“Ben Anderson gets exclusive access to the English Defence League, the movement set up to protest against what it sees as the dangerous spread of militant Islam in Britain. ”
“Exclusive Access?” Any Tom Dick and Arry could have had access if they asked nicely.
Poor Ben Anderson. His technique was as clumsy as a dyspraxic bull in a china shop. His agenda hung out shamelessly. His presentation was done in extreme plonking, that weird, patronising delivery.
“I wanted to find out if …..”
No he didn’t. He didn’t want to find anything out. He interviewed people and added a voiceover beginning, “I found (whatever they said) unconvincing.”
Ben Anderson found out that the EDL looked like football hooligans, skinheads, racists and Nazis, they were fairly inarticulate, one made monkey noises and they called people Muslims. But he knew all that already.
He interviewed a Muslim extremist to show that he didn’t represent the Good Muslims. To prove this he went to an Islamic Centre which had been on the receiving end of a firebomb, but as all the damage had been cleared up way back, Ben Anderson and Abdul the community leader just had to gaze at a bit of wall and reminisce nostalgically about the damage.
So. The EDL call people Muslims, the racists.
The BBC are typically biased in relation to the EDL. I recall seeing a young smart-arse Asian reporter interviewing an EDL member and doing his best to represent the EDL as the Devil’s racist offspring. His problem was that the EDL interviewee was a. black, and b. more articulate than the interviewer. It was an especially nauseating performance by the BBC.
… aren’t the BBC reviewing their editorial guidelines at the moment? That should be good for a laugh.
Come on, BBC: show your true multicultural political attitude, and censor and ban the English Defence League.
English Defence League website apparently taken down for telling the truth about Islam
Meanwhile, the BBC and ‘Liberty’ seem to be happy with this:
UK: Al-Qaeda operatives want to kill us, but we must protect them
Chakrabarti and BBC:
Ephraim Hardcastle, ‘Daily Mail’:
“Discussing on ‘Newsnight’ the case of the two terror suspects who cannot be deported to Pakistan and may become the subjects of control orders, Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti gratuitously insulted fellow guest, Lord Carlile, the independent reviewer of anti-terror legislation, as one ‘the siren voices of people who’ve made their careers out of these bad measures’.
Pot call kettle beige! Self-righteous Miss Chakrabarti, 40, who has made a career out of the Human Rights Act, has become increasingly shouty – perhaps the result of politicians continually scrambling to join her on the moral high ground. “
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1279846/Michael-Gove-missed-cabinet-spot-special-advisor.html#ixzz0oSzvjCbh
And who voted for her?
Where does Liberty get its money ?
“Liberals crave a comfortable plot in which bigoted ‘homegrown’ white men are the villains while Muslims are scapegoats”
This links in nicely to the previous topic, reform of the bbc. Untill you all recognise that the elephant in the room, is the inherant and self perpetuating left wing bias of the majority of the bbc, you have a problem.
The first step to solving the problem, is to get your MP’s e-mail address and e-mail him each time the beeboids are particularly biased. Ask friends and family to do the same.
Also post about left wing bbc bias on other blogs you visit. This works, there are now frequent mentions of bbc bias in mainstream media stories, this was unheard of 2 or three years ago.
You are absolutely right.
My suggestions for initial steps towards raising awareness of BBC bias.
1. Aim to get B-BBC on the blogroll of the best blogs.
2. To beg, borrow or commission articles from well known writers. (The drawback being that we haven’t any funds)
3. To collect relevant observations spotted on other blogs and articles, and organise them into a cohesive whole.
On B-BBC: I’d encourage dialogue with BBC employees and discourage gratuitously discourteous b.t.l. spats.
There are other changes I’d make too, but someone once said to me “Go away and start your own blog. No-one would look at it.”
That put me in my place.
If I ruled the world…….I’d be Sir Harry Secombe.
sue, I have the same sort of dilemma and I have concluded that the only solution is for me to leave and start my own country. Am working on it and have so far purchased a territory of two and a half acres – no hectares in Millieland. 😀
Yeah, there’s no point in hoping the BBC will reform itself through complaints. They are intentionally biased.
Any chance of me joining you, Millie ?
All forms of nationalism are totally fine with the BBC, except for two: English and Jewish.
The libleft simply do not understand patriotism. They understand support for national teams in football etc but wedded as they are to an all powerful belief in their unreal world they have no notion of why, for instance, the river valley where I and many of my family live is so important to us. We don’t own it but it and the cathedral along it’s banks define, for us, what it is to be English. It’s history is our history and to relinquish it to others is unthinkable.
This is literally beyond their understanding. There can be no debate over such matters .
The young men of the EDL are the descendants of generations of young men who understood what England is. However inarticulate and crudely they express themselves I ,for one, will not speak against them.
Well put.
I find it particularly irritating when I’m expected to defend my patriotism, knowing full well that whatever I say will be insulted, ridiculed or it will be pointed out that it was imported from what is now Germany/France/Denmark 1000 years ago and is, therefore, ‘mongrel’.
Actually I don’t defend it any more. It’s mine, I happen to like it, I’m at ease with it, it consists of thousands of things which may or may not be shared by other cultures, and I’m not going to give it up.
As you say, members of the EDL understand this instinctively even if sometimes they don’t articulate it very well. In any case, middle class people are often the worst.
While BBC lionises unelected S. Chakrabarti:
“Can we really not send terrorist suspects home?”
(Philip Johnston)
I totally agree with dave s and Barry, we are our Country, it protected us, once upon a time, we would like to return that compliment. This sham parliament we now have cannot stop what we think nor reduce our sense of patriotism which they shamefully lack. Sad but we are now in socialist territory, three parties with one creed.
Europe (and the UK) is under a wave of Jew-hate, the like of which has not been seen since the 1930s.
Europe is afire with hate, vicious attacks, assaults, property damaged, graves vandalized, even murders. France, the UK, Sweden, etc lead the way.
In the vanguard of this organized hate are MUSLIMS and UNIVERSITY STUDENTS.
When is al-beeb going to cover that?
When is smart arse reporter going to infiltrate a radical mosk.
Infiltrate the Muslim Brotherhood front groups masquerading as Islamic student groups?
Infiltrate the nexus of violent leftists groups and Muslims who plot as we speak?
Well, as the BBC are an integral part of the organized demonization of Israel and Jews in Britain, I guess that’s a big fuck you NEVER from the BBC.
Jack, lets not overdo the apocalyptic language. The pro Israel camp in Europe is currently on the defensive, but thats also attributable to the appalling lack of imagination and vigor which Israel could put its almost unanswerable case, to a wider audience, but so far chooses not to.
There have been ugly incidents sure, but I remember 1982 and being at uni here in the 80s. Deja vu or what?
The trains are not being shunted together at Chalk Farm to carry “evacuated” English Jews to Scotland or wherever the hell, not yet.
There is a direct correlation between anti Jewish outrages and the percentages of islamic immigrants in that country, that you indicated by your list. France (highest muslim immigrant pop) Sweden (burdened with a massive pro rata mohammidan population and its own wierd misplaced sense of national “guilt” about something..) The muslims there seem more preoccupied with raping the local women, btw.
This is mixed, as you say with the dregs of the campus, and “academics” who have a Phd in applied head up own arse.
Islamic immigration is importing its own poison of racism and anti semitism and primitive intolerance combined.
The bbc wouldnt touch these shitty groups. They are their friends, comrades.
So its down to the majority, normal citizen.
I propose a new site, called Uniwatch, which would keep an eagle eye on all the more dodgy nests of hatred and potential terrorism.
There are many, normal, outraged and intimidated students and staff in these establishments who would be the real worlds eyes and ears.
piggy — I didn’t mean to compare the wicked crimes of the Nazis to today’s Europe wide anti-Semitism — (egged on I contend by the BBC.)
That’s nuts. But I can see that what I opened with could be read that way.
I merely meant to suggest that the level we see today is the worst since that lamentable time, not that it is equivalent.
However we should always remember that one of the greatest cultures in Europe with magnificent art, literature and music went from an ugly undercurrent to the gas ovens in 8 years.
One thing that emasculates specialist sites is that people just dismiss the contributors as cranks or loonies.
This one has a slight advantage because although it’s dedicated to BBC bias, it covers a wide spectrum of topics. Mind you we’re dismissed as right-wing and foam flecked.
Harry’s Place often discusses racism, antisemitism and the Islamisation of UK universities. What annoys me is that so many specialised pro Israel sites refer to BBC bias with a sigh and seem resigned to it. In any case, it’s mainly the converted that they’re preaching to.
I learn a lot by reading CifWatch, but the threads are invariably derailed by a couple of persistent trolls that do their best to turn it into a mirror image of the site they’re ‘watching.’
(I sometimes wonder if they’ve actually stolen our troll.) No matter what arguments they come up with, the troll snaps back to grid/ reverts back to square one. Won’t listen. And he sucks up to his adversaries in a really annoying way.
I digress.
The Uniwatch idea is good, but I put it to you that all roads eventually lead back to the BBC. I’ve been looking at our archive. Are we going round in circles?
That’s why I agreed to publish Marcellus’s guest post. But it just seemed to make people angry.
Oh well.
There is a US site called campuswatch, which is attempting the very same thing, by the look of it.
Jack and Sue
I totally understand, and I totally respect the point of your post.
Sue, all does indeed lead back to the beeboid collective. its the rootspring which nourishes the weeds of the libofascist/islomonutta media and “academic” (LOL) jungle, a sort of malevolent gro bag.
Just keep the heat up. ITS WORKING.
The reality of bbc bias is now accepted by many people who just 2 or 3 years ago, would have dismissed the idea. Denial is a pernicious thing. I know, I suffered from it for a while.
It was its grotesque coverage of the ME especially that made the scales fall from my own eyes. Then all the other beeboid false realities become glaringly obvious.