Yes, I get that, and happy to supprt that campaign elsewhere, but if B-BBC is to maintain and build its credibility and influence we need to try and push at BBC bias and not as a forum to push our own aganda.
ps – was there not a fuss a while back about an an artwork called Piss Christ. Heck, could you imagine the chaos if anyone produced Piss Mohamad…but I digess.
Did BBC give the Draw Mohamad any coverage other than reporting on the Pakastan reaction. I did not notice Beeb coming in on the side of free speech.
NRG, you are correct. And the BBC tried to expand the subject into Pakistan blocking YouTube at other times, not just today, thus minimizing the story of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.
They also forgot to mention – as they always do when non-Mohammedans are forced to demur to Islamic sensitivities – that this is in the end about religious freedom as much as it is about free speech. Drawing a picture of Mohammed is forbidden by the Mohammed in the Hadiths, but the laws of Islam have no affect on the lives of everyone else. I’m not a Muslim, and so I don’t have to obey Muslim laws or practices. Christians eating bacon isn’t an offense to Jews everywhere, because Christians have the religious freedom not to have to obey Jewish dietary laws.
Same thing for drawing pictures of Mohammed. Non-Muslims should not be forced to obey Islamic law. Ever.
The bBC, executions in the Levant and not even half the story.
On Tuesday Hamas that democratically elected government (well so the bBC keeps telling me) executed 3 men . 48 hours later while the bBC has reported on Israel releasing a Hamas man, Elvis Costello’s latest record ‘I don’t want to go to Israel‘. It still has hasn’t mentioned the judicial executions of 3 men who the truth be told had been men arrested or even murdered by the Israeli state would have had the bBC pushing the story from the minute it had transpired.
The bbC keeps on banging about how it reports every story with an impartial eye. Yet while it has no problem shouting out about how Israel has released a member of a terrorist outfit and how Elvis won’t even enter (never mind leave) the building. The so called impartial bBC hasn’t even bothered its arse in reporting the news.
The bBC, executions in the Levant and not even half the story.
Q&A: Gilad Shalit capture The situation in Gaza became overshadowed by Israel’s conflict with the Lebanese group Hezbollah, who seized two soldiers and killed others on 12 July 2006.
How many?
Enquiring minds need to know.
I seem to remember around eight Israeli soldiers were killed when Hezbollah invaded Israeli territory…
Stephen Glover on the BBC, and the demonising of the political right
[Opening extract]-
“The fashionable new object of abuse in this country is ‘the Tory Right’. It is used by the BBC and certain newspapers to describe the supposedly extreme elements in the Tory Party which, thanks be to God, have been marginalised as a result of the triumphant ‘Liberal Conservative’ coalition.
“These few, rather pathetic headbangers, it is implied, can now be safely ignored. Indeed, they should be ignored.
“Their dreams are silly, dangerous or irrelevant and have no place in the exciting new liberal consensus that holds sway in our country.
“In fact, the views attributed to ‘the Tory Right’ were, until a week ago, mainstream Conservative policies included in the party’s manifesto and defended – if not always with sufficient gusto – by David Cameron throughout the election campaign.”
“It’s early days, I know, but if Mr Cameron keeps dumping cherished Tory beliefs, there’ll be trouble”
Yet again the BBC’s narrative seems to be to find ‘splits’ in the coaliiton rather than to actually report factually on the Governments plans.
Dear beeboids, we’re not interested in your left wing drugged up opinions, stick to reporting facts and leave your opinions in the urinals and used condoms on Hampstead Heath.
Now the BBC tell us that the Home Information Pack is a really good idea (Liebour of course) so who does the BBC get to tell us this? Well the head of the losers who run HIPS.
Sorry but what was wrong with the old way of a survey and searches?
Could it be the BBC is worried about a few thousand Guardian readers being booted out of a non job?
All that the EU required was the energy certificate which could be done as part of the survey anyway (as in France)
Yes, the BBC is so blatant that it is laughable. The first person they turn to on The Daily Politics is a chap from the HIP Providers’ Association. You couldn’t make it up. I didn’t see anybody representing estate agents or Happy Homeowners -like me! The BBC’s rigid agreed line – the standard defence of Labour policy – that they were basically a good idea, permeates the whole segment.
I just caught a bit about this on “You and yours” yesterday. Winifred Robertson ( ? ) made it quite clear that she thought HIPS were wonderful when interviewing Grant Shapps who gave a pretty good account of himself.
Hillary Benn given free range on News 24 to spout against the Government, the rather camp looking male beeboid made no attempt to quiz him on HIS failures and 13 years of Nu Liebour.
I guess when a hard left politician is on the BBC they don’t care about holding them to account as well. I seem to remember every Tory who was on the BBC when in opposition getting a hard time about THEIR policies and failures.
Yes, amazing that they were in power until a fortnight ago, but the slate is magically wiped clean overnight. Compare that to continuing frequent references to Margaret Thatcher and her satanic lust to bathe in the blood of infants.
“She said her husband, her sister and her children didn’t deserve the treatment they got.”
“For Richard to have to literally stay in the house with the curtains drawn for weeks on end. It was hard and I don’t see why they should have to put up with it.”
The bBC and reinventing labour as victims, one porn movie at a time.
I notice the BBC is totally silent on Everyone Draw Mohammed Day. Pakistan has blocked YouTube and Facebook, and at the time of writing the Facebook page itself has been taken down by management.
My pictures on the previous open thread were not intended to be offensive towards Mohammed or Islam in general. Two of the pictures were of Mohammed, painted by Turkish and Indian Muslim artists from the 16th Century. The first one is a rare depiction of Mohammed’s face. Most Islamic art featuring him has his face veiled, sometimes with a fiery halo, as in the second one I posted.
The other two are obviously reworkings of actual Magritte paintings. I put in the quote from his famous painting of a pipe, which is serendipitously titled “La trahison des images” (The Treachery of Images), for a reason. As with the now infamous South Park episode, I’m not insulting Mohammed or, as some would have it, and attack on all Muslims. I’m insulting the caveman mentality of violence over any religious belief, as well as the deliberately selective, unfair supression of free speech involved.
The BBC isn’t even admitting that this is going on today, simply because they don’t approve. It’s much less of an attack on Islam itself than Piss Christ or the latest courageous play portraying Jesus as a homosexual are attacks on Christianity. Yet, the BBC won’t even allow this debate to happen.
Splits, splits, unhappiness, more splits. Just listening to the BBC for 10 minutes and that was the impression you got of the Government today.
Remember how the BBC stated that the backbench Tories were in open revolt about Cameron wanting to reform the 1922 committee? So Cameron wins but the BBC ‘spin’ is that 118 MPs voted against (as they are entitled to), but the BBC forgets Cameron WON the vote.
But hey who cares, we need more stories about splits.
The Daily Mail reported this as a split as well. When many Tory MPs are comparing Cameron to Robert Mugabe that is serious dvivision.
I’d be perfectly happy to see the BBC talk this up. Cameron is completely unsound. I hope his Government falls and he is booted out of the Conservative Party to join the Lib-Dems where he belongs.
Cameron has no choice, the Tories wiped Liebour out in most of England but the voting system prevented them from getting an overall majority. A minority Tory government wouldn’t have lasted 6 months, by which time they’d be unpopular as we will be into the cuts and Liebour will probably have a leader who isn’t a total halfwit like the mong was. Unless the Tories get the size of each constituency changed they don’t stand a chance at the next election.
Far too many old Tory MPs are dinosaurs, whilst parts of Tory policy on Europe are popular in the SE of England you need to remember the millions that now suckle on the Liebour teat of the public sector and benefits.
Martin: Cameron has no choice, the Tories wiped Liebour out in most of England but the voting system prevented them from getting an overall majority. ========================== Yes, and I wonder why so little is made of this – on the Beeboid media or elsewhere. It is a blooming disgrace. Well, as far as the Beeboids are concerned, we know why. They are not going to show up their Labour pals, even in the interests of the truth.
I am eternally glad, happy and grateful to Cameron that we were finally able to give Brown and his fellow thugs the heave-ho. I don’t know how I could have endured another day of Brown & co. Now Cameron and his twisty friend Clegg have to fix the boundaries so that parliamentary constituencies are equal.
Diane Abbott on the News Channel right now saying that white candidates for Labour leadership cannot and will not discuss “the real issues about black and white working class and security”.
Hugh Beeboid in the studio asked if she was saying that Ed Balls and others would not discuss these issues, and she says yes. Now the BBC’s beloved Labour is getting hit with this race-baiting, and they aren’t going to know how to handle it.
Abbot’s bottom line: white people are capable of addressing only issues which involve white people, yet black people can address issues which concern everyone.
Well, she was shaping up as good value from the off.
What with what comes out her mouth vs. what she does (and a good grasp of reality).
As an Aunty staffer and box tick dream candidate, one can only wonder who they will wheel out to say she is ‘the one’ by way of the odd invited guest or sixteen.
Why is she on the BBC so often ? Is it because she is female, black and Labour ? Or just because she is thick as two short planks, so fits in totally with the Beeboids ?
Where is the BBC reporting on Jonathan Baume, the senior civil servant who has revealed that the Civil Service was sending letters of complaint to the Labour Government over excessive spending?
Jonathan Baume, the general secretary of the First Division Association which represents 19,000 top civil servants, said new ministers had to improve on the performance of those in the Labour Government.
In unusually outspoken comments, Mr Baume said: “An underlying theme of the general election was the loss of trust by so many citizens in politicians and our system of government. “
“That trust will take time to rebuild. At the very least, new ministers and MPs must begin to display the personal and moral integrity that was so obviously lacking in the previous Parliament, even within the Cabinet.”
I expect the BBC will continue to keep this story quiet because it might make all these candidates for Labour leadership they’re covering – the very Cabinet members Baume is complaining about – look bad.
This is one instance where I’d say you should have wanted the elected to listen to the unelected. A truly independent budget oversight committe along the lines of the Congressional Budget Office would do wonders, and they would have to be appointed and not elected.
It’s too bad the BBC, with all those insider contacts, couldn’t have found out about these warning signs of Labour’s scorched-earth activities running up to the election.
If it had come their way they’d have buried it, just like they’re burying it now.
I remember prior to the ’97 election the then leader of the First Division Association Elizabeth Symons was constantly on the TODAY programme slagging off the Tory Govt to uncritical acclaim from Humphrys et al. How obvious it was she was campaigning for Labour was confirmed when as outgoing Gen Sec of the FDA in ’96 this truly appalling woman was nominated by Blair for a peerage and was elevated to the Lords to a Ministerial post when he became Prime Minister.
At least this chap has had the moral integrity not to play politics. Symons should be booted out of the Lords for the disgrace she is.
To be honest, I’m shocked at a Civil Servant – assuming he is one and not just an outside employee of the Civil Servants’ union – making such stark public comments about the morality of a specific Cabinet and parliament. True, the Civil Service has a responsibility for propriety and good conduct of government business but I would expect comments of this nature on the theme of morality and propriety to be couched in more general terms.
Toenails at it again, ‘claiming’ that Vince Cable didn’t look comfortable today sharing a platform with George Osborne. Again the BBC give us opinion not fact. Where is the factual reporting from Toenails?
Virtually all the comments on the BBC piece are from Muslims/Pakistanis.
The BBC is again serving the Islamic interests, of Pakistan, in this case.
The BBC does not reflect the interests and viewpoints of the British people in such matters, as expressed by the British people. British people are forced to pay BBC Islamic ideologues to present pro-Islamic propaganda, which is opposed to the interests of British people!
-unlike the BBC, ‘JIHADWATCH’ opposes the censoring activities Islam, and of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference – an orgaanisation which the BBC ignores.
I feel surprised that the BBC are very muted about the Malawi gay couple case. Normaly ant anti gay info is broadcast from the rooftops but in this case it seems the pro African (black) propaganda trumps the BBC pro gay agenda so now we know the priority listing. I note the BBC mouthpiece P Tatchell is blaming the colonial government for this ruling.
We live in a new media age, which enhances certain easily abused techniques that can be adopted by editorial if so desired to help slant a story, especially with time poor folk scanning ‘byte-sized’ snippets.
Be it a twitter feed, google summary or MSM broadcast news story, I am noticing more and more instances where the headlines and even first lines are deliberately selected, or at best ineptly created such that they are in fact a gross misrepresentation of actuality unless interrogated in full or only after clicking a link.
It happens too often to be justified as a ‘teaser’, and in my view the BBC editorial is getting a tad too fond of it. And sticking ‘actually all the preceding is utter guff’ subsequently seems less than honest at best.
Thus Vince Cable unwittingly summed up the launch of what Whitehall has dubbed The Coalition’s (capital “T” and capital “C”) programme for government.
Second para:
The business secretary was not, I should stress, making a political comment. He was instead reacting to the home secretary’s offer to fill for time while he fumbled with his microphone.
So, in fact, though the headline refers to a joke about something, and the comment could indeed be cited later on as a metaphor in an opinion piece, as a piece of news sharing it is a daft as it gets.
Now, how might that look on a summary on the politics page, or twitter or search?
Well, here’s the above (could be worse; the 1st line may have crept in too):
It’s bad enough all the ” ‘We’re doomed!!!!’….. scientists (who have no credibility)…. say could (so it’s all ratings BS) happen…’ ” PR as non-news we are subjected to before finding a complete contradiction or backside cover in para 76, but trying to skew opinion in this manner is not on.
It was interesting to hear the sneering from Toenails and Pinhead. All those commissions. What did they expect? In under 9 days they had to merge two manifesto’s that both parties were happy with. Of course they couldn’t go through everything and come up with a common policy, that’s why European Countries take weeks and months to do deals.
But the BBC offer no ‘well done’ for getting on with the important stuff, just more sneering and spinning of Liebour propaganda.
Imagine if George Osborne had left a message saying “there’s not more money”, the BBC would have accused him of being ‘out of touch’ or ‘a snob’
Flying the flag for England? Breakfast Phone-in, 21/05/2010
Three weeks to go until the World Cup, and the internet is rife with rumours that the authorities are clamping down on people flying the flag of St George.
But not everyone will be waving the flag, and not just because you’re Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish, or simply not interested in football.
So on the Phone-in this morning – What does it say about you if you fly an England flag?
Well we know what the BBC is REALLY getting at don’t we? The English are white racists, unlike the Scots who fly their flag but are seen as ‘patriotic’
They also have it as the big headline on their website. Anyway, I am sure the topic next week will be “what does it say about you if you fly the Brazil flag ? ”
Although Scottish, I hope England win, just to stick it up the BBC as much as anything.
I wonder if Gordon the Moron is still supporting England now that he is no longer PM and English votes kicked him out ? Or indeed, if he ever did support England ?
It really only came home to me during the election how much Labour seemed to be motivated by hatred. That was hatred of the “evil Tories” but I am now wondering if Brown wasn’t also motivated by hatred of England.
How typical that the BBC have turned their phone in into an English hating debate, we’ve not had the mad ranting Moozlum on yet but I’m sure he’ll be on next.
Why is it the BBC has a problem with TWO countries flying their national flag (that being England and Northern Ireland) but not a problem with Scotland or Wales?
Gordon’s Best Friend Andrew on Start The Week interviewing ‘right-wing’ historian Norman Stone and talking about our victory in the Cold War…
‘You argue that without Margaret Thatcher, without Reagan things might have turned out very differently. Perhaps *we’re* still too close to them to be able to see that as sharply as you would like us to.’
Funnily enough *I* can see it quite sharply enough thankyou.
Yes, it’s that regular BBC mistake – conflating ‘we at the BBC’ with (eg) ‘we, the people of Britain’.
Last night on Radio 4’s pm, the fact that Germany now has a constitutional requirement to eliminate public sector deficits was mentioned by the BBC’s Economics Correspondent, Stephanie Flanders, who then voiced concern about ‘where economic growth would come from’. The BBC clearly believes that debt is wealth and generates growth in the same manner as the LibLabCon want the UK to spend its way out of debt.
Hey, the BBC just called 9/11, Madrid, and 7/7 “Islamic terrorism”. They’re doing a report about the inquiry into British police and intelligence failures leading up to the 7/7 bombings.
So the BBC is happily reporting that The Obamessiah has gotten the Democrat majority Senate to pass a bill severely handicapping the banking industry in the US. There’s still a House version with which it will need to be reconciled before it becomes law, and there will be some watering down. But it’s enough for Adam Brookes to trumpet that:
Nonetheless Mr Obama is seeing another key piece of his domestic policy plan fall into place and his administration, at home at least, really seems to be gaining momentum now.
Gaining momentum? The immigration situation is a disaster, with even the President Himself admitting that the system is broken, and both the Attorney General and the Director of Homeland Security admitting that they haven’t even read the Arizona law they’ve been publicly demonizing.
The Obamessiah’s job approval ratings are as low as ever, with only one poll having Him even above 50%. Some polls even have more poeple disapproving than approving. But the BBC never manages to report this stuff.
ACORN, the organization whom The Obamessiah said would be an important part of His Administration, had fallen apart due to criminal investigations. But the BBC hasn’t reported that, have they?
Guantanmo Bay, still open. Bush’s wiretapping, extended and kicked up a notch. Transparency? Practically non-existent at this point, as just the other day, the President signed the Freedom of Press Act, but refused to take questions from the press. All stuff He promised were important, none of this reported by the BBC.
The Tea Party movement is either winning or at least affecting local and state-wide elections all across the country now, which – as the BBC has no problem telling you – is partially due to resentment of His Administration’s policies. The Democrat majority is on thin ice now, which is not the sign of a strong Administration.
But to the BBC, their beloved Obamessiah is moving from strength to strength. Your license fee hard at work.
Not to mention the thousands of troops in Iraq still, Afghanistan a basket case, Iran about to go nuclear and North Korea basically declaring war on the south.
But hey why tell people FACTS, the BBC want opinion, THEIR opinion
That’s foreign policy. Brookes was talking about the domestic agenda. He also forgot to mention how bad unemployment is, and that The Obamessiah’s claims about green jobs are based on something Spain has now admitted is a disaster.
Oh, and the fact that Democrats are now having success running against His agenda. This is not a sign of an Administration that is doing well.
What a contrast between FOXNews and BBC on Molly Norris. In the BBC article she is presented as oh so apologetic, really did not want to offend moslems, and that the whole affair is somehow not about censorship, indeed the BBC header itself screams at us: US cartoonist apologises over Facebook Muhammad row
The FOXNews item is much better, allows Norris to speak for herself.
‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ Unleashes Facebook Fracas
“If artists have to be afraid of what they draw, then what’s the point of even living here? That’s what really bothered me.”
She insists she “never wanted to lead anything,” but she acknowledges her brainchild ignited a controversy.
“It’s turned into something completely different, nothing I could’ve imagined it morphing into,” she said. “I’m happy some people are talking, because obviously this needs to be addressed.”
Gosh sounds like two different people! I wonder which one the BBC believes is real?
It’s also about religious freedom. Non-Muslims should be free to do things that are against Muslim law. I’m not a Muslim, so there is no reason why I can’t draw a picture of Mohammed. I didn’t make any images insulting him or Islam, nor did South Park. In fact, two of the pictures I posted were by Muslims, depicting Mohammed in a most respectful, relgious fashion.
It’s the same thing as non-Muslim NHS staff being “advised” to refrain from eating in front of Mohammedans during Ramadan. This is forcing non-Muslims to adhere to Muslim law.
Religious freedom is important. Muslims get it, the rest of us apparently don’t.
More left wing bollocks from Toenails on the BBC news. Talking shit about Cameron and the Euro, Toenails goes onto the streets of Germany and asks a German about paying to bail out Greece. The German says that we’re one Europe.
Toenails then states “And Britain pays nothing”. UTTER UTTER UTTER lies and bollocks BBC.
The BBC well knows the UK has to pay towards bailing Greece out as part of the IMF deal. We are NOT part of the Euro so are not obliged to pay anything else. For F**ks sake BBC why can’t you stop giving personal opinion and lies and stick to reporting facts?
Toenails should have gone into the German parliament and asked these two people what they thought.
‘”The chancellor cannot promise Greece any help,” Mr Schaeffler told Bild in a story under the headline: “Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks! And sell the Acropolis too!”
Toenails again did not ask the right people their opinions.
“57% of Germans think giving aid to Greece would be a ‘bad decision,’ underlining the level of public opposition in Europe’s biggest economy.
Only 33% are in favour, the poll by Dimap commissioned by Germany’s Die Welt daily and French television news channel France 24 showed. ”
But this would not fit in with the BBCs blinkered view of the EU, which is everyone in Europe is happy with the EU and only the English are xenophobes.
Search Biased BBC
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And this has to do with BBC bias because……
You’re taking the Piss Christ.
You may have noticed NRG that the BBC is rather slavish in presenting the Moslem viewpoint at the expense of free-speech.
Yes, I get that, and happy to supprt that campaign elsewhere, but if B-BBC is to maintain and build its credibility and influence we need to try and push at BBC bias and not as a forum to push our own aganda.
ps – was there not a fuss a while back about an an artwork called Piss Christ. Heck, could you imagine the chaos if anyone produced Piss Mohamad…but I digess.
Did BBC give the Draw Mohamad any coverage other than reporting on the Pakastan reaction. I did not notice Beeb coming in on the side of free speech.
NRG, you are correct. And the BBC tried to expand the subject into Pakistan blocking YouTube at other times, not just today, thus minimizing the story of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.
They also forgot to mention – as they always do when non-Mohammedans are forced to demur to Islamic sensitivities – that this is in the end about religious freedom as much as it is about free speech. Drawing a picture of Mohammed is forbidden by the Mohammed in the Hadiths, but the laws of Islam have no affect on the lives of everyone else. I’m not a Muslim, and so I don’t have to obey Muslim laws or practices. Christians eating bacon isn’t an offense to Jews everywhere, because Christians have the religious freedom not to have to obey Jewish dietary laws.
Same thing for drawing pictures of Mohammed. Non-Muslims should not be forced to obey Islamic law. Ever.
Is it just my imagination, or has Bill Cash been on the BBC more times in the last two weeks than in the previous five years?
Ah well today we are all coalition haters.
Yes, the BBC never gave Bill Cash much time to vent his anti-EU views over the years. They really are a bunch of tossers.
Perhaps, but Bill Cash should know better.
The bBC, executions in the Levant and not even half the story.
On Tuesday Hamas that democratically elected government (well so the bBC keeps telling me) executed 3 men . 48 hours later while the bBC has reported on Israel releasing a Hamas man, Elvis Costello’s latest record ‘I don’t want to go to Israel‘. It still has hasn’t mentioned the judicial executions of 3 men who the truth be told had been men arrested or even murdered by the Israeli state would have had the bBC pushing the story from the minute it had transpired.
The bbC keeps on banging about how it reports every story with an impartial eye. Yet while it has no problem shouting out about how Israel has released a member of a terrorist outfit and how Elvis won’t even enter (never mind leave) the building. The so called impartial bBC hasn’t even bothered its arse in reporting the news.
The bBC, executions in the Levant and not even half the story.
I always thought the old Angst-meister was overrated anyway… give him a keffiyeh.
Elvis Costello has always been an overrated prat. But Israel is lucky not to have him as a visitor. Maybe he should go and live in Gaza.
I just lodged a complaint about this:
Q&A: Gilad Shalit capture
The situation in Gaza became overshadowed by Israel’s conflict with the Lebanese group Hezbollah, who seized two soldiers and killed others on 12 July 2006.
How many?
Enquiring minds need to know.
I seem to remember around eight Israeli soldiers were killed when Hezbollah invaded Israeli territory…
Stephen Glover on the BBC, and the demonising of the political right
[Opening extract]-
“The fashionable new object of abuse in this country is ‘the Tory Right’. It is used by the BBC and certain newspapers to describe the supposedly extreme elements in the Tory Party which, thanks be to God, have been marginalised as a result of the triumphant ‘Liberal Conservative’ coalition.
“These few, rather pathetic headbangers, it is implied, can now be safely ignored. Indeed, they should be ignored.
“Their dreams are silly, dangerous or irrelevant and have no place in the exciting new liberal consensus that holds sway in our country.
“In fact, the views attributed to ‘the Tory Right’ were, until a week ago, mainstream Conservative policies included in the party’s manifesto and defended – if not always with sufficient gusto – by David Cameron throughout the election campaign.”
“It’s early days, I know, but if Mr Cameron keeps dumping cherished Tory beliefs, there’ll be trouble”
Read more:
Yet again the BBC’s narrative seems to be to find ‘splits’ in the coaliiton rather than to actually report factually on the Governments plans.
Dear beeboids, we’re not interested in your left wing drugged up opinions, stick to reporting facts and leave your opinions in the urinals and used condoms on Hampstead Heath.
Now the BBC tell us that the Home Information Pack is a really good idea (Liebour of course) so who does the BBC get to tell us this? Well the head of the losers who run HIPS.
Sorry but what was wrong with the old way of a survey and searches?
Could it be the BBC is worried about a few thousand Guardian readers being booted out of a non job?
All that the EU required was the energy certificate which could be done as part of the survey anyway (as in France)
Yes, the BBC is so blatant that it is laughable. The first person they turn to on The Daily Politics is a chap from the HIP Providers’ Association. You couldn’t make it up. I didn’t see anybody representing estate agents or Happy Homeowners -like me! The BBC’s rigid agreed line – the standard defence of Labour policy – that they were basically a good idea, permeates the whole segment.
I just caught a bit about this on “You and yours” yesterday. Winifred Robertson ( ? ) made it quite clear that she thought HIPS were wonderful when interviewing Grant Shapps who gave a pretty good account of himself.
Hillary Benn given free range on News 24 to spout against the Government, the rather camp looking male beeboid made no attempt to quiz him on HIS failures and 13 years of Nu Liebour.
I guess when a hard left politician is on the BBC they don’t care about holding them to account as well. I seem to remember every Tory who was on the BBC when in opposition getting a hard time about THEIR policies and failures.
Yes, amazing that they were in power until a fortnight ago, but the slate is magically wiped clean overnight. Compare that to continuing frequent references to Margaret Thatcher and her satanic lust to bathe in the blood of infants.
The bBC and reinventing labour as victims, one porn movie at a time.
Jacqui Smith adjusts to life after election defeat
“She said her husband, her sister and her children didn’t deserve the treatment they got.”
“For Richard to have to literally stay in the house with the curtains drawn for weeks on end. It was hard and I don’t see why they should have to put up with it.”
The bBC and reinventing labour as victims, one porn movie at a time.
“For Richard to have to literally stay in the house with the curtains drawn for weeks on end…”
Now she knows how I felt during 13 years of crappy socialism…
we all know why he had the curtains drawn.
But A whole week….. that man has staying power
“Guest Who” posted about the new Olympic Mascots on the old Open Thread.
Not too keen, Mr. Who? Me too.
Hand me the sick bag.
I found the whole thing hilarious when they appeared.
Even funnier are the comments I was reading last night in The Times:
I haven’t laughed so much in ages. I suspect a plot to cheer us all up. Others worry that it will make the country a laughing stock! 😀
Others worry that it will make the country a laughing stock!
Unfortunately we already have High Court judges to do that.
I like how the one representing the paralympics isn’t disabled at all.
No, very sprightly for one whose legs have been amputated at the thigh.
This country is already a laughing stock !
I notice the BBC is totally silent on Everyone Draw Mohammed Day. Pakistan has blocked YouTube and Facebook, and at the time of writing the Facebook page itself has been taken down by management.
My pictures on the previous open thread were not intended to be offensive towards Mohammed or Islam in general. Two of the pictures were of Mohammed, painted by Turkish and Indian Muslim artists from the 16th Century. The first one is a rare depiction of Mohammed’s face. Most Islamic art featuring him has his face veiled, sometimes with a fiery halo, as in the second one I posted.
The other two are obviously reworkings of actual Magritte paintings. I put in the quote from his famous painting of a pipe, which is serendipitously titled “La trahison des images” (The Treachery of Images), for a reason. As with the now infamous South Park episode, I’m not insulting Mohammed or, as some would have it, and attack on all Muslims. I’m insulting the caveman mentality of violence over any religious belief, as well as the deliberately selective, unfair supression of free speech involved.
The BBC isn’t even admitting that this is going on today, simply because they don’t approve. It’s much less of an attack on Islam itself than Piss Christ or the latest courageous play portraying Jesus as a homosexual are attacks on Christianity. Yet, the BBC won’t even allow this debate to happen.
The BBC love the Olympics mascot’s. After all who wouldn’t like a small fat one eyed joke? remind you of anyone?
Splits, splits, unhappiness, more splits. Just listening to the BBC for 10 minutes and that was the impression you got of the Government today.
Remember how the BBC stated that the backbench Tories were in open revolt about Cameron wanting to reform the 1922 committee? So Cameron wins but the BBC ‘spin’ is that 118 MPs voted against (as they are entitled to), but the BBC forgets Cameron WON the vote.
But hey who cares, we need more stories about splits.
The Daily Mail reported this as a split as well. When many Tory MPs are comparing Cameron to Robert Mugabe that is serious dvivision.
I’d be perfectly happy to see the BBC talk this up. Cameron is completely unsound. I hope his Government falls and he is booted out of the Conservative Party to join the Lib-Dems where he belongs.
Cameron has no choice, the Tories wiped Liebour out in most of England but the voting system prevented them from getting an overall majority. A minority Tory government wouldn’t have lasted 6 months, by which time they’d be unpopular as we will be into the cuts and Liebour will probably have a leader who isn’t a total halfwit like the mong was. Unless the Tories get the size of each constituency changed they don’t stand a chance at the next election.
Far too many old Tory MPs are dinosaurs, whilst parts of Tory policy on Europe are popular in the SE of England you need to remember the millions that now suckle on the Liebour teat of the public sector and benefits.
Martin: Cameron has no choice, the Tories wiped Liebour out in most of England but the voting system prevented them from getting an overall majority.
Yes, and I wonder why so little is made of this – on the Beeboid media or elsewhere. It is a blooming disgrace. Well, as far as the Beeboids are concerned, we know why. They are not going to show up their Labour pals, even in the interests of the truth.
I am eternally glad, happy and grateful to Cameron that we were finally able to give Brown and his fellow thugs the heave-ho. I don’t know how I could have endured another day of Brown & co. Now Cameron and his twisty friend Clegg have to fix the boundaries so that parliamentary constituencies are equal.
Diane Abbott on the News Channel right now saying that white candidates for Labour leadership cannot and will not discuss “the real issues about black and white working class and security”.
Hugh Beeboid in the studio asked if she was saying that Ed Balls and others would not discuss these issues, and she says yes. Now the BBC’s beloved Labour is getting hit with this race-baiting, and they aren’t going to know how to handle it.
Abbot’s bottom line: white people are capable of addressing only issues which involve white people, yet black people can address issues which concern everyone.
Abbot’s bottom line…
I’d rather not see that, thank you very much. The top’s god awful enough.
Well, she was shaping up as good value from the off.
What with what comes out her mouth vs. what she does (and a good grasp of reality).
As an Aunty staffer and box tick dream candidate, one can only wonder who they will wheel out to say she is ‘the one’ by way of the odd invited guest or sixteen.
The only thing she can talk about with any knowledge is pie eating.
Why is she on the BBC so often ? Is it because she is female, black and Labour ? Or just because she is thick as two short planks, so fits in totally with the Beeboids ?
Where is the BBC reporting on Jonathan Baume, the senior civil servant who has revealed that the Civil Service was sending letters of complaint to the Labour Government over excessive spending?
Jonathan Baume, the general secretary of the First Division Association which represents 19,000 top civil servants, said new ministers had to improve on the performance of those in the Labour Government.
In unusually outspoken comments, Mr Baume said: “An underlying theme of the general election was the loss of trust by so many citizens in politicians and our system of government. “
“That trust will take time to rebuild. At the very least, new ministers and MPs must begin to display the personal and moral integrity that was so obviously lacking in the previous Parliament, even within the Cabinet.”
I expect the BBC will continue to keep this story quiet because it might make all these candidates for Labour leadership they’re covering – the very Cabinet members Baume is complaining about – look bad.
To be honest, my reaction is where does the UNELECTED, jobs for life Civil Service get off lecturing the ELECTED class.
Socialists politicos are the lying scum of the earth. I get that. But they are still elected, no matter how gerrymandered Britain is.
How do I get rid of Baume without doing life? (which would only be ten years, but still, prison homo rape and all!!)
This is one instance where I’d say you should have wanted the elected to listen to the unelected. A truly independent budget oversight committe along the lines of the Congressional Budget Office would do wonders, and they would have to be appointed and not elected.
It’s too bad the BBC, with all those insider contacts, couldn’t have found out about these warning signs of Labour’s scorched-earth activities running up to the election.
If it had come their way they’d have buried it, just like they’re burying it now.
I remember prior to the ’97 election the then leader of the First Division Association Elizabeth Symons was constantly on the TODAY programme slagging off the Tory Govt to uncritical acclaim from Humphrys et al. How obvious it was she was campaigning for Labour was confirmed when as outgoing Gen Sec of the FDA in ’96 this truly appalling woman was nominated by Blair for a peerage and was elevated to the Lords to a Ministerial post when he became Prime Minister.
At least this chap has had the moral integrity not to play politics. Symons should be booted out of the Lords for the disgrace she is.
To be honest, I’m shocked at a Civil Servant – assuming he is one and not just an outside employee of the Civil Servants’ union – making such stark public comments about the morality of a specific Cabinet and parliament. True, the Civil Service has a responsibility for propriety and good conduct of government business but I would expect comments of this nature on the theme of morality and propriety to be couched in more general terms.
Maybe his public comments are intended to show how bad things were – I mean really, really bad.
Toenails at it again, ‘claiming’ that Vince Cable didn’t look comfortable today sharing a platform with George Osborne. Again the BBC give us opinion not fact. Where is the factual reporting from Toenails?
The BBC really is going down the pan.
Isn’t it perfectly natural to feel uncomfortable within a mile of Cable anyway?
He didn’t puke all over the repulsive Cable did he. Now that would have been news!
BBC now presents Islamic censorship laregely from Islamic viewpoint, as is the BBC’s wont.
“Pakistan blocks access to YouTube in internet crackdown”
Virtually all the comments on the BBC piece are from Muslims/Pakistanis.
The BBC is again serving the Islamic interests, of Pakistan, in this case.
The BBC does not reflect the interests and viewpoints of the British people in such matters, as expressed by the British people.
British people are forced to pay BBC Islamic ideologues to present pro-Islamic propaganda, which is opposed to the interests of British people!
-unlike the BBC, ‘JIHADWATCH’ opposes the censoring activities Islam, and of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference – an orgaanisation which the BBC ignores.
Brad Thor: Why Everyone in the Civilized World Must Support ‘Everybody Draw Muhammad Day’
I feel surprised that the BBC are very muted about the Malawi gay couple case. Normaly ant anti gay info is broadcast from the rooftops but in this case it seems the pro African (black) propaganda trumps the BBC pro gay agenda so now we know the priority listing. I note the BBC mouthpiece P Tatchell is blaming the colonial government for this ruling.
We live in a new media age, which enhances certain easily abused techniques that can be adopted by editorial if so desired to help slant a story, especially with time poor folk scanning ‘byte-sized’ snippets.
Be it a twitter feed, google summary or MSM broadcast news story, I am noticing more and more instances where the headlines and even first lines are deliberately selected, or at best ineptly created such that they are in fact a gross misrepresentation of actuality unless interrogated in full or only after clicking a link.
It happens too often to be justified as a ‘teaser’, and in my view the BBC editorial is getting a tad too fond of it. And sticking ‘actually all the preceding is utter guff’ subsequently seems less than honest at best.
Take this story:
‘We’re making it up as we go along’
1st line:
Thus Vince Cable unwittingly summed up the launch of what Whitehall has dubbed The Coalition’s (capital “T” and capital “C”) programme for government.
Second para:
The business secretary was not, I should stress, making a political comment. He was instead reacting to the home secretary’s offer to fill for time while he fumbled with his microphone.
So, in fact, though the headline refers to a joke about something, and the comment could indeed be cited later on as a metaphor in an opinion piece, as a piece of news sharing it is a daft as it gets.
Now, how might that look on a summary on the politics page, or twitter or search?
Well, here’s the above (could be worse; the 1st line may have crept in too):
bbcnickrobinson – ‘We’re making it up as we go along’
It’s bad enough all the ” ‘We’re doomed!!!!’….. scientists (who have no credibility)…. say could (so it’s all ratings BS) happen…’ ” PR as non-news we are subjected to before finding a complete contradiction or backside cover in para 76, but trying to skew opinion in this manner is not on.
It was interesting to hear the sneering from Toenails and Pinhead. All those commissions. What did they expect? In under 9 days they had to merge two manifesto’s that both parties were happy with. Of course they couldn’t go through everything and come up with a common policy, that’s why European Countries take weeks and months to do deals.
But the BBC offer no ‘well done’ for getting on with the important stuff, just more sneering and spinning of Liebour propaganda.
Imagine if George Osborne had left a message saying “there’s not more money”, the BBC would have accused him of being ‘out of touch’ or ‘a snob’
Flying the flag for England? Breakfast Phone-in, 21/05/2010
Three weeks to go until the World Cup, and the internet is rife with rumours that the authorities are clamping down on people flying the flag of St George.
But not everyone will be waving the flag, and not just because you’re Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish, or simply not interested in football.
So on the Phone-in this morning – What does it say about you if you fly an England flag?
Well we know what the BBC is REALLY getting at don’t we? The English are white racists, unlike the Scots who fly their flag but are seen as ‘patriotic’
But the good thing is, English people are flying it regardless.
The old insults have lost most of their potency.
They also have it as the big headline on their website. Anyway, I am sure the topic next week will be “what does it say about you if you fly the Brazil flag ? ”
Although Scottish, I hope England win, just to stick it up the BBC as much as anything.
I wonder if Gordon the Moron is still supporting England now that he is no longer PM and English votes kicked him out ? Or indeed, if he ever did support England ?
Well Brown certainly hated the middle class white English, Charlie Whelan said so many years ago.
It really only came home to me during the election how much Labour seemed to be motivated by hatred. That was hatred of the “evil Tories” but I am now wondering if Brown wasn’t also motivated by hatred of England.
How typical that the BBC have turned their phone in into an English hating debate, we’ve not had the mad ranting Moozlum on yet but I’m sure he’ll be on next.
Why is it the BBC has a problem with TWO countries flying their national flag (that being England and Northern Ireland) but not a problem with Scotland or Wales?
Gordon’s Best Friend Andrew on Start The Week interviewing ‘right-wing’ historian Norman Stone and talking about our victory in the Cold War…
‘You argue that without Margaret Thatcher, without Reagan things might have turned out very differently. Perhaps *we’re* still too close to them to be able to see that as sharply as you would like us to.’
Funnily enough *I* can see it quite sharply enough thankyou.
Yes, it’s that regular BBC mistake – conflating ‘we at the BBC’ with (eg) ‘we, the people of Britain’.
Get out more, Andy.
Last night on Radio 4’s pm, the fact that Germany now has a constitutional requirement to eliminate public sector deficits was mentioned by the BBC’s Economics Correspondent, Stephanie Flanders, who then voiced concern about ‘where economic growth would come from’. The BBC clearly believes that debt is wealth and generates growth in the same manner as the LibLabCon want the UK to spend its way out of debt.
Hey, the BBC just called 9/11, Madrid, and 7/7 “Islamic terrorism”. They’re doing a report about the inquiry into British police and intelligence failures leading up to the 7/7 bombings.
Radio 5 talking about Cameron’s visit to Germany.
“Tory nutters”
“Most Euro sceptic Prime minister since Thatcher”
You get the idea.
So the BBC is happily reporting that The Obamessiah has gotten the Democrat majority Senate to pass a bill severely handicapping the banking industry in the US. There’s still a House version with which it will need to be reconciled before it becomes law, and there will be some watering down. But it’s enough for Adam Brookes to trumpet that:
Nonetheless Mr Obama is seeing another key piece of his domestic policy plan fall into place and his administration, at home at least, really seems to be gaining momentum now.
Gaining momentum? The immigration situation is a disaster, with even the President Himself admitting that the system is broken, and both the Attorney General and the Director of Homeland Security admitting that they haven’t even read the Arizona law they’ve been publicly demonizing.
The Obamessiah’s job approval ratings are as low as ever, with only one poll having Him even above 50%. Some polls even have more poeple disapproving than approving. But the BBC never manages to report this stuff.
ACORN, the organization whom The Obamessiah said would be an important part of His Administration, had fallen apart due to criminal investigations. But the BBC hasn’t reported that, have they?
Guantanmo Bay, still open. Bush’s wiretapping, extended and kicked up a notch. Transparency? Practically non-existent at this point, as just the other day, the President signed the Freedom of Press Act, but refused to take questions from the press. All stuff He promised were important, none of this reported by the BBC.
The Tea Party movement is either winning or at least affecting local and state-wide elections all across the country now, which – as the BBC has no problem telling you – is partially due to resentment of His Administration’s policies. The Democrat majority is on thin ice now, which is not the sign of a strong Administration.
But to the BBC, their beloved Obamessiah is moving from strength to strength. Your license fee hard at work.
Not to mention the thousands of troops in Iraq still, Afghanistan a basket case, Iran about to go nuclear and North Korea basically declaring war on the south.
But hey why tell people FACTS, the BBC want opinion, THEIR opinion
That’s foreign policy. Brookes was talking about the domestic agenda. He also forgot to mention how bad unemployment is, and that The Obamessiah’s claims about green jobs are based on something Spain has now admitted is a disaster.
Oh, and the fact that Democrats are now having success running against His agenda. This is not a sign of an Administration that is doing well.
What a contrast between FOXNews and BBC on Molly Norris. In the BBC article she is presented as oh so apologetic, really did not want to offend moslems, and that the whole affair is somehow not about censorship, indeed the BBC header itself screams at us: US cartoonist apologises over Facebook Muhammad row
The FOXNews item is much better, allows Norris to speak for herself.
‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day’ Unleashes Facebook Fracas
“If artists have to be afraid of what they draw, then what’s the point of even living here? That’s what really bothered me.”
She insists she “never wanted to lead anything,” but she acknowledges her brainchild ignited a controversy.
“It’s turned into something completely different, nothing I could’ve imagined it morphing into,” she said. “I’m happy some people are talking, because obviously this needs to be addressed.”
Gosh sounds like two different people! I wonder which one the BBC believes is real?
It’s also about religious freedom. Non-Muslims should be free to do things that are against Muslim law. I’m not a Muslim, so there is no reason why I can’t draw a picture of Mohammed. I didn’t make any images insulting him or Islam, nor did South Park. In fact, two of the pictures I posted were by Muslims, depicting Mohammed in a most respectful, relgious fashion.
It’s the same thing as non-Muslim NHS staff being “advised” to refrain from eating in front of Mohammedans during Ramadan. This is forcing non-Muslims to adhere to Muslim law.
Religious freedom is important. Muslims get it, the rest of us apparently don’t.
More left wing bollocks from Toenails on the BBC news. Talking shit about Cameron and the Euro, Toenails goes onto the streets of Germany and asks a German about paying to bail out Greece. The German says that we’re one Europe.
Toenails then states “And Britain pays nothing”. UTTER UTTER UTTER lies and bollocks BBC.
The BBC well knows the UK has to pay towards bailing Greece out as part of the IMF deal. We are NOT part of the Euro so are not obliged to pay anything else. For F**ks sake BBC why can’t you stop giving personal opinion and lies and stick to reporting facts?
Toenails should have gone into the German parliament and asked these two people what they thought.
‘”The chancellor cannot promise Greece any help,” Mr Schaeffler told Bild in a story under the headline: “Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks! And sell the Acropolis too!”
“The Greek government has to take radical steps to sell its property – for example its uninhabited islands,” Mr Schaeffler told Germany’s best-selling daily newspaper.’
Toenails again did not ask the right people their opinions.
“57% of Germans think giving aid to Greece would be a ‘bad decision,’ underlining the level of public opposition in Europe’s biggest economy.
Only 33% are in favour, the poll by Dimap commissioned by Germany’s Die Welt daily and French television news channel France 24 showed. ”
But this would not fit in with the BBCs blinkered view of the EU, which is everyone in Europe is happy with the EU and only the English are xenophobes.