Fly one across first class from the USA no doubt.
On Radio 5 this morning some Euro bloke was being interviewed by Silverton (along with Toilets).
Euro bloke basically spilt the beans along with Toilets. We need MORE EU integration, the EU needs parlimentary and spending control in every state to stop Countries like Greece getting into a mess.
The final move is now being prepared by the vile EU peeps;
wwfcFeb 23, 14:04 Weekend 22nd February 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkalM-JP_48&ab_channel=LancashireLarks
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I’ve noticed a lot of new names posting here in the run up to, and aftermath of, the election. It’s good to see, and I hope represents a growing awareness of the BBC’s bias. Keep posting, because things can only get worse now Labour are in opposition!
The BBC will just bang away about ‘splits’ like good Liebour droids.
A BBC report, which, despite the headline, indicates the Turkish threat on Greece, an EU state.
Of course, this BBC report does not add the obvious: that despite Turkey’s aggression, under the leadership of PM Erdogan, in Britain the Tories, Lib Dems, Labour and BBC all give their support to Turkey’s EU application, and the consequent Islamisation of the EU.
George R,
While I agree with you that it would be a disaster for Turkey to join the EU and it is moving towards an Islamic state, I can assure you that many secular Turks are working to prevent this. The best hope is for a military coup and I would not rule that out.
So far as Greece is concerned, both countries are members of NATO. But, it will never come to war as the Greeks know that they would be quicly destroyed as the Turkish military are vastly superior.
Historically, the Turks have shown great restraint in not seeking revenge for the Greek illegal invasion of Turkey in 1921 and the appalling atrocities carried out by the Greeks.
Again , in 1974 , when the Greeks started exterminating Turkish Cypriots, the Turks showed great restraint in not taking the whole of Cyprus when they could easily have done so .
That should read ” quickly” .
George R
As you clearly take an interest in Turkish matters, may I suggest , as an introduction Prof. Andrew Mango’s book ” The Turks Today”. A few years out of date now , but an excellent primer. You may be surprised. Turkey is not some monolithic, uniform Islamic country any more than Iran.
We agree that Turkey’s membership of EU would be political disaster in terms of the Islamisation of the EU.
I notice what hardman PM Erdogan is up to, and I am not re-assured about his political and military intentions.
The Turks in general seem to presume that the military will always stop the Islamic forces of the Erdogans.
Hugh Fitzgerald of ‘Jihadwatch’ seems to have the best analysis of Turkey’s politics.
“Fitzgerald: The duty of Turkish secularists”
“Fitzgerald: Why is Turkey in NATO?”
“Fitzgerald: Turkey — Not E.U. Membership, But Support And Understanding For Turkish Secularists”
George R
Thanks for that link. I would generally agree with Fitzgerald’s analysis, but would take issue with him on Armenian matters.
Try http://www.tallarmeniantale.com for an alternative view.
Grant, I am curious: what is your own interest in Turkey?
I have family connections with Turkey going back 45 years, have lived and worked in the country and speak Turkish.
But, I do not take the view “Turks right or wrong”. It is a very complex country and people .
It is essential for the security of the West to neuter the Islamic threat in Turkey. But, allowing Turkey into the EU will not do that and the UK politicians who support this are stupid and do not understand Turkey and Turks.
For about the first 20 years of its EC membership, Greece stood implacably in the way of Turkey’s application to join, but then gave up its objection about 10 years ago. So with that obstacle removed, the way is clear.
Greece was just playing political games to get concessions on Cyprus and, as usual , failed !
George R
This is maybe not the forum for long discussions on Turkish matters, but may I say to you in the beautiful Turkish language
” Her Sikke, iki taraf her hikaya iki taraf ” ?
Their are two sides to every story and two sides to every coin !
Let’s stick to Ugandan Matters @ the BBC
Jack ,
Many thanks for lightening the load and keeping me on the right road.
” Cok tessekur ederiz ” which does not translate as ” keep on trucking ” !
Thanks Grant.
But could you refrain from quotes with the work “cok” in them. I’m not our luvvie friend Scott M.
Classic ! Yes, I promise ! But I do miss “cok” Scott M . Always great fun when he was posting here . Actually in Turkish ” Cok” just means ” very “. Let’s get back to Ugandan matters !
Nice bit of whitewashing, Grant. Pity it’s all baloney.
Richard Bacon’s Radio 5 Live studio seems to be the Labour Party’s relaunch nerve centre. If Bacon gets any more biased even the Labour luvvies might start to get a little embarrassed.
And the top contender for the BBC radio article asking the most brazen question award must surely be Steve Hewlett’s question on the Media show of whether Sky is politically biased. Splinters, planks and eyes come to mind.
Yes I heard that as well, the BBC don’t see the irony do they?
Yawn yawn yawn the Radio 5 phone in is another Liebour love fest. Endless pigeon English speaking halfwits blaming the Murdoch press for Liebour failing, idiots from Liverpool with that silly accent spouting on about “evil Tooories” and Nikki Campbell sitting there smugly letting endless callers and texts spout anti Tory bile.
The phone-in was supposed to be about what Labour does next, but as usual it’s just another chance for the BBC to tell us how WE should have voted.
Can’t Liverpool be transplanted to Southern Ireland ?
So it’s the opposite of last night’s Question Time, in which a Dimbleby killed a discussion of what the Conservatives would do next into an endless whine fest about how to save Labour.
Spot on Martin – I just don’t understand how they get away with it. Campbell just facilitates the anti Tory rubbish
Radio 5 has gone down the drain in the last few years.Things weren’t like that when Julian Worriker was on Breakfast.
As Radio 5 has got dummer, so have the listeners and callers it attracts.
I tuned in to BBC Radio 5, but all I got was a Labour Party broadcast, so switched off.
I think they must have a “rent a scouser” number they call when they want some dim Liverpudlian to phone up and blame the worlds ills on the Tories.
In the olden days there was a saying that you just had to whistle down a coal mine to find a fast bowler. Well the BBC just whistles at Merseyside , and Merseyside comes up trumps and supplies some halfwit who can barely talk blaming Thatcher.
I thought I’d share this worthless reply, which I received yesterday to my complaint to the BBC (nearly a month ago!) about that annoying twatterer Brett Spencer.
“Thank you for your email about some twitters made by Brett Spencer. The BBC does expect staff to adhere to certain obligations with regard to editorial standards even in their personal statements on social networking sites. We understand that Brett removed the remarks as soon as he became aware of how they could be interpreted. He had no intention to bias his comments against one candidate or another and commented irreverently about all the candidates in the PM Leadership debates. However he accepts that it was inadvisable to tweet about this topic, has apologised for them and is clear that he will not be making personal statements of this kind in future.
Thank you for taking the trouble to alert us to your concerns.
Yours sincerely
Vis Karunaratne (Ms)
Complaints Advisor for Future Media & Technology
BBC Audience Services”
Jesus, where do I begin?!?!?!
“Complaints Advisor for Future Media & Technology
BBC Audience Services”
Now there’s a job title straight out of the Guardian if ever I saw one!
In other words, everything in the garden is rosy, now f**k off.
“Future Media & Techonology”? Does that mean she advises the BBC about complaints involving media and technology that haven’t happened yet?
Do you have her email address? I need to ask her which video format will succeed Blu-ray. I can’t afford to waste money buying another to-become-obsolete format player. I’m looking at you HD DVD. You broke my heart.
Misleading headline Sean Penn given community service over snapper spat
Penn, 49, will be able to complete his community service working for his Haiti charity. IOW He will continue doing exactly what he was doing before and call it serving his debt to the community.
I only used to read this blog, but I’ve become so infuriated by the BBC’s behaviour especially post the election, I’ve decided to join in !
Witness – State of Israel
On May 14th 1948 a small band of Jewish nationalists gathered in a museum in Tel Aviv to declare the establishment of the state of Israel. Arieh Handler was one of them.
No mention of the attack launched by the Arabs against Isael, just some vague hints at “conflict”.
Oh, the Arabs were offered a state of their own – a two state solution, but they rejected it.
Ben – Gurion was a man without feelings.
Israel was founded as the result of a unilateral declaration by the Jews.
The American woman in Jerusalem was under siege and isolated – but we’re not told that East Jerusalem was illegally occupied by the Jordanians.
The BBC: Rewriting the history of Israel – it’s what we do!
It is quite evident that the present aim of the BBC is to uncover “splits” in the present coalition government and overplay the election of a new leader of the Labour Party so I think there will be plenty to comment about. Who knows we may soon get some (more?) with Lib Dem sympathies swelling poster numbers whose eyes may well be opened to the (im)partiality of the BBC having done a deal with the devil.
Much build up on Radio 4 given to the “shock horror expose” on the prison on Baghram Air Base. Much more interesting was a programme on World Service about 3.00 a.m. this morning by a BBC reporter from the Swat? Valley in Pakistan.
Interview with a nice Taliban who descibed his beheading of 8 people, (including two teachers!). Reporter also basically equated the Pakistani Taliban with the Mafia where personal wealth accumulation was at least as important as any religious fervour. Now if any BBC programme needed promoting and broadcasting on Radio 4 that was it. I may be doing them a disservice and someone may have heard it on Radio 4 – if so please advise, but with the love a Taliban BBC I somehow doubt it.
If anyone listened to the Baghram expose did the reporter ask anyone handed over by the nasty British what they were doing when captured – trying to shoot / blow up our troops?
It’s no good shouting at us at a time of heightened emotion and tension over recent momentous events, unprecedented in our lifetimes.
It was not the worst piece I have heard from the BBC regarding Taliban, but it was presented very much through the lens that at heart Taliban are a liberation movement and a reaction to oppression and inequality. In other words, a well reasoned report if you are reading Marxism Today.
It is funny how in all similar reports the basis of the BBC’s reporting is that all the world’s evils flow from capitalism or inequality. Never do the Beeboids examine the mass murder and general misery brought about by failed socialist experiments.
Beeboids see Thatcher as evil but Mugabe as a lion roaring against colonialism. US troops abusing prisoners is massive news, Taliban beheading teachers is only worth mentioning in passing. That’s the BBc worldview in a nutshell.
A petition on Facebook to remove Nick Robinson because of perceived bias towards the Conservatives:
The following quote from the article linked gives an interesting insight into the Beeboid mind with its blithe assurance that Nick was not a nasty Tory: he was anti Thatcher. No bias there, then eh?
One former member of the BBC political staff, who preferred to remain anonymous, told The First Post today: “There are two things to bear in mind. One, it’s true Nick was a Tory, but he never a ‘nasty Tory’. He was against Thatcher. Secondly, his history as a Conservative means he has more insight into the subject. It makes him a better political correspondent.”
Read more: http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/63364,people,news,facebook-petition-to-sack-bbc-nick-robinson-tory-bias#ixzz0nu5XYy4C
Robinson has the nickname Toenails which was given to him BY people at the BBC for being up the arse of Brown and Blair so far all you could see were his Toenails. Hardly a Tory.
So where’s the Facebook group calling for the removal of Robert Peston for being Gordon Brown’s biographer, or Andrew Marr for being part of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory, or James Naughtie for saying “we”, or Jane Garvey for the champagne bottles, etc., etc.?
Robinson is compromised because he’s more concerned about the feelings of the politicians he covers than about giving the audience a straight story. It’s as if he’s more one of them than a member of the public (remember how Robinson couldn’t shut up about how devastated and depressed all those innocent MPs were during the expenses scandal?). He needs to get too close to the politicians and leadership in order to maintain his prime position at the top of the No. 10 calling list, and to get those insider stories and advance warnings (which allows the Government to use him for their own PR ends). He’s compromised on both sides, and would be more suited to being a spin doctor for a political party than a political reporter these days.
It’s everywhere.
The presenter of the financial slot in the first hour of Today this morning interviewed the CEO? of Go Ahead the transport company. Apart from the attempted snigger at his background of bus conductor to CEO all bar one question invited him to decry policies of the new government. To his credit he played an extremely straight bat leaving me better informed but the BBC man doubtlessly disappointed that his attempted googlies were wasted. I don’t expect the Go Ahead man to feature much on the BBC in the future.
Talking of featuring on the BBC has Kevin McGuire got a BBC microphone permanently attached to his lapel, he seems of late to pop up to provide a rent a quote comment everywhere.
Now that the election is over a simple competition for you. Can you name the one polling organisation that seemed to receive more name checks than any other on the BBC?
If I were a betting man that lead by Peter Kellner would get my money.
Talking of YouGov the editor of the Today programme responded to a complaint about over name checking You Gov that none of the presenters were shareholders in that company. Wikipedia indicates that one at least had an interest.
The BBC have not replied to my request for confirmation of what has happened to that holding. Surely with a matter of public interest like that it should tell us.
More nonsense from the BBC. This idea of having 55% of MPs vote to bring down a Government is being badly spun by the BBC.
You’d normally need 326 anyway if you have a Government that only has 325 MP’s. Now you’d need 358.
The proposed change would have no effect on Government with a large majority but on smaller majorities it offers some additional stability, the trade off is a fixed term Parliament. I’d have preferred 4 years not 5 personally, but the BBC is being very misleading.
Funny how the BBC saw nothing anti-democratic in an attempted unmilitary coup by whelan, mandelson, campbell, and brown. In fact, not only did they not find it ‘anti-democratic’ they found it ‘progressive.’
It will be interesting to see if the likes of Robinson, Peston and Sheena now get cut out of the political loop. Will Peston give us his sneering drawl over ‘exclusives’ like he got under Nu Liebour?
Will Sheena spin Downing Street crime figures as facts still I wonder.
I agree the 55% is being wrongly reported by most at the BBC. PM yesterday was a fine example until a BBC reporter pointed out that it was still 50% plus 1 to defeat the sitting government but it would require 55% supporting a specific dissolution motion to terminate that PARLIAMENT, not government, “mid term”. If we return to the situation of one party rule that party will have more than 50% plus 1of the seats so can effectively cut and run, negating the idea of fixed term.
Exactly, we’re into new politics now. Also Parliament will make this decision something else ignored by the beeboids.
BBC Radio 5, today:
1.) a.m., given over to Labour Party broadcast;
2.) p.m., given over to BBC panel of Kermode, and co., presenting eulogy to left-wing American comedian , Bill Hicks,(1961-94), who made jokes against Christianity, but not against Islam.
To be fair, nobody in the US cared about Islam back in the early 90s, when Hicks had his short-lived career. It wasn’t news at all, nothing worth making a good joke. The first bombing of the World Trade center barely even put Islamic terrorism on the radar.
I was aware of his comedy when he was still alive, and he was an above average version of the usual irreverent comedians who made a living out of poking fun at inconsistencies and absurdities in authorities and conventional wisdom. If he was alive today, I daresay he’d be one of those rare comedians who actually would make a joke about the Mohammed cartoons.
Yes, Hicks wasa oblivious to the 1,400 years of Islamic imperialism, so like most comedians in the West picked on the easy target of Christianity, as many such dual-standards comedians still do, notably on the BBC.
It’s interesting how Hicks’ put down of heckler ‘Get out you f****** drunk bitch’ doesn’t detract from his edginess in BBC eyes but Michael Richards’s does.
Different times? In both cases the audience apparently loved it.
Mark Mardell is lying about the new Arizona law allowing state police to arrest people for being in the US illegally. He’s promoting the side of those who want amnesty and those who say this is a racist law.
What Mardell doesn’t want you to know is that in fact the law only allows state police to enforce federal laws already on the books: it’s already illegal to be in the US without proper papers.
First sentence of Section 1:
The legislature finds that there is a compelling interest in the
cooperative enforcement of federal immigration laws throughout all of Arizona.
This AZ law did not create a crime out of thin air. Also left unremarked by Mardell: it’s only the Hispanic community (aside from the usual neo-Marxist far Left activists) who want amnesty and are protesting this law, because they want all these illegals to be legalized due exclusively to their race, the color of their skin.
Those complaining about this law are mostly racists: Latinos who want more people who look just like them and share their culture to be allowed to break the law. There is no other reason for their advocacy, and they state it openly. A group calling itself “La Raza” – The Race – is a prime mover and shaker on this issue. They’ve never pushed for amesty for the illegal Chinese restaurant workers or illegal Ukranian maintenance workers.
One other thing Mark Mardell doesn’t want you to know is that this law is not about randomly stopping Hispanic-looking people on the street and asking for their papers. The Latino he quotes claiming fear of going to AZ without a passport is based on a lie. This law is about giving the state and county police the ability to enforce laws already on the books, which really means they can now do something when they find one car full of 15 illegals, or a van full or truck full. Nothing to do with stopping innocents on the street and racially profiling them.
You can all read the law for yourselves here (PDF). Note that it has also been amended to remove any chance for the racial profiling over which Mardell is encouraging you to wring your hands. But he forget to tell you that, didn’t he?
Mark Mardell is a dishonest reporter. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
As I understand it, the Arizona Law has been written to be EXACTLY the same as FEDERAL law.
That’s the whole point: the federal law is not being enforced by any stretch of the imagination, and until now it’s been outside the remit of local law enforcement to do anything about it. That’s why Sherrif Joe got bad press for so long: he was arresting illegals and trying to get them on buses to the border. It was outside his jurisdiction, and he was using resources he shouldn’t have to do it. But he kept doing it anyway, and that publicity combined with the very real violence going on around Tucson and down to the border forced the state legislature into action.
The federal laws simply were not being enforced, and the state was suffering unduly because of it. The federal government has a duty to protect its borders and citizens in this situation, and it has pretty much refused to do so. At that point, the individual state has a legal right to protect itself, so the legislature made it a reality.
This law equally applies to undocumented dishwashers in Chinese restaurants and Polish prostitutes.
I see California proposes to unilaterally bring in sanctions against Arizona and cancel contracts etc etc. How can this be ? Surely the USA as a whole cannot permit any single state to act as if it is a sovereign country? Arizona is presumably entitled to the protection of federal law and the constitution which it appears to be in no way infringing.
I know they are all insane in California but this appears to be madness.
dave — this is how nuts they are in California.
As a state they only generate about 75% of the electrical power they consume.
They import much of the rest from… ARIZONA! Which has a large SURPLUS of power generation.
BBC twats STILL banging on about this 55% nonsense. Camp male beeboid on News 24 talking to some Tory MP. He wants a Minister to come and explain it to them (which he said someone has agreed to) but of course camp male beeboid pounced “when when?” was his question.
“We haven’t even been sworn in or had the Queen’s speech” was the reply”
“Oh I’m rushing you” was the beeboids sneering answer.
The BBC are trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Think about it, if you have fixed term Parliaments it takes the power away from the PM to call an election at a time that suits him.
However, under the existing system of 50%+1 it would be very easy to ‘fiddle’ a vote of no confidence by losing a vote and then calling an election at a more convenient time.
Raising the threshold makes that less likely which to me seems a good thing. However, I really do think 4 years is enough, most Government run out of steam after that.
God the BBC really are making utter tits of themselves over this fixed Parliament issue.
GOVERNMENT FACES BACKLASH claims the drugged up twats. What backlash? Only in the dreams of the beeboids.
The jocks operate a fixed term Parliament on an even higher % of MP’s. Clearly if you can’t get 55% of the MP’s to vote against the government it’s not that unpopular is it?
Notice how all of a sudden the BBC has gone off PR, fixed Parliaments and coalitions. I wonder why? Even Alex’s Salmond’s surprise at how accommodating Cameron was today was twisted and spun by the drug addicts at the BBC.
The BBC are also attacking William Hague for making his first trip to America not Europe. Had he gone to Europe first the BBC would have said he was snubbing the USA!!!!!
Does anyone know who’s who and what’s waht in Thailand.Are the Red shirts good guys opposing a dictator, or are the Islamic, Marxist or just nuts?
BBC backgrounder is not clear. But we are told that their opponenets, the Yellow Shirts are “royalists, businessmen and the urban middle class.” ie everythign that the BBC hates.
Tv news at sic found a British ex-pat (actually looked like a hippy, anachist failed terrorist turned bully) to put is straight on the matter. Apparantly in is all the fault of “arrogant rich people”.
The BBC – through a Marxist lens always.
There is some info here about who they are – some sort of working class movement, apparently for democracy and against dictatorship. Seems they are led by an ousted former Prime Minister now living in exile, so maybe it has as much to do with factional politics as anything else. I’m speculating about that. I don’t know really.
Now if this was Bush, the BBC would have a field day:
“Barack Obama talks about ‘countries like Europe'”
(video clip)
Or Sarah Palin. I remember the beeboids sneering when it was claimed she thought Africa was a Country.
If you only listened to the BBC then you’d think that the original version of that quote was actually said by Sarah Palin rather being, as it was in reality, a joke from the Comedy Channel.
On the BBC a Woman of No Appearance is reported to have stabbed Stephen Timms. On Sky “a source had revealed that the suspect was an Asian woman, believed to have mental health problems”.
Now why would the BBC not report that?
They shouldn’t have told us it was a woman, then. Should have just said it was a “person from Porlock”, if they are going to censor information about the perpetrator. Mind, I thought they had a duty to inform, rather than a duty to keep information from us.
No adjective required in front of ‘leader’, i notice…
Contrast & Compare:
Stephen Timms MP stabbed at London constituency event
Former Labour minister Stephen Timms has been stabbed twice in the stomach at a constituency event in east London.
Mr Timms, 54, is being treated in Royal London Hospital. His injuries are not said to be life-threatening.
A 21-year old woman was arrested after the attack at about 1500 BST at the Beckton Globe Library in Newham, where the MP holds a regular surgery.
Labour MP Stephen Timms stabbed ‘by woman’ as he held constituency surgery
A former minister was stabbed twice in the stomach by a knife-wielding woman today as he held a surgery for constituents.
Stephen Timms was attacked by the 21-year-old, who appeared to be wearing Muslim dress, at his regular Friday afternoon surgery in his East London constituency.
She lunged at him and stabbed him twice before being wrestled away by a security guard and arrested.
Eye-witnesses screamed in terror as they watched the woman stab him in the abdomen.
One person who arrived moments after Mr Timms was attacked, said she saw blood on his shirt and an Asian woman being restrained by security guards.
Sagal Ahmed,16, a student at Kingsford Community School, was in the community centre in Beckton when the stabbing happened.
‘We just heard this big commotion so we ran in to the room,’ she said.
‘The security guard had grabbed this Asian woman. She was wearing a long black outfit like what Muslims wear and an orangey headscarf. I think she was a Muslim.
‘She wasn’t saying anything. They were just grabbing her to keep her still. She was really shaking.
‘The Muslim woman seem shocked and distressed. It was the most shocking thing I’ve ever seen.
‘Then we saw the man (Stephen Timms) getting put in another room. We saw the blood on his shirt but I couldn’t tell where he’d been stabbed. They were dragging him.
‘He was conscious. He looked shocked and he was pale.’
“Don’t mention the war…”
Could there be any connection to the massive under-reporting of this:
It’s a hackneyed argument I know, but just imagine how such would be treated if the victims and/or perpetrators were white.
BBC still trying to make this 50% thing a story, no other news network thinks it’s a real story. Now the BBC are ‘claiming’ that Tory MP’s are unhappy.
Expect the full forces of the piss ant BBC to be unleashed on the Tories, fat shit Stephen Nolan, the Toady show and of course the jug eared twat on Sunday.
Let me guess at the guest line up for jug ears on Sunday
Toilets MaGuire
All slagging off the Tories.
I also notice that the BBC are playing down Hague’s visit to the USA and the sainted one’s comments about Cameron.
YAY! fat shit Nolan laying into the Tories.
Just thought I would let you guys and gals know, I have just lodged an official complaint about Any Questions tonight.
It was held in Brighton (where I live) and so had to have Caroline “eyebrow” Lucas on board. The crowd was a bloody disgrace.
I am not a Tory, I am and always have been Liberal (civil liberties, etc) but I could not let tonight go by. The Greens got less than 1% of the vote but the entire audience were f*cking students.
I suspect things may not ‘improve’:
Agreeing with Martin (and not taking that Marr bet), one suspects that, if they can spin it long enough, the next will be stacked with unelected Labour Lords or gobs for hire who are ‘outraged’ over the 55% rule. Plus a mysterious % of card-carrying ‘whatever it is we’re against it’ in the audience.
Unless its held in Scotland. There it’s all OK.
I noticed that. With a Pavlovian response from the “balanced” audience whenever “no nuclear power” was said.
YAE! Let that teapot fly! These were exactly my sentiments when I was a Tribunite member of the Labour Party the late 70’s. I didn’t want the BBC tilting the playing field. If we got elected I wanted it to be on the strength of a free and fair debate and the country decided we had the best people and policies to govern. That way democracy would always be the winner. Most people at the BBC, whether behind the mikes or in the control room, are not democrats. I used to incense the Trots in Labour when I said I would have no hesitation in voting Tory rather than have Communists like them in power because if the Tories were in we’d have a chance to elect them out, whereas with Communists it would be the end of democracy.
We need to have a cull of the cultural Marxists at the BBC. It’s as simple as that.
Hopefully many more of the Lib Dem persuasion will be noting the (im)partiality of the BBC now the Lib Dems have cosied up to the Conservatives.
A timely reminder that in this objective, balanced media environment only compromised by SKY, ‘editorial’ can start well before the studio or edit suite kick in:
Dan Hannan explains how nthe BBC sets up criticism of the coalition
You beat be to it! BTW anybody read “The Plan” by Hannan and Carswell? It’s brilliant.
“Clegg defends Lib Dem-Tory deal”
Why not “Clegg promotes…” or “Clegg explains…”
The bitter lefty beeboid mindset always shows through.
The Mail is also reporting on Tories unhappy with the 55% rule.
I expect Marr will continue a trend I have been seeing of having a socialist and a Liberal to talk about each issue with a minimal Tory contribution.
Week in Westminsiter, presented by rabid leftist Guardian bitch, the wife of a leftist Beeboid parasite.
1. Attcak the Lib/Con coalition
2. labour leadership – exciuse for Labour praise and Guardian bitch – acting as BBc presenter decalres “the encouraging thing is 8000 people have joined laubor.”
I notice that all day today (Saturday) the top BBC news item appears to be all about that other marxist Miliband creature intending to join the contest for the Labour leadership. Do we care? They are old news – why do the BBC keep ON plugging the ruddy labour party?
Why News 24 thought that running LIVE coverage of the other retarded Milipead brother was beyond me. A bigger pair of twats you would find hard to meet.
On Any Questions was Roy Hatersley allowed to claim that the Tories wanted a double dip recession without the Dimbleby in charge allowing a response.
Back when the financial crisis started, the BBC was going on and on about the failure of Capitalism. Across the spectrum of BBC reporting, they did things like this:
Viewpoints: Where now for capitalism?
I also remember Mark Mardell (Europe editor at the time) on the evening of the EU elections openly expressing his astonishment that many places in Europe voted slightly to the right when clearly, he said, Capitalism had failed. He couldn’t understand why the Continenent hadn’t gone stampeding toward Socialism.
So I have a question: Now that Greece has had to be bailed out, and Spain and Portugal and other countries – not to mention the UK after 13 years of Labour – are next, when will the BBC get around to asking if Socialism has failed? Where are the talking heads discussing the end of Socialism, or that this is a clear example of how Socialism is inevitabley unsustainable?
Mark Mardell is now the American editor, and I have yet to see something from him or any of his fellow Beeboids in the US about how the benefit culture has made California essentially bankrupt. Instead, they do little news briefs about how nasty Republicans won’t let Governer Arnold raise taxes to save welfare programs. Wealth must be redistributed, according to the BBC, even in the face of disaster.
I have some old friends in LA, have lived there all their lives.
Now aiming to move out.
As you say, the state is bankrupt, hugely in hock to the public sector unions who have an armlock on most elections and on the State congress. Teachers especially.
Have we ever heard a dicky-bird from the BBC about the dire future Cali now faces ?
The BBC doesn’t aread photographs very well but stays true to the message.
A Palestinian refugee looks at the Israeli town of Avivim from the southern Lebanese village of Marun al-Ras. Palestinians are marking the 62nd anniversary of the Naqba, the “catastrophe” of the birth of Israel that created hundreds of thousands of refugees, on 14/15 May. Photo: AFP
Why is he looking up in the air and not down in the valley? Because it is a posed shot and he probably has no idea what to do with binochulars.
Why is he wearing not one but two kheffiyas? Because if he didn’t wear the checked, typical Palestinian one over his typical Beduin one no one would know he is a refugee.
Why is there no mention of the lack of basic rights of Palestinians in Lebanon? Beats me – detracts from the bad Israel angle.
Why is there no mention of terrorist (oops militant) attacks on the moshav (not town) of Avivim?
On May 8, 1970, terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Organization attacked the community school bus, killing nine children and three adults, and crippling for life a further 19 people.
Avivim also suffered during the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, and was subject to at least one infiltration attempt by Hezbollah The moshav also came under fire from Hezbollah forces in the nearby village of Maroun al-Ras, across the border in Lebanon.
Here’s a climate change conference the BBC won’t be covering:
4th International Conference on Climate Change
Reconsidering the Science and Economics
The Fourth International Conference on Climate Change will be held in Chicago, Illinois on May 16-18, 2010 at the Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile Hotel, 540 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. It will call attention to new scientific research on the causes and consequences of climate change, and to economic analysis of the cost and effectiveness of proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The purpose of ICCC-4 is the same as it was for the first three events: to build momentum and public awareness of the global warming “realism” movement, a network of scientists, economists, policymakers, and concerned citizens who believe sound science and economics, rather than exaggeration and hype, ought to determine what actions, if any, are taken to address the problem of climate change.
BBC’s EU man, Gavin HEWITT, avoids any reference to NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY in his article on EU crisis:
“Europe: A pause in the crisis.”
Hewitt avoids even mentioning the political choice beteen further EU ‘integration’ and national sovereignty; for Hewitt, the ‘choice’ is merely that of the UK remaining in one kind of EU or another:
“What will play out is a struggle between ‘integrationists’, who see the answers in greater integration, and others who care less for the dream or institutional changes and more for delivering on jobs and growth.”
An alternative view:
“The PM who isn’t”
(Paul Weston)
BBC News is giving heavy coverage to the Google unsecured wi-fi evesdropping outrage, their technology website title page also covers privacy issues re Facebook & in Germany.
however no room for a story critical of the security shortcomings of their technological idols, Apple.
I noticed on the BBC’s F1 coverage that Jake Humpries appears to be using an ipad now rather than a Blackberry. The ipad isn’t released in the UK yet, so how did the BBC get hold of one? Fly one across first class from the USA no doubt.
He probably got on his knees and said a little prayer to Steve Jobs Jr.
Stephen Nolan’s spent nearly an hour quoting negative comments from the Indy and the Observer about the Lib/ Con coalition.
Just listend to news 24 on about Hindu weddings without one mention of arranged/forced marrage.
Sunday Morning and it’s renta-gob time.
This time we have a ‘balanced’ twofer with Andrew Pierce of the Telegraph and Kevin Maguire. Together.
So far, so predictable. But Mr. Maguire sets the scene, with his fist sneer: ‘Tory Boy’. Which he maintained throughout.
Gavin Esler looking absolutely gutted on BBC World today after a quick montage retrospective of Za Nu Labour reign
I feel absolutely gutted after Labour retrospectives. Though, I suspect, for different reasons than that poisonous little hack, Esler.
On Radio 5 this morning some Euro bloke was being interviewed by Silverton (along with Toilets).
Euro bloke basically spilt the beans along with Toilets. We need MORE EU integration, the EU needs parlimentary and spending control in every state to stop Countries like Greece getting into a mess.
The final move is now being prepared by the vile EU peeps;