The Daily Telegraph’s James Delingpole reports back from the International Conference on Climate Change which has just finished in Chicago. To him, this stellar gathering of climate scientists has established beyond reasonable doubt that only morons now believe in global warming. By contrast, to Roger Harrabin, of the BBC, who was also there, the whole event was easily dimissed as a gathering of right-wingers. Mr Delingpole has interesting observations about Mr Harrabin’s approach to his job.
The other main objection I heard – from the BBC’s Roger Harrabin – is how utterly ridiculous it was that a total know-nothing like James Delingpole was speaking on a “Science” panel with meteorologist Joe D’Aleo, climate expert Fred Singer, and economist Ross McKitrick (co-destroyer – with Steve McIntyre – of Michael Mann’s hockey stick). Indeed, when I introduced myself to him, he snapped back “I’m not sure whether I should shake your hand. I want to punch you.” He sounded jolly cross indeed – and ranted that I was utterly irresponsible and had disseminated lots of lies – though he later apologized to me saying he was jet-lagged and had confused me with Christopher Booker. Hmm.
In the interests of fairness, I would point out that we have only Mr Delingpole’s account to go on that this exchange happened; but I have no reason to disbelieve him, and a hundred reasons to believe that Mr Harrabin’s reporting of this issue is exaggerated, one-sided, left-wing fanatasy.
Speaking on conferences, this story is about our beloved Richard Black:
” (Scientists) need a different skillset if [research] becomes controversial.”
and James Randerson:
“The PR department from UEA offered nothing at all – nothing to people sympathetic to their arguments and their scientists”
“Randerson admitted that some media outlets had sensationalised Climategate coverage to the detriment of scientific accuracy. “The emails did provide lots of very colourful quotes. In some ways it was quite easy to report – or it was reported very badly, with quotes taken out of context or without explanation,” he said.”
Oh dear!
Why is it that the BBC claims that here are lots of disgruntled Tories YET the only one that he BBC can find is rent a voice Bill Cash.
I wonder how many people the BBC had to ring around to find one that opposed Cameron?
The Daily Mail has found a few, and I’m not surprised with the strokes that Cameron is pulling. He’s obviously hoping that with all the new MPs they’ll be wet enough to be bullied into doing his bidding.
The wisdom though of talking to the BBC about internal divisions is always to be questioned. Personally, I think there should be an embargo on discussing such matters with the BBC given the inevitabley malicious way they’ll handle the matter.
In the interests of fairness as well, and nothing to do with the bottomless pit of license payer money that the BBC makes available to its propagandists – errm, sorry – journalists, to silence criticism of their unimpeachable integrity, let me just state that even if it were true that Mr Hairbrain threatened to punch Mr Delingpoe for not sharing his 100% objective views in support of AGW, it in no way means that Mr Harrabin is a complete tosser utterly unfit to monitor a school playground let alone controversy over Climate change. I just wanted to make that clear for the avoidance of doubt.
Whereas Mr Harrabin’s scientific credentials to spout about global warming are, of course, impeccable.
Did he care to list the “lies” that he considers Christopher Booker has disseminated? Perhaps we could have a lie competition between Mr Booker and the BBC?
Agreed, I’d like Harrabin to remind us of the scientific qualifications again, other than being a leftie tosspot.
Good to see that Robin Horbury, Delingpole et al are starting to get to him. He sees the writing on the wall maybe? and does not relish the prospect of having to get a real job some day, given that the public are sick of being continually lectured. You’ll certainly start to see more of their true natures now that their cosy lifestyles are threatened.
It should be noted that Mr Delingpole is only a slight chap. I wonder if Mr Harrabin would have been so keen to talk about fisticuffs if it had been someone a wee more husky he took exception to? They dont like it up ’em do they?
The legal letter Mr Hornbury received from the BBC legal department was a very encouraging sign that they feel threatened by the scrutiny their bent journalism is facing.
The radio 5 phone in this morning was supposed to be about those crappy Olympic toys, but since Andy Burnham did his anti wealth rant the BBC have now jumped on this to beat ‘certain’ rich people over the head with.
Funny that Nikki queen of breakfast radio didn’t ask Burnham about Bliar’s millions but did about Wayne Rooney says it all.
I wonder how much the sainted queen of breakfast radio earns a year off the back of the hard working population? At least with Wayne Rooney you have a choice to contribute to his wages or not.
The overpaid communist union leaders also get an easy ride on the BBC
The radio 5 phone in this morning was supposed to be about those crappy Olympic toys, but since Andy Burnham did his anti wealth rant the BBC have now jumped on this to beat ‘certain’ rich people over the head with.
Funny that Nikki queen of breakfast radio didn’t ask Burnham about Bliar’s millions but did about Wayne Rooney says it all.
I wonder how much the sainted queen of breakfast radio earns a year off the back of the hard working population? At least with Wayne Rooney you have a choice to contribute to his wages or not.
I think Master Harrabin will start to rue his idea of his expensive trip to the Heartland conference.
And we still have not had a single straight report from him about what the speakers have been saying. He does not even report on who the speakers are – and why they are well-known. Because, for example, once he mentions McIntyre – he calls into question the fraudulent Hockey Stick, the whole IPCC bandwagon.
Classic Radio 5 LIES. John Pinhead had the Tory/Lib Dem policy doc for about 10 seconds before he ANNOUNCED it was full of commissions and that this was a Tory cop out. The twat hadn’t even read through it.
THEN when interviewing a Tory a bit later fatty Derbyshire ‘claims’ that a texter from Glasgow had commented on the number of commissions that the document contained.
Er no Vikki, don’t lie, it was Pinhead that stated that your ‘imaginary Glasgow texter’ wouldn’t even have seen the document yet.
Interesting as well that when Boosh was in power the BBC opposed the extradition of Gary McKinnon yet now the Tories and Lib Dems have stopped his extradition for the time being the BBC are claiming it could be a snub to St Barry.
Dear BBC, please stop telling lies, no one believes you.
The Hockey Stick is dead, we are well past that now and I don’t think it has a huge amount of credibility with anyone. Those who knew about what it was, know that it is bunk, and those who are left never knew and never cared particularly about the details.
What most people know is that the media and politicians have been pushing the idea of AGW as if it were ‘certain’ science.
The truth is, I just don’t know what the truth is. What I do know is that I no longer trust large portions of the media to report any science (not just AGW) with dispassionate integrity. The BBC is one of the worst, but it is not alone.
I largely believe that much has been publicised purely for political effect, and mush of this is part of the push towards ‘Single World Governance’ of which the EU is only part.
However, that doesn’t directly affect the truth about AGW – whatever use to which that truth has either been put to, or obscured to assist.
Sorry, I don’t think the Hockey Stick is dead at all.
And it was merely a cooked illustration of the notion that there is unprecedented warming. THAT false theme is still being pushed left, right and centre.
Proving the Hockey Stick was a fraud – and that the Hockey Team of warmed climate scientists built IPCC reports around it – is an ongoing fight.
And the BBC for one will never question the Hockey Stick.
I shall always think of Richard Black as
The BBC’s indulgence of an ‘analyst’ with the competence, qualifications and agenda of Mr. Harrabin is now looking, at best, suspect.
But I am sure he does not charge whopping fees to mediate conferences and stuff.
From memory, I think his BBC lawyers only denied the accusation in relation to one specific conference. Maybe someone can correct me , if wrong.
In any case all Beeboid salaries and outside earnings should be published.
The lawyer’s letter was on behalf of Black, not Harrumphin.
It will be interesting to see if Christopher Booker picks up on the threatening language Harrabin used to Delingpole.
How pathetic that he cannot argue the issues, feels simply anger that the Warmist line is persistently challenged by Booker. Challenged – and made to look ridiculous.