MEP Daniel Hannan on the BBC’s continuing search for the frothing wing of the Tory party who are the true face of Cameron’s administration.
"It’s the BBC here. We’d like you to say something angry, stupid and preferably racist about the new government"
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The BBC have been bigging up some Tory MP I’ve never heard of to give them the sound bite they want to hear over the 55% nonsense.
The BBC don’t really get it do they? THEY LOST THE ELECTION.
Still to drugs and buggering rent boys BBC morons.
The Gramscian BBC have been playing this game for a very long time and still not only are the long knifes unsheathed but they’re under lock and key in a chained safe at the bottom of a lagoon. A Government cannot govern when the nation’s national broadcaster is dedicated to its overthrow. Cameron is in Office but not in power and he will remain there till he decides to take the advice Gordon offered Nick about Trident and decides to ‘get real’ about the BBC. That will never happen unless his Party puts a rocket up his arse.
The odd thing is that defenders, such they are, seem to have totally ignored the facts of what the author wrote – basically an agenda enhancing set-up at invite stage before the ‘questions’ and, if need, be, ‘edit’ – presumably because they accept that happens… in a balanced, objective, uniquely funded kind of way.
And they don’t seem to have a problem with that. The national broadcaster is completely and uttterly driven by agenda from the first get-go, and will rig all that follows on top. Spiffy.
Then we get the usual daft counters, like citing Nick Robinson’s history (as if that has any bearing on the facts of his coverage now), that it is a counter to Murdoch (uh-huh, and he is funded how?), or one can always opt not to watch TV (I do not consider being required to cease to enjoy broadcast entertainment as a legitimate option).
Actually the one closest to it started on about our politcial leaders, missing the irony that we can voet them out every few years.
The BBC is a parasite that one is forced to feed ad infinitum no matter what.
There has always been an easy way to counter this bias – simply do wat Alex Fergusson does and refuse to do interviews with the BBC.
They cannot paint a narrative unless they can get a proper quote to push. Sky news and ITN are much more responsible broadcasters now, even Adam Boulton seems to have see the light. If the BBC can no longer get government spokesmen to grace its airwaves, it will find the going very tough.
If the BBC can no longer get government spokesmen to grace its airwaves, it will find the going very tough.
No, they’ll simply empty chair the Tories. They already do it all the time – ‘No government spokesman was available to speak on this issue’ etc – with a <10 word summary of the minister’s written statement.
Apparently the Tories’ failure to appear on the BBC every day in ~1996 allowed Nu Labour narratives to gain so much ground before the 1997 election.
You’re sure they declined to appear or just weren’t asked? I remember that the TODAY programme insisted only on interviewing Tory Ministers with their Labour Shadows. As soon as Labour got in this was junked. Now it seems they’ll only interview the Shadows not the Ministers!
tony e…i think the the tories have been doing that ever so slightly over the past few months,mr gove has given a just reply about the beeb not holding the liebore party to account.that might backfire on him.but as long as mr hunt gives hints that change is in the pipeline that might do the trick…
Entirely agree and that is why Cameron should axe the BBC now. The longer he plays for time the more they will utterly undermine. It’s why they are there.
We’re on the same page with the problem but not the solution! I regard the BBC as a Great British Institution taken over by subversives. The answer is to have marching orders prepared, haul up those long knives, and have unbridled bloodletting. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is still a remnant of the old BBC integrity left to rebuild on. We need to look back on the past and see how it worked. If there’s any hope left for Britain we have to believe that this can happen.
Hippie, If only it were true, but I have my doubts. It is too late too reform the BBC. Sell it off and cancel the TV tax.
As I’ve pointed out many times this whole thing is typical of how the BBC like to make a non story into a ‘real story’.
The BBC start off by picking the anti Tory story they want, then it starts off with Radio 5 playing on it all day, then Newsnight goes for it, then the Toady show joins in, then News 24 picks up on it and by this time the BBC’s newspaper (the Grauniad) also runs it. By now other media outlets pick up the story believing that there is something to it. The BBC ONLY wants to interview people with one view of the story, not hard if it’s Liebour scum but the BBC like to pretend to be impartial so they try to find some Tory or right wing stooge to spout for them as well.
This is a well trodden path by the BBC, but the thick twats should stick to shagging Romanian rent boys and snorting Cocaine. It’ no longer works beeboids, we see through it straight away.
Like wild dogs , they hunt in packs !
“I regard the BBC as a Great British Institution taken over by subversives”
The way i understand is that the BBC exists because cinema preceded radio as a form of mass entertainment. So appalled were the government of the time by the way the Americans totally dominated the film industry that they set up the BBC to make sure the same thing didn’t happen to radio. To some extent their fears were justified in the early days of Sky 1, when the joke was that its production studio was the room where they unpacked the videos from America.
Good news. Looks like the Tories have already started on the drugged up twats at the BBC. Flogging off BBC worldwide and cutting the big salaries is being reported and making turd sniffer Thompson report to a non exec director. So long as that director isn’t some ex beeboid or liebour troll all good news.
Not enough by a long way but the Tories setting down a marker.
I assume this is the story Martin is referring to. Main headline in the Sunday Express. It all sounds a bit speculative – but some good ideas there –
It’s a good start. The BBC need to be wiped from the face of existence.
A story the Beeboids give great promience to
Charles Kennedy refused to back Lib Dem-Tory pact:Writing in the Observer – ahead of a special Lib Dem conference – Mr Kennedy said he feared it would wreck plans for a progressive centre-left alliance.
A alcoholic Scot rambling in a leftist rag is big news in beebworld – as long as he is on message.
Anyone notice the beeboid’s making Lord Tebbits much more interesting comments in the Telegraph headline news.
BBC Bias – we never stop – and you pay our excessive wages.
Kennedy is just pissed off that he will go down as a nomark in Lib Dem history.
Possibly a fine point but did Kennedy say he refused to back the proposed coalition or actually vote against it?
Telegraph report:
“BBC staff ‘to get vicar counselling to help with trauma of moving north’.
“The BBC is to be given its own vicar to help counsel staff through the trauma of moving offices to the north of England, it was claimed.”
Part of plot of BBC sit-com on this:
VICAR (to Beeboid moving North): ‘Now, what advice have you been given at the BBC so far, about how to deal with Northern working class people and with immigrants?’
BEEBOID: Well, we’ve been told to give them everything they want, and to tell them to vote Labour.’
VICAR: ‘I see. I wonder if that’s entirely necessary.’
A mild thought from a real-life C of E vicar:
Toilets Maguire spouting more crap on Radio 5.
Martin – why do you torture yourself listening to all that Radio 5 crap. Is there a single one of their presenters who is anywhere near being politically balanced ?
Try LBC, 3 hours of Andrew Pierce, sure he is Tory but all points of view get a good look-in. Which actually makes for a more interesting, informative and entertaining programme.
As you say, BBC is bigging up Charles Kennedy now. But to most of the British people that guy is now a joke, a drunkard who blew his chance, anything he is saying now looks unrealistic and sounds like sour grapes.
Then why doesn’t Hannan play the BBC at its own game? When interviewed by the BBC researcher he should froth at the mouth (as required by the BBC) and get invited on Today or whatever. When in front of the microphone he should not only give his genuine views but should note the apparent reason he was invited to be interviewed. There’s little point in playing cricket with people who are actually indulging in mud wresting.
Although the drawback here is that he wont get invited on the programme but he will get quoted.
It would be great if the next time he, or whoever in his party is subject to this charade, simply tells it straight that he’s not going to conform to some script to promote whatever BBC programme’s left-wing agenda, he either gets invited on the programme to say what he thinks from his Conservative perspective or he wishes to speak to the person in charge of the programme to complain about its bias. If they have reasons for looking for someone from his perspective to state a particular point of view to make a programme balanced they should state that reason for him to judge for himself whether he considers it valid.
There really needs to be a democratic alliance with a paid spokesman to restore a level playing field to the BBC. That means the likes of Humphrys and Paxman who have tilted it so far to the left get shoved off the edge to restore its balance.
There’s a lovely new survey out. The BBC wants to hear from you.
I had an irresistable urge to interfere with the BBC’s bullet-pointed presentation. It’s set out very slowly and simply, so that you, dear reader, can understand.
I was going to reduce it all to 9pt and delete all spacings and formats so it looked like the impenetrable jargon riddled exersise in futility that it probably is. But I didn’t know how to do that for you. Your imaginations will have to suffice.
But I can assure you that if you fill out the online form, the BBC will welcome your views, which are important to them.
Don’t forget to fill out the bit at the end about your ethnic origins.
Looks fun if, as indicated, an exercise in futility matching any other naive view that they are anything but a broadcast only entity, and ‘listening’ to anything, much less possibly contra views, is really not their thing.
But seeing the very first panel inspires the temptation to express surprise at seeing ‘the BBC’ and ‘principles’ together in the same sentence, it might be worth a few moments.
I took about 5 minutes to go through it. Basically saying axe half the Beeb, and the rest should get back to political neutrality.
Rather ironic that, having invested the time to submit, I end up with a 500 Error a dozen times when trying to get my closing PDF.
Also, when it seems to have formed the backbone of all they are doing to save money that it is to be axed, I now read:
twibbon BBC 6 Music to be saved after massive online campaign –
Maybe they’ll find something else to show all those hundreds of £100k+ market rate talents are on the case and earning their keep?
Dominic Lawson in the Sunday Times points out how the Tories are blackened by Beeboids by ignorance or design.
” Mark Steel in The Independent wrote of David Cameron’s attempt to portray the Conservatives as enlightened: “The Conservative party has had many images, but retains an unchanging purpose, which is to represent the minority of wealthy people who control society. That’s why they opposed the abolition of slavery [and] the Factory Acts.” The fact that William Wilberforce was a Tory, as was the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (the driving force behind the Factory Acts of the mid 18th century) seems not to have swayed the author from his Manichean outlook: only the left can be good, therefore all Tories are evil. ”
Supplementary (perhaps overly optimistic) from ‘EXPRESS’:
“Cameron is right to target spending and bloated BBC”
“Early signs that the new administration means business are encouraging. In its first week in office the new Government turned its attention to the BBC. The plan to introduce a new non-executive chairman on to the Executive Board is just the job. The new man or woman will have the power to shake up the Bloated Broadcasting Corporation and save taxpayers from paying ever-higher licence fees.
“The fat-cat controllers of the BBC, such as Mark Thompson on £834,000 per annum and Mark Byford on £485,000, must have loathed the election result. It was the long overdue signal that their gravy train is about to hit the buffers.
“It will be interesting to see how many of them can find new employment at salary levels they enjoyed at the BBC.
“Their game’s up and it’s not before time.”
It’s great the BBC are pissed off, did you see Sopel when Cameron got the keys to number 10 ? I am sure he was about to cry, his voice was cracking up.
This should be a front page tab on B-BBC. No doubt beeboids are making sure that like minded leftist parasites are loading the results. We should do likewise.
The BBC needs to be totally wiped from the face of the planet. No sign left that it ever existed.
How much of the British people’s licence tax money is the BBC to spend on a Mosque and/or Islamic prayer rooms in the new Manchester HQ?
It is common practice for the BBC to do this, whether in the guise of BBC domestic or world service.
Here’s an expensive one the BBC did earlier at Broadcasting House, London, so as to please the Arab lobby of the BBC:
“BBC blunder as bosses forget to build prayer room for new Arabic TV channel”
Read more:
No doubt, the BBC’s Head of Religion, Aaqui Ahmed, will decide on that.
And such is Mark Thompson’s global multicultural ambition, as outlined last week, that he sees the BBC’s role as to politically acquiese in the interest of the predominantly Arab interests of the UN General Assembly.
If most people outside Britain appear to approve of how the BBC reports politcs, with dhimmitude finesse- for instance, if most Arabs approve the BBC’s daily anti-Israel political line, BBC DG Mark Thompson (educated by Jesuits) sees this as a political success, paid for by..
Charles Kennedy `abstained’ – an oxymoron, surely?
Let’s not forget the BBC’s propensity for sacking BBC staff over ‘race’ (e.g 2008):
“BBC Presenter sacked in race row”
“Soapbox special: SAM MASON’s sacking”
‘Daily Mail’ provides some political background on CAMPBELL-BOULTON conflict.
BBC usually supports Alastair Campbell politically, not ‘Sky News’ Adam Boulton; but both of these men’s ‘partners’ worked for the Labour Party, in Blair’s time at Downing Street:
“Sky man’s TV row with spin doctor ‘stemmed from feud between their partners Anji and Fiona'”
Read more:–It-Anji-vs-Fiona-Adam-vs-Alastair-.html#ixzz0o7Hhntvv
“Parents disinherit exec over BBC pay”
The VERY fat turd eater Stephen Nolan was at it again tonight attacking the Tories over the ‘deal’ with the Lib Dems. He really can’t shut up about it.
I’d be interested to hear what this 25 stone of fat useless turd eating blubber is like on Northern Ireland radio. Is he up the arse of Gerry Adams by chance?
He really is an obnoxious twat.
Con-Dem ‘all things to all men’ Government assures BBC’s future by adding Labour and BBC luvvy WILL HUTTON to team:
“Cameron declares himself a Liberal AND a Tory – and then adds prominent Labour pair to his team”
Read more:–good-measure-adds-Labour-pair-team.html#ixzz0oARfOoXm
“Hutton warns against further BBC cuts” (2008)
Hutton supporting BBC, and criticising SKY, as usual (2009):