I had the misfortune to watch the BBC Breakfast news programme this morning and caught an interview with Michael Gove on the new policy to try and introduce some freedom into our Education system. What struck me was the BBC’s obsession that if this policy is implemented, it could means that “big business” might get rid of some teachers. Reading between the lines, it is the prospects of poor-performing teachers that most concerns the BBC. I thought Gove did well but it was clear the BBC does not accept the premise that freedom from bureaucracy for schools is a good idea and I am certain this will become part of the anti-coalition narrative.
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Well of course the BBC doesn’t accept Gove’s premise.
The BBC is part of the apparatus of a socialist state, a bureaucracy, a propaganda machine. The idea of someone running a business, ANY business, for PROFIT is an anathema to these overpaid bureaucrats.
. . . while on Today Gove was repeatedly told that “other [ie the really crap schools] schools would suffer”. Funnily enough this is exactly what Balls had been given time to say in the 8:00 news bulletin.
It’s the same argument which is still made re selling council houses to tenants: that housing somehow disappears from the national housing stock when the existing tenants buy the house. In the same way, existing schools and school places funded directly will somehow “disappear” from the national provision of schooling (and, presumably, miraculously reappear when they are funded through the LEAs).
The BBC wants to protect authority.
The BBC knows that people need to be told what is good for them even if they don’t know what is good for them and resent being told.
That’s why the BBC defends the licence fee. If the public weren’t forced to pay for Eastenders, Car Booty, Casualty and Radio 1 then they’d probably waste the money on utter rubbish.
The Newsnight harpy lost the run of herself last night and tag teamed with Ed Balls to beat up on Toby Young who is promoting free schools. Beebods browning their pants at the idea that services can be provided by anyone other than the state.
why cant DC do something about the BBC RAP,I am getting fed up with the way the beeb distort the news surely our prime minister cant be that thick not to notice whats going on…
If he’s afraid of the bad press he will get then sorry he’s had it for the last few years so kick em in the balls now before they do it to him..
£1 million spent on the world cup by the beeb get rid….
Why can’t you guys get it through your head, DC is not a Tory. He wanted the coalition because he could dump all the Tory policies without crap form the back-benchers.
Sadly true. He’s our John McCain: a CINO instead of a RINO
Cameron has done in fact what Brecht suggested in jest. Cameron has replaced the irridendist part of his own “electorate” (the traditional Conservatives) with the right wing of the LibDems. If you heard Francis Maude on Today (on Monday – I think) you could hear the true voice of Dave’s fans or, as Maude kept referring to them, “modern progressive Conservatives”. When asked about “traditional” Conservatives, Maude couldn’t – actually didn’t try to – disguise his contempt for both traditional Conservative beliefs and the people who support them.
Maude — Wasn’t he the dummy who force fed his kid a burger during the Mad Cow hysteria of the late 80s?
Didn’t scientists claim that half the country would be brain dead by now.
(Actually that might explain Labour voters.)
Most of them went into climate “science.”
That was John Gummer.
Ha. Yes, who could forget Gummer. Though he was eminently forgettable.
Francis Maude, John Gummer, what’s the difference ?
John Selwyn Gummer AKA John Seldom Glummer, to give him his full title!
Ha !
On the politics – I do think even b-BBCers need to remember the election result. If we (I view myself as a Conservative rather than a coalitionist) had formed a minority government then all the flak from the BBC would have been directed at only the Conservatives instead of the Lib-Dems having to take their share (and there would have been plenty of Lib-Dems that would have been willing mouthpieces for the BBC agenda). There really have to be a lot of nasty (or do I mean difficult????) decisions to be taken due to the mess that Labour have left us in. Highlighting the difficulties between coalition members just shows you have been listening too much to the BBC.
I too heard the Ball clip on the 8am News on Radio 4. I really think there should be a reminder before any interview with an ex-Labour minister (I mistyped Labout – would that make a good alternative to New Labour?) to remind them that as Liam Byrne said – the money has run out – and could they consider this before giving their reply. Well I can dream can’t I?
These schools would be out of the control of LEA’s and that means the mostly leftie PC crap that the BBC loves.
So what is wrong with big business wanting to have a stake in the education of kids? After all they are the ones employing them, surely that’s a good thing?
The BBC just can’t see the point of the private sector can it? Note as well how many beeboids went to public schools, OK for them but good schools are not for the proles.
A good school is a good school, what we need are MORE good schools, who cares how we get them?
You can bet your life that if Gove gets his reform through, in one way or the other the Education Establishment will subvert it.
An excellent article here, which to my way of thinking shows how educationists work in the same subverive manner as their ugly twin sisters at the BBC:
The propaganda war by the BBC against Gove’s reforms is only beginning to warm up.
Can someone remind me of the BBC’s attitude to Blair’s academies ?
Plenty of beeboids are probably sending their own kids to them!! Oh and notice how the BBC fails to point out that fatso Diane Abbott sent HER KID to a private school.
Oh and Hattie sent her kids to Kent Grammar schools, so clearly leftists don’t have a problem with elitist schools when it comes to THEIR kids.
The lovely Diane went to Harrow Grammar School for girls and Oxbridge. So how come she is so thick ?
And so fat! Did she eat people there?
Can’t find much evidence of class war moaning in any of these BBC articles from back when Blair was doing it.
BBC 6PM news was at it again, they slagged off Gove and the Tories as soon as they brought the story up. Of course the government is not FORCING schools to do anything, it’s simply giving them a choice.
Oh dear, in the BBC world choice is bad, I’m sure the beeboids would like TV and radio to be a choice of BBC, or BBC or BBC.
The beeboids also went on and on and on about the poor public sector in Italy, spain and the like. Not a mention of the thousands in the private sector who have lost jobs.
All troughing bastards together.
Spot on as usual !
“Can someone remind me of the BBC’s attitude to Blair’s academies ?”
Just a few examples using the search term “http://search.bbc.co.uk/search?tab=all&scope=all&q=Blair+academies”
Not exactly critical.
No surprise there, then !
It’s a complete anathema to the BBC collective group-think that actual private citizens can take care of their own children’s education.
The average school leaver today can tell you all about greenhouse gases and Hitler but can spell neither.
What they fear most are Christians home schooling, such a concept will make the typical beeboid break into a sweat.
They want all children to be taught that buggery is OK, if you are white then you are by default a racist, CO2 makes the polar bears die and that they have rights without responsibilities. Any thoughts of actual literacy and numeracy are secondary concerns.
Such are the aims of common purpose controlled LEA’s.
It’s more than these marginal issues. The Collectivst Leftoid will be concerned that only the State can provide “fairly” for the masses, and any attempts at privatization will help only the wealthy. Gabby Logan stated that very clearly yesterday, the Beeboid reporting today on the scheme spoke of concerns about a “two-tiered system”, and every other BBC report on the issue has been centered on class warfare (no pun intended).
This mindset is as old as the collectivist nihilists who were the intellectual fathers of modern Socialism and Communism. The Beeboids don’t care about standards or specific subjects being indoctrinated so much as they care about stopping the evil rich in the private sector from any imagined gains. It’s all about helping those most in need, they say, as if that and enabling everyone at the same time is mutually exclusive.
As the nomenklatura, the Beeboids will be exempt from all this, but that’s okay. They do good works, believe in good things, and so deserve to live well.
And these poor kids are going to have to compete with Chinese, Indian and Brazilian children, just to name three countries. In my adopted country of Gambia, the level of literacy among schoolchildren, in my experience, is higher than in the UK.
Last time I was in Gambia, taliking to young schoolchidren, their knowledge of Shakespeare and Dickens put me to shame !
The BBC are not for or against acadamies – it is the conservatives they are against.
amazing how he BBC still haven’t mentioned that Barry O got huge handouts from BP when running for office, can you imagine the BBC NOT reporting that if it had been George Bush?
I’d imagine that the BBC doesn’t even know about that. After all, they don’t do original reporting on the US (unless it’s Matt Frei making up his own stories, like he did in Culpepper). Instead, they take their lead and get most of their information from the Washington Post, Huffington Post, and The Nation, none of which have discussed the President’s record as the number one recipient of cash from BP.
Beeboid female on the News Channel right now talking to Sir Michael something (Wilthsire?) about the education scheme for privatization of schools. Her challenges to him are exclusively from the class war playbook. Stated as fact: “this will not help the most disadvantaged.”
That was Scabby Logan’s line on Radio 5 when Peter Oborne blew a gasket at her (Richard Bacon still going on about it).
Thing is Grammar schools DID OFFER a way out for gifted kids from working class estates, but the left hated them (unless for their own kids of course) and I’d love to know how many beeboids use shit run down ‘bog standard comps’ for their kids. Not many I suspect.
The 5.00 news R4 presentation of this schools story amounted to being presented as a down right lie. With them saying that only schools with outstanding results can become an academy.
A delight to hear the dial a cliche of the BBC hacks…the marginalised and the disadvantaged,challenging “vulnerable ” young persons who are a threat to themselves! Anyone of these apologists getting them to behave then?…course not!
Will someone lay these Oxbridge ,prep school twerps that we have somewhat more than a “two tier” system already…and selection is by parental house price which is presumably “more equitable” than by ability?
No need to ask where Gabby Yorath went to school…and such privately educated bluestockings are unsurprisingly real radicals once the Beeb mops them up and shows them a Jamie Oliver elocution DVD.
Funny how one of Blairs flagship policies is “divisive” when the Tories extend its scope…but ” improving standards” when HE was doing it !
In short, the BBC and their liberal chums resent anyone but themselves indoctrinating tomorrows soap star wannabies and X-Factor fantasists…hence their fear and hatred for anybody but their trusties handing out the condoms,low energy bulbs and any number of “stiffkits” instead of a real education…for that is for their kids alone who get it bought for them by the same “comprehensive champions” like Blair,Harman,Abbott and the Campbells.
Give `em hell Gove-more until the buggers squeak!
Maybe the Beeb will be happy Gove sells the academies as places where “Any Questions” can still safely be held for Jonathan and his minions? Funny that our comprehensive champoins only use churches and academies for the broadcasts…don`t they feel safe in “Bog Standard Comp of Hoxton then?
their insidious reporting was well and truly on yesterday. i heard in the news that michael gove had defended his position on academies. immediately i realised that this is a typical bbc trick to portray him as having a weak position and leave the listener with doubts. in the past i would not have noticed it but now thanks to biased bbc, all the underhand tricks and language is more apparent.
Yes, It is a standard BBC trick. Labour ministers never had to “defend” a policy on the BBC. They always “explained ” it.