Wow, when the Government hears about this they’re going to be reallly ANGRY, ‘cos like, we’ve got a Conservative Prime Minister now and like …. I can’t keep it up. Margarat Thatcher and Norman Tebbitt would have absolutely lacerated the BBC for this Marxist nonsense. In fact, they wouldn’t dared to have done it.
But let’s see, with this number of coloured candidates getting places because of their colour, there’s a good chance the BBC have really boobed and someone with integrity has slipped through the net who will be committed to objective, impartial journalism.
Further to your post on the thread below about the reporting of the “Killing Spree”
“On a general issue anyone else disgusted with the way our media have behaved the last 24 hours over the shootings in Cumbria? It reminds me of the way they acted during the search for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in the way the media seem to want to generate pure crap from pure crap. “ etc.
I agree. They’re wallowing in it. I heard a reporter solomnly describe two child witnesses as having been ‘rendered dumb.’ It sounded tragic, as if they’d never be able to speak again, you know, like when someone’s hair suddenly turns white, or they go inexplicably blind ‘forever.’ It wasn’t; they recovered pdq.
Then someone remarked that everyone in the vacinity had been badly affected – why, some people had had to remain in a shop or a pub for up to half an hour! Good grief, how traumatising that must have been.
I’m not trying to diminish the real shock and horror of the situation. Its all this talking for talking’s sake that’s diminishing it. People are egged on to dig up the slightest inanity just so as to join in and prolong the wallowing.
People are bored with their lives. They need celebrities, booze, football and wall-to-wall gossip.
I know, it’s vomit inducing and its not just the BBC, but the BBC seems to have hundreds of hacks there (Sky and ITV have a couple) simply spouting the same crap across BBC radio, TV and the internet.
I’d love to know how many beeboids are there no doubt living it up in 5 star hotels whilst jumping on any poor passer by for ‘their view’
It’s not bias, and they are simply part of morally crippled herd, but getting a lot done this morning as but a few minutes trying to find a news outlet not engaged in pathetic mawkishness, pointless speculation or grotesque intrusion has resulted in the TV going off.
As it will remain until they find their next 24/7 news void to fill with too many staff with nothing of value to actually contribute bar stopping police and emergency services do their jobs.
And on a similar OT, not really bias note, I hope the market rate talents at the BBC are today conducting a post-mortem on last night’s risible HIGNFY.
Bad enough another to set up such a predictable car crash with another celeb politician as moderator, but it was simply not funny or clever or anything bar cringeworthy.
Paul Merton spent the entire show near mute.
I’m guessing Alistair Campbell will not be far off the centre chair, with lots of cheeky ‘accidental’ allusions to his new book. Is the BBC on a cut of sales?
Criticising the Western media over its coverage of the Palestinian issue, Mr. Loach claimed that the media in general is biased in favour of Israel. The relationship, he suggested, is like that of taking a dog for a walk: “The dog takes you wherever you want to go.”
It’s only a matter of time now. Only Jews are amde to take the heat for the deeds of a country run by their ethnic or religious brethren.
Well I suppose calling Jews dogs is different from calling them rats.
Loach should be ashamed of himself for his remarks and if a right wing enemy had uttered words of a similar nature no doubt a film would be being made.
As for the “racist state” its a funny racist state that fleey allows all races to be represented in the Israelli parliament, the only real democracy in the region and a region where Jews would not or could not hope to have a place in gocernment.
So this racist state gives FULL rights to all its minorities, healthcare and democratic representation and legal rights and freedom and security, the only state in the region to do this for its minorities and yet Loach claims Israel is a racist state?
Yes Mr Loach we actually know who the real racist is! The hate filled leftists never did let the facts intrude on their bigotry.
As far as the Cumbrian tragedy is concerned – just how many reporters have the BBC sent to report – every time I switch on it seems to be somebody else.
As far as the Gaza flotilla is concerned – I knew the flotilla was on its way, I knew the way the BBC reports such issues – I should have been prepared. So why does the BBC leave me feeling that as a Jew I am considered by them to be a second class citizen and that they can attack me and my race in any way they choose?
I’ve noticed that the BBC seems to have at least three timesas many reporters covering a given issue than Sky does. It seems normal after a while, but even I was struck by the sheer number of weather update Beeboids appearing over the course of the day on the News Channel. Two of the women seem to share the same jacket, even.
The BBC has the luxury of not having to worry about a commercial bottom line. Normally one would think that this gives it a significant advantage over the private sector media, but I don’t see the quality as being any better by any means.
“As is strikingly common in connection with stories like this, (cf. Naveed Haq, or this case in Yemen, and even Nidal Hasan), the attacker has been found to have ‘psychological problems.’ Fixating on mental illness as a possible cause for the attack allows the media to ignore any and all others — especially anything involving Islam. Nonetheless, this attack is another in an increasing trend in Turkey for violence against non-Muslims.”
So very predictable isnt it? All the excuses in the world when its the true believers in the frame for hate crimes.
The media could not and will not bring themselves to admit a madness in the islamist world, a savage blood thirst drilled into them from birth, a holy book that tells them to kill the infidel and a culture still trying to climb back into the 1300s.
As predicted by their previous coverage, the BBC is now denigrating and misrepresenting the initial wave of schools wanting to become indepedent academies under the Tories’ new scheme.
In their previous reporting on this issue, the BBC has openly disapproved by stating on air that this will help only the wealthy, and that the poorer people living in council estates will be left out. Every time out the Beeboid reporter made it a class war issue. This time is no exception.
1,114 schools want to sign up, says Michael Gove. Of these, the BBC says that 626 are rated “outstanding”. That’s only 56%, yet the entire article acts as if the other 44% don’t exist and focuses exclusively on the “outstanding” schools.
These will be a different type of academy – drawn from among the most successful schools in their local areas, rather than the most challenged.
Academies under the Labour government were often used to improve standards in struggling schools.
Now this new intake of academies, which will quadruple the existing number, will be the highest achievers.
Of course, no BBC report on a Tory policy is complete without comparing it unfavorably to Labour. But this whole report is basically hand-wringing over nasty rich people getting attention and pretending that the government is abandoning those most in need with this program. It’s simply not true, yet that’s the spin of the article.
I haven’t watched or listened to more than a fraction of the BBC programmes where he might have turned up but even with that, I haven’t managed to avoid him. As well as Question Time last week, he turned up on The One Show on Monday this week. Just when he has a book to sell. He is rapidly turning into a creepy and desperate Paul Burrell, tantalising with promises of disclosure of family secrets and scandal, while proclaiming undying loyalty. I guess it must help him feel better about himself, as it gives him something to do and makes him feel that he matters. It’s just a shame that the BBC is so low as to give him air time.
Walking past a TV shop this morning, the entire front window display had 15-or-so screens all showing the same shot of Campbell on the BBC. Almost cost me my breakfast.
What good do you think it will do? Wouldn’t be better sending it to the Conservative Party and those Conservative MPs who actually make a stand on the issue of BBC bias and merely copy it to the BBC as well for logging purposes because you have no confidence in its professional integrity to deal with complaints?
Given how useless the Cameron Conservative Party is in arresting the moral decline that is literally killing our country, a key plank of any platform if a new party does get formed is dealing with the BBC as a propaganda machine for the left and our country’s enemies.
His whole 10 minute report from Istanabul this morning never mentioned the Isreali side of events once. Just the absolute joy him and the Turkish deputy PM share with the safe return of there fellow “activists”
The BBC don’t seem to do any digging into the statements put out by these “activists” there reported as fact no tricky questions from the BBC. I have no objection to the BBC reporting what these “activists” say but they are supposed to be unbiased so what does Isreali say? God knows because the BBC doesn’t tell you. Even if every President or Prime Minister on earth condemns Isreal the BBC have an obligation under its charter to be balanced. They have no right to make any judgements whatsoever.
The BBC are a political pressure group and as such should not be able to extort money from the public under pain of imprisonment.
I am totally sick of the middle class whining whinging voices of the BBC. All the feemale beeboids seem to have the same personality (e.g. none) and the males are all arrogant confrontational left wing bullies.
Our new PM condemns Isreal before any facts are known? Cameron is worse than Brown. Isn’t it usual for the PM to find out the facts first? Usually when asked by the BBC for a response the PM would say something like “We first must find out the facts before we can comment further”.
I was disgusted by Hague’s reaction. Someone who I used to respect but no more.
Thanks to Douglas Murray for reminding me of Churchill’s definition of an appeaser ” Someone who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last “.
If the Tories have turned against the Jews and are crawling even more to the muslims, I despair.
I wonder how much the Lib. Dems. had to do with this ?
Every time the BBC reports on the oil spill disaster, they make sure to point out that The Obamessiah is angry and promises to keep working on the situation. They want to reassure you that He’s really, really angry. He’s even going to make his third visit to the area, and Shukman just now took care to emphasize “third”.
It’s almost as if their focus is as much on reporting how well He’s doing as they are on the disaster itself. As usual, the BBC acts as a propaganda wing for the White House.
“The EU and the US have completely bought in to the idea that it somehow ‘insults’ or ‘defames’ Islam to speak accurately about what motivates the jihadists, what they believe, and what they hope to accomplish — because to do so inevitably leads one into Islamic theology. They are thus pledging not to understand their enemy while trying to fight him — a sure recipe for disaster.”
Search Biased BBC
Recent Comments
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If you like, we could start off with this.
Wow, when the Government hears about this they’re going to be reallly ANGRY, ‘cos like, we’ve got a Conservative Prime Minister now and like …. I can’t keep it up. Margarat Thatcher and Norman Tebbitt would have absolutely lacerated the BBC for this Marxist nonsense. In fact, they wouldn’t dared to have done it.
But let’s see, with this number of coloured candidates getting places because of their colour, there’s a good chance the BBC have really boobed and someone with integrity has slipped through the net who will be committed to objective, impartial journalism.
So the population is now made up of 12.5% of ethnic minorities? I thought Liebour kept telling us it was about 7%?
Further to your post on the thread below about the reporting of the “Killing Spree”
“On a general issue anyone else disgusted with the way our media have behaved the last 24 hours over the shootings in Cumbria? It reminds me of the way they acted during the search for Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in the way the media seem to want to generate pure crap from pure crap. “ etc.
I agree. They’re wallowing in it. I heard a reporter solomnly describe two child witnesses as having been ‘rendered dumb.’ It sounded tragic, as if they’d never be able to speak again, you know, like when someone’s hair suddenly turns white, or they go inexplicably blind ‘forever.’ It wasn’t; they recovered pdq.
Then someone remarked that everyone in the vacinity had been badly affected – why, some people had had to remain in a shop or a pub for up to half an hour! Good grief, how traumatising that must have been.
I’m not trying to diminish the real shock and horror of the situation. Its all this talking for talking’s sake that’s diminishing it. People are egged on to dig up the slightest inanity just so as to join in and prolong the wallowing.
People are bored with their lives. They need celebrities, booze, football and wall-to-wall gossip.
I know, it’s vomit inducing and its not just the BBC, but the BBC seems to have hundreds of hacks there (Sky and ITV have a couple) simply spouting the same crap across BBC radio, TV and the internet.
I’d love to know how many beeboids are there no doubt living it up in 5 star hotels whilst jumping on any poor passer by for ‘their view’
It’s not bias, and they are simply part of morally crippled herd, but getting a lot done this morning as but a few minutes trying to find a news outlet not engaged in pathetic mawkishness, pointless speculation or grotesque intrusion has resulted in the TV going off.
As it will remain until they find their next 24/7 news void to fill with too many staff with nothing of value to actually contribute bar stopping police and emergency services do their jobs.
And on a similar OT, not really bias note, I hope the market rate talents at the BBC are today conducting a post-mortem on last night’s risible HIGNFY.
Bad enough another to set up such a predictable car crash with another celeb politician as moderator, but it was simply not funny or clever or anything bar cringeworthy.
Paul Merton spent the entire show near mute.
I’m guessing Alistair Campbell will not be far off the centre chair, with lots of cheeky ‘accidental’ allusions to his new book. Is the BBC on a cut of sales?
The same approach doesn’t apply to rocket attacks and suicide bombers in Israel, though.
It has begun:
Swedish professor makes a statement:
Now the time has come for Jews, individuals and organisations, to do the same, in order to obviate anti-Semitism.
Upper East Side synagogue receives threatening letter threatenting to ‘detonate’ building
Denmark – Antisemitic letter sent to the Jewish community
Sweden – Antisemitic calls to the Jewish community
Germany – Anti-Israel graffiti on Jewish Council building
“Free Gaza – Long live the global intifada”
Ken Loach calls Israel a “racist state”
Criticising the Western media over its coverage of the Palestinian issue, Mr. Loach claimed that the media in general is biased in favour of Israel. The relationship, he suggested, is like that of taking a dog for a walk: “The dog takes you wherever you want to go.”
It’s only a matter of time now. Only Jews are amde to take the heat for the deeds of a country run by their ethnic or religious brethren.
Well I suppose calling Jews dogs is different from calling them rats.
Loach should be ashamed of himself for his remarks and if a right wing enemy had uttered words of a similar nature no doubt a film would be being made.
As for the “racist state” its a funny racist state that fleey allows all races to be represented in the Israelli parliament, the only real democracy in the region and a region where Jews would not or could not hope to have a place in gocernment.
So this racist state gives FULL rights to all its minorities, healthcare and democratic representation and legal rights and freedom and security, the only state in the region to do this for its minorities and yet Loach claims Israel is a racist state?
Yes Mr Loach we actually know who the real racist is! The hate filled leftists never did let the facts intrude on their bigotry.
Ken Roach always has been a dirty dog !
As far as the Cumbrian tragedy is concerned – just how many reporters have the BBC sent to report – every time I switch on it seems to be somebody else.
As far as the Gaza flotilla is concerned – I knew the flotilla was on its way, I knew the way the BBC reports such issues – I should have been prepared. So why does the BBC leave me feeling that as a Jew I am considered by them to be a second class citizen and that they can attack me and my race in any way they choose?
You have my sympathy Deborah – but the west is run by BBC types who are hell bent on the destruction of us all not only the Jews.
I’ve noticed that the BBC seems to have at least three timesas many reporters covering a given issue than Sky does. It seems normal after a while, but even I was struck by the sheer number of weather update Beeboids appearing over the course of the day on the News Channel. Two of the women seem to share the same jacket, even.
The BBC has the luxury of not having to worry about a commercial bottom line. Normally one would think that this gives it a significant advantage over the private sector media, but I don’t see the quality as being any better by any means.
Because they’re the scum of humanity.
Meanwhile, another murder of a Christian in Islamic Turkey – but no ‘activists’ there to protest.
BBC, of course, suggests that the killer of Catholic bishop had ‘psychological problems’, but as ‘Jihadwatch’ points out, there’s a pattern here:
Catholic bishop stabbed to death in Turkey
“As is strikingly common in connection with stories like this, (cf. Naveed Haq, or this case in Yemen, and even Nidal Hasan), the attacker has been found to have ‘psychological problems.’ Fixating on mental illness as a possible cause for the attack allows the media to ignore any and all others — especially anything involving Islam. Nonetheless, this attack is another in an increasing trend in Turkey for violence against non-Muslims.”
BBC report:
So very predictable isnt it? All the excuses in the world when its the true believers in the frame for hate crimes.
The media could not and will not bring themselves to admit a madness in the islamist world, a savage blood thirst drilled into them from birth, a holy book that tells them to kill the infidel and a culture still trying to climb back into the 1300s.
What the BBC are really saying without meaning to is that Islam is a mental illness.
It could be argued that anyone who is religious has a mental illness. But you would be very brave to try!
Most religions would laugh it off. One would hack your head off.
As predicted by their previous coverage, the BBC is now denigrating and misrepresenting the initial wave of schools wanting to become indepedent academies under the Tories’ new scheme.
In their previous reporting on this issue, the BBC has openly disapproved by stating on air that this will help only the wealthy, and that the poorer people living in council estates will be left out. Every time out the Beeboid reporter made it a class war issue. This time is no exception.
1,114 schools want to sign up, says Michael Gove. Of these, the BBC says that 626 are rated “outstanding”. That’s only 56%, yet the entire article acts as if the other 44% don’t exist and focuses exclusively on the “outstanding” schools.
These will be a different type of academy – drawn from among the most successful schools in their local areas, rather than the most challenged.
Academies under the Labour government were often used to improve standards in struggling schools.
Now this new intake of academies, which will quadruple the existing number, will be the highest achievers.
Of course, no BBC report on a Tory policy is complete without comparing it unfavorably to Labour. But this whole report is basically hand-wringing over nasty rich people getting attention and pretending that the government is abandoning those most in need with this program. It’s simply not true, yet that’s the spin of the article.
Guido Fawkes dumps a pile all over the BBC and scumbag shit head Alistair Campbell
“…It’s ridiculous that he is able to so brazenly use publicly funded outlets for his own commercial and political gain…”
I haven’t watched or listened to more than a fraction of the BBC programmes where he might have turned up but even with that, I haven’t managed to avoid him. As well as Question Time last week, he turned up on The One Show on Monday this week. Just when he has a book to sell. He is rapidly turning into a creepy and desperate Paul Burrell, tantalising with promises of disclosure of family secrets and scandal, while proclaiming undying loyalty. I guess it must help him feel better about himself, as it gives him something to do and makes him feel that he matters. It’s just a shame that the BBC is so low as to give him air time.
Just put yet another complaint into the BBC mongs about Campbell being all over the BBC.
Walking past a TV shop this morning, the entire front window display had 15-or-so screens all showing the same shot of Campbell on the BBC. Almost cost me my breakfast.
What good do you think it will do? Wouldn’t be better sending it to the Conservative Party and those Conservative MPs who actually make a stand on the issue of BBC bias and merely copy it to the BBC as well for logging purposes because you have no confidence in its professional integrity to deal with complaints?
Given how useless the Cameron Conservative Party is in arresting the moral decline that is literally killing our country, a key plank of any platform if a new party does get formed is dealing with the BBC as a propaganda machine for the left and our country’s enemies.
Check out this hilarious YouTube vid, checker outers
Gaza Flotillia – The Love Boat
Nice one, Jack !
The BBC man in Turkey today seems to think the IHH is just a charity.
His whole 10 minute report from Istanabul this morning never mentioned the Isreali side of events once. Just the absolute joy him and the Turkish deputy PM share with the safe return of there fellow “activists”
The BBC don’t seem to do any digging into the statements put out by these “activists” there reported as fact no tricky questions from the BBC. I have no objection to the BBC reporting what these “activists” say but they are supposed to be unbiased so what does Isreali say? God knows because the BBC doesn’t tell you. Even if every President or Prime Minister on earth condemns Isreal the BBC have an obligation under its charter to be balanced. They have no right to make any judgements whatsoever.
The BBC are a political pressure group and as such should not be able to extort money from the public under pain of imprisonment.
I am totally sick of the middle class whining whinging voices of the BBC. All the feemale beeboids seem to have the same personality (e.g. none) and the males are all arrogant confrontational left wing bullies.
BBC can take soft line on Cameron-Hague-Clegg as, in effect, they are all (inc. BBC) : anti-Israel, and pro-Hamas:
“New British government flaunts criticism of Israel over Gaza flotilla to placate UK Muslims, leaked e-mails reveal”
(Robin Shepherd)
Links to above:
“Proof that our new government is grovelling to Islamists”
(Douglas Murray)
Our new PM condemns Isreal before any facts are known? Cameron is worse than Brown. Isn’t it usual for the PM to find out the facts first? Usually when asked by the BBC for a response the PM would say something like “We first must find out the facts before we can comment further”.
I was disgusted by Hague’s reaction. Someone who I used to respect but no more.
Thanks to Douglas Murray for reminding me of Churchill’s definition of an appeaser ” Someone who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last “.
If the Tories have turned against the Jews and are crawling even more to the muslims, I despair.
I wonder how much the Lib. Dems. had to do with this ?
Every time the BBC reports on the oil spill disaster, they make sure to point out that The Obamessiah is angry and promises to keep working on the situation. They want to reassure you that He’s really, really angry. He’s even going to make his third visit to the area, and Shukman just now took care to emphasize “third”.
It’s almost as if their focus is as much on reporting how well He’s doing as they are on the disaster itself. As usual, the BBC acts as a propaganda wing for the White House.
Al Beeb interviews Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Hardtalk.
Clean interview or something else???
BBC ahead of the game on this:
EU, US pledge to ignore the motives and goals of the jihadists while fighting terrorism
[ Opening Extract]:
“The EU and the US have completely bought in to the idea that it somehow ‘insults’ or ‘defames’ Islam to speak accurately about what motivates the jihadists, what they believe, and what they hope to accomplish — because to do so inevitably leads one into Islamic theology. They are thus pledging not to understand their enemy while trying to fight him — a sure recipe for disaster.”