For those playing the Buzzword Bingo, we’ll be invoking the “BBC Coalition Attention Distraction Rules” which means that playing your joker on Labour Leadership gets you double points for every lefty nonentity name-checked more than five times. Combining Backtracking with either Europe, Inheritance Tax or Human Rights Act means that you get to pass ‘Go’ but not collect a Married Couples Allowance. Players with Foxhunting can only be trumped by Trident or by using the concealed Lembit Opik gambit.
As usual the LiveBlog will also cover the entertainingly awful This Week, which surely by any measure of impartiality can’t feature newly declared candidate to lead the Labour Party, Diane Abbot…could it?
Dissenting backbenchers aside, your governing coalition will once again be TheEye and David Mosque, who will be dispensing with motorcycle outriders and appearing here from 10:30pm
Right on cue, as the subject of islamic terrorists dodging deportation appears yet again, up pops Shami hermaphroditie to squawk at and shout down anyone who doesn’t like her beardy bomber friends.
Looking forward to the beavy of beauties,…
I cannot believe this. We simply don’t live in a democracy, when Theresa May is made to backtrack and say she has changed her mind RE transgender ops and gay adoption.
What the hell has transgender operations got to do with human rights? That’s not a human right, it’s just sick and should not be allowed in a civilised society. In fact, gay adoption isn’t a human right either. We are living in a fascist state, where no one in politics is allowed to dissent from the liberal elite’s agenda for fear of being called to resign or be sacked.
Britain’s finished. And there’s no conservative in the Conservative party.
Get with it – there is a whole new vocabulary and raft of provisions known as “trans equality” for “trans people”. I know, because the Equalities Commission says so. There. 🙂
I could barely watch it. Horrific. That condescending Chakrabarti prick is on it AGAIN! Standard QT mobbing techniques against “evil Tory” Teresa May. Finished on a “celebration of diversity” which made me wonder whether or not there had actually been a change of government.
Why is the BBC still getting away with this staged shit? The funding has got to stop. Cut the lefty parasites down before they finally achieve their dream of killing the host.
“Finished on a “celebration of diversity” which made me wonder whether or not there had actually been a change of government. “
Quite agree. One of the Coldplay wannabes in the audience opined that PR would make politics more representative of the pop’n – perhaps it should be applied to QT audiences.
Effing awful programme, resounding to all the cries that comprised the dominant discourse of the (supposedly) previous regime.
BTW Scuse my ignorance but where the fuck is Richmond Park? An up-market suburb of Brighton?
The wierd new constituency all borders on Richmond Park. As in London.
You’d never know from last night’s audience that it is now a Tory seat.
(OK, nominally Tory – Zac Goldsmith is MP)
Thanks for the explanation: the audience seemed too well-heeled for a Lib/Lab area, but the shrieking liberal sympathies displayed confused me. Zac Goldsmith seems highly appropriate for such people.
Same old, same old. What was Douglas Murray on about, he seemed to be saying that gays should tolerate diversity and allow non-conforming heteros to disapprove – as long as they did it quietly and to no effect, of course. Nothing has changed. The To-day programme has just reported that Teresa May has changed her mind about gay adoption – so we can stop worrying about the economic collapse etc., as long as the gays are happy the BBC is happy and therefore we should all be happy.
They did go on a bit about gay n lesbian adoption didn’t they? I thought Theresa may was trying a tad too hard to be liked by the audience. People are not stupid, and could probably see right through Theresa May’s somewhat phony approval.
In a way it’s understandable – it seems you cannot express an opposing view these days without being smeared as a homophobe, racist, bigot etc. Theresa May should have had the gumption to express her true feelings – she could be read like an open book – we know she is not comfortable with this. If she offends the sensibilities of a few precious audience members, or Dimbleby, who cares? Certainly not the silent majority.
I do not like the idea of a kid being raised by practicing homosexuals, I do not think it is satisfactory and neither do I have to like it. Am I weirrd/bigoted?
“Am I weirrd/bigoted?”
You are clearly a homophobe. Be damned evil-doer! To hell with thee and burn at the stake! Well, that’s pretty much what May wouldn’t been subjected to if she hadn’t sold her soul.
There is only one way to get the leftists out of the BBC: stop it’s “free” money and watch our most distasteful bureaucracy die a humiliating death. To the sound of Elgar.
Either guys having sex with guys is abnormal or being revolted by it is. I would say the former.
One good thing stood out for me and it was that Labour bloke in the audience quite forcefully denouncing the previous government’s scorched-earth policy during its final moments.
Caroline Flint made a stab at trying to gloss over it, protect frontline services and all that guff, all pretty unconvincing. Despite of being a bit of all right, Flint is pretty much like most other Labour MPs in having never done anything else besides politics.
She apparently is a member of the “Division Belles”, a Parliamentary tap dancing troupe?!
Flint started a fire in this caveman’s loins. She could dress my window any day.