Did you see the BBC doing everything possible to present an imagined split in the thinking of the our new Government as regards Afghanistan? I suppose this is what we need to get used to as the BBC’s highly trained teams of experts parse every word, examine every motion of body language, to see if they can detect division between the Cons and Libs. Can’t recall the same enthusiasm for exploring splits when their pals in Labour were in power, can you?
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But the last Labour government were ‘as one’, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown agreed on everything; didn’t they?
I still do not think the BBC can get its head round “Labour lost the election.”
How could the public fail to pick up on the BBC’s oh so clever ‘vote Labour’ messages? The public are just too stupid to be brain-washed!
A lot of this is simple sloppy ratings chasing.
Just switched off SKY news , who seem to think nothing of trotting this gabbling gob to work up how embarrassed the government/coalition is almost daily, but who cannot resist going on to spout utter partisan tripe to undermine any factual value he may have managed to share.
Thing is, he will soon doubtless be appearing, solo, across the screens of the national broadcaster too.
IT IS NOT JOB OF THE NEWS TO CREATE AND PROMOTE OPINION (especially that which is felt helpful to certain agendas)
And I care a fig if ‘others do it’.
What this shows is how poor the media is in the UK, just as large parts of the US media have failed to bring Obama to account (and instead concentrate on image) the media here are obsessed with ‘splits’, from the BBC in particular, there is no discussion of policy unless it relates to splits.
What I want to know about Afghanistan for example is WHY are we pissing away money on building schools for halfwits and not trying to wipe out bushy bearded Muslim twats who want to kill us? Why are we not wiping out the poppy harvest?
Why doesn’t Obama ever note the huge loss of British soldiers fighting HIS war
I think Liam Fox agrees with you, which is why the Beeboids are making a little fuss about nothing.
I’m only barely aware of this as my eyes have glazed over after so much reporting on the exciting developments in the Labour leadership competition. Iraq! Iraq! Aslo, Burnham is more Northern and working class than the Milibands, and one of them voted for Iraq, so he’s no good. Diane Abbot is black, and therefore able to address issues relevant to everyone, whereas white people are not.
Apparently there’s some kind of coalition government working in the background as well, but I haven’t heard very much about it lately.
Good piece on David Beckham’s visit to our troops in Afghanistan in the Daily Mail today. I can’t see John Humphrys and Evan Davis on TODAY getting as enthused about this as they were about the election of Caroline Lucas.
Liam Fox didn’t exactly appear to express our reasons for being in Afghanistan in the most diplomatic terms, but it was good to hear him clarify his statement that we’re there to protect our security and making Afghanistan a viable state is part of that, not the reason for us being there by itself.
As dissappointing as it is to have a cultural Marxist as Tory leader, at least in Liam Fox we have a worthy Defence Secretary. Very heartening the change in approach. Complete commitment to give our troops what they need and doubling of operational bonus. Way to go Liam, way to go Beckam, and above all, way to go to our boys and girls out there for the great job they’re doing defending our country.