Just caught the last few minutes of the News Quiz on Radio 4.
The usual unfunny lefties like Hardy, Jupitus and Toksvig were tearing into the Tories much as they have done these last thirteen years. Naturally there was no comedy mileage in the Milibands, Mandelson or Diane Abbott…never is when it comes to the chums of their commisssionning editors !
I know its early days and that the Beeb have already used our money to keep Hardy, Izzard etc in croissants for a while yet…but surely Cameron needs to know that there is some real saving to be done here at the Beeb.
I resent paying these easy chair socialists my licence fee just so they can pretend that “Thatch” is still the enemy…unlike Adonis,Brown and the others who start wars and demand we carry ID cards for their perusal. Again…no satire to be found here either!
So Hunt,Osborne and the like-set these liberal leeches out of the BBC free to make us laugh at their OWN risk and expense and not ours…they have creamed it in for too long now and are STILL not funny.
About half an hour ago I put this on iPlayer to lift the silence of working late in the office, but had to stop listening after a few minutes. The whole thing was toe-curlingly awful.
I caught the firm 10 minutes of this show then turned off. There was a “joke” about Nick Clegg asking the public to identify which unnecesary laws should be part of the Great Repeal Bill. At this point the entire panel couldn’t think of any that had been passed since 1997 ! No mention of ID cards are any of the 1001 stupid laws inflicted on us since then.
Also is it me but Sandy Toksvig seems to have gone very quite about her support for the Lib Dems. You couldn’t shut her up about this a few months ago but now its just silence. I will bet she will be joing either the Labour party or the Greens by the end of the year.
what happened to the FOI request about gordooms selling of the gold
also why isn’t there a list of things the last government have left the new government to sort out.Ads in the papers money well spent i think…
A basic political point, which the BBC is oblivious to:
‘Jihadwatch’ –
“Priorities: Pakistani is a hub of international jihad terrorism, but no one in Pakistan is demonstrating against the Tiny Minority of Extremists. Their rage is reserved for the Motoons. ”
The BBC, in its non-British political role, represents the interests of Pakistani Muslims, paid for by British people.
The BBC’s view are not those of British people who oppose Islamic jihadists and their supporters. On the contrary, the BBC is full of Islamic apologetics.
‘FRANCE 24’ has a rather different political emphasis:
“Bouchareb film slammed for ‘falsifying’ history of French-Algerian massacre”
“The report from the Defence Ministry confirmed that the film’s screenplay indeed contained ‘errors and anachronisms so numerous and obvious that they could be seized on by any historian’.
“Regarding the portrayal of the Sétif massacre, the report states: ‘The director wants to suggest that on May 8, 1945, Muslims in Sétif were blindly massacred by Europeans, whereas it’s the contrary that transpired….all historians agree on that….Europeans lashed out against Muslims in response to Muslims massacring Europeans’.”
Does it mention how Muslims colluded with the Nazis in exterminating the Jews during WW2?
How Yassir Arafascist’s uncle, the “Grand Mufti of Jerusalem” was Hilter’s pal — who should have beenm tried and executed at Nuremberg but was protected by the British?
That Haj Al Amin Al Hussein, was deeply involved in the Final Solution is indisputable. In 1945 he escaped to Cairo where he lived in exile until 1974. Jordan, fired him officially from his Grand Mufti post in 1948 and prevented his return to Jerusalem.
Please show evidence that it was the Britiish who protected him?
What is this nonsense the BBC is trying to stir up about British soldiers in Helmland being placed under US command? It’s a total non-story, yet the BBC has been bringing it up in different places all day long. Even Nick Robinson felt the need to make that his first question to Cameron at the press conference with Angela Merkel about the EU bailout!
This is a total non-story because this happens all the time. What the hell does the BBC think goes on in any NATO or Allied Forces activity? Complete nonsense. Is this yet another attempt by an ignorant BBC boss to place doubt in the public’s minds about the British presence in Afghanistan?
Moving to being under US OPCOM is nothing odd as you say. It’s standard rotation – RC(S) is a NATO HQ and it only happens to be the UK ‘turn’ right now. If the BBC wanted to be particularly annoying about command structure, they should look to SACEUR which doesn’t rotate…it’s always US.
Exactly. So why did Nick Robinson think it was so important as to ask such an OT question in Germany today? Somebody put him up to it. Somebody in BBC News thinks it’s a story.
Why doesnt Bbbc open a utube channel and post bbc bias examples, that are captured and recorded by members?
The impact would be excellent potentially, and could reach many more, including the young, who particularly need deprogramming.
Sometimes it seems that anything goes on the BBC, as if there has been an abandonment of standards in favour of a strutting arrogant egotism. This clown supposedly employed by the BBC to give the weather forecast throws a hissy fit – on air:
What a drama queen. I wonder how much we pay for this petulant brat.
I’m not surprised he was unhappy being called ‘petal’. A very odd thing for one bloke to call another, it sounded like it may have been a dig at the guy’s homosexuality?
It’s been said that the topic they were discussing before the handover to the weather was to do with plants. I didn’t see it myself so I can’t vouch for that. But in any case, it is the manner in which he dealt with it that is worse than the original cause. He could have retorted with something like: “Thanks, sweet pea”, or else taken it up with the other man off air. There really is no excuse for creating a row with a colleague and showing himself up by throwing a strop on air. And for someone to get all sniffy about being a serious weather forecaster, well, this is the fellow who saw fit to pose as beefcake in shorts in some magazine. I haven’t any knowledge of his sexuality.
“Cheer up BBC staff exiled up north, we’ve put our teeth in specially”
“Of course it’s not entirely surprising that many BBC staff have greeted the invitation to move north as one might react to the offer of a house swap with a Mumbai slum-dweller. ” (Carol Midgley).
Is it my imagination or has it been some time since any apologists for the BBC posted here ? I rather miss them, as much for the laugh as anything else !
“In the Grand Ballroom Of Chicago’s Magnificent Mile Hotel, dinner was over.
Beef, of course. A great pink hunk of it from the American Mid-West.
At the world’s biggest gathering of climate change sceptics, organised by the right-wing Heartland Institute, vegetarians were an endangered species.
Wine flowed and blood coursed during a rousing address from Heartland’s libertarian president Joseph Bast.”
“But then came a sudden and unexpected anti-climax. Mr McIntyre urged the audience to support the battle for open source data on climate change – but then he counselled them to stop clamouring for the blood of the e-mailers. McIntyre does not want them jailed, or even punished. He just wants them to say they are sorry.
The audience disappointment was tangible – like a houndpack denied the kill. ”
And then Harrabin concludes, after demonstrating his sheer and typical bias when attempting to report on a conference of climate sceptics, by confusing weather with climate on his way out:
“As the ecstatic crowd filtered out I pointed one delegate to a copy of the Wall Street Journal on the table. A front page paragraph noted that April had been the warmest on record.
‘So what?’ he shrugged. ‘So what?'”
Harrabin’s report was on From Our Own Correspondent this morning. Sneer sneer sneer.
But hey, it probably cost us less than £20,000 to fly him out to Chicago – and at least he is now on record as reporting that there are real objections to the Warmists’ paranoia
Change the words slightly and ask the BBC if this is opinionated, bias reporting.
“In the Great Hall of Copenhagens magnificent Congress Center, dinner was over. Tofu, of course. A great white hunk of it from the Japanese Mid-West.
At the world’s biggest gathering of climate change alarmists, organised by the left-wing IPCC, carnivores were an endangered species, water flowed and blood coursed during a rousing address from the IPCCs chairman and ex railway worker Dr. Rajendra Pachari.”
Shameless rebroadcasting of the leftist viewpoint this morning – as the Beeb turns rather unfunny libtard ‘satire’ of Arizona’s decision to assert the right to defend its own borders into a story – with, as you’d expect, no balancing argument whatever.
Here is the Governor of Arizona telling Obama to pull his finger out, make the border secure. Funny, I don’t recall the BBC airing anything by the Governor :
and here is another Governor telling it straight to the high-spending, high-taxing Democrats – and telling a reporter to stop being so damn thin-skinned :
Just caught a bit of the awful Dateline. Gavin Essler a man whose tongue has licked more Liebour politicians arse clean than Toenails or Marr was sneering at the 55% plan by the Tories/Lib Dems for Parliament.
“The old system has done us well for 200 years” sneered Mr rent a twat.
Yes indeed so has first past the post voting, but I don’t see beeboids backing that Essler do you?
Grant, there is an irritating pest called _marko who describes himself as a BBC person on the technical side but comments as if he is doing a bad political science project for a lefty lecturer. I am currently “debating” him and others in denial re the BBC’s lefty bias on this blog:
The BBC sure loves Oliver Stone’s new sequel to Wall Street. Apparently it’s sort of a j’accuse at the Capitalist System. Stone is shown saying that he doubts that Capitalism can stand any longer, it’s obviously rotten, things must change. If a Castro worhsipper says it, it must be true, I guess. Never mind all the Socialist countries in Europe falling apart left and right.
Right after that is a love-in with the producer of a documentary about the recent financial crisis. The producer’s concern is that people need to be arrested for their crimes which caused the banking collapse. He says that the problem started with deregulation, and that we need a wholesale reduction in banking abilities in order to fix things. What he doesn’t seem to understand – and what the Beeboid interviewing him didn’t get, either – is that there is a difference between committing a crime and doing something one doesn’t like.
This fool seems to think that enforcing strict regulations will somehow stop people doing things illegally, and often conflates business under deregulation with criminal acts. Beeboid nods his head in assent. The film has a series of talking heads from the financial world, all complaining that even The Obamessiah isn’t doing enough reform. The Beeboid interviewer speaks to the producer as if to a guru with a deep understanding of the financial system.
The Beeboid was so clueless, that at one point the producer had to correct him and say that he wasn’t a banker, but had made some money as founder of a software company. Which means he’s probably one of the vast majority of Silicon Valley types who voted for and donated money to the Democrats. Now he just wants people arrested. The latest financial crisis was bigger than the previous ones, therefore more people must be arrested this time. Beeboid nods in assent to such genius.
BBC definitley not happy with the 200 unwashed children from the Socialist Workers Party who have just interrupted the BA strike negotiations. A bunch of them pushed their way upstairs and eventually the talks had to be called off. “How can this happen,” asks the Beeboid in the studio.
Earlier, the Beeboid on scene tried to warn one of the SWP hippie that they weren’t helping the union workers this way. Naturally, the dopey child had no idea what he was talking about, and said that the fact that they stormed the building and screamed venom at the BA boss showed their “solidarity” and would be good for the workers.
A few of them surrounded the BA boss Willie Walsh and got in his face. Beeboid on the scene called it “menacing”. The one time the BBC sees a menace from Leftoid protesters, and it’s out of concern for a Socialist Unite. The BBC also showed footage of the head of Unite’s negotiating team screaming at the SWP idiots and telling them to get lost.
All BBC reporting was done in solemn, worried tones, with open expressions of concern that this has harmed the workers’ side. They’re doing more than reporting and “analysing” now.
To recap: a Socialist-leaning bunch of Beeboids are upset that the Socialist Workers Party has acted like a bunch of petulant teenagers and potentially damaged an outcome for a Socialist workers union.
Has anyone ever been on a plane and an announcement came over the PA,
“Is There a Socialist Workers Party member on board?”
Anyone who went to ant college, university, polytechnic, et al… you’ll know that the student members of the SWP were (and are) the absolute arsehole scum of the earth.
A bit like those countries whose names include ‘democratic’ often not, as such, showing much evidence of this, I have to ponder if any in this party have, are or intend to ‘work’.
Other than being on the speed dial of BBC news producers’ iPhones for a quick ‘general public’ vox pop, that is.
“As a ‘once upon a time’ speech writer for Tony Blair.”
A man confusingly named Phil Collins plays some excerpts from post-election speeches given at the moment of losing or winning. Strangely all the Tories bar Michael Portillo gave rotten speeches, and the Left wingers gave magnificent ones. At the end, in a particularly pot-kettle-black conclusion, he uses the platform of this BBC programme to lecture us about what disgraceful conduct it was for the tory, Joanne Cash, to use the platform of her speech to blame the press for discrediting her and making her lose her seat. I don’t know which was more obvious, the hypocrisy or the bias.
I watched some of News-night the other night, Gavin Esler talking to Irwin Stelzer and Joe Stiglitz on the Euro car crash.
Good chat.
I have a lot of time for Mr Stelzer, he is interesting and a very astute observer, he’s also unfailingly and graciously polite.
The interview drew to a close and Esler turned his back on Mr. Stelzer after thanking him for his time without waiting for a reciprocal adieu as Esler turned you could see Mr. Stelzer receiving the thanks of the interviewer (there is a time lag) but his smile and ‘goodnight’ were missed.
Now I watch American broadcasters and they would never do this to an interviewee, it is grossly impolite.
Alack, another reason the beeb has slid into the midden, it is not a good example to set to my nation and I am appalled at the Beeb’s bad manners but not surprised.
Try eliciting pleasantries from a NHS receptionist or any government official; so sad really a little human solicitude and courtesy costs nothing but makes all the difference.
Yesterday, the BBC was reporting that the SWP kids interrupted the meetings between BA bosses and Unite. Derek Simpson acted very disappointed at the suspension of talks, as things seemed to be going well. Today they’re reporting that Unite is going to strike because they say that there’s “no prospect of any talks” with the BA bosses anymore. Unite bigwig Tony Woodley blames the SWP for the “catastrophic breakdown” of negotations. Unite was shocked, shocked to find their fellow Socialists trying to influence the talks.
The BBC is trying to get someone to claim that it’s actually BA’s fault for shutting things down in because they’re angry that some Unite guy was tweeting the proceedings. Andrew Marr didn’t like Walsh’s statement about it this morning, so now the BBC is trying to make something out of that as well.
Something smells very, very fishy about this whole thing. But rest assured this is everyone else’s fault except Unite’s. BBC reporting has been geared exclusively toward this end.
We at the Biased BBC wish to completely ignore the discrimination against white males that goes on today and harp on about non-existent discrimination against women in the 1970s
Jack, I remember both the Militant and SWSO (SWPS “student wing) from way back then (80 – 85)
I applied to join militant in 1980, but they wouldnt have me. I was marked down as politically unreliable. SWSO even then I wouldnt touch. The militant group in Thanet in 1980 was actually not too uncivilised, but the SWP were donkeys. I well remember the epic fights that would break out at “solidarity” piss ups between the two groupings.
I remember there were several Iranian “exiles” in both groups, they were especially evident when I went up to university. I Still wonder if they were genuine marxists or Islamic infiltrators especially sent to muddle these already deeply confused groups. They achieved much the same result whatever they were.
There was some young young revolutionary of the female persuasion I wished to impress, so I went with her to some commie type meeting. Think it was SWP.
This bald jock recruiter was explaining how we were the vanguard of the working classes, I think I was the only actual working class person there!
He went on to explain that if only he personally could talk for ten minutes to everyone in Britain, he could convert them to being revolutionary socialists.
But alas, he didn’t have the time. Shopping, getting his car washed, etc.
Hence we (and other like us) had to lead the revolution.
Just watched a report by some camp male beeboid telling ‘us’ why the Tories plan to make constituencies all the same is wrong. Well of course it would be wrong, after all the current mess gives Liebour a huge advantage, so why would the BBC want to point that out? The fiddling of boundaries over the last 13 years to benefit ONE party only.
Yet more sh*t journalism based on opinion not fact from the BBC.
I saw the same thing. Ooh, the Tories won big many years ago under the current system, so why do they really want to change, asks the Beeboid. The whole thing was against the idea of PR and reducing the number of MPs. If the Tories want it, it must be bad.
Funny how the Beeboids sounded so much more positive about it during the election campaign back when the LibDems and Labour were for it and Cameron wasn’t during the debates.
Speaking of more sh*t journalism from the BBC, here’s yet another report they’ve copied from the Washington Post which is full of falsehoods and misrepresentations:
The changes include teaching that the UN could be a threat to American freedom, and that the Founding Fathers may not have intended a complete separation of church and state.
and this:
They will study how American ideals benefit the world but organisations such as the UN could be a threat to personal freedom.
And Thomas Jefferson has been dropped from a list of enlightenment thinkers in the world-history curriculum, despite being one of the Founding Fathers who is credited with developing the idea that church and state should be separate.
The new standards say that the McCarthyism of the 1950s was later vindicated — something most historians deny — draw an equivalency between Jefferson Davis’s and Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural addresses, say that international institutions such as the United Nations imperil American sovereignty, and include a long list of Confederate officials about whom students must learn.
Here’s a good fisking which shows just how inaccurate the WaPo story is. Notice how the BBC’s version is in ideological lockstep with it. Nowhere does the Texas syllabus say that the UN is a threat. Of course, Leftoids and their bretheren at the BBC just love the UN, so anything even remotely questioning its awesomeness is perceived as an extremist threat.
The result is that the BBC is – once again – seriously misinforming you all about a US issue, due to their ideological bias. Forget facts – it’s the Beeboids’ opinions which are more important.
Your license fee hard at work. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
Does the BBC normally question who pays for State visits? I don’t suppose they would if it was the leader of say, Tibet or Morocco or Saudi Arabia. And anyway the BBC says that the Catholic Church is paying £7m of the £15m cost. Seems reasonable. So what is the BBC’s point? That we shouldn’t pay for State visits? Or that we shouldn’t invite the Pope in the first place? Or are they just making mischief, pandering to prejudice (a safe, acceptable prejudice)?
Mind, some of the comments are hilarious, if irreverent. One refers to the Pope swinging a “smoking handbag”! It’s hard to beat that as a novel way of seeing an incense holder. From now on I shall always think of it as a smoking handbag. People come up with the funniest things.
The BBC know full well who pays for state vists – “the state”. They also know that it was Brown who invited the Pope to Britain. This ” who should pay for it” argument put forward by the BBC is totally ridiculous. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8271556.stm
So why are they not asking the Labour party to pay for the visit?
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has said that he is a Marxist, yet credits capitalism for bringing new freedoms to the communist country that exiled him — China.
“Still I am a Marxist,” the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader said in New York, where he arrived with an entourage of robed monks and a heavy security detail to give a series of paid public lectures.
Marxism has “moral ethics, whereas capitalism is only how to make profits,” the Dalai Lama, 74, said yesterday.
“Moral ethics”? I have a hard time not laughing at a feudal lord talking like that.
It’s funny how the BBC has done numerous reports on the booming Chinese economy, and how their blend of Communism and Capitalism has been such a great thing, yet they’re silent when the Dalai Lama agrees with them.
Just watched BBC Breakfast teleprompter reader Sian ‘interview’ George Osbourne.
Noting the number of times she said ‘I’d just like to clarify…’ as code for ‘I’m being shouted at down my earwig to ask, over and over again’, the main thrust seemed to try and play up that some fellow non-income generating public sector parasites might be hitting the gravy-train buffers, whilst not wanting to hear, or grasp, that the BBC’s heroes have p*ssed all the money away.
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Just caught the last few minutes of the News Quiz on Radio 4.
The usual unfunny lefties like Hardy, Jupitus and Toksvig were tearing into the Tories much as they have done these last thirteen years. Naturally there was no comedy mileage in the Milibands, Mandelson or Diane Abbott…never is when it comes to the chums of their commisssionning editors !
I know its early days and that the Beeb have already used our money to keep Hardy, Izzard etc in croissants for a while yet…but surely Cameron needs to know that there is some real saving to be done here at the Beeb.
I resent paying these easy chair socialists my licence fee just so they can pretend that “Thatch” is still the enemy…unlike Adonis,Brown and the others who start wars and demand we carry ID cards for their perusal. Again…no satire to be found here either!
So Hunt,Osborne and the like-set these liberal leeches out of the BBC free to make us laugh at their OWN risk and expense and not ours…they have creamed it in for too long now and are STILL not funny.
About half an hour ago I put this on iPlayer to lift the silence of working late in the office, but had to stop listening after a few minutes. The whole thing was toe-curlingly awful.
I caught the firm 10 minutes of this show then turned off. There was a “joke” about Nick Clegg asking the public to identify which unnecesary laws should be part of the Great Repeal Bill. At this point the entire panel couldn’t think of any that had been passed since 1997 ! No mention of ID cards are any of the 1001 stupid laws inflicted on us since then.
Also is it me but Sandy Toksvig seems to have gone very quite about her support for the Lib Dems. You couldn’t shut her up about this a few months ago but now its just silence. I will bet she will be joing either the Labour party or the Greens by the end of the year.
Sorry I meant to say “first 10 minutes”
what happened to the FOI request about gordooms selling of the gold
also why isn’t there a list of things the last government have left the new government to sort out.Ads in the papers money well spent i think…
ICO ordered papers to be released in April, but Labour don’t worry about such matters.
BBC’s perpetual pro-Islam, pro-Pakistan political line on Facebook Muhammad:
A basic political point, which the BBC is oblivious to:
‘Jihadwatch’ –
“Priorities: Pakistani is a hub of international jihad terrorism, but no one in Pakistan is demonstrating against the Tiny Minority of Extremists. Their rage is reserved for the Motoons. ”
“Pakistanis rage at Motoons while jihadists grow in power and influence”
The BBC, in its non-British political role, represents the interests of Pakistani Muslims, paid for by British people.
The BBC’s view are not those of British people who oppose Islamic jihadists and their supporters. On the contrary, the BBC is full of Islamic apologetics.
Reported on the Mr Eugenides blog; unfortunately with no time/programme specifics.
“…Brussels, the capital of the European Union…”
– Ben Shaw, BBC News
This is how the BBC presents a pro-Islam view of an Algerian Islamic film (showing at Cannes) which criticises France of 1945:
“Cannes protest over Algeria film Hors la Loi”
‘FRANCE 24’ has a rather different political emphasis:
“Bouchareb film slammed for ‘falsifying’ history of French-Algerian massacre”
“The report from the Defence Ministry confirmed that the film’s screenplay indeed contained ‘errors and anachronisms so numerous and obvious that they could be seized on by any historian’.
“Regarding the portrayal of the Sétif massacre, the report states: ‘The director wants to suggest that on May 8, 1945, Muslims in Sétif were blindly massacred by Europeans, whereas it’s the contrary that transpired….all historians agree on that….Europeans lashed out against Muslims in response to Muslims massacring Europeans’.”
Does it mention how Muslims colluded with the Nazis in exterminating the Jews during WW2?
How Yassir Arafascist’s uncle, the “Grand Mufti of Jerusalem” was Hilter’s pal — who should have beenm tried and executed at Nuremberg but was protected by the British?
That Haj Al Amin Al Hussein, was deeply involved in the Final Solution is indisputable. In 1945 he escaped to Cairo where he lived in exile until 1974. Jordan, fired him officially from his Grand Mufti post in 1948 and prevented his return to Jerusalem.
Please show evidence that it was the Britiish who protected him?
What is this nonsense the BBC is trying to stir up about British soldiers in Helmland being placed under US command? It’s a total non-story, yet the BBC has been bringing it up in different places all day long. Even Nick Robinson felt the need to make that his first question to Cameron at the press conference with Angela Merkel about the EU bailout!
This is a total non-story because this happens all the time. What the hell does the BBC think goes on in any NATO or Allied Forces activity? Complete nonsense. Is this yet another attempt by an ignorant BBC boss to place doubt in the public’s minds about the British presence in Afghanistan?
Moving to being under US OPCOM is nothing odd as you say. It’s standard rotation – RC(S) is a NATO HQ and it only happens to be the UK ‘turn’ right now. If the BBC wanted to be particularly annoying about command structure, they should look to SACEUR which doesn’t rotate…it’s always US.
Exactly. So why did Nick Robinson think it was so important as to ask such an OT question in Germany today? Somebody put him up to it. Somebody in BBC News thinks it’s a story.
The BBC are simply telling lies and making mischief
Why doesnt Bbbc open a utube channel and post bbc bias examples, that are captured and recorded by members?
The impact would be excellent potentially, and could reach many more, including the young, who particularly need deprogramming.
Excellent idea, could someone go through the archives here and elsewhere and start such a channel?
I’ve said this a few times. YouTube has great potential for exposing BBC bias as well as getting the message out.
I don’t understand the techicalities but it is a great idea , if it can be done.
Here is Mark Steyn’s essay on the Big Fat Greek Funeral. God help Greece.
Sometimes it seems that anything goes on the BBC, as if there has been an abandonment of standards in favour of a strutting arrogant egotism. This clown supposedly employed by the BBC to give the weather forecast throws a hissy fit – on air:
What a drama queen. I wonder how much we pay for this petulant brat.
I’m not surprised he was unhappy being called ‘petal’. A very odd thing for one bloke to call another, it sounded like it may have been a dig at the guy’s homosexuality?
It’s been said that the topic they were discussing before the handover to the weather was to do with plants. I didn’t see it myself so I can’t vouch for that. But in any case, it is the manner in which he dealt with it that is worse than the original cause. He could have retorted with something like: “Thanks, sweet pea”, or else taken it up with the other man off air. There really is no excuse for creating a row with a colleague and showing himself up by throwing a strop on air. And for someone to get all sniffy about being a serious weather forecaster, well, this is the fellow who saw fit to pose as beefcake in shorts in some magazine. I haven’t any knowledge of his sexuality.
Foreign sounding name and arrogant – Does he work for the BBC?
No doubt the BBC thought police are on to them now, clearly a homphobic hate crime. The mincing drama queen didn’t like it therefore a hate crime.
“Cheer up BBC staff exiled up north, we’ve put our teeth in specially”
“Of course it’s not entirely surprising that many BBC staff have greeted the invitation to move north as one might react to the offer of a house swap with a Mumbai slum-dweller. ” (Carol Midgley).
Has anyone noticed the BBC pointing out that all 4 Labour leader candidates are Oxbridge graduates ?
Of course the BBC itself is not stuffed full of Oxbridge graduates ?
Notice how the BBC simply avoid the obvious question about the Liebour scum now trying to make out that the invasion of Iraq was wrong.
Why didn’t ANY of them say so when in power?
As usual the BBC just takes it up the backside for Liebour.
Is it my imagination or has it been some time since any apologists for the BBC posted here ? I rather miss them, as much for the laugh as anything else !
I hear they are all locked in the urinals on Hampstead Heath!
“The brass neck of the ‘audacious, empire-building’ BBC, by David Jason”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1280337/The-brass-neck-BBC-David-Jason.html#ixzz0oeDvRxJr
BBC’s Harrabin and the climate sceptics’ blood:
“Climate sceptics rally to expose ‘myth'”
Harrabin sets his scene: note his use of the word ‘blood’ here, in case you miss his snide, unargued objections:
“In the Grand Ballroom Of Chicago’s Magnificent Mile Hotel, dinner was over.
Beef, of course. A great pink hunk of it from the American Mid-West.
At the world’s biggest gathering of climate change sceptics, organised by the right-wing Heartland Institute, vegetarians were an endangered species.
Wine flowed and blood coursed during a rousing address from Heartland’s libertarian president Joseph Bast.”
“But then came a sudden and unexpected anti-climax. Mr McIntyre urged the audience to support the battle for open source data on climate change – but then he counselled them to stop clamouring for the blood of the e-mailers. McIntyre does not want them jailed, or even punished. He just wants them to say they are sorry.
The audience disappointment was tangible – like a houndpack denied the kill. ”
And then Harrabin concludes, after demonstrating his sheer and typical bias when attempting to report on a conference of climate sceptics, by confusing weather with climate on his way out:
“As the ecstatic crowd filtered out I pointed one delegate to a copy of the Wall Street Journal on the table. A front page paragraph noted that April had been the warmest on record.
‘So what?’ he shrugged. ‘So what?'”
Did the odious Harrabin abstain from the food and drink, I wonder ?
Harrabin’s report was on From Our Own Correspondent this morning. Sneer sneer sneer.
But hey, it probably cost us less than £20,000 to fly him out to Chicago – and at least he is now on record as reporting that there are real objections to the Warmists’ paranoia
As hyperbolic narrative enhancing goes, it would be hard to fault.
As a piece of reporting…?
Change the words slightly and ask the BBC if this is opinionated, bias reporting.
“In the Great Hall of Copenhagens magnificent Congress Center, dinner was over. Tofu, of course. A great white hunk of it from the Japanese Mid-West.
At the world’s biggest gathering of climate change alarmists, organised by the left-wing IPCC, carnivores were an endangered species, water flowed and blood coursed during a rousing address from the IPCCs chairman and ex railway worker Dr. Rajendra Pachari.”
Dora the Illegal Mexican immigrant
Shameless rebroadcasting of the leftist viewpoint this morning – as the Beeb turns rather unfunny libtard ‘satire’ of Arizona’s decision to assert the right to defend its own borders into a story – with, as you’d expect, no balancing argument whatever.
Here is the Governor of Arizona telling Obama to pull his finger out, make the border secure. Funny, I don’t recall the BBC airing anything by the Governor :
and here is another Governor telling it straight to the high-spending, high-taxing Democrats – and telling a reporter to stop being so damn thin-skinned :
Pity no-one rounds on Marr or Robinson or Naughtie in such clear terms.
Just caught a bit of the awful Dateline. Gavin Essler a man whose tongue has licked more Liebour politicians arse clean than Toenails or Marr was sneering at the 55% plan by the Tories/Lib Dems for Parliament.
“The old system has done us well for 200 years” sneered Mr rent a twat.
Yes indeed so has first past the post voting, but I don’t see beeboids backing that Essler do you?
Grant, there is an irritating pest called _marko who describes himself as a BBC person on the technical side but comments as if he is doing a bad political science project for a lefty lecturer. I am currently “debating” him and others in denial re the BBC’s lefty bias on this blog:
I could try to steer him this way, but we could live to regret it!
Anyway I doubt he would register here.
John Anderson,
Thanks for pointing out the FOOC article. I’ll see if I can use it over at The Editors.
If I don’t come back it means I’ve been locked out of the comments box, again.
The BBC sure loves Oliver Stone’s new sequel to Wall Street. Apparently it’s sort of a j’accuse at the Capitalist System. Stone is shown saying that he doubts that Capitalism can stand any longer, it’s obviously rotten, things must change. If a Castro worhsipper says it, it must be true, I guess. Never mind all the Socialist countries in Europe falling apart left and right.
Right after that is a love-in with the producer of a documentary about the recent financial crisis. The producer’s concern is that people need to be arrested for their crimes which caused the banking collapse. He says that the problem started with deregulation, and that we need a wholesale reduction in banking abilities in order to fix things. What he doesn’t seem to understand – and what the Beeboid interviewing him didn’t get, either – is that there is a difference between committing a crime and doing something one doesn’t like.
This fool seems to think that enforcing strict regulations will somehow stop people doing things illegally, and often conflates business under deregulation with criminal acts. Beeboid nods his head in assent. The film has a series of talking heads from the financial world, all complaining that even The Obamessiah isn’t doing enough reform. The Beeboid interviewer speaks to the producer as if to a guru with a deep understanding of the financial system.
The Beeboid was so clueless, that at one point the producer had to correct him and say that he wasn’t a banker, but had made some money as founder of a software company. Which means he’s probably one of the vast majority of Silicon Valley types who voted for and donated money to the Democrats. Now he just wants people arrested. The latest financial crisis was bigger than the previous ones, therefore more people must be arrested this time. Beeboid nods in assent to such genius.
BBC definitley not happy with the 200 unwashed children from the Socialist Workers Party who have just interrupted the BA strike negotiations. A bunch of them pushed their way upstairs and eventually the talks had to be called off. “How can this happen,” asks the Beeboid in the studio.
Earlier, the Beeboid on scene tried to warn one of the SWP hippie that they weren’t helping the union workers this way. Naturally, the dopey child had no idea what he was talking about, and said that the fact that they stormed the building and screamed venom at the BA boss showed their “solidarity” and would be good for the workers.
A few of them surrounded the BA boss Willie Walsh and got in his face. Beeboid on the scene called it “menacing”. The one time the BBC sees a menace from Leftoid protesters, and it’s out of concern for a Socialist Unite. The BBC also showed footage of the head of Unite’s negotiating team screaming at the SWP idiots and telling them to get lost.
All BBC reporting was done in solemn, worried tones, with open expressions of concern that this has harmed the workers’ side. They’re doing more than reporting and “analysing” now.
To recap: a Socialist-leaning bunch of Beeboids are upset that the Socialist Workers Party has acted like a bunch of petulant teenagers and potentially damaged an outcome for a Socialist workers union.
It can be interesting to see the reaction of extremists/activists who have found their plans disrupted by some even more ‘active’ or extreme
Has anyone ever been on a plane and an announcement came over the PA,
“Is There a Socialist Workers Party member on board?”
Anyone who went to ant college, university, polytechnic, et al… you’ll know that the student members of the SWP were (and are) the absolute arsehole scum of the earth.
A bit like those countries whose names include ‘democratic’ often not, as such, showing much evidence of this, I have to ponder if any in this party have, are or intend to ‘work’.
Other than being on the speed dial of BBC news producers’ iPhones for a quick ‘general public’ vox pop, that is.
I’d like to thank the Returning officer.
“As a ‘once upon a time’ speech writer for Tony Blair.”
A man confusingly named Phil Collins plays some excerpts from post-election speeches given at the moment of losing or winning. Strangely all the Tories bar Michael Portillo gave rotten speeches, and the Left wingers gave magnificent ones. At the end, in a particularly pot-kettle-black conclusion, he uses the platform of this BBC programme to lecture us about what disgraceful conduct it was for the tory, Joanne Cash, to use the platform of her speech to blame the press for discrediting her and making her lose her seat. I don’t know which was more obvious, the hypocrisy or the bias.
Funny thing is on Radio 5 they’ve just been referred to as ‘protesters’ and not left wing vermin called the SWP. I wonder why?
I watched some of News-night the other night, Gavin Esler talking to Irwin Stelzer and Joe Stiglitz on the Euro car crash.
Good chat.
I have a lot of time for Mr Stelzer, he is interesting and a very astute observer, he’s also unfailingly and graciously polite.
The interview drew to a close and Esler turned his back on Mr. Stelzer after thanking him for his time without waiting for a reciprocal adieu as Esler turned you could see Mr. Stelzer receiving the thanks of the interviewer (there is a time lag) but his smile and ‘goodnight’ were missed.
Now I watch American broadcasters and they would never do this to an interviewee, it is grossly impolite.
Alack, another reason the beeb has slid into the midden, it is not a good example to set to my nation and I am appalled at the Beeb’s bad manners but not surprised.
Try eliciting pleasantries from a NHS receptionist or any government official; so sad really a little human solicitude and courtesy costs nothing but makes all the difference.
Yesterday, the BBC was reporting that the SWP kids interrupted the meetings between BA bosses and Unite. Derek Simpson acted very disappointed at the suspension of talks, as things seemed to be going well. Today they’re reporting that Unite is going to strike because they say that there’s “no prospect of any talks” with the BA bosses anymore. Unite bigwig Tony Woodley blames the SWP for the “catastrophic breakdown” of negotations. Unite was shocked, shocked to find their fellow Socialists trying to influence the talks.
The BBC is trying to get someone to claim that it’s actually BA’s fault for shutting things down in because they’re angry that some Unite guy was tweeting the proceedings. Andrew Marr didn’t like Walsh’s statement about it this morning, so now the BBC is trying to make something out of that as well.
Something smells very, very fishy about this whole thing. But rest assured this is everyone else’s fault except Unite’s. BBC reporting has been geared exclusively toward this end.
We at the Biased BBC wish to completely ignore the discrimination against white males that goes on today and harp on about non-existent discrimination against women in the 1970s
It was quite common, and perfectly legal, to have separate pay rates for the same job until the Equal Pay Act was implemented in 1975.
Jack, I remember both the Militant and SWSO (SWPS “student wing) from way back then (80 – 85)
I applied to join militant in 1980, but they wouldnt have me. I was marked down as politically unreliable. SWSO even then I wouldnt touch. The militant group in Thanet in 1980 was actually not too uncivilised, but the SWP were donkeys. I well remember the epic fights that would break out at “solidarity” piss ups between the two groupings.
I remember there were several Iranian “exiles” in both groups, they were especially evident when I went up to university. I Still wonder if they were genuine marxists or Islamic infiltrators especially sent to muddle these already deeply confused groups. They achieved much the same result whatever they were.
Oh happy days.
Oh yeah.
There was some young young revolutionary of the female persuasion I wished to impress, so I went with her to some commie type meeting. Think it was SWP.
This bald jock recruiter was explaining how we were the vanguard of the working classes, I think I was the only actual working class person there!
He went on to explain that if only he personally could talk for ten minutes to everyone in Britain, he could convert them to being revolutionary socialists.
But alas, he didn’t have the time. Shopping, getting his car washed, etc.
Hence we (and other like us) had to lead the revolution.
This is the God’s honest truth.
But you didn’t finish the story off with the important part….was she suitably impressed?
was she suitably impressed?
Once or twice. Then my revolutionary fervor dissipated!
Well played, that man 🙂
Just watched a report by some camp male beeboid telling ‘us’ why the Tories plan to make constituencies all the same is wrong. Well of course it would be wrong, after all the current mess gives Liebour a huge advantage, so why would the BBC want to point that out? The fiddling of boundaries over the last 13 years to benefit ONE party only.
Yet more sh*t journalism based on opinion not fact from the BBC.
I saw the same thing. Ooh, the Tories won big many years ago under the current system, so why do they really want to change, asks the Beeboid. The whole thing was against the idea of PR and reducing the number of MPs. If the Tories want it, it must be bad.
Funny how the Beeboids sounded so much more positive about it during the election campaign back when the LibDems and Labour were for it and Cameron wasn’t during the debates.
Speaking of more sh*t journalism from the BBC, here’s yet another report they’ve copied from the Washington Post which is full of falsehoods and misrepresentations:
Texas schools to get controversial syllabus
From the BBC version:
The changes include teaching that the UN could be a threat to American freedom, and that the Founding Fathers may not have intended a complete separation of church and state.
and this:
They will study how American ideals benefit the world but organisations such as the UN could be a threat to personal freedom.
And Thomas Jefferson has been dropped from a list of enlightenment thinkers in the world-history curriculum, despite being one of the Founding Fathers who is credited with developing the idea that church and state should be separate.
From the WaPo:
The new standards say that the McCarthyism of the 1950s was later vindicated — something most historians deny — draw an equivalency between Jefferson Davis’s and Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural addresses, say that international institutions such as the United Nations imperil American sovereignty, and include a long list of Confederate officials about whom students must learn.
Here’s a good fisking which shows just how inaccurate the WaPo story is. Notice how the BBC’s version is in ideological lockstep with it. Nowhere does the Texas syllabus say that the UN is a threat. Of course, Leftoids and their bretheren at the BBC just love the UN, so anything even remotely questioning its awesomeness is perceived as an extremist threat.
The result is that the BBC is – once again – seriously misinforming you all about a US issue, due to their ideological bias. Forget facts – it’s the Beeboids’ opinions which are more important.
Your license fee hard at work. Don’t trust the BBC on US issues.
Well, well, well, there’s a surprise: the BBC’s Have Your Say questions who should pay for the Pope’s visit:
Does the BBC normally question who pays for State visits? I don’t suppose they would if it was the leader of say, Tibet or Morocco or Saudi Arabia. And anyway the BBC says that the Catholic Church is paying £7m of the £15m cost. Seems reasonable. So what is the BBC’s point? That we shouldn’t pay for State visits? Or that we shouldn’t invite the Pope in the first place? Or are they just making mischief, pandering to prejudice (a safe, acceptable prejudice)?
Mind, some of the comments are hilarious, if irreverent. One refers to the Pope swinging a “smoking handbag”! It’s hard to beat that as a novel way of seeing an incense holder. From now on I shall always think of it as a smoking handbag. People come up with the funniest things.
The BBC know full well who pays for state vists – “the state”. They also know that it was Brown who invited the Pope to Britain. This ” who should pay for it” argument put forward by the BBC is totally ridiculous.
So why are they not asking the Labour party to pay for the visit?
Did I see “Who should pay for Zumas state visit?” Who also happens to hate Britain and the British.
BBC curiously silent on the latest announcement from their favorite exiled feudal lord:
I’m a Marxist: Dalai Lama
Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has said that he is a Marxist, yet credits capitalism for bringing new freedoms to the communist country that exiled him — China.
“Still I am a Marxist,” the exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader said in New York, where he arrived with an entourage of robed monks and a heavy security detail to give a series of paid public lectures.
Marxism has “moral ethics, whereas capitalism is only how to make profits,” the Dalai Lama, 74, said yesterday.
“Moral ethics”? I have a hard time not laughing at a feudal lord talking like that.
It’s funny how the BBC has done numerous reports on the booming Chinese economy, and how their blend of Communism and Capitalism has been such a great thing, yet they’re silent when the Dalai Lama agrees with them.
Just watched BBC Breakfast teleprompter reader Sian ‘interview’ George Osbourne.
Noting the number of times she said ‘I’d just like to clarify…’ as code for ‘I’m being shouted at down my earwig to ask, over and over again’, the main thrust seemed to try and play up that some fellow non-income generating public sector parasites might be hitting the gravy-train buffers, whilst not wanting to hear, or grasp, that the BBC’s heroes have p*ssed all the money away.