I have every respect for the sherpas; but since when were they climate experts? And how, exactly, do they measure that ice is melting in the Himalayas and be able to say with any degree of certainty that in their 20 years of experience or so, it’s worse than what has gone before? No matter about such niceties, to the BBC, it’s a good climate change scare story and it supports the IPCC, and because it involves ice melting, it must be true. At least the sherpas don’t pretend to be scientists – unlike this shower from Ohio State University, who have decided that they can prove through proxies that Arctic ice is at its lowest level ever. Their methodology?
When we look carefully at various chemical and biological components of the seafloor sediment, and how the sediment is distributed — then, with certain skills and luck, we can reconstruct the conditions at the time the sediment was deposited.”
A bit like scriers and necromancers, then. And sherpas. But no worry, to the BBC, it’s all proven, consensus science. If it’s scary it must be news.
re the Ohio State study, they say in the news report that their conclusion is: “the current extent of Arctic ice is at its lowest point for at least the last few thousand years”. That’s consistent, I think, of a planet coming out of an ice age.
I wonder if they take the sherpas’ word for the existence of the yeti? They’re experts on that as well.
“…with certain skills and luck…”
So that’s how they do this climate warming science stuff…