The bBC, knocking houses down with bulldozers in the Levant and half the story.
It appears that the bBC (which has no problem airing any news for the Levant within minutes) appears not to have heard about this ugly incident where bulldozers have been used to knock down houses.
RAFAH,Gaza Strip (AP) – Hamas police wielding clubs beat and pushed residents out of dozens of homes in the southern Gaza town of Rafah on Sunday before knocking the buildings down with bulldozers, residents said.Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers said the homes were built illegally on government land. Newly homeless residents were furious over Palestinians on bulldozers razing Palestinian homes.
Further to my above post I see hours after everybody reported the story about how Hamas have been using bulldozers to knock down peoples homes , the bBC decided to do likewise. However the bias the bBC claims it doesn’t have when reporting from the region is clear to see. While the bBC charter dictates that no emotive language must be used while reporting the news I see that while Israel destroys homes, Hamas mealy wreaks them. Not only that but guess which of the two is allowed to explain their case?
Humorist Paddy O’Connell proving that a fair definition of the word humorist is, ‘Someone on Radio 4 who likes to think he is funny but isn’t.’
To a LibDem guest on BH Sunday morning – Do you feel dirty if you have to shake hands with a Tory?
Of course he’s being a ‘humorist’, but (cf Snoozequiz et al) humour on the BBC, when it travels in a particular direction only ever seems to travel in one particular direction.
Anyone see that awful programme about Boy George Last night?
All the BBC essential elements were present – drugs, homosexuality, and stupid people. (It was on, I hasten to add, because my wie wanted to see it – and subsequently wished she hadn’t bothered…)
The BBC news website has a very low key approach to the disgrace of former Labour minister Triesman, so turning to The Times we find support for the incontinent lord from Matthew Syed – who in addition to writing in The Times also works for the BBC & is a past Labour parliamentary candidate
“Could somebody explain to me what it is that Lord Triesman did wrong?”
If Milibands D. & E. (are they initials or grades?) are the best Labour can throw up, it will be interesting to see how the £3.5B PR Dept. will spin the efforts thus far from these two. Change… and, er… back to Labour!
Also funny how commentariat is now stumbling over various ‘brand’ similarities now in the Labour camp, compounded by not being able to just use a surname to assist the tweet count.
If it’s going to hinge on love of Mummy and being worried about making her choose, or Marvin and mini-Marvin ‘brains the size of a planet’, I may just have an accident.
What the hell? Female Beeboid on the News Channel right now defending BA union members about to go on strike. She just had a woman on the phone whose family wedding plans were going to be disrupted by the strike.
The Beeboid asked her if she had any sympathy for the BA workers, and the woman said, “Absolutely none whatsoever.” The Beeboid immediately lit into her, raising her voice in a scolding manner, explaining that the woman must understand both sides and sympathize with the feelings of the BA workers! At the end of it she was basicallly speaking to this paying customer – and to the public, really – on behalf of the BA workers.
Have the BBC covered Liam Byrne’s handover message to to his successor as Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws, according to the Tax Payers Alliance?
‘According to David Laws (the new Chief Secretary to the Treasury), the handover letter left for him by his predecessor Liam Byrne simply read:
notasheep,,the beeb thinks its a joke and everyone should see the funny side of it…I dont we are in deep s hit,and the sooner DC reminds the prolls who did this and how much it costing then i can see liebore never getting in again….
Radio 4 is running a very very boring play this afternoon, “The End of the World” – idealistic sixth-former lad joins CND during 1983 cruise missile arguments, decries formal education, somehow manages to have affair with older direct-action woman who lives in a squat, group involves in violent protests, garffiti on public buildings, yada yada yada.
Complete with anti-Reagan ranting, chants of “Maggie Maggie Maggie, Out Out Out”, 3 million unemployed, Kinnock’s voice, etc.
Plus anti-nuclear energy stuff.
Boy decides not to go to university. “Irony” at the end involves his Dad losing job and trying to get work at Sellafield, forced to suicide attempt by depression over unemployment and his son’s stupid behaviour. Son finds the girl in flagrante, girl argues in favour of promiscuity. Boy returns home, reconciles with Dad, decides to try for university again.
UTTERLY boring and banal. Plus ignorant things like saying “uni” – and having tattoos – neither in vogue in the eartly 1980s, I think.
And all to a cloying mix of music links.
Why the hell should we be forced to pay for trash like this ?
The BBC must have wet themselves with excitement over that play – it is the lefts memories of the 80s – notice how you never hear about the lead up to this period – the “winter of discontent”. If this had happened during a Tory government there would be millions of scripts on its way to the head of “drama” at radio 4.
Dozy bint on Radio 5 just now going on about David Millipede. “He seems to me to be a very approachable man” she spouts to fellow beeboid Brendon Foster.
She seemed to hesitate as she said it as if she was going to say something else. Non the less I can’t imagine her saying anything like that about a Tory MP
I just heard, for the third time this afternoon, the current BBC spin concerning Osborne’s speech at lunchtime in which he blamed Labour for the state of our economy. The Beeboid editorial line was, “In time honoured fashion (Osborne) pinning the blame on the prior government.
Two observations. Firstly, I don’t recall Brown accusing Major of leaving him a broken economy. So, “time honoured” is a BBC lie. Secondly, as the Labour government were in charge for the last thirteen years, and no one disputes we have (at least) a £163 billion deficit, what is their to criticise or snipe at in Osborne’s factual statement.
There is a degree of panic now amongst the libleft as the true scale of the mismanagement of our finances becomes clear.
A collapse is inevitable now. We owe too much money and the rest of Europe is not much better and could even be worse so cannot bale us out even if they wanted to.
Add in the PFI scam in GB and God knows how much we really owe.
We are being slowly prepared by the media and probably the government for huge tax rises.
The libleft carried out it’s insane social engineering on the back of illusionary profits of a corrupted financial industry and reckless borrowing.
The greatest crime, and it is a crime, is to create vast amounts of fiat money. Then to use this “money ‘ to create debt which bears interest. This interest will be paid by us with our labour. it will be called taxation but it is really theft. They will steal our lives- the bankers and the state- in an unholy alliance of the greedy and power hungry.
Our only hope it that reality comes to our rescue and delivers such a shock that this rotten system is broken for ever.
I have just seen on the BBC website there is a “Who’s Who” of the new cabinet. pictures of all the members and their jobs.
And then there are various buttons you can press to find out amongst other things how many (a) are women (presumably helpful if you can’t tell from looking at their photos anyway) (b) are over 50 (why?) and (c) (and this is most shocking) have had a privileged Oxbridge education.
Personally I was reassured that just over half have had an Oxbridge education, but the message is as subtle as a brick.
It might as well have been over 50, for all that it matters, but the Beeb actually plumped for under 50. Who knows why? Hard to figure out the Beeboid mind sometimes.
And the absurd obsession with Oxbridge – as if it is a bad thing to have had a good education!
I wonder if Beeboids will pursue the same trick when “reporting” the Labour Party leadership contest.
Beeb: Answer me this: How many of the contenders have had an Oxbridge education?
Wouldn’t it be nice if this new government made PC history.
Was there a box to tick showing who was capable of carrying out the postion they recieved? Or did the BBC deem this not to be a factor in job allocation?
“Here’s what’s going on: Iran will continue as long as it can to make the bare minimum gestures it needs to in order to buy time, while continuing business as usual.”
When two callers on Radio5 agreed that the first few days of Camerons reign felt like ‘a vice being released’ after 13 years of marxist doctrine, Victoria Derbyshire snapped and lost it demanding a one word answer to a question nobody is asking.
CALLER: Hello, I’m an ordinary member of the public who has always voted conservative, but now think the Tories are evil and that I made a big mistake in voting for that old Etonian instead of the true working class Gordon Brown!
BBC SCREENER: You’re right through to Victoria, go ahead caller
I does rather seem that before the ‘performers’ and editors get to work their magic, there is a small army in place to ensure that what they get to work with is already in a form they can ‘enhance’ properly.
So when one slips through, it is hardly surprising when the ‘talent’ get a smidge unsubtle in their reactions.
From reading you’ll see that the beeb have commisioned a documentary on “The Skeptics”. The crew dropped on Watts unannounced at a recent convention, and the tale which Anthony Watts tells is one of a bumbling crew who came ill prepared and with no real direction.
On the contrary I would suggest that Anthony has escaped a very well planned BBC ambush.
Might be worth flagging this up as a seperate thread and hopefully alert other objective scientists that a BBC team is out and about trying to ambush and distort.
Heard a brief radio report by Harrabin last night on the current conference of sceptics. His clear aim was to discredit the organisers as being funded by the tobacco industry. Never any mention ever by the BBC of the specific fundamental flaws in the AGW case – whereas they are forever pushing the specific AGW claims.
One presumes that had this smear team got the footage they wanted, and it had been enhanced to taste in the edit suite, Mr. Black and his fellow objective speakers would have had no problem using it as ‘evidence’ in their various talks.
The BBC is at it again: one of those clowns that it employs as a dj in a West Midlands radio station thought it was a great idea to play the national anthem and announce that the Queen had died.
Comment on the behaviour of this oik seems unnecessary.
However, I thought it interesting to see the low audience numbers mentioned for the radio station. Why is the BBC even doing this at a such a local level and to such a small percentage of the available audience?
It took a few years for the BBC to acknowledge that Egypt has a border with Gaza and has closed it even tighter than Israel has. How long before they acknowledge that the 1948 war saw a population exchange with Jews in the Arab world expelled or forced out by persecution and forced to abandon their property? How long to acknowledge that in the areas where Arab armies gained territory the Jewish population was similarly expelled/forced out ending thousands of years of Jewish connection?
What a pity the ‘question’ not asked is what should the Palestinians have done differently?
Arabs – always victims, never responsible for their own actions.
Just catching up after a few days, so sorry if this has already appeared.
Last weeks “Any Questions”, the first since the election was from Brighton. Caroline Lucas, Roy Spluttersly, Simon Hughes and Douglas Hurd.
So no hint of bias then.
I loved the fact that Simon Hughes replaced Simon Jenkins. So a left-wing politician replaces a left-wing journalist. I guess the BBC call that balance.
What would the BBC have done if UKIP had won a seat ?
Is Simon Hughes the new Alastair Campbell – with the full-time job of going from BBC studio to studio? He was on Any Questions, Question Time, and if I remember right, some other programme as well – the Daily Politics or This Week?
Simon Jenkins is mostly a reasonable guy – if often misguided. And I believe he has a separate claim to fame in writing guides to Britain’s architectural heritage.
But Simon Hughes is a poisonous creep, always has been since his filthy campaign to win Bob Mellish’s old seat in Bermondsey. It is much to Clegg’s credit that Hughes has not been given a job, as far as I have seen.
Hughes fits the BBC mould very easily. Smarmy, extreme leftie, usually ignorant, but vicious too.
Yes, I remember very well his Bermondsey campaign. He got voted in because the Bermondseydonians didn’t want to elect a queer, and now it seems they dont mind – even if it is one who is obscenely hypocritical. Maybe it was just because Tatchell was Australian they didn’t elect him?
Dear, Oh dear if Obama goes along with the 94-0 Senate vote to stymie the Greek bail out the BBC will be torn between a love of Obama & a love of the European integration project
“Europe may have to clean up its own mess after all. The US Senate has voted 94:0 to block use of taxpayers’ money for IMF rescues that make no economic sense or bail-outs for countries like Greece that far are beyond the point of no return. “This amendment will help prevent American taxpayer dollars from underwriting dysfunctional governments abroad,” said Texas Senator John Cornyn, the chief sponsor. “American taxpayers have seen more bailouts than they can stomach, and the last thing they should have to worry about are their hard-earned tax dollars being used to rescue a foreign government. Greece is not by any stretch of the imagination too big to fail.” Co-sponsor David Vitter from Louisiana said America had run out of money. “Our country already owes trillions of dollars in debt. We simply can’t afford to take on other countries’ debt in addition to our own.”
Of course a previous Senate vote of similar proportions did not , in the BBC’s eyes, excuse Bush for failing to implement Kyoto.
Well it didn’t take my mate Sheena Easton long to disconnect the umbilical cord between himself and Downing Street did it? Anyone else see his pathetic piece on the scum bag Muslim terrorists? All he managed to do was attack the Tories for ‘splits’ between them and the Lib Dems about the ‘uman rites act’
I guess this will be the pattern from now on, every issue will simply be reported by the level of apparent (or made up) split between the Tories and Lib Dems.
I guess Sheena’s love of spouting downing Street propaganda has come to a grinding halt.
You must be psychic, Martin. That was exactly John Humphrys’ line this morning on Today when interviewing Theresa May. “If you don’t abolish the Human Rights Act because your Lib Dem partners don’t want to, you’re betraying your supporters. Why don’t you just say you’re going to do it since you’re the bigger party.” (I paraphrase.)
Of course, Ms May was too bloody useless to give the obvious reply, which was “Because we don’t have the votes in the Commons”, preferring to waffle meaninglessly instead.
The BBC had already broadcast the anti-US biased repoprt by Hilary Andersson – anorther bloody foreign reporter being given a harpy spot by the BBC. Spouting the usual Reprieve dangerous nonsense.
Tonight they have decided to play the same damn report, at 8pm ie prime time again.
How the BBC loves terrorist scum !
Meanwhile here at home the BBC reports that alleged Pakistani terrorists cannot be reported from the UK. No comment from all who are appalled by this, even though the special court had no doubt they were working with Al Qaeda. Just another ‘uman rights bleat from bloody Shami.
What about our ‘uman right to stay alive in our own country, to be free of threats by people who want to kill us?
Heh…cannot be reported – may be apt (Freudian slip?) as we are talking about the BBC! – or deported.
Our human rights don’t count for as much and besides, we haven’t brought a court case to assert them and even if we did, we don’t have a special court for us, as the immigrants do. Oh, and legal aid, of course.
Simon Heffer on the new, anti-Right, Government and, in passing, its obsequeousness to the BBC:
“So the ‘Right’ had had its nose rubbed in it: and the new dispensation allows an unprincipled Conservative leadership to step up the process, winning the admiration of minority shareholders in the Liberal Democrats, and ensuring the BBC does not give it a hard time.”
‘Only a Tory without principles would demonise the Right ‘
Snap! I was just about to post a link to this article. Interesting comments about the demonising of The Tea Party, which David Preiser has often pointed to.
Where to start with Radio 5 this morning!!!!! It’s been terrible.
1. The Tory plan to let Police officers decide on charging cum or not. Nikki the queen of breakfast radio was NOT impressed, but unluckily for him/her every guest seemed in favour. So in desperation Campbell tried ot claim that this was a Liebour plan stolen by the Tories. You couldn’t make it up.
2. Public sector pay. Now the queen of mince is stating “the private sector got us into this mess”. Really Nikki? I thought it was Gordon Brown and the mess he made over the banks? I think private sector workers might be surprised to learn from the BBC that THEY personally were responsible for the collapse of the UK banking system.
3. Reform of Parliament. Again a one sided debate with the queen of mince ‘chatting’ to Blair’s ex boyfriend Charlie Faulkener. Both agreed the Tories were evil and that Clegg was useless.
On some ‘comedy’ programme chaired by Phil ‘Polytechnic’ Williams the guest ‘comedian’ (whose name sadly escapes me) opened with’ ‘I’m no fan of the Tories but I feel like if you know they’re in I’d quite like them to in with the LibDems, it feels like you’ve got a dangerous dog but it’s now on a leash, hee hee hee hee.’
Yeah, mate, hee hee hee. Don’t worry, there’ll always be work for you with the BBC
Sham Chakrabarti: non-elected adviser to past and present UK governments (and to BBC) on ‘liberty’, for non-British citizens.
Ms Chakrabarti was given an easy time on BBC Radio 4’s ‘World at One’ as she predictably approved the security scandal of Britain adopting the European Human Rights Act, which is being used to stop Pakistani terror suspects being deported to Pakistan from Britain.
Ms. Chakrbarti twice said, in her soft BBC interview, that Pakistanis would, if deported, be tortured in Pakistan. Some conflated statement! No query from BBC ‘World at One’.
The Pakistani suspects’ Al Qaeda link played down by BBC.
I am a Shami fan and I think you may be being a mite unfair.
She got a hard time on Newsnight and said that deprotation allows dodgy types to go and make mischief elsewhere, which is a fair point. If this character set up shop in Pakistan and orchestrated mass murder around the globe it could be worse than having him here were we can at leaset keep an eye on him.
She wants these people properly convicted in a court of law and banged up. I get no sense she is the soft on terror bleeding herat liberal that she is sometimes painted. She is really just highlighting the absurdity of the laws as they stand and as a self professed right wing liberterian think she gerenally talks a at elast 90% plain common sense.
How interested are the Con-Dems/Lab/BBC/’Liberty’ in the human rights of such British people as these?:
1.)”Human Rights?”
[The current example of English schoolchidren being forced to dress in an Islamic-compliant way, and being forced to attend a Mosque in Liverpool, or be marked as truants.]
Is she saying this Al Qa’eda terrorist should be interned in the UK? If not, and this guy’s target is Britain and he’s free to roam, somehow this doesn’t make me feel secure about my countrymens’s safety.
It warms my heart to see the BBC at last openly reporting on how the Tea Party movement has been affecting state elections. There is no overt demonization or insulting, even from hard-Left Newsweek’s political hack, Katie Connolly.
Her analysis is, however, not to be trusted fully. Newsbusters has smacked her a few times. In February, for example, she was on TV saying that The Obamessiah didn’t need to take any notice of the Tea Party victory in Massachusetts, and shouldn’t worry about trying to force the country so far to the Left. In fact, she said, the President should “bully Republicans”. She needs watching.
The one problem with this article – indeed, with all BBC reports mentioning the Tea Parties – is that the Beeboids always label it a “conservative” movement. It really isn’t. It’s more libertarian. At most, it can be called “fiscally conservative”. There is no Tea Party policy on Christianity or abortion or homosexuality or any of the usual things associated with groups normally called “conservative”. Yes, of course there are people involved who have fundamental views on any or all of those issues, but that has nothing to do with the actual goals of the Tea Party movement itself. The movement is strictly about fiscal conservatism and ending the move toward Socialism.
The BBC needs to start pointing that out. We all know that they use “conservative” as a pejorative because of all the usual PC issues, which are not relevant in the Tea Parties.
Guido is pushing a rumor that Nick Robinson is soon on his way out at the BBC. Not a moment too soon. He thinks he’s part of Westminster, and stopped being an advocate for the viewers long ago. And that BBC culture of keeping things lighthearted so the proles can relate is very tireseome when he does it.
Good blog piece by Guido about Toenails. I can’t see Tom Bradby getting the BBC gig (although Toenails came from ITV) as Bradby isn’t a fan of Liebour for sure.
Laura Kuenssberg will probably get the job if Robinson does go. She certainly got a breakthrough gig as lead reporter for the election. It seemed like she was being set up for bigger things, above her ability, clearly being coached as things went along, in my opinion. She’s on the News Channel right now giving some inside info on both some coalition dealings and the Labour leadership contest.
Kuenssberg was pretty obviously biased against the Tories, so if she does get the job, I bet the complaints about her will not be coming from both sides, like they did with Robinson.
Just saw yet another BBC segement on the future of the Euro and the Germans having to fork out the bulk of the bailout money to Greece. Back when the Icelanders voted against paying UK savers who lost money when IceSave went bust, the BBC was covering it as their democratic right. Now that the Germans are voicing their unhappiness at having to bail out the Greeks – who are broke through no fault of German banks – the Beeboids are wondering what’s wrong with them.
There’s already a hint of blaming not Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc., but the Germans for the plummeting value of the euro. Typical bias, getting the wrong end of the economic stick entirely.
David, as you’ll doubtless have already spotted, the BBC have been slamming the German coalition government and the reluctant German public for weeks over this, accusing them of lacking ‘solidarity’ with the feckless Greeks, and of ‘dithering’, ‘foot-dragging’, ‘not helping’ and a having a ‘lack of responsibility’. The German government has been accused of playing party politics. The German tabloid press has been accused of ‘screaming in protest’ at the deal and of not helping to calm down the situation. (All the other quotations come from just one BBC reporter, Shirin Wheeler).
There has, as you say, been no empathy whatsoever from the BBC for the German taxpayer. I’m with the German taxpayers.
The BBC line on Germany is typical of the histoprical ignorance among BBC reporters.
Here T Dalrymple suggests that the Greek situation was almost purpose-designed to foment German nationalism – which we have been seeking to dampen since the war :
Just visited the controversial facebook site, Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!, and lo and behold this has been posted by somebody calling himself Alhasan Al-Jifri
British journalist (Kathereine Humble) overpowered (getting wet) by the sound of the adhan.
For a non-BBC report, ‘Jihadwatch’ has the pictures of some wonderful jihad-types in Pakistan, protesting in a most hostile and threatening way (as is their wont) against the West:
What a shock. The 6PM news slags off the new plans on reversing Liebour’s obsession with state control. the ONLY sound bite we get comes from Alan Johnson (didn’t know he was part of the Government) then James Lansdale does the usual by launching into an attack on the Tories and Lib Dems being ‘split’ but of course can’t name any names (no doubt the BBC will be trawling to try to get some buffoon to spout nonsense on News 24 and Newsnight)
But hang on, civil liberties why no Shami telling us what a great job the Government is doing?
Yet more one sided crap from the BBC.
And why does the BBC think we give a toss about which mong runs the Liebour party?
It was exactly as expected. If the word ‘racist ‘ was used once it was used 100 times. The whole thrust was to portray the EDL as racist (no greater crime in libleft eyes and only attributable to whitey).
Islam is not a race but no matter. We can ignore that fact because we are the BBC. Geert Wilders was dragged in ( a racist of course).
Portray them as nasty racist thugs at all costs.No serious discussion of whether multiculturalism has so obviously failed. No discussion at all as to whether the rapid demographic changes imposed by the elite upon the indigenous English are the root cause of the problem. Just the usual libleft handwringing and demonisation of those who challenge the fantasy agenda of their worldview.
Programmes like this that purport to be a serious attempt to deal with real and present dangers and social problems serve no purpose other than to flatter the vanity of the programme makers and to allow the presenter to flaunt his right on credentials in our faces. I am sure at his next metropolitan dinner party the congratulations will make hom glow all over.
Newsnight seems to be obsessed with something it calls 51%. (I thought it was 50% plus 1 vote – not plus 1% Or am I the one who is getting mixed up?). I heard Kirsty Wark at it the other night. And then Andrew Neil was at it as well. (Oh, he’s not Newsnight.)
I might just join Labour Party to vote for Ms. Abbott as there really is no downside, especially as the BBC gets its collective knickers in a twist at the consequences of getting exactly what it has been moaning about.
They do realise that in a world created by box tickers, she really cannot b allowed to lose?
Yes, that would be tempting. However I think I’d have to vote for Ed Balls, who was made to look a complete arse by Eddie Mair on PM yesterday. He couldn’t deal with “On what matters did you disagree with Gordon Brown when he was Prime Minister?” He’d be a gift to the Tories – and could lose his seat next election.
The new Olympic mascots are, predictably, utter pants.
You know it. I know it. Newsnight knows we all know it.
Now, as things aren’t working out critically as well as some chez BBC might hope on the political front, and overt attacks may start to seem a smidge overt, what to do… what to do…?
Well, inviting on proxy mates… guests to say what you’d like to be really can’t seems to work. Or there’s always twitter too:
I bet that got lots of tee-hees with the friendly £80kpa compliance officer joining in.
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The bBC, knocking houses down with bulldozers in the Levant and half the story.
It appears that the bBC (which has no problem airing any news for the Levant within minutes) appears not to have heard about this ugly incident where bulldozers have been used to knock down houses.
Hamas destroys dozens of homes in southern Gaza
RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) – Hamas police wielding clubs beat and pushed residents out of dozens of homes in the southern Gaza town of Rafah on Sunday before knocking the buildings down with bulldozers, residents said.Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers said the homes were built illegally on government land. Newly homeless residents were furious over Palestinians on bulldozers razing Palestinian homes.
Further to my above post I see hours after everybody reported the story about how Hamas have been using bulldozers to knock down peoples homes , the bBC decided to do likewise. However the bias the bBC claims it doesn’t have when reporting from the region is clear to see. While the bBC charter dictates that no emotive language must be used while reporting the news I see that while Israel destroys homes, Hamas mealy wreaks them. Not only that but guess which of the two is allowed to explain their case?
Humorist Paddy O’Connell proving that a fair definition of the word humorist is, ‘Someone on Radio 4 who likes to think he is funny but isn’t.’
To a LibDem guest on BH Sunday morning – Do you feel dirty if you have to shake hands with a Tory?
Of course he’s being a ‘humorist’, but (cf Snoozequiz et al) humour on the BBC, when it travels in a particular direction only ever seems to travel in one particular direction.
What’s BH?
The 9am flaccid Radio 4 prog on Sunday mornings
Anyone see that awful programme about Boy George Last night?
All the BBC essential elements were present – drugs, homosexuality, and stupid people. (It was on, I hasten to add, because my wie wanted to see it – and subsequently wished she hadn’t bothered…)
The BBC news website has a very low key approach to the disgrace of former Labour minister Triesman, so turning to The Times we find support for the incontinent lord from Matthew Syed – who in addition to writing in The Times also works for the BBC & is a past Labour parliamentary candidate
“Could somebody explain to me what it is that Lord Triesman did wrong?”
Complements and compliments where due:
Must be one of these objective reporters Richard Black’s retained lawyers ‘help’.
If Milibands D. & E. (are they initials or grades?) are the best Labour can throw up, it will be interesting to see how the £3.5B PR Dept. will spin the efforts thus far from these two. Change… and, er… back to Labour!
Also funny how commentariat is now stumbling over various ‘brand’ similarities now in the Labour camp, compounded by not being able to just use a surname to assist the tweet count.
If it’s going to hinge on love of Mummy and being worried about making her choose, or Marvin and mini-Marvin ‘brains the size of a planet’, I may just have an accident.
What the hell? Female Beeboid on the News Channel right now defending BA union members about to go on strike. She just had a woman on the phone whose family wedding plans were going to be disrupted by the strike.
The Beeboid asked her if she had any sympathy for the BA workers, and the woman said, “Absolutely none whatsoever.” The Beeboid immediately lit into her, raising her voice in a scolding manner, explaining that the woman must understand both sides and sympathize with the feelings of the BA workers! At the end of it she was basicallly speaking to this paying customer – and to the public, really – on behalf of the BA workers.
Surely you mean “BA non-workers”.
Have the BBC covered Liam Byrne’s handover message to to his successor as Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws, according to the Tax Payers Alliance?
‘According to David Laws (the new Chief Secretary to the Treasury), the handover letter left for him by his predecessor Liam Byrne simply read:
“There’s no money left.”‘
Why not?
notasheep,,the beeb thinks its a joke and everyone should see the funny side of it…I dont we are in deep s hit,and the sooner DC reminds the prolls who did this and how much it costing then i can see liebore never getting in again….
Radio 4 is running a very very boring play this afternoon, “The End of the World” – idealistic sixth-former lad joins CND during 1983 cruise missile arguments, decries formal education, somehow manages to have affair with older direct-action woman who lives in a squat, group involves in violent protests, garffiti on public buildings, yada yada yada.
Complete with anti-Reagan ranting, chants of “Maggie Maggie Maggie, Out Out Out”, 3 million unemployed, Kinnock’s voice, etc.
Plus anti-nuclear energy stuff.
Boy decides not to go to university. “Irony” at the end involves his Dad losing job and trying to get work at Sellafield, forced to suicide attempt by depression over unemployment and his son’s stupid behaviour. Son finds the girl in flagrante, girl argues in favour of promiscuity. Boy returns home, reconciles with Dad, decides to try for university again.
UTTERLY boring and banal. Plus ignorant things like saying “uni” – and having tattoos – neither in vogue in the eartly 1980s, I think.
And all to a cloying mix of music links.
Why the hell should we be forced to pay for trash like this ?
Then at 3.45 we have a 15-minute eulogy to Universal Shami.
Dontcha’ love the balance ?
The BBC must have wet themselves with excitement over that play – it is the lefts memories of the 80s – notice how you never hear about the lead up to this period – the “winter of discontent”. If this had happened during a Tory government there would be millions of scripts on its way to the head of “drama” at radio 4.
For the BBC plays like that tick all the right boxes.
Dozy bint on Radio 5 just now going on about David Millipede. “He seems to me to be a very approachable man” she spouts to fellow beeboid Brendon Foster.
She seemed to hesitate as she said it as if she was going to say something else. Non the less I can’t imagine her saying anything like that about a Tory MP
BBC: as pro-Islam as ever; and the BBC doesn’t get to the essence of Islamic ideology:
a.) a BBC version –
“Muslim designers mix the hijab with latest fashions”
BUT, even the ‘Observer’ has this:
“Why Dubai’s Islamic austerity is a sham – sex is for sale in every bar”
Prostitution is rife in all muslim countries I have been to.
I just heard, for the third time this afternoon, the current BBC spin concerning Osborne’s speech at lunchtime in which he blamed Labour for the state of our economy. The Beeboid editorial line was, “In time honoured fashion (Osborne) pinning the blame on the prior government.
Two observations. Firstly, I don’t recall Brown accusing Major of leaving him a broken economy. So, “time honoured” is a BBC lie. Secondly, as the Labour government were in charge for the last thirteen years, and no one disputes we have (at least) a £163 billion deficit, what is their to criticise or snipe at in Osborne’s factual statement.
In time-honoured fashion the BBC spins for Labour.
There is a degree of panic now amongst the libleft as the true scale of the mismanagement of our finances becomes clear.
A collapse is inevitable now. We owe too much money and the rest of Europe is not much better and could even be worse so cannot bale us out even if they wanted to.
Add in the PFI scam in GB and God knows how much we really owe.
We are being slowly prepared by the media and probably the government for huge tax rises.
The libleft carried out it’s insane social engineering on the back of illusionary profits of a corrupted financial industry and reckless borrowing.
The greatest crime, and it is a crime, is to create vast amounts of fiat money. Then to use this “money ‘ to create debt which bears interest. This interest will be paid by us with our labour. it will be called taxation but it is really theft. They will steal our lives- the bankers and the state- in an unholy alliance of the greedy and power hungry.
Our only hope it that reality comes to our rescue and delivers such a shock that this rotten system is broken for ever.
Katty Kay, the BBC’s voice in America, is very upset that capitalism hasn’t collapsed.
What a peabrain.
I have just seen on the BBC website there is a “Who’s Who” of the new cabinet. pictures of all the members and their jobs.
And then there are various buttons you can press to find out amongst other things how many (a) are women (presumably helpful if you can’t tell from looking at their photos anyway) (b) are over 50 (why?) and (c) (and this is most shocking) have had a privileged Oxbridge education.
Personally I was reassured that just over half have had an Oxbridge education, but the message is as subtle as a brick.
It might as well have been over 50, for all that it matters, but the Beeb actually plumped for under 50. Who knows why? Hard to figure out the Beeboid mind sometimes.
And the absurd obsession with Oxbridge – as if it is a bad thing to have had a good education!
I wonder if Beeboids will pursue the same trick when “reporting” the Labour Party leadership contest.
Beeb: Answer me this: How many of the contenders have had an Oxbridge education?
(A: 100% so far.) Oh.
Wouldn’t it be nice if this new government made PC history.
Was there a box to tick showing who was capable of carrying out the postion they recieved? Or did the BBC deem this not to be a factor in job allocation?
How many of the Labour cabinet went to Oxbridge. Quite a few I think.
BBC appears to not support the West in relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran regime and nuclear issue:
BBC report:
“Iran signs nuclear fuel-swap deal with Turkey”
‘Jihadwatch’ comment:
Iran agrees to ship its low-enriched uranium to Turkey, but then says it will continue to enrich uranium to 20 percent
“Here’s what’s going on: Iran will continue as long as it can to make the bare minimum gestures it needs to in order to buy time, while continuing business as usual.”
I wonder if we will get to see fewer ‘exclusives’ now from twats like Peston, Toenails and Sheena?
I’m hoping the Tories cut the BBC out of the inner circle.
When two callers on Radio5 agreed that the first few days of Camerons reign felt like ‘a vice being released’ after 13 years of marxist doctrine, Victoria Derbyshire snapped and lost it demanding a one word answer to a question nobody is asking.
Glad you mentioned that I heard those callers as well. She really didn’t like what they had said did she? I wonder how they got through on air.
Notice how peaceful things are now the one eyed twat and Mandelmong have pissed off.
I wonder how they got through on air.
By lying..
CALLER: Hello, I’m an ordinary member of the public who has always voted conservative, but now think the Tories are evil and that I made a big mistake in voting for that old Etonian instead of the true working class Gordon Brown!
BBC SCREENER: You’re right through to Victoria, go ahead caller
BBC screeners.
BBC researchers.
BBC producers.
I does rather seem that before the ‘performers’ and editors get to work their magic, there is a small army in place to ensure that what they get to work with is already in a form they can ‘enhance’ properly.
So when one slips through, it is hardly surprising when the ‘talent’ get a smidge unsubtle in their reactions.
If you want to get on air at the BBC, pretend you’re anti-conservative first.
I’ve just picked up on this article from WUWT.
From reading you’ll see that the beeb have commisioned a documentary on “The Skeptics”. The crew dropped on Watts unannounced at a recent convention, and the tale which Anthony Watts tells is one of a bumbling crew who came ill prepared and with no real direction.
On the contrary I would suggest that Anthony has escaped a very well planned BBC ambush.
Might be worth flagging this up as a seperate thread and hopefully alert other objective scientists that a BBC team is out and about trying to ambush and distort.
Heard a brief radio report by Harrabin last night on the current conference of sceptics. His clear aim was to discredit the organisers as being funded by the tobacco industry. Never any mention ever by the BBC of the specific fundamental flaws in the AGW case – whereas they are forever pushing the specific AGW claims.
Here is more on the twisted Harrabin piece :
One presumes that had this smear team got the footage they wanted, and it had been enhanced to taste in the edit suite, Mr. Black and his fellow objective speakers would have had no problem using it as ‘evidence’ in their various talks.
The BBC is at it again: one of those clowns that it employs as a dj in a West Midlands radio station thought it was a great idea to play the national anthem and announce that the Queen had died.
Comment on the behaviour of this oik seems unnecessary.
However, I thought it interesting to see the low audience numbers mentioned for the radio station. Why is the BBC even doing this at a such a local level and to such a small percentage of the available audience?
Panorama – The Cuts – Can You Fight Back?
Don’t Panic! Panorama is piling up the sandbags and digging in against those nasty Libsertatives and their cost-cutting hatchetmen.
Swimming pools, music in schools, wardens in Nursing homes – they’re all going to go according to Jezza. We’re all doomed!
Demonising fiscal responsibility, creating bogeymen, shilling for Labour – this is what we do.
BBC shilling for Palestine So what else is new?
Palestinians mark ‘Nakba’ with tears and questions
It took a few years for the BBC to acknowledge that Egypt has a border with Gaza and has closed it even tighter than Israel has. How long before they acknowledge that the 1948 war saw a population exchange with Jews in the Arab world expelled or forced out by persecution and forced to abandon their property? How long to acknowledge that in the areas where Arab armies gained territory the Jewish population was similarly expelled/forced out ending thousands of years of Jewish connection?
What a pity the ‘question’ not asked is what should the Palestinians have done differently?
Arabs – always victims, never responsible for their own actions.
Just catching up after a few days, so sorry if this has already appeared.
Last weeks “Any Questions”, the first since the election was from Brighton. Caroline Lucas, Roy Spluttersly, Simon Hughes and Douglas Hurd.
So no hint of bias then.
I loved the fact that Simon Hughes replaced Simon Jenkins. So a left-wing politician replaces a left-wing journalist. I guess the BBC call that balance.
What would the BBC have done if UKIP had won a seat ?
Is Simon Hughes the new Alastair Campbell – with the full-time job of going from BBC studio to studio? He was on Any Questions, Question Time, and if I remember right, some other programme as well – the Daily Politics or This Week?
Simon Jenkins is mostly a reasonable guy – if often misguided. And I believe he has a separate claim to fame in writing guides to Britain’s architectural heritage.
But Simon Hughes is a poisonous creep, always has been since his filthy campaign to win Bob Mellish’s old seat in Bermondsey. It is much to Clegg’s credit that Hughes has not been given a job, as far as I have seen.
Hughes fits the BBC mould very easily. Smarmy, extreme leftie, usually ignorant, but vicious too.
Yes, I remember very well his Bermondsey campaign. He got voted in because the Bermondseydonians didn’t want to elect a queer, and now it seems they dont mind – even if it is one who is obscenely hypocritical. Maybe it was just because Tatchell was Australian they didn’t elect him?
Yes the old Simon Hughes leaflets where he said he was the “Straight Choice for Bermondsey” ! I wonder how he manages to sleep at night ?
Dear, Oh dear if Obama goes along with the 94-0 Senate vote to stymie the Greek bail out the BBC will be torn between a love of Obama & a love of the European integration project
“Europe may have to clean up its own mess after all. The US Senate has voted 94:0 to block use of taxpayers’ money for IMF rescues that make no economic sense or bail-outs for countries like Greece that far are beyond the point of no return.
“This amendment will help prevent American taxpayer dollars from underwriting dysfunctional governments abroad,” said Texas Senator John Cornyn, the chief sponsor. “American taxpayers have seen more bailouts than they can stomach, and the last thing they should have to worry about are their hard-earned tax dollars being used to rescue a foreign government. Greece is not by any stretch of the imagination too big to fail.”
Co-sponsor David Vitter from Louisiana said America had run out of money. “Our country already owes trillions of dollars in debt. We simply can’t afford to take on other countries’ debt in addition to our own.”
Of course a previous Senate vote of similar proportions did not , in the BBC’s eyes, excuse Bush for failing to implement Kyoto.
Does anyone know if the BBC has reported this ?
Well it didn’t take my mate Sheena Easton long to disconnect the umbilical cord between himself and Downing Street did it? Anyone else see his pathetic piece on the scum bag Muslim terrorists? All he managed to do was attack the Tories for ‘splits’ between them and the Lib Dems about the ‘uman rites act’
I guess this will be the pattern from now on, every issue will simply be reported by the level of apparent (or made up) split between the Tories and Lib Dems.
I guess Sheena’s love of spouting downing Street propaganda has come to a grinding halt.
You must be psychic, Martin. That was exactly John Humphrys’ line this morning on Today when interviewing Theresa May. “If you don’t abolish the Human Rights Act because your Lib Dem partners don’t want to, you’re betraying your supporters. Why don’t you just say you’re going to do it since you’re the bigger party.” (I paraphrase.)
Of course, Ms May was too bloody useless to give the obvious reply, which was “Because we don’t have the votes in the Commons”, preferring to waffle meaninglessly instead.
I have never seen the point of May, she is useless. I couldn’t believe it when she got the job. The ultimate token woman.
A non-BBC TV documentary about racism and violence against WHITE people in Zimbabwe.
For UK viewers, it’s on ‘MORE 4’ TV channel TONIGHT at 10 pm:
“Mugabe and the White African”
The BBC had already broadcast the anti-US biased repoprt by Hilary Andersson – anorther bloody foreign reporter being given a harpy spot by the BBC. Spouting the usual Reprieve dangerous nonsense.
Tonight they have decided to play the same damn report, at 8pm ie prime time again.
How the BBC loves terrorist scum !
Meanwhile here at home the BBC reports that alleged Pakistani terrorists cannot be reported from the UK. No comment from all who are appalled by this, even though the special court had no doubt they were working with Al Qaeda. Just another ‘uman rights bleat from bloody Shami.
What about our ‘uman right to stay alive in our own country, to be free of threats by people who want to kill us?
and the BBC are naming it as their podcast of the week !
Heh…cannot be reported – may be apt (Freudian slip?) as we are talking about the BBC! – or deported.
Our human rights don’t count for as much and besides, we haven’t brought a court case to assert them and even if we did, we don’t have a special court for us, as the immigrants do. Oh, and legal aid, of course.
Simon Heffer on the new, anti-Right, Government and, in passing, its obsequeousness to the BBC:
“So the ‘Right’ had had its nose rubbed in it: and the new dispensation allows an unprincipled Conservative leadership to step up the process, winning the admiration of minority shareholders in the Liberal Democrats, and ensuring the BBC does not give it a hard time.”
‘Only a Tory without principles would demonise the Right ‘
(by Simon Heffer)
Snap! I was just about to post a link to this article. Interesting comments about the demonising of The Tea Party, which David Preiser has often pointed to.
Where to start with Radio 5 this morning!!!!! It’s been terrible.
1. The Tory plan to let Police officers decide on charging cum or not. Nikki the queen of breakfast radio was NOT impressed, but unluckily for him/her every guest seemed in favour. So in desperation Campbell tried ot claim that this was a Liebour plan stolen by the Tories. You couldn’t make it up.
2. Public sector pay. Now the queen of mince is stating “the private sector got us into this mess”. Really Nikki? I thought it was Gordon Brown and the mess he made over the banks? I think private sector workers might be surprised to learn from the BBC that THEY personally were responsible for the collapse of the UK banking system.
3. Reform of Parliament. Again a one sided debate with the queen of mince ‘chatting’ to Blair’s ex boyfriend Charlie Faulkener. Both agreed the Tories were evil and that Clegg was useless.
On some ‘comedy’ programme chaired by Phil ‘Polytechnic’ Williams the guest ‘comedian’ (whose name sadly escapes me) opened with’ ‘I’m no fan of the Tories but I feel like if you know they’re in I’d quite like them to in with the LibDems, it feels like you’ve got a dangerous dog but it’s now on a leash, hee hee hee hee.’
Yeah, mate, hee hee hee. Don’t worry, there’ll always be work for you with the BBC
Just watched “The Daily Politics. They have been giving a Daily Politics goody bag to all new MPs. Why ? and who is paying for it ?
And is it a PLASTIC bag by any chance?
Sham Chakrabarti: non-elected adviser to past and present UK governments (and to BBC) on ‘liberty’, for non-British citizens.
Ms Chakrabarti was given an easy time on BBC Radio 4’s ‘World at One’ as she predictably approved the security scandal of Britain adopting the European Human Rights Act, which is being used to stop Pakistani terror suspects being deported to Pakistan from Britain.
Ms. Chakrbarti twice said, in her soft BBC interview, that Pakistanis would, if deported, be tortured in Pakistan. Some conflated statement! No query from BBC ‘World at One’.
The Pakistani suspects’ Al Qaeda link played down by BBC.
“Tamper at your peril: Clegg risks Tory fury with warning over Human Rights Act and tax reform”
Read more:
I am a Shami fan and I think you may be being a mite unfair.
She got a hard time on Newsnight and said that deprotation allows dodgy types to go and make mischief elsewhere, which is a fair point. If this character set up shop in Pakistan and orchestrated mass murder around the globe it could be worse than having him here were we can at leaset keep an eye on him.
She wants these people properly convicted in a court of law and banged up. I get no sense she is the soft on terror bleeding herat liberal that she is sometimes painted. She is really just highlighting the absurdity of the laws as they stand and as a self professed right wing liberterian think she gerenally talks a at elast 90% plain common sense.
Ms. Chakrabarti seems to give the impression of being the leader of a fan club for that Ethiopian chap who was picked up in Afghanistan.
Today, she is concerned about the welfare of some Pakistani Al Qaeda suspects in Britain.
Personally, I am more concerned about the security interest of the British people.
“How should we grill terrorists – with a cuddle and a cup of tea?”
Read more:
How interested are the Con-Dems/Lab/BBC/’Liberty’ in the human rights of such British people as these?:
1.)”Human Rights?”
[The current example of English schoolchidren being forced to dress in an Islamic-compliant way, and being forced to attend a Mosque in Liverpool, or be marked as truants.]
2.)English Defence League website apparently taken down for telling the truth about Islam
Of course, what the Con-Dems/ Lab/ BBC,/’Liberty’ miss is:
“The Human Rights Jihad”
(Melanie Phillips, 2008)
Is she saying this Al Qa’eda terrorist should be interned in the UK? If not, and this guy’s target is Britain and he’s free to roam, somehow this doesn’t make me feel secure about my countrymens’s safety.
It warms my heart to see the BBC at last openly reporting on how the Tea Party movement has been affecting state elections. There is no overt demonization or insulting, even from hard-Left Newsweek’s political hack, Katie Connolly.
Her analysis is, however, not to be trusted fully. Newsbusters has smacked her a few times. In February, for example, she was on TV saying that The Obamessiah didn’t need to take any notice of the Tea Party victory in Massachusetts, and shouldn’t worry about trying to force the country so far to the Left. In fact, she said, the President should “bully Republicans”. She needs watching.
The one problem with this article – indeed, with all BBC reports mentioning the Tea Parties – is that the Beeboids always label it a “conservative” movement. It really isn’t. It’s more libertarian. At most, it can be called “fiscally conservative”. There is no Tea Party policy on Christianity or abortion or homosexuality or any of the usual things associated with groups normally called “conservative”. Yes, of course there are people involved who have fundamental views on any or all of those issues, but that has nothing to do with the actual goals of the Tea Party movement itself. The movement is strictly about fiscal conservatism and ending the move toward Socialism.
The BBC needs to start pointing that out. We all know that they use “conservative” as a pejorative because of all the usual PC issues, which are not relevant in the Tea Parties.
Guido is pushing a rumor that Nick Robinson is soon on his way out at the BBC. Not a moment too soon. He thinks he’s part of Westminster, and stopped being an advocate for the viewers long ago. And that BBC culture of keeping things lighthearted so the proles can relate is very tireseome when he does it.
Beat me to it!
Good blog piece by Guido about Toenails. I can’t see Tom Bradby getting the BBC gig (although Toenails came from ITV) as Bradby isn’t a fan of Liebour for sure.
Laura Kuenssberg will probably get the job if Robinson does go. She certainly got a breakthrough gig as lead reporter for the election. It seemed like she was being set up for bigger things, above her ability, clearly being coached as things went along, in my opinion. She’s on the News Channel right now giving some inside info on both some coalition dealings and the Labour leadership contest.
Kuenssberg was pretty obviously biased against the Tories, so if she does get the job, I bet the complaints about her will not be coming from both sides, like they did with Robinson.
Just saw yet another BBC segement on the future of the Euro and the Germans having to fork out the bulk of the bailout money to Greece. Back when the Icelanders voted against paying UK savers who lost money when IceSave went bust, the BBC was covering it as their democratic right. Now that the Germans are voicing their unhappiness at having to bail out the Greeks – who are broke through no fault of German banks – the Beeboids are wondering what’s wrong with them.
There’s already a hint of blaming not Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc., but the Germans for the plummeting value of the euro. Typical bias, getting the wrong end of the economic stick entirely.
David, as you’ll doubtless have already spotted, the BBC have been slamming the German coalition government and the reluctant German public for weeks over this, accusing them of lacking ‘solidarity’ with the feckless Greeks, and of ‘dithering’, ‘foot-dragging’, ‘not helping’ and a having a ‘lack of responsibility’. The German government has been accused of playing party politics. The German tabloid press has been accused of ‘screaming in protest’ at the deal and of not helping to calm down the situation. (All the other quotations come from just one BBC reporter, Shirin Wheeler).
There has, as you say, been no empathy whatsoever from the BBC for the German taxpayer. I’m with the German taxpayers.
The BBC line on Germany is typical of the histoprical ignorance among BBC reporters.
Here T Dalrymple suggests that the Greek situation was almost purpose-designed to foment German nationalism – which we have been seeking to dampen since the war :
His arguments would go way above the heads of the pro-Euro BBC idiots
Never thought I would side with the Germans !
Just visited the controversial facebook site, Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!, and lo and behold this has been posted by somebody calling himself Alhasan Al-Jifri
British journalist (Kathereine Humble) overpowered (getting wet) by the sound of the adhan.
For a non-BBC report, ‘Jihadwatch’ has the pictures of some wonderful jihad-types in Pakistan, protesting in a most hostile and threatening way (as is their wont) against the West:
Pakistan: Thousands rally against Facebook because of Everybody Draw Muhammad Day
What a shock. The 6PM news slags off the new plans on reversing Liebour’s obsession with state control. the ONLY sound bite we get comes from Alan Johnson (didn’t know he was part of the Government) then James Lansdale does the usual by launching into an attack on the Tories and Lib Dems being ‘split’ but of course can’t name any names (no doubt the BBC will be trawling to try to get some buffoon to spout nonsense on News 24 and Newsnight)
But hang on, civil liberties why no Shami telling us what a great job the Government is doing?
Yet more one sided crap from the BBC.
And why does the BBC think we give a toss about which mong runs the Liebour party?
God just turned on News 24 and yet again we’ve got the BBC spouting on about the scummy Liebour party with fat Polly.
EDL on the BBC3 at 9.00 pm tonight (wed) ‘Young, British and Angry’. Would it kill them to use the word ‘English’. You know what to expect.
It was exactly as expected. If the word ‘racist ‘ was used once it was used 100 times. The whole thrust was to portray the EDL as racist (no greater crime in libleft eyes and only attributable to whitey).
Islam is not a race but no matter. We can ignore that fact because we are the BBC. Geert Wilders was dragged in ( a racist of course).
Portray them as nasty racist thugs at all costs.No serious discussion of whether multiculturalism has so obviously failed. No discussion at all as to whether the rapid demographic changes imposed by the elite upon the indigenous English are the root cause of the problem. Just the usual libleft handwringing and demonisation of those who challenge the fantasy agenda of their worldview.
Programmes like this that purport to be a serious attempt to deal with real and present dangers and social problems serve no purpose other than to flatter the vanity of the programme makers and to allow the presenter to flaunt his right on credentials in our faces. I am sure at his next metropolitan dinner party the congratulations will make hom glow all over.
As I guessed the BBC get rent a twat Bill Cash on to rubbish the Government. Daniel Hannan is spot on as usual.
Why is Newsnight so obsessed with this 55% nonsense? I don’t see them attacking the jock Parliament where the requirement is even higher?
As for Michael Prick he really needs to work out how to use a shower.
Newsnight seems to be obsessed with something it calls 51%. (I thought it was 50% plus 1 vote – not plus 1% Or am I the one who is getting mixed up?). I heard Kirsty Wark at it the other night. And then Andrew Neil was at it as well. (Oh, he’s not Newsnight.)
In celebration of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day – which is today, May 20 – I’m posting the following images:
(with apologies to René Magritte)
I might just join Labour Party to vote for Ms. Abbott as there really is no downside, especially as the BBC gets its collective knickers in a twist at the consequences of getting exactly what it has been moaning about.
They do realise that in a world created by box tickers, she really cannot b allowed to lose?
Yes, that would be tempting. However I think I’d have to vote for Ed Balls, who was made to look a complete arse by Eddie Mair on PM yesterday. He couldn’t deal with “On what matters did you disagree with Gordon Brown when he was Prime Minister?” He’d be a gift to the Tories – and could lose his seat next election.
The new Olympic mascots are, predictably, utter pants.
You know it. I know it. Newsnight knows we all know it.
Now, as things aren’t working out critically as well as some chez BBC might hope on the political front, and overt attacks may start to seem a smidge overt, what to do… what to do…?
Well, inviting on proxy mates… guests to say what you’d like to be really can’t seems to work. Or there’s always twitter too:
BBCNewsnight The 2012 Olympic mascots unveiled yesterday remind Stephen Smith of another two characters making the news…
I bet that got lots of tee-hees with the friendly £80kpa compliance officer joining in.