Well its a pretty good week to be a beeboid. The sun is shining, they have a gun crime story to hang a series of gun controll puff pieces on, and they have plucky martyrdom operatives taking on those evil Israelis.
Anybody else noticed how the pro Brussels bBC now allocates a Naval fleet to the EU. “An EU warship – the SPS Victoria – had been sent to the Gulf of Aden to give medical assistance to crew members of the MV Rim, said a Navfor statement.”
FYI. The Victoria flies under the Spanish flag and not that of the EU. You’d think any so called defense correspondent not in a wheel chair would know that?
Manzoor Akhtar, the sister of the UK man shot dead with his wife and daughter in Pakistan, says her family has been left terrified by the killings….The killings are believed to have been triggered by a divorce between Mr Yousaf’s son and a girl in the nearby village.
And here is what Al Beeb isn’t telling you. The killers who shot Mohammed and his family were his nephews . Which makes them Manzoor Akhtar nephews as well. That divorce between Mohammed’s son and a girl from the village. Was actually a marriage between first cousins.
Yes he married his son to his own sisters daughter. Who left and returned to Pakistan after her husband had a child to a white girl.
But it gets better after being warned not to return to the village his family originated from. Mohammed not only did so, but with 3 armed guards behind him he phoned his sisters family informing them he was in the village and there was nothing they could do about it.
When faced with an armed gang, the so called guards did a runner and Mohammed and his wife and daughter were shot dead.
Ugly ,yet,but for some strange reason the bBC doesn’t bother informing the reader of the circumstances about why Mo was shot dead.
Although this has no Bias BBC content, I can just imagine the apoplexy of the “Today”, “Newsnight” etc crews if they happened to come across this video. Please take a look and as the site owner says, if you think it worthwhile, try to make it go viral. (I can even spot who some of the singers are, like Sting, Dylan, and a few more useful idiots.) http://jewishworldreview.com/0610/we_con_the_world.php3
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the House Rules.
So what did he say;
51. At 3:13pm on 31 May 2010, Rob wrote: 31. At 3:02pm on 31 May 2010, mtgibby wrote:
Israel has a right to defend itself against those attempting to aid terrorists groups (HAMAS) who are trying to destroy Israel.
When you start treating any person like a terrorist, suddenly they will start behaving like terrorists.
You may need to be reminded that “One man’s Terrorist is Another man’s Freedom Fighter”.
So according you break the house rules of the BBC when you say;
Israel has a right to defend itself against those attempting to aid terrorists groups (HAMAS) who are trying to destroy Israel.
I would suggest complaining to the BBC but you won’t get any reply for a couple of weeks tat will be a holding reply and when you finally get an answer it will either not answer the complaint or deny any bias. In any case the reply will be so late that it is all academic.
Very true, but every time you complain THEY have to log it and THEY have to look into it. That really pisses them off (as can be confirmed by the beeboid mong that tweeted during the election).
I don’t even bother to read the replies from them any more, I just know it pisses the BBC off.
Nice effort on the radio this morning. I like how William kept trying to make a big deal out of your candidacy during the election. I thought the election was over, so how are you still a candidate, exactly? Very silly.
Too bad the SDLP guy spouted the same lies as Diane Abbot told on last night’s QT. I see how your tweet can be interpreted as “incendiary”, but only if one has a twisted view of what happend on the Turkish boat. One could just as easily interpret what you said as a wish for Israel to be more careful this time and not get into such a bloody mess. Diasbling the boat and towing it to Ashdod could also be interpreted as “not messing about” this time. Of course, those who are anti-Israel to the end will think this can mean only that Israel should kill more people in cold blood.
The bottom line is that the SDLP guy and everyone else condemning Israel now tacitly support the idea that the Israeli soldiers should have rolled over and died instead of fighting back.
As 90% of the BBC seems to go on school hols with the kids every opportunity (Xmas, Easter, 1/2 term..) there was someone deputising for Jeremy Vine.
Of course even he does like an extreme twofer for heat over light, but the sub obviously decided he was there to weigh in as well.
Missed the start but the story was about a proposed CGT profits tax on 1st home value increments.
Against was a mild-mannered tax accountant who dod make some pretty good points, not just on financials but also psychology.
Pro was a raving lefty, state-funded, pay, perk and pensioned ‘Professor’ of ‘economics’ from Warwick Uni (possibly) who was more of a ‘property is theft’ view.
All well and usual. As were the callers. Quite a few panicking private sector pensioners watching their only source of revenue in dotage come under the firing line. Then of course the ‘you have it and we don’t so give it to us’ brigade for home a dwelling by 21 is a yuman right. Plus one obvious plant who was feeling guilty at what ‘his generation’ had done to the children’s.
Nope. Labour and the bankers pretty much screwed the pooch, dude, not folk who worked all their lives and ploughed all they could spare into the one possible secure investment the governing scum couldn’t get their hands on to keep their pay and pensions going: a person’s own home.
Not for or hero. In full support of the good Prof., he assailed one and all with how people had not worked for the increase in value of these homes.
Grasping how things work in a capitalist democracy not his strong suit evidently.
Be funny (if tragic) when he discovers that, for the few hours ‘work’ he manages a day, the money popped in his pension to invest for the future say, in BP stock, has been hijacked by others.
Biodegradable – Very interesting reading the comments to Mr. Easton’s piece. It quickly becomes apparent that he has been pre-selective, post editorial and plain inaccurate to suit his narrative.
I think that might square very well with the opinions held by most Eurocrats, to be honest. It makes one wonder if Turkey’s assault on Israel (which is what this really is underneath all the “aid” trappings) and solidarity with the poor, poor Palestinians actually makes Turkey more in tune with things Europeans like.
Condeming Israel and shedding crocodile tears over the Palestinians is a favorite European pasttime, and this brings Turkey closer to the heart of the EU than anything else they might do. A cynical person might think that this action could very well help Turkey get welcomed into the EU.
I have followed Erdogan’s career for 25 years now from before he first became Mayor of istanbul. His default mode is Islamic-fascism.
He doesn’t even respect his wife. Treats her like dirt.
Alas, silly little boys, like David Miliband and now Willie Hague fall for this deception .
Erdogan has contacts with Hamas way back.
I was chatting today with a Turkish, secular, friend, who just said “who is going to kill this bastard ? ” Actually she used a much worse word in Turkish, but I think David Vance might censor it !
FOI reply.
I translate it to mean that if the BBC doesn’t break UK law it doesn’t matter if they break the law of the host country.
Thank you for your requests to the BBC of May 4th and May 5th, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 about two reports by Alpa Shah:
From Our Own Correspondent 1) Did Ms. Shah or BBC staff involved in this report approach the Controller Editorial Policy and Programme Legal Advice as to whether she might be liable under the Terrorism ACT 2000 as required by BBC Editorial Guidelines, War, Terror & Emergencies?
2) If not, why not? If yes, what advice was given?
3) Did she (or relevant BBC staff) disclose to the police (UK or Indian), as soon as reasonably practicable, any information which known or believed might be of material assistance in preventing the commission of
an act of terrorism anywhere in the world as required by the BBC Guidelines.
4) If not, was this on the advice of legal officers from the BBC?
5) What is the BBC policy on reporting on criminals and crimes in foreign countries, which as with Maoist insurgents in India, would have been forbidden by the BBC Guidelines on Crime & Anti-Social Behaviour
had they been in the United Kingdom and require advice from the Controller Editorial Policy.
Crossing Continents http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8659501.stm Did Ms. Shah request advice from BBC legal counsel on giving the leader of the Maoists a pseudonym – that presumably will make the task of capture more difficult? ‘I had a rare face-to-face interview with a member of the movement’s leadership, a man I call Rameshji. I questioned him on their violent tactics.’
Please note that your request is outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”) but I contacted a senior editor in BBC Radio Current Affairs for a comment on your behalf.
Huh Levinson says: “I would respond to your wider issue by saying that the Indian Maoist movement is not a proscribed organisation under the Terrorism Act. We have considered the editorial issues involved in the broadcast according to the usual procedures of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines.”
We hope you find this helpful. Please note that the information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ Part VI of Schedule 1 to FOIA provides that information held by the BBC and the other public service broadcasters is only covered by the Act if it is held for ‘purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature” 1. The BBC is not required by the Act to supply information held for the
purposes of creating the BBC’s output or information that supports and is closely associated with these creative activities; however, on this occasion we’re happy to provide the above information
in response to your request.
Appeal Rights
The BBC does not offer an internal review when the information requested is not covered by the Act. If you disagree with our decision you can appeal to the Information Commissioner. Contact details are: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire,
SK9 5AF telephone 01625 545 700. http://www.ico.gov.uk
Good effort, but it reads to me like the Beeboids are able to hide behind the letter of the law. The group isn’t on the official terrorist group list, so they aren’t obliged to do anything. Not that they wouldn’t find some other excuse if it was….
Second FOI reply I haven’t included bits that were repeated from the first request. I translate this to mean that the BBC decides for itself not the host country which information it must submit for censorship. Just try that in Britain!
Thank you for your request to the BBC of May 4th, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1) Did James Stephenson or the Jerusalem bureau approach the Controller Editorial Policy and Programme Legal Advice for advice on defying the requirements of the Israel Military Censor.
2) If not, why not? If yes, what advice was given?
3) What is the policy of the BBC about breaking the law of countries outside the United Kingdom?
Does it differ from policy on breaking the law of the United Kingdom which would require “referral to a senior editorial figure or for Independents to the commissioning editor, who must consult Head of Programme Legal Advice and, if necessary, Controller Editorial Policy”. (BBC Editorial Guidelines, The Law)
Please note that your request is outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”) but we can explain that no laws were infringed; the head of the Jerusalem bureau did not judge that any material needed to be referred to the Israeli Censor.
If anyone else saw Newswatch with Raymond Snoddy earlier they can talk in more detail than me, though what I will say is it caused me to erupt with violent laughter as the first statement of the programme was that the vast majority of the complaints the BBC received regarding the coverage of the Israel flotilla affair was from people complaining that the BBC was being too pro-Israel. Is this really possible? Is this true that people watching the BBC not only felt it was pro-Israel but felt so offended by this that they simply had to complain about it. The person they got on from the BBC to explain just how balanced the coverage was said over and over that the Israeli footage was edited, not only implying that the Turkish footage was unedited but also suggesting that the Turkish news footage was not incriminating at all of the activists. The real surprise came at the end of the interview when the two of the beeboids fell over each other to express how we can’t the full story here because the Israeli propaganda machine is so advanced and well funded.
Yes it is, if the BBC mention anything that doesn’t follow the left wing line the loony Billy Bragg types will be on the phone to the BBC. Same as we hear the nutters complaining that the anti climate change lobby get TOO MUCH time on the BBC. you can’t stop laughing.
I hope you didn’t do yourself an injury, Hovercraft. It is true that people do complain that the BBC is pro-Israel and a whole host of other things, e.g. anti-Labour. It does make one wonder.
But it does go to show the need for measurable, measured and demonstrable concrete instances, if one seeks to make a case for bias. And in the end there will still be different opinions and shades of opinion. I would hazard a guess that most people who listen or watch BBC news and news related programmes probably don’t even think in terms of bias.
Looking back on the timeline of the fabricated outrage’N’stuff/Israelli agression fit up it all appears just a little too slick and well organized. The Daily Mail was swamped with condemnation posts almost straight away as were other papers. It would be easy for an organized media assualt by groups like free Gaza etc to make up complaints to the BBC as part of that campaign.
The ‘rage industry’ had its attacks in within minutes as did the media and the western/UN/arab regimes. I still find it hard to believe the scale of the critisism BEFORE any facts were known and when the facts did start coming out all of a sudden the media simply ignored it for the most part.
There was something fishy about the BBC response from the getgo too quick and too slick, it takes time to edit and cut and paste media reports and get film but the BBC had it all in place ready and waiting. When you consider how long it took them to report on issues like the UEA-CRU fraud and other uncomfortable news items citing legal concerns and how the BBC censored IDF footage of the raid and still does so, it all starts to look like a staged set up job, even the political classes had their condemnations BEFORE the facts were known with that little fool Hague engaging his mouth well before his tiny foreign office controlled brain.
Something smells very fishy indeed about the whole thing. At least the IDF now have all the mobile phones and will be examining them for calls and texts made to who and when they were made, whats the betting that many calls and texts were to BBC HQ?
I am just trying to imagine a phonecall from the BBC resident islamist Abu Al Bowen to the free Gaza activist HQ.
Bowen calls and asks the UIs to flood the BBC with bogus complaints, it doesnt matter how spurious and ridiculous as none will ever be published, they could claim that the BBC was pro Jew because it didnt shoot the Jew spokesperson live on air! All that matters is the number of complaints so the BBC can claim that because they have complaints from the UIs it must mean they are impartial.
Job done eh? Does the BBC collaborate with pressure groups? Well the evidence suggests they do and quite often with eco fascist groups invading parliament and power stations etc. The key to proving the BBC involvement is the security services and their nifty new monitoring of all email and phonecalls.
Ahem..er..uhm so thats the BBC in the clear there then eh?
‘When you consider how long it took them to report on issues like the UEA-CRU fraud’
Ahhh… ‘water oversight’ in action. Though some needs to be less watertight than others… apparently. Funny how a bit of white collar shenanigans that didn’t suit locked down the news reporting ability of the national broadcaster for ages… ‘as they had to be sure of the facts’, but a FUBAR cluster-fudge with no one having a clue what happened was all over the front pages the minute the press release could be re-typed. Our government being no better, mind.
The point on organised ‘public’ ‘outrage’ is a good one, and everyone is at it. The difference seems to be how the BBC tries to identify and label.
Hence those they don’t like have a well-oiled PR machine cranking out propaganda. Those on iPhone speed dial they do like suddenly become ‘witnesses’, ‘the public’, ‘sources say’ ‘British reporter XX’ or ‘the world community’.
Agony aunt James Naughtie is flogging the “I witnessed the shooting” story to death.
I must retract the comment I made yesterday about the girl who was rendered dumb. It was inaccurate. The word in question was was mute.
Let’s drag the story out till the pips squeak.
Please don’t criticise B-BBC, BBC defenders, for being “like the Daily Mail.” You haven’t got a leg to stand on.
I had to laugh yesterday (Friday) when there was an item on Radio 4’s PM news about the successful launch of the private Falcon 9 spacecraft. Instead of considering the vast implications of private enterprise in space all we got was an insight into the prejudices of the presenter. His first question to a space expert being interviewed was something about government regulations about this sort of thing. His next question was about possible regulations as was the next etc etc. To be honest I got bored and turned off the set.
Just a thought but if the USA had not got involved in the Iraq/Afghan quagmire it could be the proud owner of a shiny new fleet of MK2 shuttles with all the bells and whistles and a few billion to spare.
Given the choice of a Vietnam MK2 which BTW broke the USA for years OR a top of the range space lifter fleet which would you choose?
Did anyone hear Piers Morgan on Steve Right Friday afternoon Radio 2 drone on about how wonderful South Africa is now that Saint Mandela has put things right since the previous evil government has been removed? It seems South Africa is now equivelent to the Garden of Eden before the Apple incident!
That revolting blur of words should be used to demonstrate to school children all in one go the meaning of words such as obsequious and sycophantic and fawning and toady and vomit-inducing and lying…
Like Obama, the Tories, Lib Dems and Labour, the BBC (and ‘Guardian’) campaign for the entry of 75 million Turks into the E.U., so as to speed up the Islamisation of the Europe, despite the wishes of the European people.
BBC’s Istanbul chap, Jonathan HEAD, lets his heart rule his head in his pro-Islam stance on Turkey.
The ‘HEADline’ to his article is very misleading, as his article doesn’t discuss Israel:
“Turkey’s Muslim heart” [?] “fights its pro-Israeli head”
BBC’s Mr. Head seems to recognise elements of the heavy Islamisation policy being undertaken under PM Erdogan, but in typically utopian, unrealistic BBC fashion, he seems to be fantasizing about how nice it would be if Turkey were a friendly European state. Wake up, Me Head: Turkey is a threat to the West. Remember the old adage: good fences make good neighbours.
The BBC has had the whole flotilla thing backwards – deliberately :
the aggressors among the Turkish boat were called “victims”, the victims of their aggressions were described as attackers
they have given endless airtime to people on the flotilla describing things they did not see – but very limited time, and then too late, describing what the video footage actually shows and proves
they have described the flotilla as “peaceful” or humanitarian in intent, when it was plainly a deliberate provocation with a lot of very violent men embarked on those ships
they have tried to include the US in the notion of global condemnation of Israel’s actions – when the US has deliberately restricted the UN motion to merely calling for a full enquiry – no blame yet ascribed
worst of all, they have tried to suggest that Israel has upset its relations with Turkey – when it is precisely the opposite. The Turkish Government was wholly behind the flotilla, probably helped organise it, ceratinly let lots of its own Islamist nutters join it without warning Israel – and has led the false outrage since the flotilla was prevented from breaking a justifiable blockade.
Another Daily Mail flight of factual fancy, or BBC own goal (though, like, what is anyone going to do about it?)
One ward sister told The Mail on Sunday: ‘There are so many lifts inside the hospital building, we can’t understand why the BBC needs to build another one.’
Beyond any agenda-driven motivations, Andrew Marr as an interviewer really cannot be topped for ineffective unctuousness.
It’s bad enough that media careers are only made by forcing a controversial comment or admission such that heat is all that is sought over any illumination.
But Mr. Marr is simply inept as he telegraphs that this is what he is struggling to get and is easily side-stepped. Which usually means he has to fall back on ‘guests’ to proxy spout the points he and his handlers would like to make directly, but that gosh-darned ‘not totally abusing the money they are given be extortion’ thing keeps getting in the way.
Christopher Booker, in today’s ‘Sunday Telegraph’:
…”the BBC, the head of which, Mark Thompson, now receives a staggering £834,000 a year. Twenty-odd years ago, as I learn from one of Mr Thompson’s predecessors, my old friend Alasdair Milne, the salary of the director-general was a mere £80,000, less than a tenth of what his successor now takes home in his wheelbarrow.
“Yet in almost every respect over the same period, the performance of the BBC’s bloated empire, awash with £3.5 billion a year of licence-payers cash, has declined, to the point where it has become a national scandal. The more its professional standards have fallen, the more puffed-up and pleased with themselves its grossly overpaid executives and celebrity presenters have become.
“I recall Mr Milne saying in the 1980s that the one issue on which the BBC was proud to have defied its charter obligation to impartiality, by adopting an unequivocally partisan position, was South Africa’s policy of apartheid. Yet since then the BBC has adopted a partisan agenda on so many issues, from the EU to Palestine, from its mindless ‘multiculturalism’ to wind farms and global warming, that in many respects it has become no more than a gigantic engine of propaganda. There is scarcely a single subject on which we do not know exactly what is the ‘BBC line’ and what it wants the rest of us to think. ”
Can someone remind the mong boys at the BBC that LIEBOUR LOST the election? Just seem turd eater Millipede being interviewed as if he’s the foreign secretary. He’s not he’s a failed former Government Minister.
Just who the**ck is interested in the internal politics of the opposition, and why should the state broadcaster give the one of the milliped siblings a platform. Anyone notice how little airtime the government is getting recently? Perhaps they are just ignoring the BBC, but I suspect policy at work here.
You think it’s bad having a millipede on the BBC? At least the millipede was a minister, is an MP and may still hold a position in opposition. But what about Thug Campbell being promoted here, there and everywhere by the BBC?
He is not even hired help, having been sacked in disgrace several years ago, let alone an MP or minister or opposition. Yet, there he was again, on the Daily Politics on Friday, having his ego fed, being given easy questions and practically invited to criticise the government for not putting a minister on Question Time.
This enabled him to spout the tired old line about this being in the week of the Queen’s speech. It didn’t occur to him or the resident Beeboid that this would-be criticism of the government was the very reason that Labour – Her Majesty’s Opposition – should have put up an elected person to speak for it instead of this self-seeking desperado (who incidentally has no grasp of or interest in the ins and outs of policy but has always substituted bullying, bluster and verbal thuggery for intellectual grasp and mastery of policy.) What does Labour think is meant by “The Queen in Parliament”?. It’s not “The Queen and ExSpin Doctors” that represents our democratic system.
ZephirFeb 23, 06:23 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Or this: “Illegal immigrant who stabbed wife to death wins right to stay in Britain after arguing he might have…
ZephirFeb 23, 06:21 Weekend 22nd February 2025 And, no doubt, another item the racist, sexist bbc will be hiding: “Syrian refugee who stepped in to stop Islamist…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:58 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Brilliant piece, Atlas – thank you! I didn’t think that our country would be such a soft touch after the…
ScrobleneFeb 23, 05:47 Weekend 22nd February 2025 I guess that was all down to Blair’s desperation to lower the unemployment figures by getting the kids into any…
JohnCFeb 23, 02:35 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Hostages were chained, starved, kept in pitch black; some return almost unresponsive https://www.timesofisrael.com/hostages-were-chained-starved-kept-in-pitch-black-some-return-almost-unresponsive/ ‘Hamas made 2 hostages not going free…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:20 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Well, well: “The BBC has been accused of attempting a ‘cover-up’ over a Gaza documentary narrated by the son of…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:11 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Greater Manchester Police said last night: ‘We spoke to the woman for six minutes to advise she was the subject…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Police knocked on her door in Stockport within 48 hours of receiving a complaint, in contrast to how they have…
ZephirFeb 23, 01:07 Weekend 22nd February 2025 It seems the far left are routinely doing this now, and police seem complicit, and, of course it’s the far…
taffmanFeb 23, 00:44 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Lucy Pevensey Think of all the money that you have saved over all those years .
BBC, of course, uses religion when it suits BBC’s political purposes of e.g. supporting Obama, and open-door immigration:
BBC report –
“Religious leaders denounce Arizona immigration law”
An alternative view, expressed in this musical video by Ray Stevens:
“Come to the USA”
Well its a pretty good week to be a beeboid. The sun is shining, they have a gun crime story to hang a series of gun controll puff pieces on, and they have plucky martyrdom operatives taking on those evil Israelis.
The Beeboids will be rewarded in heaven with 72 virgins !
72 Romanian rent boys more like
Virgin rent boys then !
Ha ha ha. 72 rent boys. v.funny
Anybody else noticed how the pro Brussels bBC now allocates a Naval fleet to the EU.
“An EU warship – the SPS Victoria – had been sent to the Gulf of Aden to give medical assistance to crew members of the MV Rim, said a Navfor statement.”
FYI. The Victoria flies under the Spanish flag and not that of the EU. You’d think any so called defense correspondent not in a wheel chair would know that?
It’s called giving the game away
There will be an EU Armed Forces soon
The bBC , Muslims getting killed by muslims and half the story.
Relatives of UK family shot in Pakistan ‘live in fear’
Manzoor Akhtar, the sister of the UK man shot dead with his wife and daughter in Pakistan, says her family has been left terrified by the killings….The killings are believed to have been triggered by a divorce between Mr Yousaf’s son and a girl in the nearby village.
And here is what Al Beeb isn’t telling you. The killers who shot Mohammed and his family were his nephews . Which makes them Manzoor Akhtar nephews as well. That divorce between Mohammed’s son and a girl from the village. Was actually a marriage between first cousins.
Yes he married his son to his own sisters daughter. Who left and returned to Pakistan after her husband had a child to a white girl.
But it gets better after being warned not to return to the village his family originated from. Mohammed not only did so, but with 3 armed guards behind him he phoned his sisters family informing them he was in the village and there was nothing they could do about it.
When faced with an armed gang, the so called guards did a runner and Mohammed and his wife and daughter were shot dead.
Ugly ,yet,but for some strange reason the bBC doesn’t bother informing the reader of the circumstances about why Mo was shot dead.
Cousins marrying cousins marry cousins… that’s Pakistan for you.
Explains a lot.
It does help explain some of the stupidity in Islam, only some though.
I heard the same thing happens in Lincolnshire. But , as a Scot, I am quite happy with sheep !
I hope you draw the line at the sheep’s cousin. The camel.
Jack, I always insist on a DNA test first !
Mind, you I am quite fond of camels too !!
Try this Grant:
Although this has no Bias BBC content, I can just imagine the apoplexy of the “Today”, “Newsnight” etc crews if they happened to come across this video. Please take a look and as the site owner says, if you think it worthwhile, try to make it go viral. (I can even spot who some of the singers are, like Sting, Dylan, and a few more useful idiots.)
The bBC and headlining the news.
Here’s a question for all you happy campers. Which of these 2 stories (which are ongoing) would you feel fit to headline the world news with?
Over 100 people killed in a fire
Turkey warns it may cut back ties with Israel.
Answer found here;
BBC have your say;
All the reactions that are placed, are negative of israel. But also a large amount of reactions are removed because they were;
31. At 3:02pm on 31 May 2010, mtgibby wrote:
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the House Rules.
So what did he say;
51. At 3:13pm on 31 May 2010, Rob wrote: 31. At 3:02pm on 31 May 2010, mtgibby wrote:
Israel has a right to defend itself against those attempting to aid terrorists groups (HAMAS) who are trying to destroy Israel.
When you start treating any person like a terrorist, suddenly they will start behaving like terrorists.
You may need to be reminded that “One man’s Terrorist is Another man’s Freedom Fighter”.
So according you break the house rules of the BBC when you say;
Israel has a right to defend itself against those attempting to aid terrorists groups (HAMAS) who are trying to destroy Israel.
I have the screen shots.
I advise everybody to make shadow postings here.
The BBC “house rules” include “Thou shall not say anything bad about Hamas ” !
Ever notice that Hamas in an anagram of A Sham?
Funny you should notice that.
“A sham” in arabic means “the evening” . Pun in both senses. ” Sam ” , pronounced differently means ” a poisonous wind “.
Underground movements in that part of the world have a history of playing with words.
Try Zaman which is Namaz backwords.
Time for me to get my coat !
I would suggest complaining to the BBC but you won’t get any reply for a couple of weeks tat will be a holding reply and when you finally get an answer it will either not answer the complaint or deny any bias. In any case the reply will be so late that it is all academic.
Very true, but every time you complain THEY have to log it and THEY have to look into it. That really pisses them off (as can be confirmed by the beeboid mong that tweeted during the election).
I don’t even bother to read the replies from them any more, I just know it pisses the BBC off.
David Vance,
Nice effort on the radio this morning. I like how William kept trying to make a big deal out of your candidacy during the election. I thought the election was over, so how are you still a candidate, exactly? Very silly.
Too bad the SDLP guy spouted the same lies as Diane Abbot told on last night’s QT. I see how your tweet can be interpreted as “incendiary”, but only if one has a twisted view of what happend on the Turkish boat. One could just as easily interpret what you said as a wish for Israel to be more careful this time and not get into such a bloody mess. Diasbling the boat and towing it to Ashdod could also be interpreted as “not messing about” this time. Of course, those who are anti-Israel to the end will think this can mean only that Israel should kill more people in cold blood.
The bottom line is that the SDLP guy and everyone else condemning Israel now tacitly support the idea that the Israeli soldiers should have rolled over and died instead of fighting back.
As 90% of the BBC seems to go on school hols with the kids every opportunity (Xmas, Easter, 1/2 term..) there was someone deputising for Jeremy Vine.
Of course even he does like an extreme twofer for heat over light, but the sub obviously decided he was there to weigh in as well.
Missed the start but the story was about a proposed CGT profits tax on 1st home value increments.
Against was a mild-mannered tax accountant who dod make some pretty good points, not just on financials but also psychology.
Pro was a raving lefty, state-funded, pay, perk and pensioned ‘Professor’ of ‘economics’ from Warwick Uni (possibly) who was more of a ‘property is theft’ view.
All well and usual. As were the callers. Quite a few panicking private sector pensioners watching their only source of revenue in dotage come under the firing line. Then of course the ‘you have it and we don’t so give it to us’ brigade for home a dwelling by 21 is a yuman right. Plus one obvious plant who was feeling guilty at what ‘his generation’ had done to the children’s.
Nope. Labour and the bankers pretty much screwed the pooch, dude, not folk who worked all their lives and ploughed all they could spare into the one possible secure investment the governing scum couldn’t get their hands on to keep their pay and pensions going: a person’s own home.
Not for or hero. In full support of the good Prof., he assailed one and all with how people had not worked for the increase in value of these homes.
Grasping how things work in a capitalist democracy not his strong suit evidently.
Be funny (if tragic) when he discovers that, for the few hours ‘work’ he manages a day, the money popped in his pension to invest for the future say, in BP stock, has been hijacked by others.
But maybe that is ‘different’, if not ‘unique’.
Trust the BB to link Israel with the shootings on Cumbria… yes you heard that right!
Hat tip “alan stoddart” @ Melanie Phillips’ blog:
Should read “Trust the BBC…”
Easton is more a propagandist than a reporter. His chart even lists ‘Gaza/West Bank’ as a ‘country’.
Here’s an alternative viewpoint using real data and analysis that shows just how much Easton is spinning numbers out of his backside:
FBI Crime Stats Show an Armed Public Is a Safer Public
It’s true that NICS data show how easy it is for Americans to buy guns, but FBI crime data shows that law-abiding gun owners are not the problem.
Yeah, Mossad probably used Derrick Bird to act as a human suicide terrorist to deflect press attention from their piracy offence.
Biodegradable – Very interesting reading the comments to Mr. Easton’s piece. It quickly becomes apparent that he has been pre-selective, post editorial and plain inaccurate to suit his narrative.
Now there is a surprise on the BBC.
How do crime statistics in the UK compare with the US ? Maybe Easton can tell us.
The bBC shedding tears for Islamic terrorists and remaking them as only victims.
Mumbai attacker seeks to appeal against death penalty
The sole surviving gunman of the Mumbai (Bombay) attacks of November 2008 has requested legal representation to appeal against his death penalty.
Over 170 people died when militants including Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab attacked various targets.
So according to the bBC over 170 people died. When Islamic terrorists (not militants but terrorists bBC) decided to go walk about in Bombay.
But when you read further down the article Al Beeb has this to say;
Ten gunmen attacked Mumbai on 26 November 2008 killing 166 people. All of them except Qasab were killed.
By adding 9 dead terrorists to their Allah inspired death toll of 166 we get 175 and the over 170 figure used by the bBC.
Factually correct, but morally wrong. But hang on here is how the bBC reports another mass killing;
Derrick Bird, 52, killed 12 people and wounded 11 others on Wednesday before shooting himself.
In fact every article written by the bbC on the above states 12 dead and the gunman killed himself. Not one article states 13 people died.
However when it comes to Islamic terrorism the bBC has a remit to rewrite them as victims also.
I love the “attacked various targets” bit. Dehumanising the tragedy.
The BBC make me puke.
Turkey’s turkey, Erdogan says Hamas is not a terrorist organisation… how does that square with Turkey entering the EU?
I think that might square very well with the opinions held by most Eurocrats, to be honest. It makes one wonder if Turkey’s assault on Israel (which is what this really is underneath all the “aid” trappings) and solidarity with the poor, poor Palestinians actually makes Turkey more in tune with things Europeans like.
Condeming Israel and shedding crocodile tears over the Palestinians is a favorite European pasttime, and this brings Turkey closer to the heart of the EU than anything else they might do. A cynical person might think that this action could very well help Turkey get welcomed into the EU.
I have followed Erdogan’s career for 25 years now from before he first became Mayor of istanbul. His default mode is Islamic-fascism.
He doesn’t even respect his wife. Treats her like dirt.
Alas, silly little boys, like David Miliband and now Willie Hague fall for this deception .
Erdogan has contacts with Hamas way back.
I was chatting today with a Turkish, secular, friend, who just said “who is going to kill this bastard ? ” Actually she used a much worse word in Turkish, but I think David Vance might censor it !
Classic on Fox News. Some Democrat plonker stated that “America is under attack from a British oil company”
Oh dear
Could this lead to war between the US and UK ?
FOI reply.
I translate it to mean that if the BBC doesn’t break UK law it doesn’t matter if they break the law of the host country.
Thank you for your requests to the BBC of May 4th and May 5th, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 about two reports by Alpa Shah:
From Our Own Correspondent
1) Did Ms. Shah or BBC staff involved in this report approach the Controller Editorial Policy and Programme Legal Advice as to whether she might be liable under the Terrorism ACT 2000 as required by BBC Editorial Guidelines, War, Terror & Emergencies?
2) If not, why not? If yes, what advice was given?
3) Did she (or relevant BBC staff) disclose to the police (UK or Indian), as soon as reasonably practicable, any information which known or believed might be of material assistance in preventing the commission of
an act of terrorism anywhere in the world as required by the BBC Guidelines.
4) If not, was this on the advice of legal officers from the BBC?
5) What is the BBC policy on reporting on criminals and crimes in foreign countries, which as with Maoist insurgents in India, would have been forbidden by the BBC Guidelines on Crime & Anti-Social Behaviour
had they been in the United Kingdom and require advice from the Controller Editorial Policy.
Crossing Continents
Did Ms. Shah request advice from BBC legal counsel on giving the leader of the Maoists a pseudonym – that presumably will make the task of capture more difficult? ‘I had a rare face-to-face interview with a member of the movement’s leadership, a man I call Rameshji. I questioned him on their violent tactics.’
Please note that your request is outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”) but I contacted a senior editor in BBC Radio Current Affairs for a comment on your behalf.
Huh Levinson says: “I would respond to your wider issue by saying that the Indian Maoist movement is not a proscribed organisation under the Terrorism Act. We have considered the editorial issues involved in the broadcast according to the usual procedures of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines.”
We hope you find this helpful. Please note that the information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ Part VI of Schedule 1 to FOIA provides that information held by the BBC and the other public service broadcasters is only covered by the Act if it is held for ‘purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature” 1. The BBC is not required by the Act to supply information held for the
purposes of creating the BBC’s output or information that supports and is closely associated with these creative activities; however, on this occasion we’re happy to provide the above information
in response to your request.
Appeal Rights
The BBC does not offer an internal review when the information requested is not covered by the Act. If you disagree with our decision you can appeal to the Information Commissioner. Contact details are: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire,
SK9 5AF telephone 01625 545 700. http://www.ico.gov.uk
Yours sincerely
Stephanie Harris
Head of Accountability, BBC News
Good effort, but it reads to me like the Beeboids are able to hide behind the letter of the law. The group isn’t on the official terrorist group list, so they aren’t obliged to do anything. Not that they wouldn’t find some other excuse if it was….
Why the hell should “journalism, art or literature” be exempt ?
Second FOI reply I haven’t included bits that were repeated from the first request. I translate this to mean that the BBC decides for itself not the host country which information it must submit for censorship. Just try that in Britain!
Thank you for your request to the BBC of May 4th, seeking the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1) Did James Stephenson or the Jerusalem bureau approach the Controller Editorial Policy and Programme Legal Advice for advice on defying the requirements of the Israel Military Censor.
2) If not, why not? If yes, what advice was given?
3) What is the policy of the BBC about breaking the law of countries outside the United Kingdom?
Does it differ from policy on breaking the law of the United Kingdom which would require “referral to a senior editorial figure or for Independents to the commissioning editor, who must consult Head of Programme Legal Advice and, if necessary, Controller Editorial Policy”. (BBC Editorial Guidelines, The Law)
Please note that your request is outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”) but we can explain that no laws were infringed; the head of the Jerusalem bureau did not judge that any material needed to be referred to the Israeli Censor.
But how do we know that no laws were infringed ? We only have the BBC’s word for it and we know that Beeboids are habitual liars.
If anyone else saw Newswatch with Raymond Snoddy earlier they can talk in more detail than me, though what I will say is it caused me to erupt with violent laughter as the first statement of the programme was that the vast majority of the complaints the BBC received regarding the coverage of the Israel flotilla affair was from people complaining that the BBC was being too pro-Israel. Is this really possible? Is this true that people watching the BBC not only felt it was pro-Israel but felt so offended by this that they simply had to complain about it. The person they got on from the BBC to explain just how balanced the coverage was said over and over that the Israeli footage was edited, not only implying that the Turkish footage was unedited but also suggesting that the Turkish news footage was not incriminating at all of the activists. The real surprise came at the end of the interview when the two of the beeboids fell over each other to express how we can’t the full story here because the Israeli propaganda machine is so advanced and well funded.
Yes it is, if the BBC mention anything that doesn’t follow the left wing line the loony Billy Bragg types will be on the phone to the BBC. Same as we hear the nutters complaining that the anti climate change lobby get TOO MUCH time on the BBC. you can’t stop laughing.
I hope you didn’t do yourself an injury, Hovercraft. It is true that people do complain that the BBC is pro-Israel and a whole host of other things, e.g. anti-Labour. It does make one wonder.
But it does go to show the need for measurable, measured and demonstrable concrete instances, if one seeks to make a case for bias. And in the end there will still be different opinions and shades of opinion. I would hazard a guess that most people who listen or watch BBC news and news related programmes probably don’t even think in terms of bias.
Looking back on the timeline of the fabricated outrage’N’stuff/Israelli agression fit up it all appears just a little too slick and well organized. The Daily Mail was swamped with condemnation posts almost straight away as were other papers. It would be easy for an organized media assualt by groups like free Gaza etc to make up complaints to the BBC as part of that campaign.
The ‘rage industry’ had its attacks in within minutes as did the media and the western/UN/arab regimes. I still find it hard to believe the scale of the critisism BEFORE any facts were known and when the facts did start coming out all of a sudden the media simply ignored it for the most part.
There was something fishy about the BBC response from the getgo too quick and too slick, it takes time to edit and cut and paste media reports and get film but the BBC had it all in place ready and waiting. When you consider how long it took them to report on issues like the UEA-CRU fraud and other uncomfortable news items citing legal concerns and how the BBC censored IDF footage of the raid and still does so, it all starts to look like a staged set up job, even the political classes had their condemnations BEFORE the facts were known with that little fool Hague engaging his mouth well before his tiny foreign office controlled brain.
Something smells very fishy indeed about the whole thing. At least the IDF now have all the mobile phones and will be examining them for calls and texts made to who and when they were made, whats the betting that many calls and texts were to BBC HQ?
I am just trying to imagine a phonecall from the BBC resident islamist Abu Al Bowen to the free Gaza activist HQ.
Bowen calls and asks the UIs to flood the BBC with bogus complaints, it doesnt matter how spurious and ridiculous as none will ever be published, they could claim that the BBC was pro Jew because it didnt shoot the Jew spokesperson live on air! All that matters is the number of complaints so the BBC can claim that because they have complaints from the UIs it must mean they are impartial.
Job done eh? Does the BBC collaborate with pressure groups? Well the evidence suggests they do and quite often with eco fascist groups invading parliament and power stations etc. The key to proving the BBC involvement is the security services and their nifty new monitoring of all email and phonecalls.
Ahem..er..uhm so thats the BBC in the clear there then eh?
‘When you consider how long it took them to report on issues like the UEA-CRU fraud’
Ahhh… ‘water oversight’ in action. Though some needs to be less watertight than others… apparently. Funny how a bit of white collar shenanigans that didn’t suit locked down the news reporting ability of the national broadcaster for ages… ‘as they had to be sure of the facts’, but a FUBAR cluster-fudge with no one having a clue what happened was all over the front pages the minute the press release could be re-typed. Our government being no better, mind.
The point on organised ‘public’ ‘outrage’ is a good one, and everyone is at it. The difference seems to be how the BBC tries to identify and label.
Hence those they don’t like have a well-oiled PR machine cranking out propaganda. Those on iPhone speed dial they do like suddenly become ‘witnesses’, ‘the public’, ‘sources say’ ‘British reporter XX’ or ‘the world community’.
100% agree there!
Agony aunt James Naughtie is flogging the “I witnessed the shooting” story to death.
I must retract the comment I made yesterday about the girl who was rendered dumb. It was inaccurate. The word in question was was mute.
Let’s drag the story out till the pips squeak.
Please don’t criticise B-BBC, BBC defenders, for being “like the Daily Mail.” You haven’t got a leg to stand on.
I had to laugh yesterday (Friday) when there was an item on Radio 4’s PM news about the successful launch of the private Falcon 9 spacecraft. Instead of considering the vast implications of private enterprise in space all we got was an insight into the prejudices of the presenter. His first question to a space expert being interviewed was something about government regulations about this sort of thing. His next question was about possible regulations as was the next etc etc. To be honest I got bored and turned off the set.
Just a thought but if the USA had not got involved in the Iraq/Afghan quagmire it could be the proud owner of a shiny new fleet of MK2 shuttles with all the bells and whistles and a few billion to spare.
Given the choice of a Vietnam MK2 which BTW broke the USA for years OR a top of the range space lifter fleet which would you choose?
Did anyone hear Piers Morgan on Steve Right Friday afternoon Radio 2 drone on about how wonderful South Africa is now that Saint Mandela has put things right since the previous evil government has been removed? It seems South Africa is now equivelent to the Garden of Eden before the Apple incident!
That revolting blur of words should be used to demonstrate to school children all in one go the meaning of words such as obsequious and sycophantic and fawning and toady and vomit-inducing and lying…
Like Obama, the Tories, Lib Dems and Labour, the BBC (and ‘Guardian’) campaign for the entry of 75 million Turks into the E.U., so as to speed up the Islamisation of the Europe, despite the wishes of the European people.
BBC’s Istanbul chap, Jonathan HEAD, lets his heart rule his head in his pro-Islam stance on Turkey.
The ‘HEADline’ to his article is very misleading, as his article doesn’t discuss Israel:
“Turkey’s Muslim heart” [?] “fights its pro-Israeli head”
BBC’s Mr. Head seems to recognise elements of the heavy Islamisation policy being undertaken under PM Erdogan, but in typically utopian, unrealistic BBC fashion, he seems to be fantasizing about how nice it would be if Turkey were a friendly European state. Wake up, Me Head: Turkey is a threat to the West. Remember the old adage: good fences make good neighbours.
“Turkey in Europe – a bridge too far”
The BBC has had the whole flotilla thing backwards – deliberately :
the aggressors among the Turkish boat were called “victims”, the victims of their aggressions were described as attackers
they have given endless airtime to people on the flotilla describing things they did not see – but very limited time, and then too late, describing what the video footage actually shows and proves
they have described the flotilla as “peaceful” or humanitarian in intent, when it was plainly a deliberate provocation with a lot of very violent men embarked on those ships
they have tried to include the US in the notion of global condemnation of Israel’s actions – when the US has deliberately restricted the UN motion to merely calling for a full enquiry – no blame yet ascribed
worst of all, they have tried to suggest that Israel has upset its relations with Turkey – when it is precisely the opposite. The Turkish Government was wholly behind the flotilla, probably helped organise it, ceratinly let lots of its own Islamist nutters join it without warning Israel – and has led the false outrage since the flotilla was prevented from breaking a justifiable blockade.
BBC – Hamas-enablers supreme.
Another Daily Mail flight of factual fancy, or BBC own goal (though, like, what is anyone going to do about it?)
One ward sister told The Mail on Sunday: ‘There are so many lifts inside the hospital building, we can’t understand why the BBC needs to build another one.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1284273/BBC-spends-thousands-lift-whisk-World-Cup-presenters-flights-studio-hospital-rooftop.html?ITO=socialnet-twitter-mailonline#ixzz0q3Va6Gn3
A BBC spokesman said: ‘The hospital is really pleased the BBC are there
Next… a remake of ISHTAR… just because they can?
Beyond any agenda-driven motivations, Andrew Marr as an interviewer really cannot be topped for ineffective unctuousness.
It’s bad enough that media careers are only made by forcing a controversial comment or admission such that heat is all that is sought over any illumination.
But Mr. Marr is simply inept as he telegraphs that this is what he is struggling to get and is easily side-stepped. Which usually means he has to fall back on ‘guests’ to proxy spout the points he and his handlers would like to make directly, but that gosh-darned ‘not totally abusing the money they are given be extortion’ thing keeps getting in the way.
Christopher Booker, in today’s ‘Sunday Telegraph’:
…”the BBC, the head of which, Mark Thompson, now receives a staggering £834,000 a year. Twenty-odd years ago, as I learn from one of Mr Thompson’s predecessors, my old friend Alasdair Milne, the salary of the director-general was a mere £80,000, less than a tenth of what his successor now takes home in his wheelbarrow.
“Yet in almost every respect over the same period, the performance of the BBC’s bloated empire, awash with £3.5 billion a year of licence-payers cash, has declined, to the point where it has become a national scandal. The more its professional standards have fallen, the more puffed-up and pleased with themselves its grossly overpaid executives and celebrity presenters have become.
“I recall Mr Milne saying in the 1980s that the one issue on which the BBC was proud to have defied its charter obligation to impartiality, by adopting an unequivocally partisan position, was South Africa’s policy of apartheid. Yet since then the BBC has adopted a partisan agenda on so many issues, from the EU to Palestine, from its mindless ‘multiculturalism’ to wind farms and global warming, that in many respects it has become no more than a gigantic engine of propaganda. There is scarcely a single subject on which we do not know exactly what is the ‘BBC line’ and what it wants the rest of us to think. ”
Breath taking hypocrisy spouts turd eater Millipede on the Marr show. Yes from YOU and the BBC. You LOST the election mong boys, don’t you get that?
Can someone remind the mong boys at the BBC that LIEBOUR LOST the election? Just seem turd eater Millipede being interviewed as if he’s the foreign secretary. He’s not he’s a failed former Government Minister.
Just who the**ck is interested in the internal politics of the opposition, and why should the state broadcaster give the one of the milliped siblings a platform. Anyone notice how little airtime the government is getting recently? Perhaps they are just ignoring the BBC, but I suspect policy at work here.
“World Cup 2010: BBC buiilds lift to help presenters reach £1m rooftop studios”
The BBC really are mongs.
You think it’s bad having a millipede on the BBC? At least the millipede was a minister, is an MP and may still hold a position in opposition. But what about Thug Campbell being promoted here, there and everywhere by the BBC?
He is not even hired help, having been sacked in disgrace several years ago, let alone an MP or minister or opposition. Yet, there he was again, on the Daily Politics on Friday, having his ego fed, being given easy questions and practically invited to criticise the government for not putting a minister on Question Time.
This enabled him to spout the tired old line about this being in the week of the Queen’s speech. It didn’t occur to him or the resident Beeboid that this would-be criticism of the government was the very reason that Labour – Her Majesty’s Opposition – should have put up an elected person to speak for it instead of this self-seeking desperado (who incidentally has no grasp of or interest in the ins and outs of policy but has always substituted bullying, bluster and verbal thuggery for intellectual grasp and mastery of policy.) What does Labour think is meant by “The Queen in Parliament”?. It’s not “The Queen and ExSpin Doctors” that represents our democratic system.
BBC maintain the impression that Tories are homophobes in this LGBT Labour pub refusal story.
Grayling B&B comment raised needlessly.
Job done.
Looks like a BBC News Online editor agress with you. No mention of Grayling in the current version of the piece.
Labour’s BALLS on immigration: BBC avoids it.
“‘Hypocrite’ Ed Balls claims Gordon Brown brushed aside his warnings on immigration”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1284473/Hypocrite-Ed-Balls-claims-Gordon-Brown-brushed-aside-warnings-immigration.html#ixzz0qAi8TP00
“Ed Balls claims Gordon Brown got it wrong on immigration. But his new target is misplaced ” (Ed West)
London ‘Evening Standard’, not BBC News – yet:
“Ed Balls appeals to unions with call to rethink rules on immigration”