Nice to see Richard Black maintaining his track record in unbiased reporting. His contribution today is a one-sided homily backing our suicidal government’s quest to de-industrialise Britain by pursuing higher CO2 emissions targets. Not a squeak in his report, of course, from anyone who opposes CO2 reductions; but there is a gut- wrenching homily in support from an eco-mania group called Sandbag – they want the Cleggerons to go further. This will ring a bell with those who are regular readers of B-BBC, because clearly, they have become Mr Black’s tame rent-a-quote source of warmist fanaticism. And, as I said before, one of their main board members also works for Futerra, which assists the BBC in training its staff to spread warmist propaganda. Our friend Mr Black may not make money from chairing global warming conferences; but he sure knows how to cosy up to those whose views he worships.
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I take my hat off to the people who contribute to this site.
Can’t imagine what God-awful bilge you have to watch and listen to on the BBC.
I would not do it.
hopefully this is just hot air from HM Government and when push comes to shuv, Dick Black, Al Beebs resident online eco twat, will be moaning that the government hasnt gone far enough and he’ll be quoting even more lefty moonbat middle class scumbags stamping their feet because we havnt gone back to the stoneage
Richard Black obviously reads this blog. Given the frequency of attacks on him, why does he never post here to defend himself ? If people were saying these things about me , I wouldn’t take it lying down.
Is it because he knows he is a fraud ?
It says a lot about his priorities. Come up with arguments that global warming is a fraud, and he doesn’t mind. It’s a pinprick to him. Suggest he might get paid for chairing meetings, and he’ll be in touch before you can say Carter Ruck.
He obviously felt one of those scenarios was defensible.
Don’t know what he is worried about, we’ve already been promised more “green” taxes by the Green Tosser’s outfit. I would like to see a list of his mates who are rifling our pockets. Funny thing though, he never mentions “social justice” when planning to steal from the poor to give to the rich, hypocracy or what?
FU-terra. FU-cleggeron.
Hey, Dave why stop at “cutting” Dry Ice emission by 30%.
GO BIG— we need a THREE MILLION PER CENT cut in CO2 — almost instantly or else we will all DIE.
Horribly, writhing in agony. The end is NIGH Dave, unless you act within minutes. Seconds even.